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The King Sisters
One of the big band era's most popular and enduring vocal groups, the King Sisters -- Donna, Yvonne, Luise and Alyce -- were born and raised in Salt Lake City, UT. Taking their stage name from their father, vocal trainer Daddy King Driggs, the siblings initially teamed with their mother and a family friend as the Six King Sisters, first attracting attention while appearing with the Horace Heidt Band in 1935 and enjoying a three-year tenure on Heidt's radio series. The group's lineup shrank to a quartet as the decade wore on, and in 1939 -- following a stint with Al Pearce -- the King Sisters joined a new band formed by Luise's husband, the legendary guitarist Alvino Rey. In addition to appearing on Rey's hits "Nighty Night" and "I Said No," the sisters also scored a series of smashes issued under their own name, among them "The Hut Sut Song," "I Understand," "I'll Get By" and "In the Mood."
At the peak of their success, the King Sisters also appeared in a number of Hollywood features, including 1942's Sing Your Worries Away, 1944's Meet the People and 1945's Cuban Pete. By this time they were no longer working with Rey, who had dissolved his band upon entering the armed forces; throughout 1944 the siblings were regulars on Kay Kyser's radio series, but during the postwar years their popularity declined, and throughout the 1950s they were well outside the public eye. In 1965, however, the King Sisters -- as well as members of their extended family, including Rey -- were tapped by the ABC television network to host their own weekly variety show; it was an immediate hit, although the death of featured performer Daddy King Driggs just a few weeks into the program's run made their success bittersweet. The King Family Show continued its run until 1969, with the sisters easing into retirement during the decade to follow.
其中大乐队时代最受欢迎和持久声乐组、景姐妹--克,Yvonne,Luise和Alyce--土生土长盐湖城守则. 走自己艺名由爸爸、声乐教练爸爸Driggs国王,最初几队与母亲及家人朋友的六个姊妹景,首先引起注意,同时出现的道理Heidt乐队在1935年,享受为期一年的任期内Heidt的广播节目. 团阵容缩水到四重奏,就穿了10年,并在1939年--继与服役AlPearce--景姐妹加入新成立的乐团Luise丈夫,结他传奇AlvinoRey. 除了出现在Rey的点击"Nighty之夜"、"我不说,"姐姐也取得了一系列球下发表自己的名字,其中有"是以述曲"、"我理解","我得到了","心情"
在成功的顶峰,国王姐妹也出现在一些好莱坞的特色,包括1942年的忧虑你唱了,1944年的1945人,达到的达古巴. 这次他们不再与Rey,他进入乐队解散军队; 1944年全明星的兄弟姊妹都在KayKyser的电台节目,但在战后几年流行的下降,整个50年代他们都远远超出了人们的视野. 1965年,国王姐妹--以及他们的家族成员,包括Rey--被挖掘出来的ABC电视网举办自己每周综艺节目; 这是一炮而红,虽然爸爸去世表演景Driggs短短几周到节目的成功举办作出了苦涩. 国王继续经营,直到1969年家人表示,为缓和同姐妹在退休十年后. (google翻译)
The King Sisters - Yvonne, Alice, Louise, and Marilyn (The King Sisters) singing at the Brockton Fair in the 1960s.
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