电影及导演 Name and Director (IT/EN/CN) |
NA-6501 Agent 505: Todesfalle Beirut / Agent 505: Death Trap Beirut (Manfred R. Kohler) / 特工505大战贝鲁特 |
A couple of beautiful girls are murdered while sunbathing at a luxury hotel. The killer too is murdered, but able to reveal – before dying - that they were disposed of because the “knew too much”. Something bad is being planned in Beirut, and it has something to do with a man called The Sheikh, who has only four fingers. It seems this isn’t a lone incident. The Sheikh is also thought to be behind the assassination of several prominent scientists. (Here)
Interpol Agent 505 Richard Blake battles a mysterious criminal known as "the Sheik" who plans to eliminate the population of Beirut by dropping radioactive mercury on the city. (Here)
(Italian) L'agente 505 arriva a Beirut dove i servizi segreti sono stati allertati sulla preparazione di un grave attentato contro l'ordine internazionale. L'indagine lo conduce avventurosamente nel laboratorio di uno scienziato impegnato nell'ambizioso progetto di restituire, mediante l'impiego di una soluzione chimica al mercurio montata sulla testata di un missile, fertilità alle zone desertiche della Terra e risolvere, finalmente, il dramma della fame e della povertà nel terzo mondo. La formula, però, è caduta nelle mani di un'organizzazione criminale che può trasformarla in una spaventosa arma di distruzione di massa.Scontato intreccio fantaspionistico costruito sul cliché dell'impavido agente segreto, irresistibile seduttore, abile con le pistole, astuto e spietato contro i nemici. La rivelazione che il misterioso super-criminale è il personaggio più insospettabile dell'intera vicenda dovrebbe ritmare il racconto sulle cadenze del colpo di scena, ma le sole note interessanti sono quelle della colonna sonora composta da Ennio Morricone.Conosciuto anche con i titoli:Baroud à Beyrouth pour F.B.I. 505, Agent 505 - Todesfalle Beirut, Agente 505 - Desde Beirut con amor, Agent 505 - Death Trap Beirut, From Beirut with Love (Here) |
本站简译: 特工505来到贝鲁特休假.那里的线人报告有人正在准备对国际秩序发起重大攻击.一个科学实验室正在研究一种含汞的化学溶液,可以变成一个可怕的大规模杀伤性武器并落入犯罪组织手中.... |
NA-6502 Agente 077: Missione Bloody Mary / Ian Fleming's Goldfinger (Sergio Grieco as Terence Hathaway) / 特工077-血战玛丽行动 |
IMDB显示 Directed by Sergio Grieco (as Terence Hathaway)
Original Music by Angelo Francesco Lavagnino soundtrack显示 Composer(s): Angelo Francesco Lavagnino Ennio Morricone (main theme) 在影片片头(0'54")也有类似显示 |
Mentre sta finendo il progetto di una potentissima arma segreta, uno scienziato sparisce e ricompare... cadavere. 077 indaga. I film di spionaggio italiani non superano mai un certo livello, ma non si può negare che questo di Grieco (alias Terence Hathaway) ha una sua dignità: abbastanza spettacolare e movimentato, ligio agli elementi convenzionali del filone.(Here) |
本站简译: 一个科学家在完成一个功能强大的秘密武器设计后神秘的消失,后来又发现了他的尸体.特工077开始进行调查... |
NA-6503 Altissima pressione / Highest Pressure (Enzo Trapani) / 高压 |
Robert, an aspiring singer-songwriter, manages, together with a group of friends, to persuade one of their fathers to open up a night-club. Everyone helps to do it up and they call it the "Caciotta club". Meanwhile, Robert meets a girl called Serenella at a show. Serenella's father is a very influential man with a lot of interesting contacts for Robert and so, even though he is engaged to Lia, Robert decides to cultivate his new friendship in the interests of his career. Sure enough, thanks to Serenella, the young singer gets his first audition and manages to make his first record. However, carried away by his success, Robert forgets Lia, who heart-broken disappears from the scene determined that her life is not longer worth living. Luckily though, her younger sister raises the alarm and the group from the "Caciotta Club" rush off to find her. She is found thanks to Robert's new song which is playing on the radio all over the city. .(Here) |
本站简译: 罗伯特是一个有抱负的歌手,还有一群朋友,一起说服他父亲开一个夜总会。罗伯特在演出时认识了一个叫莎仑拉的女孩,她的父亲是一个很有影响力的人,而且对罗伯特很感兴趣.尽管罗伯特已和莉亚订了婚,但为了他的事业他还是决定去结交新朋友.确实,得益于莎仑拉的帮助,年轻的歌手通过试镜并且录制了他的第一张唱片.他取得了成功,但他却忽略了已经心碎的莉亚.她认为自己的生命已经失去了价值.幸好她的妹妹警觉并从夜总会奔出去找她.这时她从收音机里听到,罗伯特的新歌正在整个城市回响... |
NA-6504 Gli amanti d'oltre tomba / Lovers from Beyond the Tomb (Mario Caiano) / 恶梦城堡 |
A sadistic count tortures and murders his unfaithful wife and her lover, then removes their hearts from their bodies. Years later, the count remarries and the new wife experiences nightmares and hauntings. The ghosts of the slain return to exact their bloody revenge, until their hearts are destroyed.(Here) |
本站简译: 一个残酷成性的伯爵折磨和谋杀了他的不忠妻子和她的情人,然后挖出他们的心脏.多年以后伯爵再婚,但他的噩梦连绵不断.被杀害者的幽灵返回他的身边并要进行血腥的复仇,直到他的心脏被摧毁.
