
布罗克斯顿评说莫里康内 MB-012-115


FA1503 EN MAI FAIS CE QU’IL TE PLAÎT (五月的花朵 / 拉金斯的生活)
作者 乔纳森·布罗克斯顿 (Jonathan Broxton)
ENNIO MORRICONE 评论,第12部分 012-115



乔纳森·布罗克斯顿(Jonathan Broxton)的原始评论

如果互联网电影数据库上的信息是正确的,那么《En Mai Fais Ce Qu'il te Plaît》是埃尼奥·莫里康内职业生涯的第521首乐谱,可以追溯到1961年他的第一首乐曲《Il Federale》。在随后的 54 年里,这位意大利人创作了一些电影史上最具标志性的音乐;En Mai Fais Ce Qu'il te Plaît 可能不会被人们记住为他的杰出作品之一,但考虑到他现在已经 86 岁了,他正在创作电影音乐是一个小小的奇迹。它仍然这么好,这简直令人惊讶。这部电影的片名在英语中翻译为“五月的亲爱的花蕾”——是一部由克里斯蒂安·卡里翁编剧和导演的法国剧情片,他曾执导过广受好评的电影《既成事实》和《乔伊·诺埃尔》。故事发生在二战初期,讲述了一群来自法国北部加来海峡小村庄的人,他们逃离了前进的德国军队,基本上变得无家可归,穿越法国乡村试图避开纳粹,同时试图在新的条件下保留一些正常生活的表象, 一个可怕的情况。

配乐是典型的埃尼奥·莫里康内。由这位伟人亲自指挥和改编,它包含一对完全宏伟的中心主题,甜蜜浪漫但又深深的忧郁,这些主题被一些更具戏剧性的悬疑音乐所抵消,伴随着战争的威胁,使家庭流离失所。经过几分钟的弦乐和管风琴的极简主义积累后,开场提示“En Mai”逐渐从重复的四音基调中浮现出来,成为一个简单令人惊叹的主旋律,让人联想到夏日、连绵起伏的乡村和宁静的环境。

莫里康内在随后的几个线索中接受了这种写作风格。“Ils Resteront Trois”为主角保罗和他的妻子和儿子引入了次要主题。这是只有莫里康内才能写出的那些令人心碎的华丽旋律之一,并且带有一丝天堂电影院的味道,尤其是在弦乐和声方面,但从开场提示中回归的微妙管风琴编排也赋予了它一种略带宗教色彩的品质,既合适又吸引人。后来,“Tout Laisser”融入了一些传统高卢民间音乐的元素,被简化为只有手风琴、口琴和小提琴独奏,并有一种苦乐参半的失落感和遗憾感,然后又回到了家庭主题,再次用忧郁的弦乐来洗刷。随后的“呼吸”充满了如释重负的感觉,家庭团聚的感觉,以及与你所爱的人在一起的简单快乐。

与此同时,“L'Étau se Resserre”和“Traverser la Guerre”充满了紧张和忧虑,颤音弦乐和弹拨低音逐渐让位于小提琴和喜怒无常、听起来略带神秘的双簧管的更尖锐的乐句。同样,“Ils Arrivent”有一种武术的节奏和一种安静、赤裸裸的绝望感,高亢、脉动的弦乐和断断续续的柔和铜管写作,短暂地让人想起他 1970 年为 Indagine su un Cittadino al di Sopra di Ogni Sospetto 配乐的类似军国主义音调。这些线索显然是为了在音乐上描绘德国人迫在眉睫的威胁,冲过边界并在他们身后留下破坏; 尽管这些线索在对战争的描绘中都不是真正具有破坏性的,但它们反而给人一种无奈和悲伤的感觉,加来海峡的公民失去了家园、生计和内心的平静。

《Tous Ensemble》优雅的长笛写作有一种意想不到的俏皮感,再次传达出一种轻盈和夏日的气息,与电影其余部分的基调完全不符。最后两首乐曲“Et Même les Animaux Sont Avec Eux”和“A la Recherche de la Paix”令人感动,使Roma Sinfionetta的表演在两个主要主题的陈述中脱颖而出。音乐的情感品质在第一个提示中真正闪耀,让人想起《战争伤亡》和《命运的时刻》等作品,描写战争给每个人带来的损失,同时颂扬人类在最绝望的条件下可以以某种方式保持的坚忍和乐观。然而,莫里康内把最好的留到了最后; 最后提示前半部分的激动人心的小号独奏表演特别可爱,具有怀念和怀旧的气质,以及完全合适的纪念气氛。当独唱女歌手在提示的后半部分第一次也是唯一一次进入时,与主旋律的管弦乐表演形成了令人难以忘怀的对比,效果是耸人听闻的。Edda dell'Orso会感到自豪。

