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Angelo Francesco Lavagnino - Orson Wells's Falstaff(Chimes at Midnight)
Track Listings:
1.Apertura festosa1:20
2.Intermezzo agreste3:08
3.Vecchio arioso1:44
4.Funerale di Falstaff2:31
5.Trombe e tamburi al castello1:41
6.Ricercare rusticano2:45
7.Antica cantica d'amore1:50
8.Corale mistico3:13
9.Danza di taverna1:49
10.Pastorale serena1:39
11.Festa di villaggio1:48
12.Battaglia e campo di morti4:42
13.Intermezzo grottesco1:05
14.Cantare arcaico 12:12
15.Cantare arcaico 22:17
16.Chanson a boire 11:38
17.Chanson a boire 21:17
18.Canto di veglia al campo2:34
19.Allegre cornamuse1:13

Angelo Francesco Lavagnino - Othello
Track listing
1. Main Title / Chant (04:08)
2. There Was Once In Venice A Moor (01:09)
3. The Wrath Of Brabantio / Iago's Theme / An Hour To Spend With Thee (04:16)
4. The Turks Retreat (01:56)
5. The Proclamation / Deceiving Rodrigo (03:42)
6. The Celebration & Antagonism Of Cassio (03:25)
7. My Reputaion Iago, My Reputation (02:04)
8. The Seed Of Doubt (03:06)
9. The Hankerchief (01:38)
10. Othello Eavesdrops (05:43)
11. Let Me See Your Eyes (00:57)
12. Who Is Thy Lord (02:07)
13. The Murder Of Rodrigo (the Public Thermae) (05:59)
14. Put Out The Light, Then Put Out The Light (02:20)
15. The Deceivers Revealed / The Death Of Othello (02:29)
Total Duration: 00:44:59

Angelo Francesco Lavagnino
Angelo Francesco Lavagnino 1909年出生于一个音乐世家,孩提时代在剧院里看管弦乐队现场演出的经历令他耳濡目染,很小的时候便第一次对默片时代的电影音乐产生了浓厚的兴趣。后来他考入米兰的威尔弟音乐学院(Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory of Music in Milan),在Renzo Bossi门下学习编曲。30年代初从学院毕业后的几年里,他编写了一些交响乐,其中绝大部分是室内乐,剩下的一小部分是交响诗,另外还有一部歌剧。1941年到1962年间,他还一直任教于意大利的锡耶纳音乐学院(Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena)。从50年代初开始到Lavagnino退休的这二十年期间,他为将近300部电影作过编曲,这使他在电影配乐界赢得了较高的声望,其中包括Orson Welles的《奥塞罗》(Othello)和《午夜钟声》(Chimes at Midnight),科幻恐怖片《巨兽》(Gorgo),荒诞片《消失的大陆》(Lost Continent), 冒险片《铁玛坎淘金记》(Legend of the Lost)和历史片《庞贝末日记》(The Last Days of Pompeii,1960)。Lavagnino独特的旋律禀赋和管弦乐编曲的才华在这些配乐作品中得到了最充分的体现,尤其是《巨兽》(Gorgo)和《铁玛坎淘金记》(Legend of the Lost),而前者的原声音乐以民族音乐为基调,时常被评论家们认为是一部“使得恐龙题材的电影前所未有地优美”的作品。Lavagnino 曾为Sergio Leone的电影《庞贝末日记》(The Last Days of Pompeii,1960)和《罗得岛巨像》(The Colossus of Rhodes)作曲,两人配合默契,Leone有意邀请他为《荒野大镖客》(A Fistful of Dollars)配乐,但Leone的片商却执意要求他约见Ennio Morricone,后来发现Leone和Ennio原来是小学同学,最后这位导演便与Morricone签约了。尽管失去了这次合作机会,Lavagnino在英国仍然是最忙碌的银幕作曲家之一,直到70年代中期,他在意大利西部片的配乐领域也占有一席之地。Angelo Francesco Lavagnino于1987年的8月21日去世。
1978 Filming 'Othello' Composer (Music Score)
1974 Daisy Miller Composer (Music Score)
1969 Beatrice Cenci Composer (Music Score)
1969 La Battaglia dell'Ultimo Panzer Composer (Music Score)
1969 Drop Them or I'll Shoot Composer (Music Score)
1968 Una Pistola Per Cento Bare Composer (Music Score)
1967 Mission Bloody Mary Composer (Music Score) / Musical Direction/Supervision
1967 Chimes at Midnight Composer (Music Score)
1966 McGuire, Go Home! Composer (Music Score)
1966 Zorro Il Ribelle Composer (Music Score)
其实蛮想找的是Daisy Miller,了解之前还真没料到是他配乐的~~~
请上www.mofile.com提取,Falstaff提取密码:4784776141017796;Othello的提取密码:4974965384118240,请支持购买正版 - -# |
2005/9/22 12:00:54 |