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所以叫青(少)年,因为他只有17岁。我不知道俄罗斯的成年法定年令是多少,至少从我的年令来看,他还算是个孩子。他的英文名字是叫Nickita Zakharov。五月一日,他发来第一封EMAIL,简单介绍了自己,并表示要上传他所拥有的一些MORRICONE的乐曲。这些天他花了不少精力和热情上传了一部份乐曲.令我非常感动的是,他是在用老猫上传.上传速度一般只有一两K,慢的时侯只有几百个字节.但他始终坚持不懈,一分钟,一分钟,一个小时,又一个小时,困难而又执着地走在那崎岖难行的小路上,我看着FTP的上传指示,1K,1K的传过来,有时会突然为他感到心疼.我非常珍贵地把他上传来的乐曲一个一个地陆续编入“莫里康音乐”f1006.今天,又接到他的一件EMAIL,述说了他从4岁开始接触莫里康音乐并逐渐发展成为一个"乐迷"的经过.很多经历几乎与我(也包栝很多我知道的网友)有惊人的相似.颇为有趣的是,他在信中用了"Many years later I found that it was Morricone"这样一句话,这似乎从他的小小年纪来说有点太早.但仔细想想却也很有道理:因为他来到这个世界上一共只有17年,如果从他提到的1991年,也就是他四岁时算起,那他的确可以算是一个音乐神童而且难怪他有这"多年以后"的感叹了.
以下转载NICKITA的两封邮件供网友共享.他的EMAIL地址是:horus_vic@yahoo.com 你如果有兴趣,可以直接和他联系.
My name is Nickita Zakharov. I'm from Russia. I'm 17 years old and fond of
Ennio Morricone's music. My favourite scores are: "Once Upon A Time In
The West", "The Mission", "Once Upon A Time In America", "Cinema Paradiso", "La Piovra", "Malena", "D'Amore Si Muore", "La Califfa", "Per Le Antiche Scale" and many others...
I have "Focus" of Dulce Pontes and EM. Here are the tracks:
01. Cinema Paradiso (Tema D'Amore de Cinema Paradiso)
02. A Rose Among Thorns (The Mission)
03. Renascer (Moses)
04. No Ano Que Vem (Come Maddalena)
05. Your Love (Once Upon A Time In The West)
06. Amalia Por Amor
07. Nosso Mar (Metti una sera a cena)
08. Antiga Palavra
09. Luz Prodigiosa (Luz Prodigiosa)
10. The Ballad Of Sacco e Vanzetti (Sacco e Vanzetti)
11. Someone Once You Knew (Per Le Antiche Scale)
12. Voo
13. I Girasoli
14. House Of No Regrets (Chi Mai)
15. Barco Abandonado (Per Le Antiche Scale)
16. O Amor A Portugal (Once Upon A Time In The West) [BONUSTRACK]
Also, I have songs:
Josh Groban - You're Still You (Malena)
Andrea Bocelli - Come Un Fiumme Tu
EM - Piano Solo (Love Affair)
EM - Per Amore
EM - Good Luck Jack
EM - Per Le Antiche Scale
EM - The Sicilian Clan
EM - Once Upon A Time In The West (duration is 5 minutes)
Itzak Perlman - Cinema Paradiso (Tema D'Amore)
Charlie Haden & Pat Metheny - Cinema Paradiso (Tema D'Amore)
J. Baez - The Ballad Of Sacco e Vanzetti (Sacco e Vanzetti)
J. Baez - Here's To You (Sacco e Vanzetti)
Please, open a ftp-server for me
And I would like to thank you for the movie and the soundtrack "Cinema
Hi, Mr HAN
I don't mind if you show my e-mail.
My love to Ennio Morricone's music came to me when I was 13 years old.
Television has a great power to us and for me too. So when my mother was
watching "Celeste" (1991) with Gustavo Bermudez and Andrea del Boca, I was listening beautiful music there. It was from "Once Upon A Time In The West". Also, in this TV-series were "Once Upon A Time In America", "The
Mission", "The Untouchables". Then, when it had ended, "Celeste, siempre
Celeste" with music from "La Piovra 2-5", "Moses", "Le Marginal" and
others.These Tv-Series were indulged me to the Morricone's music world.
Many years later I found that it was Morricone.
These files are not completed, please delete them, I'll try to upload them
A rose among thorns
You're Still you
Nosso Mar
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-7 21:59:17编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-8 8:42:27编辑过] |
2004/5/7 21:43:54 |