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热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立
Warmly congratulate to proclaim the founding of "China Ennio Morricone Fans Association" in Beijing on may 24,2009
热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立
002-009-4 任绘新的专页
上图: 任绘新近照
个人简况个人简况: 北京人.1978年生,国际金融专业,毕业后分配在银行系统工作.后改行从事计算机代理销售工作,效力于联想电脑集团.2003年开始接触广告行业,随后从事银行新媒体至今,主要负责媒体的开发推广及建设,内容的规划,相关技术等运营工作.从幼年开始受家庭影响喜爱音乐,收集最多的是MORRICONE和JAZZ类型的音乐.对音响,摄影和摄像均有爱好.
邮箱地址: huixin0418@vip.sina.com
编者注: 任绘新理事是一位在银行传媒系统工作的朋友,年富力强,为人热情.早在今年5月份我们组织集体订票活动初期,他就通过电邮,电话等方式和SUYI联系表示他地处北京,愿意为大家在北京的的集体活动多尽义务.之后我们在北京见面,他就像一位志愿者一样,为联谊会的召开积极主动地作了很多具体工作,例如会议地址的选择,会场的布置,会议的拍照,录像等等,的确花了很多精力.我在会场上看着他忙里忙外,然后一直手持录像机不停地为会议工作的场景颇受感动.北京分手以后,他又主动为各位理事邮寄了很多宝贵的光盘.这里面有联谊会成立的资料,还有许多他自己收集的有关莫里康内的视频资料.(据他自己介绍,他有一位在电影界工作的贤内助,所以有条件得到一些宝贵的影像资料.他愿意拿出来和大家分享).为几十位理事刻盘,联系,邮寄,这是一件很费时费力的工作,难怪朱凯理事很快地发来了一封感谢信(见这里).他的话代表了大家的心情.我相信,有这样许多热心公益的理事,我们的联谊会一定会发展壮大,早日实现我们第一次北京成立会议上所讨论的远大目标.
任绘新理事的邮件-"威尼斯音乐会DVD" (2009年9月28日 15:52)


编者注: 关于威尼斯音乐会DVD的事,前不久绘新理事曾在电话中对我说过,他已托人在国外去买这个光盘,我对他说希望能得到一件复制品,以便编辑发表,没想到很快就来了.2009年9月28日下午,我便收到了这个快件.打开一看,却是一份全新包装的原装的产品.打开塑封的外套.里面有三张光盘.两张CD,是音乐盘,一张DVD是视频光盘.由ARS Latina授权,Industrial Entertainment出品.这是一份很贵重的礼物.我能感受到惠新朋友对我们网站以及莫迷网联朋友们的深厚情意,除了衷心的致谢以外,希望在这里大家能共享这份情谊.
上: 外封套正面 (原尺寸 140X190mm)
上: 外封套背面 (原尺寸 140X190mm)
埃尼奥 莫里康内 威尼斯 和平之音音乐会
上: 内封套正面 (原尺寸 426X190mm)
埃尼奥 莫里康内 威尼斯 和平之音音乐会
上: 内封套里面 (原尺寸 426X190mm)
Ennio Morricone Peace Notes Live in Venice
Industrial Entertainment
2008 / Color / 1:78 anamorphic widescreen / 104 min. / Ennio Morricone Conducts 9/11 Peace Concert - Live in Venice / Street Date September 9, 2008 / 29.97
Starring Ennio Morricone, Susana Rigacci, Roma Sinfonietta Orchestra, Choir La Fenice
Sound Engineer Fabio Venturi
Produced by Luigi Caiola
Directed by Giovanni Morricone

Reviewed by Glenn Erickson

Ennio Morricone's recent concert tour came briefly to New York early in 2007. The DVD-CD set Ennio Morricone Peace Notes Live in Venice records two later performances at the Piazza San Marco in Venice on September 9 and 10, 2007. Fans of the prolific film composer will need to read no further before seeking out this DVD as it's a quality presentation on all counts. Personally, I can imagine I'll be looking less frequently at my fuzzy PAL to NTSC VHS conversion of a concert taped for Italian television.

