莫洛 鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
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关于 莫洛 鲍罗尼尼(Mauro Bolognini)
导演 莫洛 鲍罗尼尼(Mauro Bolognini)
导演 莫洛 鲍罗尼尼(Mauro Bolognini)
参见 01, 02, 03
Mauro Bolognini (28 June 1922 - 14 May 2001) was an Italian film director of literate sensibility, known for masterful handling of period subject matter.

Mauro Bolognini was born in Pistoia, Tuscany.

A former architectural student, Bolognini began his film career as an assistant to director Luigi Zampa in Italy, and directors Yves Allegret and Jean Delannoy in France. He began directing his own feature films in the mid 1950s, and had his first international success with Gli innamorati ("Wild Love").

His other notable films of the 1950s and early 1960s include Giovani mariti ("Young Husbands"), La notte brava, La giornata balorda ("From a Roman Balcony"), and the Marcello Mastroianni-Claudia Cardinale starrer Il Bell'Antonio (arguably his masterpiece), all written by Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Parting professionally with Pasolini in 1961, Bolognini went on to direct two sensual love stories starring Cardinale, La Viaccia and Senilita, before turning his talents to a series of international anthology films, including Le bambole (The Dolls), I tre volti ("Three Faces of a Woman"), Le fate ("The Queens") and Le streghe (The Witches).

Returning to features in the late 1960s with Mademoiselle De Maupin, his later works included the accomplished period dramas Metello and Bubu (both featuring Massimo Ranieri), Fatti di gente per bene (La Grande Bourgeoise) starring Giancarlo Giannini, Catherine Deneuve and Fernando Rey, L'eredita Ferramonti (The Inheritance) with Anthony Quinn and Dominique Sanda, and La Dame aux cam茅lias featuring a young Isabelle Huppert.

In his later years, Bolognini continued directing feature films, as well as opera and the television miniseries The Charterhouse of Parma and The Time Of Indifference. His final feature was the soft-core erotic drama Husbands and Lovers, released in 1992.

He died in Rome in 2001.(见这里)

本站译文: 莫洛 鲍罗尼尼(Mauro Bolognini, 1922.6.28--2001.5.14)生于意大利托斯卡纳大区皮斯托亚Pistoia. 鲍罗尼尼原来是一名建筑专业的学生,后来由于协助意大利导演Luigi Zampa和法国导演Yves Allegret ,Jean Delannoy工作而开始了他的电影生涯.在二十世纪五十年代中期,他开始自己导演电影Gli innamorati ("疯狂的爱")并在国际性比赛中取得了第一个成功.
在五六十年代由他导演的著名电影还有Giovani mariti ("年轻的丈夫们"), La notte brava, La giornata balorda ("罗马剧院"), Marcello Mastroianni-Claudia Cardinale ,Il Bell'Antonio ,这些电影的剧本全部来自Pier Paolo Pasolini.(帕索里尼)
1961年后,鲍罗尼离开帕索里尼,他直接导演了两部色情电影La Viaccia Senilit脿 , 在转向国际性的文学电影导演之前,他还导演了Le bambole (玩偶), I tre volti ("女人的人的三张面孔"), Le fate ("女王")和Le streghe (女巫).
六十年代后期他的电影Mademoiselle De Maupin显示了新的特色,他的后期作品是多才多艺的,包括了我的青春 MetelloBubu (这两部电影都是由Massimo Ranieri主演),由影星 Giancarlo Giannini, Catherine Deneuve 主演的 Fatti di gente per bene (大资本家)和Anthony QuinnDominique Sanda主演的Fernando Rey, L'eredit脿 Ferramonti (遗产/百合花)以及由年轻的Isabelle Huppert主演的电影La Dame aux cam茅lias
在他的晚年,他继续导演带有特色的电影,诸如歌剧和电视连续剧The Charterhouse of ParmaThe Time Of Indifference. 他的最后一部带有情色特点的戏剧是1992年的Husbands and Lovers
鲍罗尼尼导演和制作的电影 (more)
我的青春 Metello
遗产/百合花 L' Eredità Ferramonti
爱你恨你更想你 La Villa del venerdì
要爱的女人 Le Plus vieux métier du monde
Fatti di gente per bene
茶花女 La Storia vera della signora dalle camelie
Per le antiche scale
英俊的安东尼奥 Il Bell'Antonio
我的青春 Metello
遗产/百合花 L' Eredità Ferramonti
爱你恨你更想你 La Villa del venerdì
要爱的女人 Le Plus vieux métier du monde
Fatti di gente per bene
茶花女 La Storia vera della signora dalle camelie
Per le antiche scale
英俊的安东尼奥 Il Bell'Antonio
维阿恰农庄 La Viaccia
Le Bambole
亡灵咒怨 Haunted Forest
O Enfermeiro
当尼克碰上珍妮 Nick and Jane
切·格瓦拉:为了永恒的胜利 Che Guevara: Hasta la Victoria Siempre
亚马逊河历险记2 Tainá 2 - A Aventura Continua
AQUILE (1989) TV 飞行员与模特
维阿恰农庄 La Viaccia
Le Bambole
亡灵咒怨 Haunted Forest
O Enfermeiro
当尼克碰上珍妮 Nick and Jane
切·格瓦拉:为了永恒的胜利 Che Guevara: Hasta la Victoria Siempre
亚马逊河历险记2 Tainá 2 - A Aventura Continua
AQUILE (1989) TV 飞行员与模特(more)
  1. "Famiglia Ricordi, La" (1995) TV mini-series
  2. Villa del venerd? La (1992)
    ... aka Husbands and Lovers
    ... aka In Excess

