

关于设立VIP会员专区等事项的通知 (2011.1.1)
A notice about establishing VIP Members Area and some matters (January 1,2011)
1.本站建站8年来.为了广泛传播大师的杰出作品.提供了大师重要作品的一般性介绍,重要音乐的试听,电影播放和下载等等功能.随着时间的推移,真正的莫迷已经不满足于这个初级水平,他们需要更系统深入地掌握和研究大师的系列作品.为此,本站决定自2011年起开办VIP会员专区,为这样一批朋友的提供一个更深入广阔的欣赏,研究和探索,交流的空间. 有关这一专区的更多情况请见这里
2.进入2010年以来,互联网对于自由下载的限制日趋严格,本站开辟多年的会员共享下载专区已多次受到Google, 百度等广告提供商的警告和制裁,并停止向本站提供广告;9月份以后,本站多年使用的的空间服务商上海迪杰公司,因黑客多次攻击以及经营等问题而被迫将空间转让给上海网企数据.新的空间商对空间价格进行了大幅度调整,价格成数倍上涨,对带宽也作了严格的限制,这些都已远远超出我们的负担能力.为此,不得不自2011年1月起关闭这个专区.对此尚请各位朋友谅解.目前,网上这类下载网站仍很多,本站也提供了很多渠道(见这里),您可以从那里继续取得资源.对有特殊需要的朋友,您也可发邮件来和本站协商以取得稀缺的资源
A notice about establishing VIP Members Area and some matters (January 1,2011)
1.To meet the Morricone fans's requirement that In-depth study the series of works of the great master Ennio Morricone. We have decided to establish and open a VIP member area from 2011. Detail see here please
2. Because the restrictions from the advertising provider Google,Baidu and the network management,and sharp rise in the price of ISP space etc. We have to close the old download area from 2011. Please understand this yet. Currently, these download sites is still very much in the Internet , we also offers a number of channels in the site (see here), where you can continue to get resources. For friends with special needs, you can send mail to me for consultations to obtain the scarce resources, I am willing to cooperation with you.
3.To thank all the older members of the long-term support, the site decided to older members of the login password is valid in the new VIP area up to March 31, 2011. If you like the new VIP area, Please perform a simple procedure (see here). You will become VIP member soon and enjoy its all rights. Welcome you! Hope you will join us and into this vast art kingdom, to enjoy the fun for exploration, treasure hunts and growth.

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