The DVD is a multi-camera recored of the concert in the dramatic open-air setting of the plaza. Director Giovanni Morricone for the most part stays focused on the musicians, although I wouldn't call his visual choices optimal. Several of his cameras appear to be on robotic cranes that see a great deal of over-use, swooping so close to the musicians that we're surprised their music stands are not knocked over. Attractive shots of Venice interrupt many of the pieces, in a not unattractive way. The only real stumblings are the poetic musings that appear, in English text, over these extra scenes. Not only are the words not particularly related to the tunes being played, they contain many misspellings. I found myself ignoring them.

Soundtrack fans will like the musical selection. The Sergio Leone set is clearly there to pull in that segment of Morricone's faithful, although he's repeatedly expressed his desire to leave a much wider legacy than the six or seven Leone films out of the four hundred or more he's scored. The presence of a full symphony orchestra and choir naturally favors 'big' compositions over Morricone's simpler film themes that often featured solo instruments. In keeping with the Peace motif, the 'chapter' titles suggest a movement to socially responsible and devout themes. Morricone ends with the rousing socialist melody from Sacco and Vanzetti. When the choir begins the chant, "Here's to you, Nicola and Bart", the audience applauds.


Tre Adagi:

Deborah's Theme (Once Upon a Time in America) 3:39
Addio Monti (from The Betrothed) 3:18
Vatel 4:23

Scattered Sheet:

H2S 2:31
The Sicilian Clan 3:36
Love Circle 3:37
Uno Che Grida Amore (from Love Circle 4:47
Maddalena 3:49

The Modernity of Myth in Sergio Leone Cinema:

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 4:47
Once Upon a Time in The West 3:04
A Fistful of Dynamite 3:57
The Ecstasy of Gold (from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 3:03

Social Cinema:

The Battle of Algiers 3:29
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion 3:03
A Brisa do Cora??o (from According to Peireira) 3:17
The Working Class Goes to Heaven 3:38
Casualties of War 8:53
Abolisson (from Queimada) 4:03

Tragic, Lyric and Epic Cinema:

The Desert of the Tartars 3:34
Richard III 3:26
Gabriel's Oboe (from The Mission) 2:16
Falls (from The Mission) 2:57
On Earth as It Is In Heaven (from The Mission) 3:29
Cinema Paradiso 5:51
Here's to You (from Sacco and Vanzetti) 3.50

The disc is beautifully produced, with a menu that makes access to all of the selections fast and simple. The audio is in 5.1 Surround and 2.0 Stereo; the video is enhanced widescreen.

Two extras provide a better explanation of the disc's theme. The "Peace Notes" subtitle refers more selectively to Morricone's more abstract composition Voci Dal Silenzio, dedicated to the victims of 9/11. An extra with that title takes us directly to a full orchestra performance of the work before the General Assembly of the United Nations. Morricone is introduced by the General Secretary in a formal ceremony. Some of the non-melodic portions of the 29-minute piece become jarringly atonal (in the good sense) before settling into a theme reminiscent of The Mission.

...Tra le Note carries interviews with Morricone about conducting in St. Mark's Square and with the director of the Casino that sponsored the concert. Morricone talks about his 'other' interest in what he refers to (in translation) as "absolute music." The casino director reminds us that his association with Morricone for the concert began before Il Maestro was awarded a special Oscar.

Making the disc an even more attractive deal is the inclusion of two additional CDs that contain the contents of the Venice concert with several other tracks: Voci Dal Silenzio, The Untouchables and The Legend of 1900. The discs are contained in a plastic and card folder in a card sleeve. No program notes are included. (here)


埃尼奥 莫里康内 威尼斯 和平之音音乐会
Industrial Entertainment
2008 / 彩色/ 1:78 可变 宽屏/ 104 分钟/ 埃尼奥 莫里康内指挥 9/11 和平音乐会- 威尼斯实况转播/ Street Date 2008.9.9./ 29.97
主角 Starring Ennio Morricone(埃尼奥 莫里康内), Susana Rigacci(苏姗娜 里加奇), 罗马 Sinfonietta 管弦乐队, 唱诗班 Choir La Fenice
音响工程师Fabio Venturi
生产由by Luigi Caiola
导演由Giovanni Morricone

