A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
电影导演 Director Ricky Tognazzi |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Fordított kánon Hungary (imdb display title) |
GDM/Intermezzo Media Records GDM 4306 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 10-Jun-2013
UPN 8-018163-043064 (21 music) |
Virgin Records 848942-2 Image supplied by
s.tonkens Country Italy Format CD Release Date
2000 UPN 7-2438-48942-2-1 (21 music) |
Plot Costanza is drinking a beer in a Prague pub, a summer night in 1968, while a violinist enters and starts playing a "canone inverso" for her. It is not a case, that music and that violin have a story behind that could concern her. It is the love story between Jeno Varga and the music, between Jeno and Sophie. It is also the friendship story with David on the background of WWII and the 'Prague spring' 25 years later. Music and Love the most powerful link that could resist through the time
剧情简译 耶诺从小没有见过父亲,可以寄予情感的只有父亲留下的一把小提琴。长大后,耶诺凭着对音乐的热爱和天赋考进了寄宿音乐学校。在那里,他和出身名门的戴维成了好朋友,又与女钢琴家索菲碰撞出了爱情的火花。一切似乎都很顺利,然而,纳粹的势力开始肆虐欧洲,戴维因为犹太血统被迫退学。一个意外的发现使耶诺失去了和戴维的友谊--戴维竟然是自己同父异母的兄弟。戴维难以接受这个现实,与耶诺分道扬镳。不久,耶诺和索菲为声援犹太人被关进集中营。而索菲和耶诺的女儿就降生在集中营…… |
001 |
Canone inverso primo |
爱欲旋律之一 |
002 |
Tema d'amore disperato |
绝望的爱情主题 |
003 |
Finale di un concerto |
最后的音乐会 |
004 |
Chiaro di luna di giorno |
白天的月亮 |
005 |
Goliardi e sport |
大学生和运动 |
006 |
Con disperata gioia |
喜悦与绝望 |
007 |
Intermezzi |
间奏曲 |
008 |
Capriccio la caccia (per violino solo) |
追逐幻想 |
009 |
Ciaccona (per violino solo) |
夏康舞曲 |
010 |
Songs That My Mother Taught Me (per violino solo) |
母亲教我的歌 |
011 |
Nel campo |
田野 |
012 |
Avvolgente |
包围 |
013 |
Elmetti di fuoco |
消防头盔 |
014 |
Corsa |
比赛 |
015 |
Canone inverso primo - canone inverso secondo |
爱欲旋律之一,之二 |
016 |
Piccoli studi |
小型工作室 |
017 |
Vaghi riflessi |
模糊反射 |
018 |
In bicicletta |
自行车 |
019 |
Goliardi |
格利亚迪 |
020 |
All'aperto |
户外 |
021 |
Canone inverso |
爱欲旋律 |
电影导演 Director Brian De Palma |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Misión a Marte Mexico / Peru (imdb display title) / Spain / Venezuela
Mission to Mars Denmark / France / Germany
Apostoli ston Ari Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Gorev - Mars Turkey (Turkish title)
M2M USA (promotional abbreviation)
Mars mentoakció Hungary |
Missao a Marte Portugal
Missao: Marte Brazil
Mission sur Mars Canada (French title)
Mission to Mars - alle origini della vita ai confini dell'ignoto Italy
Operaatio Mars Finland
Operation Mars Finland (Swedish title) |
Hollywood Records HR-62257-2 Country United States Format CD Release Date 1-Mar-2000 UPN 7-2061-62257-2-6 (11 music) |
Plot When a mysterious storm kills all but one crew member of the first manned mission to mars, a rescue mission is launched. Once on the red planet, the crew finds the sole survivor of the first mission who informs them that this was no ordinary storm. It was meant to protect something. But what?
