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NA6813 无情职业快枪手 / 雇佣兵
NA6813 Il mercenario / The Mercenary
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影片片头显示电影"无情职业快枪手"由莫里康内和尼克莱共同谱曲 (00:01:26)

导 演:( 塞尔乔·科布奇 Sergio Corbucci )
主 演:(弗兰克·尼欧 Franco Nero) (杰克·帕兰斯 Jack Palance) ( Tony Musante) ( Giovanna Ralli) ( Eduardo Fajardo) ( álvaro de Luna)
上 映:1968年05月29日 英国 详细上映地区
地 区:意大利 西班牙
对 白:意大利语

颜 色:彩色
声 音:单声道(Mono)
时 长:Italy:110 min / Spain:111
类 型:喜剧 西部
分 级:挪威:16 澳大利亚:M 芬兰:K-16 西班牙:18 美国:GP 英国:AA


弗兰克·尼欧 Franco Nero .... Sergei Kowalski, the Polish
杰克·帕兰斯 Jack Palance .... Ricciolo ('Curly')
Tony Musante .... Paco Roman
Giovanna Ralli .... Columba
Eduardo Fajardo .... Alfonso García
álvaro de Luna .... Ramón
Raf Baldassarre .... Mateo
José Canalejas .... Sebastian (as Joe Kamel)
Vicente Roca .... Elias Garcia
Franco Ressel .... Studs
Guillermo Méndez .... Captain
Enrique Navarro ....
Simón Arriaga .... Simón
Ugo Adinolfi ....
José I. Zaldua .... Innkeeper
Francisco Nieto .... Antonio
A. Jiménez Castellanos ....
Tito García .... Garcia's Cousin
Franco Giacobini .... Pepote
Remo De Angelis .... Hudo

详细的演职员表 >>>>

更多的电影资料见英文页 >>>>

原创音乐 Ennio Morricone and Bruno Nicolai 埃尼奥·莫里康内 和布鲁诺·尼克莱
电影别名 Also Known As (AKA)
Il mercenario Italy (original title)
A Professional Gun (undefined) / Europe (English title) / UK
Ammattitappaja Finland
Die gefürchteten Zwei West Germany
Die zwei Gefürchteten West Germany
El Mercenario France
Mercenario - Der Gefürchtete West Germany
O epanastatis tou Mexikou Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
O misthoforos Greece (reissue title)
O skliros, to moutro kai o zorikos Greece (reissue title)
Profesyonel silah Turkey (Turkish title)
Revenge of a Gunfighter USA (informal alternative title)
Salario para matar Spain
The Mercenary USA (imdb display title)


While a Mexican revolutionary lies low as a U.S. rodeo clown, the cynical Polish mercenary who tutored the idealistic peasant tells how he and a dedicated female radical fought for the soul of the guerrilla general Paco, as Mexicans threw off repressive government and all-powerful landowners in the 1910s. Tracked by the vengeful Curly, Paco liberates villages, but is tempted by social banditry's treasures, which Kowalski revels in. (IMDB)
本站简译: 在1910墨西哥革命时期,一个愤世嫉俗的波兰雇佣兵帮助一个空想主义的墨西哥农民,游击队将军帕科,为了反抗专制的政府和握有极大权力的地主而进行激烈斗争。帕科战胜了急于复仇的大地主库利(卷毛)并解放了农村,但他却被黑帮的财宝所吸引.....(IMDB)
Paco Roman (Musante), a Mexican peasant, rebels against his rich boss and humiliates him. He is later captured, but saved from a certain death by his friends. Meanwhile, Sergei Kowalski (Nero), a Polish mercenary, arrives in Mexico and makes a deal with two Garcia brothers to take their silver safely across the border. Curly (Palance) sees the three men talking and tracks down the brothers to find out what they hired Kowalski for, after which Curly kills the two.

When Kowalski arrives at a mine to meet one of the Garcia brothers, he finds the man along with many others dead and meets Paco and his revolutionaries instead. Soon after, Colonel Alfonso Garcia's (Eduardo Fajardo) Mexican army troops attack. Kowalski agrees to help Paco fight them, but only for money as he is a professional soldier. With the help of Kowalski and his machine gun, the revolutionaries defeat the army. Kowalski then leaves the group, but gets ambushed by Curly. Soon Paco's group arrives and kills Curly's men. Although Curly swears to revenge, they let him go after stripping him of his clothes. Paco then hires Kowalski to teach him how to lead a revolution.

