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Hi again
Yes I have downloaded all the Disclosure music. What a pleasure it is to listen to this !! I have been searching for this music for so long.
I am still busy downloading the movie, and is currently at 78% completed because of the huge file size. I hope to have the entire movie downloaded within the next 12 hours.
Thanks again for your help.
My name is Nickita Zakharov. I'm from Russia. I'm 17 years old and fond of Ennio Morricone's music. My favourite scores are: "Once Upon A Time In The West", "The Mission", "Once Upon A Time In America", "Cinema Paradiso", "La
Piovra", "Malena", "D'Amore Si Muore", "La Califfa", "Per Le Antiche Scale" and many others...
I have "Focus" of Dulce Pontes and EM. Here are the tracks:
01. Cinema Paradiso (Tema D'Amore de Cinema Paradiso)
02. A Rose Among Thorns (The Mission)
03. Renascer (Moses)
04. No Ano Que Vem (Come Maddalena)
05. Your Love (Once Upon A Time In The West)
06. Amalia Por Amor
07. Nosso Mar (Metti una sera a cena)
08. Antiga Palavra
09. Luz Prodigiosa (Luz Prodigiosa)
10. The Ballad Of Sacco e Vanzetti (Sacco e Vanzetti)
11. Someone Once You Knew (Per Le Antiche Scale)
12. Voo
13. I Girasoli
14. House Of No Regrets (Chi Mai)
15. Barco Abandonado (Per Le Antiche Scale)
16. O Amor A Portugal (Once Upon A Time In The West) [BONUSTRACK]
Also, I have songs:
Josh Groban - You're Still You (Malena)
Andrea Bocelli - Come Un Fiumme Tu
EM - Piano Solo (Love Affair)
EM - Per Amore
EM - Good Luck Jack
EM - Per Le Antiche Scale
EM - The Sicilian Clan
EM - Once Upon A Time In The West (duration is 5 minutes)
Itzak Perlman - Cinema Paradiso (Tema D'Amore)
Charlie Haden & Pat Metheny - Cinema Paradiso (Tema D'Amore)
J. Baez - The Ballad Of Sacco e Vanzetti (Sacco e Vanzetti)
J. Baez - Here's To You (Sacco e Vanzetti)
Please, open a ftp-server for me
And I would like to thank you for the movie and the soundtrack "Cinema Paradiso".
2004/5/1 15:21:08 |