剧情简译 2020年,美国国家宇航局(NASA)实现了自登月以来人类的另一个伟大梦想--征服火星:一批美国宇航员成功地抵达了火星表面,指挥长格雷厄姆成为第一个在火星上漫步的人。然而,兴奋还未退去,格雷厄姆便发现他的队员开始神秘地死亡。当NASA接到格雷厄姆从火星传回的一条含义不清的信息后,立即组成营救小组。于是,指挥长伍迪·布莱克和他的队员踏上了长达6个月的火星之旅,他们的任务是调查真相,并带回幸存者(如果他们还活着的话)。尽管幸运女神没有眷顾布莱克一行,但他们还是克服了航行中遇到的种种困难,最终到达并成功地登陆火星。在这里,他们发现在神秘死亡事件的背后,隐藏着一个关于人类起源的巨大秘密.... |
001 |
A heart beats in space |
在空间中的心脏跳动 |
002 |
A martian |
火星 |
003 |
A world which searches |
搜索世界索 |
004 |
Ana afterwards |
事后 |
005 |
A wife lost |
失去妻子 |
006 |
Towards the unknown |
向着未知 |
007 |
Ecstasy of Mars |
火星的狂喜 |
008 |
Sacrifice of a hero |
牺牲的英雄 |
009 |
Where |
在哪里 |
010 |
An unexpected surprise |
意想不到的惊喜 |
011 |
All the friends |
所有的朋友 |
电影导演 Director Roland Joffe |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Vatel Argentina (video title) / Greece / Portugal / Spain / Turkey (Turkish title)
Ватель Russia
Vatel - Ein Festmahl für den K?nig Germany (DVD title)
Vatel - Um Banquete para o Rei Brazil
Virgin Records 8493652 Country France Format
CD Release Date 2000 UPN 7-2438-49365-2-5 (18 music) |
Virgin Records 50712 Country United States Format CD Release Date Feb-2001 (18 music) |
Plot In 1671, with war brewing with Holland, a penniless prince invites Louis XIV to three days of festivities at a chateau in Chantilly. The prince wants a commission as a general, so the extravagances are to impress the king. In charge of all is the steward, Vatel, a man of honor, talent, and low birth. The prince is craven n his longing for stature: no task is too menial or dishonorable for him to give Vatel. While Vatel tries to sustain dignity, he finds himself attracted to Anne de Montausier, the king's newest mistress. In Vatel, she finds someone who's authentic, living out his principles within the casual cruelties of court politics. Can the two of them escape unscathed?
剧情简译 《欲望巴黎》取材于17世纪法国宫庭的一个真实故事,故事的主人公是一个普通人、一个国王以及夹在两人之间的一个女人。故事发生在1671年的法国,当时的凡赛尔宫被路易十四统治着。在法国的北部,康德王子准备举行一场盛大的宴会,邀请包括国王在内的全体王室成员参加。他想借此重获国王的宠信,以使他的封地避免发生经济灾难。整个计划都牵系于一个人身上,他就是王子的侍从瓦特尔(杰拉德-德帕迪约饰)。瓦特尔届时将为国王送上美酒佳肴,精心安排他所热衷的盛大舞会,以及照应他的其它嗜好。但是就在准备这场豪华盛宴的时候,瓦特尔却迷上了美丽的安妮王后(乌玛-瑟曼饰)。这样一来,他把自己置身于一场与国王的"竞争"之中。 |
001 |
Theme De Vatel |
瓦特尔的主题 |
002 |
L'amour Suspendu |
踌躇的爱 |
003 |
Ouverture Pour Vatel |
为瓦特尔开启 |
004 |
Symphonie Avec Voix |
交响曲 |
005 |
Vertige |
眩晕 |
006 |
Theme De Vatel |
瓦特尔的主题 |
007 |
Kaleidoscope |
万花筒 |
008 |
Deuxieme Symphonie |
第二交响曲 |
009 |
Fete Et Cynisme |
玩世不恭的派对 |
010 |
Hippolyte |
伊波利特 |
011 |
Secundo Pezzo |
第二个片断 |
012 |
L'air D'absalom |
013 |
Deux Courtisanes |
两个朝臣 |
014 |
Debut De La Fete |
开始派对 |
015 |
Ouverture De La Cour |
开庭 |
016 |
La Bourree |
布列舞曲 |
017 |
Les Indes Galantes |
018 |
The Royal Fireworks |
皇家焰火 |
电影导演 Director Giuseppe Tornatore |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Malena Argentina / France / Greece / Peru / Spain / Turkey (Turkish title)
Малена Russia
Der Zauber von Malèna Germany
Malèna France
Virgin America 50889 Country United States Format CD Release Date 1-Feb-2001 UPN 7-2438-50889-2-6 (18 music) |
Virgin Records Promo CD Country United States
Format CD Release Date 2000 (16 music) |
Plot On the day in 1940 that Italy enters the war, two things happen to the 12-year-old Renato: he gets his first bike, and he gets his first look at Malèna. She is a beautiful, silent outsider who's moved to this Sicilian town to be with her husband, Nico. He promptly goes off to war, leaving her to the lustful eyes of the men and the sharp tongues of the women. During the next few years, as Renato grows toward manhood, he watches Malèna suffer and prove her mettle. He sees her loneliness, then grief when Nico is reported dead, the effects of slander on her relationship with her father, her poverty and search for work, and final humiliations. Will Renato learn courage from Malèna and stand up for her?