The revolutionaries travel from town to town robbing money, guns and horses from the army. They also release a prisoner named Columba (Ralli) and she joins the group. After Paco stays in one town to protect the people despite Kowalski telling him that they can not match the army sent to capture them, Kowalski leaves the group again. Paco and his men later admit their defeat and go after Kowalski. Kowalski's price has doubled now, but the two make another deal. After the revolutionaries take over a town by defeating a whole regiment, Paco takes Kowalski as prisoner for being too greedy, confiscates all the money he has paid him and marries Columba. When General Garcia's army, along with Curly, attack them, Paco realizes he can not manage the situation on his own and decides to set Kowalski free, but ends up locked up himself while Kowalski escapes. Columba frees Paco and the two also manage to escape before Curly finds them.

After six months, Kowalski attends a circus performance and notices that Paco managed to get away after all, as he is one of the clowns. After the performance is over, Curly enters the arena and his men capture Paco. Kowalski then shoots Curly's men and gives him and Paco both a rifle and a bullet, so that the two can have a fair duel. After Paco kills Curly, Kowalski takes him as a prisoner and heads to the headquarters of the 51st Regiment to collect the reward offered for his head. Columba sees this, manages to get before them to the headquarters and then pretends that she wants to betray Paco by telling where the two are.

When the army troops find the pair, Kowalski also finds himself arrested as there is now even a bigger reward for his head. The two are then sentenced to death by firing squad. However, Columba now executes her plan and with the help of two machine guns, Paco, Kowalski and Columba manage to escape. Kowalski suggests Paco that they team up to make a lot of money, but Paco claims that his dream is in Mexico referring to the revolution. The two part ways, and we see Garcia and four soldiers about to ambush Paco. Kowalski cuts them all down with his rifle from a nearby hillside, and then yells to Paco to "keep dreaming, but with your eyes open." (Wiki)