没有人能像埃尼奥·莫里康内那样写电影音乐,也没有人会。他成功地创作了各种可以想象的流派的音乐,并且是所有这些流派的开创性开拓者。然而,尽管他的西部片和惊悚片配乐多么有创意,尽管他几十年来带来了多少创新,但他的戏剧和浪漫写作在我心中总是占有特殊的位置。尽管他显然具有标志性的声音,拥有熟悉的和弦进行和跨越数十年的乐器组合,但他写出完全引人入胜、荒谬美丽的主题的能力简直无与伦比,而 En Mai Fais Ce Qu'il te Plaît 是我们可以添加到该经典中的另一首。当然,正如我之前所说,它永远不会与《天堂电影院》、《美国往事》、《红帐篷》或我个人最喜欢的《卡利夫女人》等作品同时被提及,但考虑到他年事已高,埃尼奥·莫里康内现在写的任何东西都应该被珍惜。En Mai Fais Ce Qu'il te Plaît 是大师作品爱好者的必备之选。

Movie Music UK Store购买En Mai Fais Ce Qu'il te Plaît原声带


  • En Mai (8:56)
  • L'Étau se Resserre (3:58)
  • Ils Resteront Trois (5:05)
  • Traverser la Guerre (1:55)
  • 吹捧 Laisser (2:51)
  • Ils Arrivent (3:39)
  • 呼吸 (4:07)
  • Tous Ensemble (2:38)
  • Et Même les animaux sont avec eux (4:37)
  • 和平研究 (6:29)


四重奏唱片 (2015)

音乐由埃尼奥·莫里康内(Ennio Morricone)作曲和指挥。由Roma Sinfionetta演出。 埃尼奥·莫里康内(Ennio Morricone)的编排。由 Marco Streccioni 录制和混音。专辑由Ennio MorriconePascal Meyer制作。






November 10, 2015

Original Review by Jonathan Broxton

If the information on the Internet Movie Database is correct, En Mai Fais Ce Qu’il te Plaît is the 521st score of Ennio Morricone’s career, which stretches back to his first score, Il Federale, in 1961. In the intervening 54 years the Italian has written some of the most iconic music in the history of cinema; En Mai Fais Ce Qu’il te Plaît will likely not be remembered as one of his standout works but, considering the fact that he is now aged 86, that he is writing film music at all is a minor miracle. That it’s still this good is nothing short of astonishing. The film – the title of which translates to Darling Buds of May in English – is a French drama written and directed by Christian Carion, who previously directed the well regarded films Une Hirondelle a Fait le Printemps and Joyeux Noël. Set during the early days of World War II, the story follows a group of people from a small village in Pas-de-Calais in northern France, who flee from the advancing German troops, and essentially become homeless, traversing the French countryside trying to avoid the Nazis, while trying to retain some semblance of a normal life under new, terrible circumstances.

The score is quintessential Ennio Morricone. Conducted and orchestrated by the great man himself, it contains a pair of utterly magnificent central themes, sweet and romantic but also deeply melancholic, which are offset by some more dramatic suspense music accompanying the threat of war that displaces the families from their village. After a several minutes of minimalist buildup for strings and organ, the opening cue, “En Mai,” gradually emerges from its repetitive four-note base into a simply stunning main theme, redolent of summer time, rolling countryside, and a tranquil environment.

Morricone embraces this style of writing in several subsequent cues. “Ils Resteront Trois” introduces the secondary theme, for the lead character, Paul, and his wife and son. It’s one of those heart-meltingly gorgeous melodies that only Morricone can write, and has a hint of Cinema Paradiso to it, especially in the string harmonies, but the return of the subtle organ orchestration from the opening cue gives it a slightly religioso quality too, that is both appropriate and appealing. Later, “Tout Laisser” embraces some hints of traditional Gallic folk music, stripped down to just an accordion, harmonica, and solo violin, and has a bittersweet sense of loss and regret, before returning to restate the Family theme, again with a wash of melancholy strings. The subsequent “Respirations” is filled with a sense of relief, of families being reunited, and the simple pleasure of being with the ones you love.

Meanwhile, “L’Étau se Resserre” and “Traverser la Guerre” are filled with tension and apprehension, with tremolo string writing and plucked bass notes that gradually give way to more strident phrases for violins and moody, slightly mysterious-sounding oboes. Similarly, “Ils Arrivent” has a martial cadence and a sense of quiet, stark desperation, with high, pulsating strings and staccato muted brass writing that briefly recalls the similar-sounding militaristic tones of his score for Indagine su un Cittadino al di Sopra di Ogni Sospetto from 1970. These cues are clearly intended to musically depict the looming threat of the Germans, storming over the border and leaving destruction in their wake; although none of these cues are truly devastating in their depiction of war, they impart instead a sense of resignation and sadness, with the citizens of Pas-de-Calais having lost their homes, their livelihoods, and their peace of mind.