剧情简译 1941年墨索里尼向英法宣战,年仅十三岁的雷纳多不由自主地掉进了玛莲娜所掀起的漩涡之中,他不仅跟着其他年纪较大的青少年们一起骑着单车,穿梭在小镇的各个角落,搜寻着玛莲娜的诱人丰姿与万种风情,还悄悄地如影随形地跟监、窥视她的生活。她摇曳的倩影、她聆听的音乐、她贴身的衣物.都成为这个被荷尔蒙淹没的少年,最真实、最美好的情欲幻想.然而,透过雷纳多的眼,我们也看到了玛莲娜掉进了越来越黑暗的处境之中,她变成了寡妇,而在镇民们的眼中,她也成了不折不扣的祸水,带来了淫欲、嫉妒与忿怒,而一股夹杂着情欲与激愤的风暴,开始袭卷这个连战争都未曾侵扰的小镇。 玛莲娜一步步地沉沦,与父亲断绝了关系、被送上法院,更失去了所有的财产,这使得向来天真、不经世事的雷纳多,被迫面对这纯朴小镇中,人心的残暴无情,看着已经一无所有的玛莲娜,雷纳多竟鼓起了他所不曾有过的勇气,决定靠着他自己的力量,以一种教人难以料想的方式,来帮助玛莲娜走出生命的泥沼 |
001 |
Inchini Ipocriti E Disperazione (02:04) |
伪善和失望 |
002 |
Malena (02:37) |
玛莲娜 |
003 |
Passeggiata In Paese (03:17) |
漫步街头 |
004 |
Visioni (02:36) |
愿景 |
005 |
Nella Casa... (02:16) |
在房子里… |
006 |
Malena (End Titles) (04:25) |
玛莲娜(终了标题) |
007 |
Linciaggio (02:46) |
私刑 |
008 |
Orgia (01:13) |
狂欢 |
009 |
Il Ritorno (01:47) |
回归 |
010 |
Bisbigli Della Gente (02:42) |
私语的人们 |
011 |
Ma L'Amore No (01:52) |
我的情意(直译 我的爱不会随风飘逝)(乔瓦尼·德安兹/Giovanni D'Anzi) |
012 |
Casino-Bolero (02:10) |
赌博娱乐场 |
013 |
Altro Casino (02:16) |
另一个赌场 |
014 |
Visioni (Fantasie D'Amore) (02:15) |
幻想(幻想的爱情) |
015 |
Cinema D'Altri Tempi (03:39) |
电影院 |
016 |
Ipocrisie (02:00) |
伪善 |
017 |
Pensieri Di Sesso (02:29) |
思考 |
018 |
Momenti Difficili (04:19) |
艰难时刻 |
附:关于歌曲 Ma L'Amore No 的研究 |
在玛莲娜电影中,这是一首受到很多人喜爱的著名探戈舞曲,不过它并非出自莫里康内大师之手。此曲的原作者为意大利作曲家 乔瓦尼·德安兹/Giovanni D'Anzi(1906-1974。另一说为Ezio Carabella/埃齐奥 卡拉贝拉。见下面附录 008)这首乐曲自上世纪1932年起流行于意大利,1942年被使用在一部电影“Stasera niente di nuovo/今夜无新意”中,由当年著名的歌星 Lina Termini 演唱。其后一直为许多影视作品所青睐:1964年出现在意大利RAI电视台的同名电视节目上(由Romolo Siena导演,莫里康内指挥,见下面001的一个截图。由此也可知莫里康内对这首乐曲的喜爱,直到36年以后的“玛莲娜”,他依然选用了这首名曲);2000年出现在这部电影“玛莲娜”中;2006年出现在马可 贝罗奇奥/Marco Bellocchio导演的电影“Sorelle/姐妹”和2010年电影“Sorelle Mai/永远的姐妹”中; 历经近一个世纪而不衰,由此可见其魅力和意大利人民对它的喜爱。关于这首歌和它的作者请见下面的有关截图和资料 (参见01, 02, 03, 04) |
本站简译: 乔瓦尼·德安兹/Giovanni D'Anzi(1906年1月1日-1974年4月15日)出生在米兰,是意大利作曲家。20世纪30年代和50年代之间,乔瓦尼·德安兹和阿尔弗雷多·布拉奇(Alfredo Bracchi)形成了一个非常多产的词曲作者组合。他们在广播,电影和戏剧作品中合作谱写了很多作品。其中一些作品非常流行,如“Bambina innamorata/小女孩的爱”,“Ma l'amore no/我的情意”“Voglio vivere così/我想那样生活”,“Ti parlerò d'amor/我爱你”。 1935年,他为自己故乡米兰创作的一首歌曲“O mia bela Madonina/我的美丽的小麦当娜”)非常流行,很快成为一种非官方的城市圣歌。他的歌曲“Malinconia d'amore/忧郁的爱”曾被帕瓦罗蒂和卡拉雷斯两人多次演唱。在20世纪60年代德安兹从音乐界退休。他搬到利古里亚居住并拿起画笔。他死后,米兰当地政府把他列入市立纪念堂的重要米兰人纪念名册中。 |
004-About Giovanni D'Anzi ( IMDB) |
本站简译: 乔瓦尼·德安兹/Giovanni D'Anzi,1906年1月1日出生于意大利米兰。他是一位作曲家,著名作品如“玛莲娜”(2000年),“罗马之爱”(2012)和“罗马,不设防的城市”(1945年)。他死于1974年4月15日 (IMDB) |
005-歌曲合辑 Il Cinema Dei Telefoni Bianchi Ma L'Amore No... (2003)( Amazon)( Soundtrack) |
007-歌词 |
English (Here)
中文(本站译) |
Ma l'Amore No
Ma l'amore no,
l'amore mio non può
disperdersi nel vento con le rose
tanto è forte che non cederà,
non morirà.
