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............Ennio Morricone concert in Moscow have been put off till 23 of June.
I've already bought two tickets (me and my wife) and now looking
forward for the Event! That'll be the real "italian" day :) Maybe
some pizza and a bottle of Chianti at our menu :)
I'll do my best to get HIS autograph and photos but I can't say it for
sure. Ticket underside contains notification of no video, photo and
other materials inside of the National Kremlin Palace (a few steps
away of Putin's residence!). Exactly in this place (www.gkd.ru), the
most famous concert hall in Russia, the former Communists Congress
Palace, will take a place HIS concert. Now this is the scene for the
stars from everywhere.......
2005/5/22 15:22:46 |