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[大师在D-DAY]by Hue
Ennio made a couple of aural appearances at Sunday's 60th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.
A military band played 'Gabriel's Oboe' the oboe in question becoming a trumpet and later, Norwegian troops played GBU - never heard it done by a military band before! Actually, it sounded good...
Two Sundays before I finally took my buddy Stephen to a spiritualist church: he's been at me for months to take him along. Another neo-pagan buddy of his (vaguely known to me) came along but none of the three of us got any "messages". However, right at the start I was already satisfied when the organist started-up with...
'Gabriel's Oboe'. That piece by Ennio seems to have entered the pantheon of popular classics. When I went up to thank the organist, she told me that a lady had also thanked her at the morning service: it turned out that the Morricone piece had been used at her husband's funeral.
Yesterday, though, I wondered what we had all learned from that sacrifice... certainly not how to beat swords into ploughshares... looks like its gonna require a third world war (which may already have started) to do that.
Me? I'm still committed to do anything I can to make the earth as it is in Heaven...
在诺曼底登陆60周年纪念日,EM的作品在几个不同的场合演奏过。一个军乐队演奏了“Gabriel's Oboe”,只是其中的双簧管被改成了小号演奏;挪威军队演奏了《好坏丑》,从没听军乐团演奏过,但感觉不错;两周前偶然在教堂里听到了管风琴师演奏“Gabriel's Oboe”(看来此曲已经成为经典流行曲目了),当前去感谢管风琴师时,被告知晨祷时已经有一位老妇谢过她了,原来此曲曾经被用在了那位老妇丈夫的葬礼上!
至于我嘛,仍然要尽一切力量来“make the earth as it is in Heaven...”。
2004/7/1 2:03:53 |