Io lo veglierò,
io lo difenderò
da tutte quelle insidie velenose
che vorrebbero strapparlo al cuor,
povero amor.
Forse te ne andrai
da altre donne le carezze cercherai
E se tornerai
già sfiorita ogni bellezza troverai
in me.
Ma l'amore no,
l'amore mio non può
dissolversi con l'oro dei capelli
finch'io vivo sarà vivo in me,
solo per te.
Guardando le rose, sfiorite stamani,
io penso: domani saranno appassite.
E tutte le cose
son come le rose,
che vivono un giorno,
un’ora e non più!
Forse te ne andrai
da altre donne le carezze cercherai
E se tornerai
già sfiorita ogni bellezza troverai
in me.
Ma l'amore no,
l'amore mio non può
dissolversi con l'oro dei capelli
finch'io vivo sarà vivo in me,
solo per te.
But Love, No
But love, no
my love can not
gone with the wind like roses
so strong to not give up,
to not die.
I'll watch over it,
I'll protect it
from all those poisonous ambushes
that tear the heart out,
poor love.
Maybe you will go
to look for other caresses
poor me!
And if you'll come back
you'll find every beauty already flowered
in me.
But love, no
my love can not
dissolve in the hair's gold
till the end, love will remain alive in me,
just for you.
Looking at the roses bloom this morning,
I think, tomorrow will be dried.
And all the things
are like roses,
living one day,
an hour and no more!
Maybe you will go
to look for other caresses
poor me!
And if you'll come back
you'll find every beauty already flowered
in me.
But love, no
my love can not
dissolve in the hair's gold
till the end, love will remain alive in me,
just for you.
只留给你。 |
笔者在编辑这份资料的过程中,还发现一些未能完全吃透的地方。关于此曲的作曲家,就是在同一个网站仍有令人不解的说明。例如在IMDB,关于1942年电影“Stasera nientr di nuovo/今夜无新意”的演职员表,出现下列的资料 |
在soundtrack,也有一些相互矛盾的资料 |
按照中国人的语言习惯,一般对于一首歌曲的作者均以歌词作者和歌曲作者予以标注和区分。对于英语的习惯,笔者还不够了解。上述的问题是否为曲作者和词作者的混淆,笔者一时还难下结论。由于时光所限,目前也只能写到这里了。希望能有细心的读者进一步探讨研究。如果您有什么新的发现和结论,请惠赐电邮来告知笔者以和大家共享。关于Ezio Carabella 在维基百科中也有记载,但是比较简单(这里)。以下是它的截图供参考 |
电影导演 Director Liliana Cavani |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
El amigo americano Argentina (video title) / Mexico
El juego de Ripley Spain
En man med onda avsikter Sweden
Il gioco di Ripley Italy
Lahjakkaan herra Ripleyn paluu Finland (TV title) |
O Retorno do Talentoso Ripley Brazil
Ripley s'amuse Canada (French title)
Ripley'in cinayetleri Turkey (Turkish title)
To paihnidi tou kyriou Ripley Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Tom Ripleys spil Denmark |
Warner Strategic Marketing 2564600722 Country Italy Format
CD Release Date 7-Apr-2003 UPN8-2564-60072-2-6 (13 music) |
Plot Tom Ripley - cool, urbane, wealthy, and murderous - lives in a villa in the Veneto with Luisa, his harpsichord-playing girlfriend. A former business associate from Berlin's underworld pays a call asking Ripley's help in killing a rival. Ripley - ever a student of human nature - initiates a game to turn a mild and innocent local picture framer into a hit man. The artisan, Jonathan Trevanny, who's dying of cancer, has a wife, young son, and little to leave them. If Ripley draws Jonathan into. the game, can Ripley maintain control? Does it stop at one killing? What if Ripley develops a conscience? Luisa prepares for her concert
剧情简译 根据「天才雷普利」系列小说中第三部改编而成,故事发生在「天才雷普利」20年后,汤姆雷普利(John Malkovich)现在已经结婚,定居在法国庄园,靠他的姻亲及自己高竿的犯罪技术获得了大笔财富。在一个宴会中,一点摩擦冲突再度引发雷普利妒火中烧,所以当友人求助一桩谋杀案时,他干脆一不作二不休,拟好了谋财害命的一石二鸟计策,再度与警方玩起了游戏... |
001 |
In concerto |
音乐会 |
002 |
Il cinismo di Ripley |
雷普利的冷嘲热讽 |
003 |
Louise |
路易丝 |
004 |
Primo treno |
头等车 |
005 |
Il gioco di Ripley |
雷普利游戏 |
006 |
Berlino, una sera |
柏林,一个晚上 |
007 |
Diagnosi |
诊断 |
008 |
Collage per Ripley |
雷普利拼贴 |
009 |
Doppiezza |
两面派 |
010 |
Un regalo |
礼物 |
011 |
Secondo treno |
二等车 |
012 |
In registrazione |
记录 |
013 |
Collage per Ripley |
雷普利拼贴 |
电影导演 Director Guido Manuli |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
--------------------- |
Sugar - Universal 300377-2 Country Italy Format CD Release Date
Dec-2001 UPN 3-259130-037722 (18 music) |
Plot In a world divided between two cities, the evil stone dragon Satam and his followers in the city of Petra wage war against the peaceful Tree People of Alborea. Beautiful Princess Aida, the daughter of Alborea's king, is taken prisoner by the Petrans and enslaved. As a servant, Aida meets and falls in love with handsome soldier Ramades. Ramades feels the same for Aida, but can their young love end the war between their two peoples?