The elegant flute writing of “Tous Ensemble” has an unexpected playfulness to it, again conveying a light and summery air, completely at odds with the tone of the rest of the film. The final two cues, “Et Même les Animaux Sont Avec Eux” and “A la Recherche de la Paix”, are deeply moving, allowing the performance of the Roma Sinfionetta to rise to the fore with statements of both main themes. The emotional quality of the music really shines through in the first cue, recalling works like Casualties of War and A Time of Destiny, eulogizing the losses that war brings to everyone, while celebrating the stoicism and optimism that humanity can, somehow, maintain in the most desperate conditions. However, Morricone saves the best for last; the stirring solo trumpet performance that anchors the first half of the final cue is especially lovely, having a wistful and nostalgic quality, and an air of remembrance that is wholly appropriate. When the solo female vocalist enters for the first and only time during the second half of the cue, providing haunting counterpoint to the orchestral performance of the main theme, the effect is sensational. Edda dell’Orso would be proud.

No-one writes film music like Ennio Morricone, and no-one else ever will. He has successfully written music in every conceivable genre, and has been a groundbreaking trailblazer in all of them. However, despite how creative his western and thriller scores are, and despite how much innovation he has brought to the table throughout the decades, it is his drama and romance writing that holds a special place in my heart. Although he clearly has a signature sound, with familiar chord progressions and instrumental combinations that span the decades, his capacity for writing utterly spellbinding, ridiculously beautiful themes is simply unparalleled, and En Mai Fais Ce Qu’il te Plaît is another one that we can add to that canon. Of course, as I said earlier, it will never be mentioned in the same breath as the likes of Cinema Paradiso, Once Upon a Time in America, The Red Tent, or my own personal favorite, La Califfa, but considering his advancing years, anything Ennio Morricone writes these days should be cherished. En Mai Fais Ce Qu’il te Plaît is an essential purchase for fans of the maestro’s work.

Buy the En Mai Fais Ce Qu’il te Plaît soundtrack from the Movie Music UK Store

Track Listing:

  • En Mai (8:56)
  • L’Étau se Resserre (3:58)
  • Ils Resteront Trois (5:05)
  • Traverser la Guerre (1:55)
  • Tout Laisser (2:51)
  • Ils Arrivent (3:39)
  • Respirations (4:07)
  • Tous Ensemble (2:38)
  • Et Même les Animaux Sont Avec Eux (4:37)
  • A la Recherche de la Paix (6:29)

Running Time: 44 minutes 16 seconds

Quartet Records (2015)

Music composed and conducted by Ennio Morricone. Performed by the Roma Sinfionetta. Orchestrations by Ennio Morricone. Recorded and mixed by Marco Streccioni. Album produced by Ennio Morricone and Pascal Meyer.

Nov. 10, 2015


En mai / 五月 (08:56)


L’étau se resserre / 绞索拧紧 (03:58)


Ils resteront trois / 剩下的还有三个 (05:05)


Traverser la guerre / 穿越战争(01:55)


Tout laisser / 全部离开 (02:51)


Ils arrivent / 他们来了 (03:39)


Respirations / 呼吸 (04:07)


Tous ensemble / 一起 (02:38)


Et même les animaux sont avec eux / 甚至动物也和他们在一起 (04:37)


A la recherche de la paix / 寻求和平 (06:29)

Jon 是一位电影音乐评论家和记者,自 1997 年以来一直担任全球最受欢迎的英语电影音乐网站之一 Movie Music UK 的编辑和首席评论员,并且是国际电影音乐评论家协会 (IFMCA) 的主席。在过去的 20多 年中,Jon 撰写了 3,000 多篇评论和文章,并进行了多次作曲家采访。在杂志刊物方面,乔恩曾为《电影配乐月刊》、《原声带杂志》和《电影音乐》等出版物撰写评论和文章,并为普罗米修斯唱片公司的两张经典 Basil Poledouris 配乐专辑《Amanda》和《Flyers / Fire on the Mountain》撰写了衬垫注释。他还为汤姆·胡佛 (Tom Hoover) 于 2011 年出版的《Soundtrack Nation: Interviews with Today's Top Professionals in Film, Videogame, and Television Scorering》一书撰写了一章。在1990年代后期,乔恩是伦敦皇家爱乐乐团的电影音乐顾问,并与他们合作拍摄了约翰·德布尼(John Debney)的音乐电影《相对价值》(Relative Values)和奥利弗·海斯(Oliver Heise)的音乐《佛陀的指环》(The Ring of the Buddha),以及与兰迪·纽曼(Randy Newman)合作的一系列音乐会。2012年,乔恩在波兰克拉科夫举行的第五届年度电影音乐节上担任“电影节学院”主席。他是作曲家和作词家协会的成员,该协会是作曲家、作词家和词曲作者从事电影、电视和多媒体工作的首要非营利组织。
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