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A study of Morricone's works-024-eng

A newly discovered documentary "Giochi perché" (You sport because)

On September 23, 2020, I received an email from a Korean friend, Mr. LEE, who told me that when he was studying a 1979 movie "invito all sport", he found a new film "Giochi perché" related with Morricone's works in Youtube
I opened the Youtube web page prompted by Mr. LEE's email and saw a 44 minute video released by a person named "
Intesa Sanpaolo". this post was posted on May 6, 2016, the total number of views was 1859. The instructions below indicate that two of the music are from the 1979 film "invite allo sport" (FA7908) According to its instruction, I found the website of Sanpaolo group about the film (see the screenshot below, originally Italian), and gained a lot of new knowledge。
English from BING:

The documentary, which focuses on the Youth Games, a national sporting event promoted by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) and sponsored by the Savings Banks and Banks of the Monte, not only promotes this event, but investigates the origins of sport and above all the changes and similarities (not only of techniques and rules, but also of "philosophy"), between modern sports and competitions , the games and challenges, of a more or less remote past, that may be considered ancestors.

It is the director himself, Folco Quilici, who narrates the documentary, appearing at firsthand, among a crowd that goes to watch a football match, pointing out how, in a world where sport has become a mass phenomenon, the film, although made "with the help of sports enthusiasts, specialists and champions", still wants to take into account this choral reality of the phenomenon , on which one should reflect in order to discover its distant roots.

The documentary thus goes on to explore these roots, looking for the link between the sport and its origins. Popular competitions such as those shown in Sardinia were, for example, originally challenges between ancient populations perpetually fighting, but indeed for almost all games and sports it is possible to find ancient origins and in this direction the documentary is not limited to exploring Italy and Europe, but brings examples of the five continents (Polynesia, South America, China, etc.). It also emphasizes the educational and initiation character of the work of sport, as well as the origins closely linked to survival. The latter is in turn linked to the relationship of man with nature, which can be sought and partially found today thanks to sport, as a game if no longer as a necessity (example of skiing or surfing as a communion with nature): the game is in short read as an irreplaceable key in the fundamental relationship between man and nature. The documentary also emphasizes the mutual influences, in sport, between different nations and cultures: "modes, rules and passions transcend borders and continents in sport".

The second part of the documentary focuses more specifically on the Youth Games, organized annually by CONI and school, with images of some competitions (a selection in Rome; an athletics final at the Stadium of Marbles in the capital; a cross-country skiing final in Valzoldana). It emphasizes the "sense of friendship" as more important than the competitive spirit of the event, the "competition and confrontation" as more important than winning: the game is in short fun and a source of health. It is this "social purpose" that has led the Savings Banks and the Mount Banks to support the CONI both with the patronage of the national finals and with the support of the local stages.

( Fromv Archivio Storico Intesa Sanpaolo)

About the source of the documentary
Later, I found a specific description of the source of the film on this website, which was released at the opening ceremony of the Multimedia Part of the In TESA SANPAOLO Historical Archives Pavilion on November 19, 2015. This is said in the communique of the meeting (the following is excerpted and edited by the author, the full text of which can be opened for browsing, or click here to download a PDF file 180K): "Milan, November 19 - the multimedia part of Sanpaolo international's historical archives was opened today... Since the second half of the 20th century, there are about 3000 pieces of audio, video, advertising, films and other materials stored in the historical archives. Some of them are open to users of the archives and are also on YouTube channel of Sanpaolo international is available to the public... Including the 1970s documentary "Giochi perché" directed by Folco Quilici and produced by ACRI, which was found in a video kept by the savings bank of Venice." ( See two screenshots below, above is a screenshot of the web page, below is a PDF screenshot)
Below is from YouTube

English from BING online

Folco Quilici's documentary, which focuses on the Youth Games – a national sporting event promoted by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) and sponsored by the Savings Banks and Banks of the Monte – not only promotes this event, but investigates the more or less remote origins of sport and, above all, the changes between modern sports and competitions, games and challenges. Production: Association between the Italian Savings Banks/Italian National Olympic Committee Multimedia section Intesa Sanpaolo: audio and audiovisual material heterogeneous by type, history and quality, produced by the institutes merged into the Group from the fifties onwards, with some rarities dating back to the first half of the twentieth century. Available by appointment at the Historical Archives.
Over the years, the United Bank of Sanpaolo has been actively contributing to the cultural life of the country. We have always taken its commitment in the field of art and culture as a genuine commitment to "social responsibility" and we believe that a credit institution of national importance should not only contribute to the development of the country from an economic perspective, but also be exactly the same from a cultural and civic point of view. Visit our website and The Gallerie d'Italia social networking site to stay up-to-date on current plans:
Browse the Group's other initiatives on the following.:

Music in this video.