剧情简译 在被分割为两个城市的一个世界中, 邪恶的石头龙和他在伯特拉城的追随者发动了一场针对奥伯利和平人民的战争.美丽的公主,奥伯利国王的女儿阿依达被俘并被奴役.成为奴仆的阿依达遇见了英俊的战士拉马迪斯并爱上了他,拉马迪斯同样也爱上阿依达.但是他们的年轻爱情能够结束两个民族之间战争吗? |
001 |
l'alba verra' (performed by filippa giordano & peppe servillo) |
黎明的到来 |
002 |
petra |
佩特拉 |
003 |
arborea |
树 |
004 |
giungla verde |
绿色丛林 |
005 |
il re degli ingordi (performed by enzo facchetti) |
贪婪的国王 |
006 |
foresta incantata |
魔法森林 |
007 |
frange di nuvola (performed by helena) |
云边 |
008 |
vortice |
涡流 |
009 |
il canto della terra (performed by filippa giordano) |
地球之歌 |
010 |
gli allegri animati |
生气蓬勃 |
011 |
il ghiottone |
贪食 |
012 |
andante grazioso |
优美的乐章 |
013 |
la guerra |
战争 |
014 |
canto di amneris |
公主的的歌 |
015 |
canto di aida |
阿依达的歌 |
016 |
il mostro |
怪物 |
017 |
tema di aida in arborea |
阿依达的树主题 |
018 |
do you believe in me (performed by filippa giordano & mick hucknall) |
你相信我 |
NA-0201 (0201) Perlasca, un eroe italiano -TV / Perlasca: The Courage of a Just Man- (Alberto Negrin) / 佩拉斯卡/惊劫重生 |
电影导演 Director Alberto Negrin |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Perlasca. Un eroe italiano Italy (original title)
El cónsul Perlasca Spain
Perlasca - ett modigt val Finland (Swedish title) |
Perlasca - rohkeuden valinta Finland
Perlasca: The Courage of a Just Man International (English title) |
Rai Trade/IntermezzoMedia FRT 402 Country Italy Format CD Release Date Apr-2003 UPN 8-011772-104027 (14 music) |
Plot It is the real story of Giorgio Perlasca (Luca Zingaretti). During the 1920s he was an Italian Fascist supporter, fighting in Africa an in the Spanish civil war where he deserved a safe conduct for Spanish embassies. After some years, disillusioned by fascism, he is a fresh supplier for the Italian army. In the war years he is in Budapest for his business. He lives an easy life there, well introduced into the Hungarian high society, without any problem coming from the war situation. When the Nazi occupied Hungary, in 1944, instead to leave (Italy had already surrendered to the Allies) he escaped to the Spanish embassy in Budapest using his old safe conduct and becoming a Spanish citizen, changing name into Jorge Perlasca. He starts working as a diplomat here. When Sanz Briz (Geza Tordy), the Spanish consul, is removed, Perlasca immediately substitutes him, like if he was officially appointed from Spanish authorities..