  3. 12 registi per 12 citt?/a> (1989) (segment "Palermo")
  4. "Indifferenti, Gli" (1988) TV mini-series
    ... aka A Time of Indifference (International: English title)
  5. Mosca addio (1987)
    ... aka Farewell Moscow (International: English title)
  6. Imago urbis (1987)
  7. Venexiana, La (1986)
    ... aka The Venetian Woman
  8. "Certosa di Parma, La" (1981) TV mini-series
    ... aka Chartreuse de Parme, La (France)
    ... aka Kartause von Parma, Die (West Germany)
    ... aka The Charterhouse of Parma (USA)
  9. Storia vera della signora dalle camelie, La (1981)
    ... aka Dame aux cam閘ias, La (France)
    ... aka Kameliendame, Die (West Germany)
    ... aka Lady of the Camelias (International: English title)
    ... aka The True Story of Camille

  10. Dove vai in vacanza? (1978) (segment "Sar?tutta per te")
    ... aka Where Are You Going on Holiday? (USA)
  11. Gran bollito (1977)
    ... aka Black Journal
    ... aka Signora degli orrori, La
  12. Eredit?Ferramonti, L' (1976)
    ... aka The Inheritance (USA)
  13. Per le antiche scale (1975)
    ... aka Down the Ancient Staircase
    ... aka Down the Ancient Stairs
    ... aka En descendant les marches d'antan (France: festival title)
    ... aka Vertiges (France)
  14. Fatti di gente perbene (1974)
    ... aka Drama of the Rich
    ... aka Grande Bourgeoise, La
    ... aka The Murri Affair
  15. Libera, amore mio... (1973)
    ... aka Libera, My Love
  16. Imputazione di omicidio per uno studente (1972)
  17. Bub?/a> (1971)
  18. Metello (1970)

  19. Bellissimo novembre, Un (1969)
    ... aka Ce merveilleux automne (France)
    ... aka That Splendid November
  20. Assoluto naturale, L' (1969)
    ... aka She and He
  21. Capriccio all'italiana (1968) (segments "Perch?" and "Gelosia, La")
    ... aka Caprice Italian Style
  22. Arabella (1967)
    ... aka Ragazza del Charleston (Italy)
  23. Plus vieux m閠ier du monde, Le (1967) (segment "Nuits romaines")
    ... aka 膌teste Gewerbe der Welt, Das (West Germany)
    ... aka Amore attraverso i secoli, L' (Italy)
    ... aka Amour ?travers les 鈍es, L'
    ... aka Love Through the Centuries
    ... aka The Oldest Profession (USA)
    ... aka The Oldest Profession in the World
  24. Streghe, Le (1967) (segment "Senso civico")
    ... aka Sorci鵵es, Les (France)
    ... aka The Witches (USA)
  25. Madamigella di Maupin (1966)
    ... aka Chevalier de Maupin, Le (France: alternative title)
    ... aka Mademoiselle de Maupin (France)
  26. Fate, Le (1966) (segment "Fata Elena")
    ... aka Ogresses, Les (France)
    ... aka Sex Quartet (UK)
    ... aka The Queens (USA)
  27. Tre volti, I (1965) (segment "Gli amanti celebri")
    ... aka The Three Faces
    ... aka Three Faces of a Woman
  28. Bambole, Le (1965) (segment "Monsignor Cupido")
    ... aka Four Kinds of Love (UK)
    ... aka Poup閑s, Les (France)
    ... aka The Doll that Took the Town (USA: DVD box title)
    ... aka The Dolls (USA)
  29. Donna ?una cosa meravigliosa, La (1964) (segments "Una donna dolce, dolce" and "La balena bianca")
    ... aka Woman Is a Wonderful Thing (International: English title)
  30. Mia signora, La (1964) (segments "I miei cari", "Luciana")
    ... aka My Wife (International: English title)
  31. Corruzione, La (1963)
    ... aka Corruption
    ... aka Corruption, La (France: poster title)
  32. Senilita (1962)
    ... aka Careless (USA)
    ... aka Quand la chair succombe (France)
    ... aka Senilit?(UK)
  33. Agostino (1962)
    ... aka Perdita dell'innocenza, La (Italy: subtitle)
  34. Viaccia, La (1961)
    ... aka Mauvais chemin, Le (France)
    ... aka The Lovemakers (USA: reissue title)
  35. Giornata balorda, La (1961)
    ... aka 閍 s'est pass??Rome (France)
    ... aka A Crazy Day
    ... aka From a Roman Balcony (USA)
    ... aka Love Is a Day's Work
    ... aka Pickup in Rome
  36. Bell'Antonio, Il (1960)
    ... aka Bel Antonio, Le (France)
    ... aka Bell' Antonio (USA)

