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The composer Dang Huu Phuc
Body of the vocal work of Dang Huu Phuc, springs his melody "evening Moon " that was interpreted a long time by Have Van and next by My Linh. This melody enchants us by his deep lyrisme as well as " The Lullaby of the High Plateaus ", evoking at once the grandiose gray rocks, and the skin curbs ethnic minorities, that live the houses on pilotis. While listening this lullaby, one believes oneself again to the theater evenings traditional " Chèo ", with the numerous reminders that do to vibrate the hearts. The clean character of the melodies of Phuc originates maybe beauty of the words learn from Trinh Cong His. Use the sounds and the tones so that of fugitives impressions transform themselves in remember, a characteristic, that alone Dang Huu Phuc, mastery fully.
SOne hobbyhorse, this is the electronics. It knows to use wonderfully the computer, since his formation to the Paris Conservatoire, and it some wears in its musical creations.
LNow of a contract with the Korea of the South, it in charge of arranging 500 Vietnamese melodies intend for the karaoké. Dang Huu Phuc well paid his contract, to the rhythm of a piece a day, a little as if it learned a foreign language. In addition, it exercises his ear to listen only grades " clean " that alone possess the electronic instruments. It thus created all an infrastructure in order to work in all quiétude. It says to exercise itself to a new one trains composer, in order to create better and quickly.
DNumerous e composers adopted this method. In 1979, Dang Thai His, Prices Chopin, played the " Sonata polyphonique " of Dang Huu Phuc, the alone musical work of a Vietnamese one that obtained a wide echo within the international public.
DAng Huu Phuc uses his trains personal, while associating his music to a poetic language. It strives to marry the popular airs of the North as those of the South, and associates the modern one to the classic.
Has 40 years, age of the confirmation of his talent, age where one leaves to the posterity the infinite one of the art in comparison of his screw, Dang Huu Phuc begins putting back itself in question.
PArvenir to his current level, this already is difficult. But more difficult again is to surpass itself, in order to renew itself constantly. This is there a high artistic requirement. Few renown authors are able to arrive to think as him and to decide to borrow another way. Leave his work, its own children of the soul of a time, try to forget its successes, this is really as if one lost a love. The mixture of the lyric songs (mostly put poetries in music by Dang Huu Phuc) with an instrumental music, the usage of modern procedures of composition, l' exigeance of an each public more exercised day, each richer day and more likable to his consideration.... Constitute the beginnings, the support point, that push Dang Huu Phuc to undo itself with courage, of his former personality, for some to adopt another, a lot more imposing one.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-21 22:40:43编辑过] |
------------------------------------------- 光阴的眼中
内心的平安那才是永远 |
2005/6/21 22:36:08 |