剧情简译 这是一部根据真实故事改编的影片,电影叙述了在二战快要结束的1944年,纳粹法西斯继续在欧洲大肆残杀犹太人。这位机智而勇敢的中年男人利用各种机会,有时以金钱作为诱饵,有时凭借自己的口才据理力争,有时甚至装扮成西班牙外交官,在纳粹统治的夹缝中拯救了许多无辜的民众。
001 |
Un Canto Antico |
一首老歌 |
002 |
Estasi Tensiva |
狂喜 |
003 |
Doppio Canto |
双重旋律 |
004 |
Primo Tema |
第一个题目 |
005 |
A Specchio |
镜子 |
006 |
Secondo Tema |
第二个题目 |
007 |
Riflessione Epica |
史诗般的思考 |
008 |
Canto Popolare |
流行歌曲 |
009 |
Grave Estenuante |
严重枯竭 |
010 |
Oltre il Suono |
声音之外 |
011 |
Perlasca e la Fuga |
佩拉斯卡逃生 |
012 |
Romanticamente Interiore |
内心的浪漫 |
013 |
Marcia Degli Assassini |
三月的刺客 |
014 |
Estasi Tensiva |
千钧一发 |
电影导演 Director Tinto Brass |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Angelo nero Italy (working title)
Black Angel UK
Epikindyna paihnidia Greece (TV title) |
Kara melek Turkey (Turkish title)
Las perversiones de Livia Spain
Luxúria Brazil
Tinto Brass - Himitsu Japan |
ConcertOne 74321934922 Country Italy Format CD Release Date
24-Apr-2002 UPN 0-743219-349224 (12 music) |
Plot March 1945 Asolo, Italy. Livia Mazzion, the attractive wife of a top ministry official, slips into the car of lawyer Ugo Oggiano, Livia's admirer and her husband's informer. Livia must reach Venice and her lover Helmut Schultz, a Wermacht lieutenant, as beautiful and accursed as a pagan god, with whom she is having a burning love affair. During the trip she relives the high points of her devastating sexual abandonment gone adrift, one that has shattered her life and her destiny, swallowing her up in the ruinous vortex of a sybaritic and bituminous Venice. The city, in the throes of the final months of the war, is rife with traffickers, officials, nabobs, military brass, sharks and adventurers of every kind. Yet a surprise awaits Livia upon her arrival in Venice, a surprise in which the heroes' own personal defeats interweave with those public, as historical and political events now seek to settle accounts.
剧情简译 影片讲述了二战后期,发生在意大利水城威尼斯的一段黑色爱情故事。女主人公莉威亚是一位风情万种的贵夫人。她的老公卡罗比她年长28岁已经步入了古稀之年,是一位当地文化界的大亨。在一次观看话剧演出的时候,莉威亚结识了年青英俊的纳粹军官哈莫特。并与其坠入了爱河。由于与丈夫在年龄和兴趣上的差距,造成了莉威亚长期在生活和情欲上的空虚与失落。所以莉威亚几乎忘我的爱上了哈莫特,成为了哈莫特爱情的俘虏。而哈莫特却是在逢场作戏,利用这莉威亚的金钱与付出。最终莉威亚发现了哈莫特对她的欺骗,并在一直暗恋着她的男人尤戈的帮助下,揭漏了哈莫特的真面目,让军方处决了哈莫特。 |
001 |
Amore e guerra |
爱与死 |
002 |
L'alba del tramonto |
日落之际 |
003 |
Violenza d'amore |
恋爱暴力 |
004 |
Tre viole appassionate |
混乱的激情 |
005 |
Un pianoforte...alla finestra |
一架钢琴...在窗口 |
006 |
Un letto e due corpi |
一张床和两个身体 |
007 |
Sottilmente romantico |
微妙的浪漫 |
008 |
Disegni oltre |
图谋 |
009 |
Pensieri fuori campo |
010 |
Sul letto |
在床上 |
011 |
Amore e guerra |
爱情与战争 |
012 |
Dolore come amore |
痛苦的爱 |
013 |
L'orchestrina del circolo ufficiali |
在军官俱乐部 |
NA-0203 (0206) Un difetto di famiglia - TV/ Family Flaw (Alberto Simone) (直译 家庭瑕疵) |
电影导演 Director Alberto Simone |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Family Flaw USA (DVD title) |
ConcertOne 74321934912 Country Italy Format CD Release Date
24-Apr-2002 UPN 0-743219-349125 (14 music)
Plot A runaway coffin, a conservative wedding, an eccentric older man, two transsexuals, the police and an adorable puppy, collide on a humorous and heartwarming journey through the picturesque South of Italy. The "unexpected" death of 103 year-old Rosa creates an awkward family reunion the evening before what was to be a lush and opulent wedding. Rosa's grand-daughter, Chiara Gammarota, is set to marry the son of a wealthy general, much to the excitement of her conservative father, Nicolo. Francesco, Nicolo's "eccentric" brother caused a town scandal when he revealed his homosexuality 40 years earlier. He has returned for the wedding-turned-funeral and the two polar opposites see each other for the first time in decades. Acting on the final wishes of their mother the conflicting brothers reluctantly embark on drive through the countryside to bury their mother in their hometown; forcing them to confront family secrets..
