

The personal page of Yong Ma (2018)
Brief introduction: Ma-Yong was born in Chuxiong, Yunnan. He graduated from Kunming Institute of Technology, majoring in engineering, and has been engaged in financial work. like reading, watching movies, listening to music and practicing calligraphy. He worships Morricone and likes Italian westerns and the works of such masters as Sergio Lionel, Akira Kurosawa and Azuro Ozu. Since 2011, he has signed up to participate in the volunteer team of our website and set up a personal column on our website. In 2018, he was employed as the administrator of Molyconne amateur community (forum). He has made important contributions to the development of this website.
E-mail: 1145983425@qq.com
His web pages: 01, 02, 03
Yong Ma's(CHI MAI) Morricone column in "wangyi" website >>>>>>
Oct. , 2023 Mobile version


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