莫里康消息-- P2
The news about Morricone (In China) -- P2
Morricone's concert in Moscow on July 23,2005
"Once Upon A Time In Russia..."

They say there are no miracles but one of them was happened recently!Ennio Morricone gave a concert in Moscow on the 23 of June. That unforgettable Event took place at The Kremlin - the most well-known and prestige hall of Russia. It's remarkable that the concert hall is situated some two hundred metres from the President residence.

The concert programme was looked like the ones Maestro performed this year in Bilbao (Spain) and Florence (Italy), but there were several distinctions that were concerned with national peculiarities. So the
sad and tender themes from "72 Metres" were added to the programme.

It's the last year Russian movie about submariners. By the way, this is the second film of russian director after "The Red Tent" with the music of Morricone. "The Golden Eagle" award have been given to the
Work in 2005 in Russia.

Here is the full concert programme

01- Deborah's Theme (from Once Upon A Time In America)
02- Poverty (from Once Upon A Time In America)
03- Once Upon A Time In America
04- H2S
05- Il Clan dei Siciliani
06- Metti una Sera a Cena
07- Uno che Grida Amore (from Metti una Sera a Cena)
08- Like Maddalena
09- Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo
10- Once Upon A Time In The West
11- Giu la Testa
12- L’estasi dell’Oro (from Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo)
13- The Grief Of Parting (from 72 metra)
14- The Diving In The Sea (from 72 metra)
15- The Final (from 72 metra)
16- Cinema Paradiso
17- Malena
18- Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto
19- Sostiene Pereira
20- La Classe Operaia va in Paradiso
21- Casualties of War
22- Abolicao
23- Il deserto dei tartari
24- Richard III
25- Gabriel’s Oboe (from The Mission)
26- Falls (from The Mission)
27- On Earth as it is in Heaven (from The Mission)

Another charm of the concert was the unusual orchestra! The fact is that Maestro leaded the Russian National Orchestra Of Radio And Television and besides The Large Academical Chorus was appallingly heard at some themes. Add the lyric soprano of Susanna Rigacci and the inexhaustible energy of Morricone genius at a
conductor's stand and you will get an enchanting sight!

Maestro was receiveed an enthusiastic welcome from the audience.He was encored three times to perform again "On Earth as it is in Heaven", "L’estasi dell’Oro" and "Chi Mai" from Le professionnel. It has to be noticed that the last motive is enjoyed wide popularity in Russia the same way as the remarkable French movie with Jean Paul Belmondo.

So, I have to say with certainty the Morricone concert has become the
grand cultural event people were waiting for.Bravo Maestro!


Something like that. Han, the photos you can get from here

The Concert Hall Outside
The Concert Hall Inside
The Booklet
Appearance of the Master
The Concert Hall Outside
The Concert Hall Inside
The Booklet
Appearance of the Master
Maestro and the Interpreter
The Conductor
The Orchestra
The Chorus
Maestro and the Interpreter
The Conductor
The Orchestra
The Chorus
Susanna Rigacci
From The Screen
The Magic Of Morricone Music
The Final
Susanna Rigacci
From The Screen
The Magic Of Morricone Music
The Final
Maestro Thanks The Audience
The Never-ending Applause
Maestro Thanks The Audience
The Never-ending Applause
Thanks Alex for above information
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