剧情简译 一口亡灵的棺材,一个保守的婚礼,一个古怪的老人,两名变性人,警察和一个可爱的小狗,汇集在一个风景如画的南意大利幽默和温馨的旅程中。在一次豪华的婚礼前,103岁的老人罗斯的意外死亡带来一次糟糕的家庭团聚..... |
001 |
Un Difetto di Famiglia |
家庭瑕疵 |
002 |
Ricordi e Memorie |
回忆录和回忆 |
003 |
Periferia |
周边 |
004 |
Viaggio con la Madre |
母亲的旅程 |
005 |
Ambiguita |
含糊不清 |
006 |
Canzone di Provincia |
大区之歌 |
007 |
Dopo 40 Anni |
40年后 |
008 |
Fratelli |
兄弟 |
009 |
Cinque in Canone |
五种花费 |
010 |
Lontananza e Depressione |
距离和抑郁症 |
011 |
Prima del Tuffo |
尝试之前 |
012 |
Storia di Casa |
房子的历史 |
013 |
Ricordi e Memorie |
回忆录和回忆 |
014 |
Ambiguita |
含糊不清 |
NA-0204 (0216) Giovanni XXIII - TV / The Good Pope: Pope John XXIII (Ricky Tognazzi) (直译 乔瓦尼二十三世) |
电影导演 Director Ricky Tognazzi |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Il papa buono Italy (original title)
Il papa buono - Giovanni Ventitreesimo Italy
Johannes XXIII. - Für eine Welt in Frieden Germany
The Good Pope: Pope John XXIII USA |
Image Music IMG 5101362 Country Italy Format CD Release Date
2002 UPN 5-099751-013624 (19 music) |
Plot Angelo Roncalli, born in Sotto Il Monte in 1881, is known for his profound spirituality as well as his extraordinary goodness from the young years of his life. When he feels a need to serve God, Angelo goes to study theology in Bergamo, and in Apollinare School (Rome) and becomes a priest. During his studies, he gets to know his two dearest friends, Mattia and Nicola. Very soon, most people see marvelous talents in him, including his wide knowledge and a constant readiness for sacrifice. The Holy See makes him go further to bishop and cardinal, and the Holy Father sends him to various places as a representative of the Church. When Pius XII dies on October, the 9th, 1958, 77 year-old Angelo goes to Rome, to conclave to choose a new pope. However, this time, it is him who hears gentle words of Jesus "Tu es Petrus!" ("You are Peter!") and from October, the 28th leads the church as pope John XXIII
剧情简译 安杰洛 隆卡里1881年生于意大利北部小城索特蒙特(Sotto Il Monte).从青年时代起,他就以渊博的知识,和善良的精神而出名.他在贝尔加莫学习神学,并在伦敦阿波里纳里斯(Apollinaris)学院成为一名神父.不久人们便看出他是一个奇特的人才,包括他的广博的知识和随时准备牺牲的精神.之后罗马教廷起用他为红衣主教,教宗经常派他为代表出访各地.1958年10月9日,比犹12世去世,77岁的安杰洛去到罗马参加新教皇的选举.然而这一次,他却听到了耶稣的温情话语:"Tu es Petrus!"(你是彼得).从10月28日起他成为约翰二十三世罗马教皇. |
001 |
Il Papa buono |
好教皇 |
002 |
L'inizio E La Fine |
开始和结束 |
003 |
Erano Ragazzi Normali |
他们是普通的孩子 |
004 |
Amicizia |
友谊 |
005 |
Istambul |
伊斯坦布尔 |
006 |
La Crisi Di Cuba |
古巴危机 |
007 |
Preconcillio |
会前 |
008 |
Preparazione Al Conciave |
准备会议 |
009 |
Congiure |
阴谋 |
010 |
Tre Suoni Per Mille Voci |
千分之三的声音 |
011 |
Ricordi Dei Fanciulli |
童年记忆 |
012 |
Amicizia (Reprise) |
友谊(重奏) |
013 |
Von Papen |
冯 巴本 |
014 |
Il Papa Buono (Reprise) |
好教皇(重奏) |
015 |
Il Porto Di Istambul |
伊斯坦布尔港口 |
016 |
Roncalli Scrive Pacem In Terris |
和平于世 |
017 |
Giovanni XXIII a Terra |
乔瓦尼二十三世 |
018 |
Amicizia Vera |
真正的友谊 |
019 |
Morte Di Giovanni XXIII |
乔瓦尼二十三世去世 |
电影导演 Director Mitsunobu Ozaki |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
--------------------- |
Discmedi DM 4075-02 Country Spain Format CD Release Date 2003 UPN 8-424295-040756(14 music) |
Victor VICP-62439 Original Release Title Musashi Encore!! Country Japan Format CD Release Date
Sep-2003 UPN 4-988002-451661 (15 music)