本站简译: 帕科 罗曼(穆森特饰演),一个墨西哥农民,对他的富人老板造反并羞辱他。后来他被抓,然后在处死时被他的一个朋友瑟格 科瓦斯基解救(尼禄饰演)。科瓦斯基是一个波兰人,作为雇佣兵来到墨西哥,他和加西亚兄弟俩做一笔交易,帮助他们把他们的银子安全运过边境。库利(卷毛,帕兰斯饰演)听到他们三个人的谈话后杀死加西亚兄弟,为了找到被他们隐藏起来的科瓦斯基
当科瓦斯基到达银矿时遇到了加西亚的一个弟兄,他发现很多人死去并且遇到了帕科和他的革命者。不久,墨西哥军队的阿方索 加西亚上校开始了进攻,科瓦斯基同意帮助帕科同他们作战,但只是为了拿钱,因为他是一个自由的职业兵。由于科瓦斯基和他的机关枪的帮助,革命者击退了墨西哥军队。之后科瓦斯基离开帕科,但是遭到卷毛的埋伏。帕科的人来到解救了他。虽然卷毛发誓要报仇,但他们脱去了他的衣服然后让他走开。之后帕科出钱雇用科瓦斯基来教他怎样领导革命。
革命从一个村庄传播到另一个村庄,从军队手里抢劫枪支。马匹和金钱。他们还解放了一个名叫科伦巴(鸽子 拉莉饰演)的囚犯,她也加入革命队伍。虽然科瓦斯基告诉帕科他们不能够抵御前来抓捕他们的军队,但帕科仍然留下来保护他的人民。科瓦斯基再一次离开了帕科的队伍。帕科和他的人马后来被击败,他们又来追寻科瓦斯基,不过这一次科瓦斯基的要价已经提高了一倍。 在革命党人打败了一个整团的军队并接管一个村镇之后,帕科把科瓦斯基囚禁起来并没收了所有他曾付给他的钱由于他过于贪婪,帕科并和科伦巴结婚。这时加西亚的军队按照卷毛的指引进攻他们。帕科认识到他自己无法控制局势并决定释放科瓦斯基,但最后他自己又被逃跑的科瓦斯基锁起来。科伦巴把帕科放了出来,两个人设法在卷毛找到他们以前逃了出来。
During the Mexican revolution mine owner Colonel Alfonso Garcia (Eduardo Fajardo) hires Sergei Kowalski (Franco Nero) a Polish mercenary to protect seven tonnes of silver being transported to the US. Kowalski arrives only to discover the repressed peasant workers, led by Paco Roman (Tony Musante), have taken control of the mine by force. Always eager to make good his losses Kowalski persuades Roman, now in a tight spot with Garcia's army bearing down on him, to hire his services. A sadistic homosexual mercenary called Curly (Jack Palance), wanting the silver himself tries to ambush Kowalski, but Roman thwarts his plans and Curly's men are killed. Kowalski renews his partnership with Roman and after liberating a town the bandits are joined by Columba (Giovanna Ralli) an idealist who's farther was hung for being a revolutionary. With the promise of making Roman as famous as Pancho Villa and all the gang rich in exchange for a hefty daily fee plus expenses, under Kowalski's guidance Roman earns the reputation of a great revolutionary liberator. Garcia's army still desperate to capture the bandits are joined by Curly in their search. Kowalski's financial demands for guidance increase but Roman now married to Columbia sees the true importance of the revolution to the Mexican people. Realising his responsibility for his fellow countrymen Roman reneges on the deal and takes all Kowalski's money for the great cause. The bandits keep Kowalski tied up as a prisoner, but in a devastating attack by Garcia's army he escapes. Kowalski tracks Roman to a rodeo where he is in hiding working as a clown, Curly also trails him there and the scene is set for the final showdown. --The Halitosis Kid 11:08, 27 May 2007 (CEST) (spaghetti-western
本站简译: 在墨西哥革命时期一个银矿的矿主阿方索 加西亚雇用了一个波兰的雇佣兵瑟格 科瓦斯基去为他的七吨银子作保镖运送到美国。科瓦斯基来到以后发现由帕科 罗曼领导的被压迫的农民工人已经控制了银矿。为了赚更多的钱,面临帕科和加西亚的军队之间的紧张形势,科瓦斯基劝说帕科雇用他去击败加西亚。一个被称为“卷毛”的人是一个残酷成性,唯利是图的同性恋者,为了抢到银子他打算伏击科瓦斯基,但是帕科阻碍了他的计划并杀死了他的人。科瓦斯基和帕科重新合作。在解放一个村镇以后一个理想主义者科伦巴(鸽子)也加入了这帮匪徒(the bandits)的队伍,她的父亲由于是一个革命者而被吊死。科瓦斯基许诺帕科将成为和潘昭维拉(笔者注,Pancho Villa 著名的墨西哥革命领导人)那样著名的革命者并更加富有,作为交换帕科答应给他大量的佣金。在科瓦斯基的指导下,帕科赢得了伟大革命解放者的声誉。此时加西亚的军队在卷毛的协助下仍在拼死地去抓捕这帮匪徒,科瓦斯基的佣金要求也不断增加。但是现在已经和科伦巴结婚的帕科看到了革命对于墨西哥人民真正的重要意义。由于觉悟到他对于他的同胞的责任,帕科否认了他和科瓦斯基的交易并没收了科瓦斯基所有的钱。匪徒们把科瓦斯基囚禁起来,但是在一次加西亚军队的严重袭击中科瓦斯基逃脱。科瓦斯基在一次牛仔杂技表演中发现了帕科,他在那里扮演一个小丑。这时卷毛也跟踪发现了帕科,最后摊牌的场景出现了。(西部电影网
003-关于导演瑟吉欧·科布奇 Sergio Corbucci
有关网站 0102030405
瑟吉欧·科布奇 Sergio Corbucci


中文维基的资料(2008): Sergio Corbucci ( December 6, 1927 - December 1, 1990) was an Italian movie director. Most of his films are very violent, yet intelligent action movies. He is best known for his spaghetti westerns. Many of these action movies contain social criticism of left-wing political background. Corbucci actually was a communist. The art-direction in his movies is mostly surrealistic and apocalyptic, another trademark is his sense for black humour.