评论由Glenn Erickson

埃尼奥 莫里康内在2007年初曾在纽约作短期的巡回演出.这一套埃尼奥 莫里康内在威尼斯举办的和平之音音乐会演出实况的DVD-CD,记录了其后于2007年9月9日和10日在威尼斯圣马可广场举办的两场演出. 碟片的质量很好,对于这位高产电影音乐家的"粉丝"们来说这是一个福音. 就我个人而言,也可以免去我对意大利电视的录像带反复转换之苦

在这个广场式的开放剧场里,这张DVD对这场音乐会使用了多镜头的拍摄.导演乔万尼 莫里康内从更多的角度聚焦这位音乐家,虽然我不把它叫作最佳的视觉选择.大量机械升降装置的使用,使我们对音乐家在舞台位置上的变换感到惊奇.在片中以静默的方式插入了很多威尼斯的魅力镜头. 仅有的不足是在场景中添加的英文文本中.不仅它的词句和播放的曲调没有直接的关联,而且拼音也有错误.

乐迷们将会喜欢这些精选的音乐. 塞尔乔 莱昂内的电影音乐被准确地设置在莫里康内作品的精华部分,尽管他曾多次表达过他的愿望,他希望为后人留下比莱昂内的六七部电影音乐广泛的多的遗产,那就是他为四百多部电影所谱写的音乐. 一个完整的交响乐团和合唱团自然更喜欢比莫里康内的单一的电影主题更"大"些的作品,这些电影主题曲通常更适合于独奏.音乐会的标题暗示着一种社会的责任和虔诚的主题.最后,莫里康内以活跃的"萨科和万泽提"的社会主义者的旋律结束了这场音乐会.当合唱团开始唱出"尼科拉和巴特,你们仍在这里"的时侯,听众们给于了热烈的掌声.



Deborah's Theme (Once Upon a Time in America) 3:39
Addio Monti (from The Betrothed) 3:18
Vatel 4:23


H2S 2:31
The Sicilian Clan 3:36
Love Circle 3:37
Uno Che Grida Amore (from Love Circle 4:47)
Maddalena 3:49

塞尔乔 莱昂内的现代电影传奇:

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 4:47
Once Upon a Time in The West 3:04
A Fistful of Dynamite 3:57
The Ecstasy of Gold (from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 3:03


The Battle of Algiers 3:29
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion 3:03
A Brisa do Cora??o (from According to Peireira) 3:17
The Working Class Goes to Heaven 3:38
Casualties of War 8:53
Abolisson (from Queimada) 4:03


The Desert of the Tartars 3:34
Richard III 3:26
Gabriel's Oboe (from The Mission) 2:16
Falls (from The Mission) 2:57
On Earth as It Is In Heaven (from The Mission) 3:29
Cinema Paradiso 5:51
Here's to You (from Sacco and Vanzetti) 3.50


两个附件对碟片的主题作了较好的说明. "和平之音"的字幕对于理解莫里康内为911受害者所作的比较抽象的组曲"沉默的声音"提供了更多的选择.另一个附件将我们带到了在联合国总部交响乐队开始演出这部作品以前的场景. 在一个正式的仪式上由联合国秘书长发言对莫里康内作了介绍. 在进入"教会"这样回忆往事的主题之前,这段长达29分钟乐曲中的一些无旋律的片章对于正常的感官形成了一种无调的和刺耳的杂音

...音符之间(译注:碟片附件之二 Tra le Note 意大利语) 记录了在圣马可广场的莫里康内和这场音乐会的赞助者--卡西诺主管的一次访问.莫里康内谈到了他对他称之为"纯音乐"的兴趣.卡西诺的主管提醒人们注意他为了举办这场音乐会而同莫里康内的结交早在大师被授于奥斯卡的特别奖之前就已经开始.