  37. Notte brava, La (1959)
    ... aka Bad Girls Don't Cry
    ... aka Gar鏾ns, Les (France)
    ... aka On Any Street
    ... aka The Big Night (USA)
  38. Arrangiatevi! (1959)
    ... aka You're on Your Own (International: English title)
  39. Giovani mariti (1958)
    ... aka Jeunes maris, Les (France)
    ... aka Young Husbands
  40. Marisa la civetta (1957)
    ... aka Marisa (USA)
    ... aka Marisa, la coqueta (Spain: TV title)
  41. Guardia, guardia scelta, brigadiere e maresciallo (1956)
  42. "Tre moschettieri, I" (1956) TV series (unknown episodes)
    ... aka The Three Musketeers (USA)
  43. Innamorati, Gli (1955)
    ... aka Amoureux, Les (France)
    ... aka Wild Love (USA)
  44. Vena d'oro, La (1955)
  45. Cavalieri della regina, I (1954)
    ... aka Knights of the Queen (International: English title)
  46. Ci troviamo in galleria (1953)

  1. "Indifferenti, Gli" (1988) TV mini-series (writer)
    ... aka A Time of Indifference (International: English title)
  2. Mosca addio (1987) (writer)
    ... aka Farewell Moscow (International: English title)
  3. Storia vera della signora dalle camelie, La (1981) (screenplay)
    ... aka Dame aux cam閘ias, La (France)
    ... aka Kameliendame, Die (West Germany)
    ... aka Lady of the Camelias (International: English title)
    ... aka The True Story of Camille

  4. Fatti di gente perbene (1974) (writer)
    ... aka Drama of the Rich
    ... aka Grande Bourgeoise, La
    ... aka The Murri Affair
  5. Libera, amore mio... (1973) (writer)
    ... aka Libera, My Love
  6. Bub?/a> (1971) (writer)
  7. Metello (1970) (writer)

  8. Assoluto naturale, L' (1969) (writer)
    ... aka She and He
  9. Streghe, Le (1967) (segment "Senso civico")
    ... aka Sorci鵵es, Les (France)
    ... aka The Witches (USA)
  10. Senilit?/a> (1962) (writer)
    ... aka Careless (USA)
    ... aka Quand la chair succombe (France)
    ... aka Senilit?(UK)
  11. Agostino (1962) (screenplay) (uncredited)
    ... aka Perdita dell'innocenza, La (Italy: subtitle)
  12. Bell'Antonio, Il (1960) (screenplay) (uncredited)
    ... aka Bel Antonio, Le (France)
    ... aka Bell' Antonio (USA)