He is the older brother of Bruno Corbucci. Corbucci started his career by directing mostly low-budget sword and sandal movies. His first commercial success was with the cult spaghetti western Django, starring Franco Nero, the leading man in many of his movies. After Django, Corbucci made many other spaghetti westerns, which made him the most successful Italian western director after Sergio Leone and one of Italy's most productive directors. His most famous of these pictures was The Great Silence, a dark and gruesome western starring a mute action hero and a psychopathic bad guy. The film was banned in some countries for its excessive display of violence. In the 1970s and 1980s Corbucci mostly directed comedies, often starring Adriano Celentano. His movies were rarely taken seriously by contemporary critics and he was considered an exploitation director, but Corbucci has managed to attain a cult reputation. (here)

本站译文: 瑟吉欧·科布奇(1927.12.6-1990.12.1)是意大利电影导演. 他的许多电影有很多暴力但却是充满智慧的. 他的最著名的电影是通心粉式的美国西部电影.这些动作电影大多包含着政治批判和左翼的政治背景.科布奇实际上是一名共产党员. 他的电影主要的艺术风格是超现实主义的,另一个标志是他的黑色幽默.

他是布鲁诺·科布奇的哥哥. 他的电影生涯主要是从低预算电影开始的.他的第一部成功之作是西部电影"Django",其后他又导演了许多西部电影.这使得他成为了继瑟吉欧·里昂内(Sergio Leone)之后的最成功的意大利西部片的导演和最高产的意大利导演.在这些电影中最著名的是Great Silence,这部电影由于过度的暴力场景而在许多国家被禁演.在七十到八十年代,科布奇导演了很多喜剧片,通常由影星Adriano Celentano主演......


作为导演的电影作品(数量:47)Night Club ------- (1989)
Giorni del commissario Ambrosio, I ------- (1988)
Roba da ricchi ------- (1987)
Rimini Rimini ------- (1987)
Sono un fenomeno paranormale ------- (1985)
A tu per tu ------- (1984)
Questo e quello ------- (1983)
Conte Tacchia, Il ------- (1983)
Sing Sing ------- (1983)
Chi trova un amico, trova un tesoro ------- (1981)
Mi faccio la barca ------- (1980)
超能警察/超能警探 Poliziotto superpiù ------- (1980)
小子立奇功 Pari e dispari ------- (1978)
Mazzetta, La ------- (1978)
Giallo napoletano ------- (1978)
Tre tigri contro tre tigri ------- (1977)
Ecco noi per esempio ------- (1977)
Signor Robinson, mostruosa storia d'amore e d'avventure, Il ------- (1976)
Bluff storia di truffe e di imbroglioni ------- (1976)
Di che segno sei? ------- (1975)
Bianco, il giallo, il nero, Il ------- (1975)
Bestione, Il ------- (1974)
Banda J.S.: Cronaca criminale del Far West, La ------- (1972)
Che c'entriamo noi con la rivoluzione? ------- (1972)
Er più: storia d'amore e di coltello ------- (1971)
Vamos a matar, companeros ------- (1970)
Specialisti, Gli ------- (1969)
雪海深仇 Grande silenzio, Il ------- (1968)
无情职业快抢手 Mercenario, Il ------- (1968)
Crudeli, I ------- (1967)
Bersaglio mobile ------- (1967)
Uomo che ride, L' ------- (1966)
Johnny Oro ------- (1966)
姜戈 Django ------- (1966)
Navajo Joe ------- (1966)
Minnesota Clay ------- (1965)
Massacro al Grande Canyon ------- (1965)
Onorevoli, Gli ------- (1963)
Monaco di Monza, Il ------- (1963)
Figlio di Spartacus, Il ------- (1963)
Smemorato di Collegno, Lo ------- (1962)
Giorno più corto, Il ------- (1962)
Maciste contro il vampiro ------- (1961)
Due marescialli, I ------- (1961)
Totò, Peppino e la dolce vita ------- (1961)
Romolo e Remo ------- (1961)
Chi si ferma è perduto ------- (1960) (更多见这里)


004-主要演员 弗朗克 尼禄 / Franco Nero
弗朗克 尼禄 / Franco Nero
弗朗克 尼禄
弗朗克 尼禄
弗朗克 尼禄
弗朗克 尼禄 / Franco Nero
Franco Nero (born Francesco Sparanero, 23 November 1941) is an Italian movie director, movie, television, stage, and voice actor who is known for his roles in Django, Die Hard 2, Letters to Juliet, Camelot, Keoma, The Mercenary, and Cars 2.