Plot Many are familiar with "The Book of Five Rings" Now, the story of this legendary swordsman-philosopher-painter comes to life in the 2003 NHK Taiga Drama "Miyamoto Musashi." Based on the famous biography written by Yoshikawa Eiji . Orphaned when he was not yet ten, Musashi grows up skilled in the martial arts. During the Battle of Sekigahara, he fights on the side of the losing Toyotomi forces, but eludes the enemy as they hunt down the vanquished soldiers. He then spends years wandering the countryside mastering the sword. As his fame spreads throughout the nation, men seek him out to test their skills against him--most notably Sasaki Kojiro who faces Musashi in the ultimate duel at Ganryujima
剧情简译 宫本武藏(1584-1645),日本家喻户晓的一代剑圣,十七世纪的剑道家,四百年前的传奇人物,有"不可战胜的武士"之称。十七岁前杀戮无数,二十一岁立志修行。在三十岁以前,与高手决斗六十余次,皆获全胜,最终参悟了"剑禅合一"的至高境界。这一境界引导他在岩流岛的比武中,面对佐佐木小次郎的高超剑法和力道,凭着精神之剑取得最后胜利,成为了天下第一高手。以兵法著作五轮书和二天一流(又名二刀流)闻名于世。于正保二年(1645年)五月十九日病逝,终年62岁 |
001 |
Brivido Di Guerra (04:20) |
战斗的快感 |
002 |
La Sua Donna (02:36) |
他的女人 |
003 |
Musashi E L'amicizia (04:42) |
武藏和友谊 |
004 |
Musashi E Il Tradimento (04:58) |
武藏与背叛 |
005 |
Musashi E L'attesa (03:50) |
武藏与等待 |
006 |
Tre Volte Amore (03:55) |
三次恋爱 |
007 |
L'avventura Come Guerra (03:23) |
战争像一场冒险 |
008 |
Musashi Lotta (04:18) |
武藏的斗争 |
009 |
Notte Misteriosa (04:20) |
神秘的夜晚 |
010 |
Musashi Attacca (06:13) |
武藏攻击 |
011 |
Seconda Notte (03:22) |
第二夜 |
012 |
Musashi E la Vendetta (03:44) |
武藏与复仇 |
013 |
Schifratt (04:47) |
014 |
Reazione Riflessiva (02:38) |
反射反应 |
电影导演 Director Michele Hermoso |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
La luz prodigiosa Spain (original title)
A Luz Prodigiosa Brazil (festival title)
La fine di un mistero Italy
The End of a Mystery International (English title)
Compagnia Nuove Indie CO 03001 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 2003 (11 music) |
Knife Music sl. 44546 Country Spain Format CD
Release Date 4-Jan-2003 UPN 8-436003-243335 Music performed by Nuova Roma Sinfonietta. |
Plot Joaquin comes back to Granada in the eighties trying to find out about something happened when he was a child and the Spanish Civil War was going on. He helped an unknown man who survived after being executed. He finds the man, Galapago, who is now quite old, poor and with almost no memory. Joaquin takes care of him and finds hints that point to Galapago as Federico Garc¨?a Lorca.
剧情简译 1936年,在西班牙国内战争开始的时侯,一个年轻的牧羊人JOAQUIN偶然发现了一个头部受到枪击重伤的人,这个人是在法西斯行刑队执行枪决后死里逃生的.JOAQUIN把他藏了起来.但是当他清醒以后,他却忘记了自己的身份.在JOAQUIN的耐心救护下,这个人身体逐渐恢复.但随着时局变迁,两人失去了联系.44年之后,JOAQUIN也已年入花甲,但他一直心存疑窦,经过长期探寻,JOAQUIN再次找到了这个疯疯颠颠的老人,在他的多方努力之下,终于解开了这个神秘老人真实身份之谜.该片是意大利老牌演員尼諾.曼佛瑞迪(Nino Manfredi)在世主演的最后一部电影,由莫里康大师配乐,由葡萄牙女歌手邦蒂丝(Dulce Pontes)演唱的主题曲铿锵激奋,感人至深.成为莫氏作品的一支保留曲目.该片曾获第25届莫斯科电影节"最佳影片奖",洛杉矶拉丁电影节"最佳导演和最佳影片奖",第60届威尼斯国际电影节奇"毕昂"奖. |
001 |
La luz prodigiosa (sung by Dulce Pontes) |
神秘的终点 |
002 |
Ricerca del pane |
面包的研究 |
003 |
Secondo atto |
第二幕 |
004 |
Passato remoto |
遥远的过去 |
005 |
Ritorno dalla memoria |
从记忆中返回 |
006 |
Nella casa di F.G.L |
在F.G.L的房子里 |
007 |
Nei luoghi |
在现场 |
008 |
F.G.L |
F.G.L |
009 |
Dopo il teatro |
在剧院 |
010 |
In biblioteca |
在图书馆 |
011 |
A Dulce luminosa |
甜美的阳光 |