  13. Giovani mariti (1958) (writer)
    ... aka Jeunes maris, Les (France)
    ... aka Young Husbands
  14. Marisa la civetta (1957) (screenplay) (story)
    ... aka Marisa (USA)
    ... aka Marisa, la coqueta (Spain: TV title)
  15. "Tre moschettieri, I" (1956) TV series (unknown episodes)
    ... aka The Three Musketeers (USA)
  16. Innamorati, Gli (1955) (screenplay)
    ... aka Amoureux, Les (France)
    ... aka Wild Love (USA)
  17. Cavalieri della regina, I (1954) (writer)
    ... aka Knights of the Queen (International: English title)
  18. Ci troviamo in galleria (1953) (writer)
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director:
  1. Minute de v閞it? La (1952) (assistant director)
    ... aka Gest鋘dnis einer Nacht (Austria)
    ... aka Ora della verit? L' (Italy)
    ... aka The Moment of Truth (USA)
  2. Nez de cuir (1952) (assistant director)
    ... aka Gentiluomo d'amore (Italy: alternative title)
    ... aka Leathernose (International: English title)
    ... aka Naso di cuoio (Italy)
  3. Processo alla citt?/a> (1952) (assistant director)
    ... aka The City Stands Trial (USA)
  4. ?pi?facile che un cammello... (1951) (assistant director)
    ... aka His Last Twelve Hours (USA)
    ... aka Pour l'amour du ciel (France)
    ... aka Twelve Hours to Live (USA)
  5. Cuori senza frontiere (1950) (assistant director)
    ... aka The White Line (USA)

  6. Campane a martello (1949) (assistant director)
  7. Anni difficili (1948) (assistant director)
    ... aka Difficult Years
    ... aka The Little Man
Miscellaneous Crew:
  1. Tosca (1990) (TV) (stage director)
上图 鲍罗尼尼在导演电影"阿拉贝拉" (图片取自鲍罗尼尼官站)
鲍罗尼尼导演和制作的电影作品目录--资料2 (资料来源)
Mauro Bolognini 电影作品列表:(一共 61 个电影作品)
爱你恨你更想你 Villa del venerdì, La ------- (1992)
12 registi per 12 città ------- (1989)
Mosca addio ------- (1987)
Imago urbis ------- (1987)
Venexiana, La ------- (1986)
Storia vera della signora dalle camelie, La ------- (1980)
Dove vai in vacanza? ------- (1978)
Gran bollito ------- (1977)
遗产 Eredità Ferramonti, L' ------- (1976)
Per le antiche scale (古老的阶梯) ------- (1975)
Fatti di gente perbene (穆里事件) ------- (1974)
Libera, amore mio... ------- (1973)
Imputazione di omicidio per uno studente ------- (1972)
Bubu ------- (1971)
我的青春 Metello ------- (1970)
再见唔爱 Bellissimo novembre, Un ------- (1969)
Assoluto naturale, L' ------- (1969)
Capriccio all'italiana ------- (1968)
疟 Streghe, Le ------- (1967)
Arabella ------- (1967)
提前或2000年的爱情/世界上最古老的职业:期待/公元二千年的爱情/要爱的女人 Plus vieux métier du monde, Le ------- (1967)
四美圆 Fate, Le ------- (1966)
Madamigella di Maupin ------- (1966)
Bambole, Le ------- (1965)
Tre volti, I ------- (1965)
Mia signora, La ------- (1964)
La donna è una cosa meravigliosa ------- (1964)
Corruzione, La ------- (1963)
Agostino ------- (1962)
Senilità ------- (1962)
Giornata balorda, La ------- (1961)
维阿恰农庄 Viaccia, La ------- (1961)
伊尔贝尔的安托尼奥 Bell'Antonio, Il ------- (1960)
Arrangiatevi! ------- (1959)
Notte brava, La ------- (1959)
Giovani mariti ------- (1958)
Marisa la civetta ------- (1957)
Guardia, guardia scelta, brigadiere e maresciallo ------- (1956)
Innamorati, Gli ------- (1955)
La vena d'oro ------- (1955)
Ci troviamo in galleria ------- (1953)


Mosca addio ------- (1987)
Storia vera della signora dalle camelie, La ------- (1980)
Fatti di gente perbene ------- (1974)
Libera, amore mio... ------- (1973)
Bubu ------- (1971)
我的青春 Metello ------- (1970)
Assoluto naturale, L' ------- (1969)
疟 Streghe, Le ------- (1967)
Agostino ------- (1962)
Senilità ------- (1962)
伊尔贝尔的安托尼奥 Bell'Antonio, Il ------- (1960)
Giovani mariti ------- (1958)
Marisa la civetta ------- (1957)
Innamorati, Gli ------- (1955)
Ci troviamo in galleria ------- (1953)


Nez de cuir ------- (1952)
Processo alla città ------- (1952)
È più facile che un cammello... ------- (1951)
Campane a martello ------- (1949)
Tosca ------- (1990)



Cannes Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1976 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Eredit?Ferramonti, L' (1976)

1970 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Metello (1970)

1961 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Viaccia, La (1961)

1958 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Giovani mariti (1958)