Song Staffetta per due (from "Invito Allo Sport")

Artist Ennio Morricone

Album Invito Allo Sport

Licensed to YouTube by:
[Merlin] Rossiter Road UK LTD(Represents EMI. General Music srl)and 3 music copyright associations

Song E finalmente (from "Invito allo sport")

Artist Ennio Morricone

Album Invito Allo Sport

Licensed to YouTube by:[Merlin] Rossiter Road UK LTD(RepresentsEMI General Music srl); EMI Music Publishing and 5 music copyright associations

To further confirm this conclusion, 2020.10.4 The author emailed Didier Thunus, Buster Patrick and other senior friends about the film, receiving warm responses and affirmations on the same day, and adding a number of important additions, here is a screenshot of Didier Thunus' email:
I studied and re-watched and listened to the film, and it was true as he said, and that some of it was short or intermittent, and it was hard to detect without paying attention. Didier is a senior fan who can tell so quickly whether a movie has Morricone's work, even if only briefly, which is by no means possible for the common fans. The following list provides an audition for all of these music
Reused 6 music composed by Ennio Morricone
Name (Time)
E finalmente... (03:46) in the video at  20:15…21:16, 29:13-29:54  Multiple intermittent appearances.
Staffetta per due (03:35) Appears in the video at 01:20-02:55”
Rondo capriccioso (01:54 From FA7501 Attenti al buffone) Video 07:32-07:50 (It's just a melody after 00:39 in the music
Inconsueto grottesco(01:03 From FA6805 E per tetto un cielo di stelle) Video 09:41-11:45
Forte fortissimo #2 (04:41) Video 12:02-13:05
13 Invito allo sport #3 (03:22 Note that this number comes from COMETA's CD number)Video18:52-19:37,20:26-20:49,21:23-21:56,23:41-25:11 appeared many times
001-002,005-006  from FA7908-SC240 “Invito allo sport”
Based on the above information, we can draw the following conclusions:
1.This is a 1982 documentary film sponsored by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) and the Monte Savings Bank. Like the 1968 film "H2S" (FA6811), which has been hidden in historical archives for years. As a result, the film is currently not available in all the Ennio Morricone filmography. There was also a sure reply from Didier Thunus, a senior fan.
2. The theme of the film is the Italian National Youth Games, and it also discusses the relationship between the modern sports and the sports activities of the ancient. Directed by Folco Quilici, the film rreuses 2 music from the 1979 documentary film "invito allo sport" (FA7908), which is also directed by Folco Quilici and composed by Ennio Morricone. From the perspective of director, musician, theme, and age, these two films can be called sister. Since the film is a reuse of the music from the "invite sports" instead of the original, I put it in category B in the 4th edition of our website's filmography, numbered FB8204
About Dr LEE Jin-weon
In put down in writing this newly discovered film, we should also introduce Mr. LEE Jin-weon, the newly discovered messenger. Mr. LEE is a Korean friend. In his early years, he studied at the Central Conservatory of music in China, and now he teaches at the Korea National University of Arts School of music (see here)
Dr. LEE is very modest and warm, let us thank him for this valuable information. In addition to his many achievements in his career (see 0102), he is also a very focus of Morriconne fan who is preparing to build a small Morricone memorial for a long-term effort, and to write a book called "Ennio Morricone in Korea". I was moved by these ideas and let us look forward to his success.
A little regret
A little regret about the film is that we don't know who its real composer belongs to. In the video we saw, the list of cast members at the beginning and end showed only the director ( I noticed that it is "Realizzato" instead of the traditional Regia or Direttore), photography and Montaggio, the Italian Olympic Committee, the archives and other relevant units, but there was no information on composers or any music.In addition to 6 reused Morricone works mentioned above, there are still many other music in the film, especially the opening burst sound is impressive. We can't confirm who its composer is, Morricone? The others? Or is there no composer at all but all the music are reused? Didier's reply to this question is .....The rest is probably other Cometa library music, not by Morricone in my opinion." He may be right because I believe he has very good auditory discernment for Ennio Morricone's works. If that's music that Morricone has already published, he's generally accurately identifiable. But what if it's original music from Morricone? This is less likely, though, because it would normally show Morricone's name on the film's cast. But after all, now these questions can only be speculated. May be as exciting as the sudden appearance of a set of CD "rare & unreleased soundtracks from the 60s & 70s" in 2014. Unfortunately, director Folco Quilici has passed away in 2018, and the Maestro Ennio Morricone died in July this year, leaving a lot of unanswered questions, and we expect more definitive evidence of the composer's problems in the future.

Thank you, Dr. LEE Jinweon, for your valuable information

Thank you to Didier Thunus, Buster Patrick and other senior friends for their help and support
2020.10.11 Draft