使得这组碟片更加引人入胜的是那两张附加的CD片.它包含了威尼斯音乐会的全部内容,同时还包含了几组另外的乐曲: Voci Dal Silenzio,(沉默的声音);The Untouchables (铁面无私);and The Legend of 1900(海上钢琴师). 碟片被装在一个塑料封套内,其中没有节目单. (这里)
(更多介绍见这里 01, 02, 03, 04,05)

Ennio Morricone

Peace Notes: Live In Venice (3-DVD, 1 DVD + 2 CD)

Director: Giovanni Morricone

Your Price: $25.72
List Price: $29.97

You Save: $4.25 (14%)

DVD Features:
3-Disc Set
Region 1; USA & Canada
Dual Layer
Full Frame - 1.33
Widescreen - 1.78

Dolby Digital 2.0 - English
Dolby Digital 5.1 - English
DTS 5.1 - English

Additional Products:

CD - 2
Disc 1:
Performances - Tre Adagi:
1. Deborah's Theme / Once Upon A Time In America
2. Addio Monti / The Betrothed
3. Vatel
Performances - Scattered Sheet:
4. H2S
5. The Sicilian Clan
6. Love Circle
7. Uno Che Grida Amore / Love Circle
8. Maddalena
Performances - The Modernity Of Myth In Sergio Leone Cinema:
9. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - Titles
10. Once Upon A Time In The West
11. A Fistful of Dynamite
12. The Ecstasy of Gold / The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Performances - Social Cinema:
13. The Battle of Algiers
14. Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion
15. A Brisa Do Coracao / According To Pereira
16. The Working Class Goes To Heaven
17. Casualties of War
18. Abolisson / Queimada
Performances - The Tragic Lyric And Epic Cinema:
19. The Desert of the Tartars
20. Richard lll
21. The Desert of the Tartars - Reprise
22. Gabriel's Oboe / The Mission
23. Falls / The Mission
24. Cinema Paradiso
25. Here's To You / Sacco and Vanzetti
Performances - Extras:
26. Voci Dal Silenzio
27. Tra Le Note
Disc 2:
Tracks - CD 1:
1. The Untouchables
2. The Legend of 1900
3. Tre Adagi: Deborah's Theme/Addio Monti/Vatel
4. H2S
5. The Sicilian Clan
6. Love Circle
7. Uno Che Grida Amore / Love Circle
8. Maddalena
9. Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
10. Malena
11. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - Titles
12. Once Upon A Time In The West
13. A Fistful of Dynamite
14. The Ecstasy of Gold / The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Disc 3:
Tracks - CD 2:
1. Voci Dal Silenzio
2. The Mission - Gabriel's Oboe / Falls / On Earth As It Is / In Heaven
3. Here's To You / Sacco E Vanzetti
4. The Battle of Algiers
5. Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion
6. A Brisa Do Coracao / According To Pereira
7. The Working Class Goes To Heaven
8. Casualties of War
9. Abolisson / Queimada
Description by Ryko Distribution:

San Marco Square in Venice, Italy is the extraordinary backdrop for this concert by Oscar winning Maestro composer Ennio Morricone, conducting his scores to classic films such as "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly," "The Mission," "Once upon a time in The West," "Cinema Paradiso" and others, in a concert for peace in memorial to the victims of 9/11. (here)

莫里康内威尼斯音乐会 3-1 (72'08" 本站上传土豆网 )
莫里康内威尼斯音乐会 3-2 (32'25" 本站上传土豆网 )
莫里康内威尼斯音乐会 3-3 added (46'22" 本站上传土豆网 )
1. 由DVD转换的高码率音乐会视频文件-1 音乐会部份 700Kbps WMV 文件 104'35" 597M
2. 由DVD转换的高码率音乐会视频文件-2 两个附件部份 700Kbps WMV 文件 46'23" 265M
3. 由两盘CD提取的WAV格式音频文件(RAR压缩文件) CD1-592M, CD2-409M 您可以用其直接刻录高质量的CD唱片
2009.5.24. 任绘新在联谊会成立会议上聚精会神地工作
莫里康内2007韩国首尔音乐会 (68'15" 本站上传土豆网)
莫里康内联合国音乐会(2007.2.2) 2-1(0-00:42:42 本站上传土豆网)
莫里康内联合国音乐会(2007.2.2) 2-2(00:42:42-01:27:52 本站上传土豆网)
莫里康内慕尼黑音乐会(2004.10.20) 2-1(0-00:42:42 本站上传土豆网)
莫里康内慕尼黑音乐会(2004.10.20) 2-2(00:42:42-01:27:52 本站上传土豆网)
莫里康内ARENA音乐会(2002)-1 (43'51" YOUKU)
莫里康内ARENA音乐会(2002)-2 (58'52" YOUKU)
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