1956 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Innamorati, Gli (1955)

David di Donatello Awards
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1999 - Career David
Giffoni Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1990 Won Fran鏾is Truffaut Award
Locarno International Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1975 Won Special Prize of the Jury
for: Per le antiche scale (1975)

1960 Won Golden Sail
for: Bell'Antonio, Il (1960)

Montr閍l World Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1987 Won Prize of the Ecumenical Jury
for: Mosca addio (1987)

San Sebasti醤 International Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1966 Won Prize San Sebasti醤 Best Director
for: Madamigella di Maupin (1966)

1962 Won Prize San Sebasti醤 Best Director
for: Senilit?/a> (1962)

时光网编制的莫洛 鲍罗尼尼作品表 (这里)
1992-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
爱你恨你更想你 La Villa del Venerdi (导演)
Villa del venerdì, La
Husbands and Lovers

1989-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
12 registi per 12 città (导演)

1987-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
再见莫斯科 Mosca addio (导演/编剧)
Farewell Moscow

1986-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
毛皮里的维纳斯 Venexiana, La (导演)
The Venetian Woman
Fieber im Blut - La Veneziana

1981-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
茶花女 La storia vera della signora dalle camelie (编剧/导演)
The True Story of Camille
Dama delle camelie, La

1978-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
Dove vai in vacanza? (导演)
Où es-tu allé en vacances?
Onde Passaremos as Férias?

1976-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
遗产 L'eredita Ferramonti (导演)
百合花 / 可靠的遗产
The Inheritance
L'eredità Ferramonti

1975-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
陈旧的楼梯 Per le antiche scale (导演)
Down the Ancient Staircase
Down the Ancient Stairs

1974-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
Fatti di gente per bene (编剧/导演)
Drama of the Rich
Grande Bourgeoise, La

1971-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
蒙帕纳斯的布布 Bubù (编剧/导演)
Bubu de Montparnasse

1970-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
麦泰洛 Metello (导演/编剧)
我的青春 / 梅蒂罗 / 梅泰洛

1969-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
Assoluto naturale, L' (编剧/导演)
Apolytos fysika
She and He

再见唔爱 Un bellissimo novembre (导演)
Aquele Novembro Maravilhoso
Bellísimo noviembre

1968-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
意大利狂想曲 Capriccio all'italiana (导演)
Caprice à l'italienne
Caprice Italian Style


1967-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
要爱的女人 Plus vieux métier du monde, Le (导演)
提前或2000年的爱情 / 世界上最古老的职业:期待 / 公元二千年的爱情
Amour à travers les ages, L'
Love Through the Centuries

女巫 Streghe, Le (导演/编剧)
Sorcières, Les
The Witches

阿拉贝拉 Arabella (导演)
Arabella, i oraia tyhodioktis
Ragazza del Charleston

1966-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
Madamigella di Maupin (导演)
Chevalier de Maupin, Le
Mademoiselle de Maupin

命运 Le Fate (导演)
As Rainhas
De f?rf?riska

1965-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
Bambole, Le (导演)
Four Kinds of Love
Poupées, Les

1964-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
Donna è una cosa meravigliosa, La (导演)
Woman Is a Wonderful Thing

我的妻子 Mia signora, La (导演)
My Wife

1962-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
衰老 Senilità (编剧/导演)
El verano del deseo

奥古斯丁 Agostino (导演/编剧)
Agouroi pothoi

1961-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
疯狂的一日 La giornata balorda (导演)
?a s'est passé à Rome
A Crazy Day

维阿恰农庄 La Viaccia (导演)
Viaccia, La
Mauvais chemin, Le

1960-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
英俊的安东尼奥 Bell's Antonio (导演/编剧)
Bell'Antonio, Il
Bel Antonio, Le

1959-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
孑然一身 Arrangiatevi! (导演)
Ja us arreglareu
You're on Your Own

伟大的夜 La Notte Brava (导演)
Bad Girls Don't Cry
On Any Street

1948-莫洛·鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini
安妮·蒂菲西里 Anni difficili (副导演/助理导演)
Anos dificiles
Credere, obbedire, combattere

鲍罗尼尼和Ben Gazara在电影AFYAN
鲍罗尼尼和路易吉马尼 (Luigi Magni)在电影"加里波第将军"(Garibaldi il Generale)
鲍罗尼尼和路易吉马尼 (Luigi Magni)在电影"加里波第将军"(Garibaldi il Generale)
鲍罗尼尼和马斯楚安尼(Marcello Mastroianni) 在电影 La pelle