Nero was born on 23 November 1941 in San Prospero, Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy.[1] He studied at Piccolo Teatro di Milano. Nero has been married to Vanessa Redgrave since 2005. Nero has a son, Carlo Gabriel Nero, by Redgrave. (WIKI)

本站译文: 弗朗克 尼禄 1941年11月23日生。是一位意大利电影导演,电影,电视,舞台和配音演员,由于在电影姜戈,虎胆龙威2,给朱丽叶的信,柯莱特,基欧玛,雇佣兵和汽车总动员2中饰演的角色而出名。(WIKI)
Blue-eyed well-built Italian actor Franco Nero, once was a painting photographer, when he was discovered as an actor by director John Huston. Grew up in provincial northern Italian town in the family of a strict police sergeant, Nero got on the scene at six years old. Studied economics and trade in Milan University and, during that time, he was appearing in popular Italian photo-novels. This gave him a chance to gain a little role in Carlo Lizzani's La Celestina P... R... (1965). Year later, the handsome face of Nero was noticed by John Huston who chose him for the role of "Abel" in The Bible: In the Beginning... (1966) (aka La Bibbia). But success came after he got the role of the lonely gunfighter, dragging a coffin in one of the best spaghetti-westerns; Sergio Corbucci's Django (1966). Nero then filmed a few other westerns of that style as Ferdinando Baldi's Texas, addio (1966) and Lucio Fulci's Le colt cantarono la morte e fu... tempo di massacro (1966) and furthered his career by filming in all genres of the cinema and TV. During filming of Joshua Logan's _Camelot (1967), he met actress Vanessa Redgrave, who become his long-time partner. Played with Catherine Deneuve in Luis Bu?uel's Tristana (1970) and with Sergey Bondarchuk in the war drama Bitka na Neretvi (1969). Later, director Bondarchuk cast Nero for the role of famous American reporter "John Reed" in two-part "Krasnye kolokola II" (1982). In the late 60s and during the 70s, Nero played many different roles, but most of them connected with political and criminal genre, criticized Italian justice system. In the early 80s, Nero was chosen for the role of the white ninja, "Cole", in Enter the Ninja (1981) and in 1990 as terrorist "Gen. Esperanza", opposite Bruce Willis in Renny Harlin's Die Hard 2 (1990). Being a personage from more than 25 different nationalities; from Russian to American, from Egyptian to Israeli, with 150 roles. He worked with the top European directors from Carlo Lizzani, Damiano Damiani, Luigi Zampa, Luis Bu?uel, Elio Petri, Mihalis Kakogiannis, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Claude Chabrol, 'Vatroslav Mimica', Marco Bellocchio, etc. At the beginning of the 80s, he also began producing, writing and directing. Between films, he participates in various theatrical events. Apart from his cinematographic work, Nero also works for charitable organizations.(IMDB
Bamba Vivace (Titoli de Testa)
Il Mercenario (Sueno Mejicano)
Fiesta (Mariachis)
Il Mercenario (Ripresa)
Canto A Mia Tierra
Il Mercenario
Il Mercenario (Sueno Mejicano)
Fiesta (Valzer)
Notte di Nozze
Il Mercenario (Ripresa Terza)
Il Mercenario (Suspense)
Il Mercenario (L'arena)
006- 无情职业快枪手完整电影在线播放 (01:41:45 内嵌中英字幕 本站上传土豆网
(您可以在土豆网自行下载该视频 209.19M F4V格式)

视频简介:塞尔乔·科布奇导演的最好的西部片之一。在1910时代墨西哥大革命时期,一个愤世嫉俗的波兰雇佣兵科瓦斯基帮助一个受尽压迫剥削的墨西哥农民,后来的游击队将军帕科,为了反抗专制政府和握有极大权力的地主而进行激烈的斗争。帕科战胜了急于复仇的大地主库利(卷毛)并解放了一些农村。但是以追求佣金为目的的科瓦斯基和开始从劫富济贫转向为墨西哥革命奋斗的帕科之间出现的矛盾导致两人反目并被强大的墨西哥军队所击溃。在共历生死患难的事实之后,帕科在兵败逃亡之中还是得到了科瓦斯基的帮助而继续奔向追梦之路。莫里康内的杰出配乐也长期为其爱好者所津津乐道并成为经典之作 (由本站)

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