NA-6505 I pugni in tasca / Fist in His Pocket (Marco Bellocchio) / 怒不可遏 |
Alessandro, a young epileptic with paranoid inclinations, decides to relieve Augusto, the only sound brother, from the burden of a numerous family plagued with hereditary diseases. After a first aborted attempt, the dreadful series of accidents/murders is started by pushing the blind mother into a ravine. Then comes the turn of Leone, the idiotic brother. Will Alessandro be able to bring to completion his obsessive project ? (Here) |
."怒不可遏"讲述了一个庄园主和中产阶级的畸形家庭分崩离析的过程,表现了一个带有极端个人主义倾向的青年反抗家庭中令人窒息的成员关系,反抗传统社会秩序的政治寓言故事.成为一批被称之为意大利“叛逆电影”的代表作品.影片中的家庭就象一场离奇的恶梦:母亲双目失明,主人公桑德罗是癫痫病人,他的兄弟智力发育不全,妹妹歇斯底里并有乱伦的癖性,另一个“正常”的哥哥却要养活所有的人.尽管如此,他们还要死守着传统的礼仪和秩序.对桑德罗来说,对现存的令人窒息的人际关系除了愤怒的破坏之外别无出路.他开始企图制造车祸谋杀全家.后来把母亲推入深渊,让兄弟在洗澡盆里淹死.在母亲的棺木旁,他跳起了令人毛骨悚然的舞蹈,以表达他的反叛性格和发泄内心的愤怒.而对桑德罗自己这也是一种自我毁灭.在最后一场戏里,他的癫痫病发作,致使他在听着"茶花女"音乐中极度兴奋地死去.本片是青年导演贝洛奇奥的成名作.铺天盖地的赞誉和争论使这部影片在意大利和欧洲几乎家喻户晓.从而奠定了他和另一位导演贝托鲁奇被共同誉为意大利新电影的领航人的基础.此片曾获得1965年度意大利“最佳创作剧本奖”与“最佳导演奖”. |
NA-6506 Idoli controluce (Enzo Battaglia) / 发光的偶像 |
Having been assigned by his publisher to write a biography of Omar Sivori, the great footballer, Ugo Sanfelice heads for Torino. Given he is not very knowledgeable about soccer, Ugo tries -several times but in vain - to obtain an appointment from Sivori. Forced to fall back upon persons being or having been in contact with the elusive star, he gets to know young forward-center Moretti and soon becomes friendly with him. The young man confides in him and tells him the whole truth about his own "career" : the training in a small provincial team, the promising debut alongside Sivori, the desertion of his fiancée, the premature decline due to a dissolute life. When Sanfelice finally meets Sivori, he finds that the star is no match - humanely at least - for Moretti and he gives up writing the book at all (Here) |
本站简译: 应出版商的要求,雨果要为伟大的足球运动员奥马尔 西沃里写一本传记.他来到了都灵.由于他对英式足球不熟悉,他几次约会西沃里都未能如愿.后来他认识了一位年轻的前锋莫雷蒂并很快结为好友.年轻人告诉他许多真相:关于在省队里的训练,西沃里的成名,她的未婚妻的遗弃,由于生活放荡而引起的早衰.当雨果最终会见西沃里时,他发现西沃里不配作一个明星,并放弃了写书的打算. |
NA-6507 Il ritorno di Ringo / The Return of Ringo (Duccio Tessari) / 林哥归来 |
Once again billed as Montgomery Wood, Giuliano Gemma plays a civil war soldier who returns to his family land to find his family decimated, his property taken over by a family of Mexican bandits and his fiancee about to marry the Mexican gangster behind all this. Bent on revenge, he goes undercover disguised as a Mexican and discovers he has a daughter! (Here) |
本站简译: 一个士兵内战以后返回家乡,却发现他的很多家人被杀害.他的土地被墨西哥的匪徒霸占.而他的未婚妻将要和墨西哥匪徒结婚.为了复仇,他伪装成一个墨西哥人,而且发现了他有一个女儿! |
NA-6508 La battaglia di Algeri / Battle of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo) / 阿尔及尔之战 |
A film commissioned by the Algerian government that shows the Algerian revolution from both sides. The French foreign legion has left Vietnam in defeat and has something to prove. The Algerians are seeking independence. The two clash. The torture used by the French is contrasted with the Algerian's use of bombs in soda shops. A look at war as a nasty thing that harms and sullies everyone who participates in it. (Here) |
本片是欧洲电影批判殖民主义的先驱典范之作.这部半纪录片获得了1966年威尼斯电影节金狮奖,国际影评人大奖,威尼斯城市大奖及提名3项奥斯卡.影片以阿尔及利亚争取独立为背景,讲述了在阿尔及尔这座城市里,地下运动组织——民族解放阵线同法国人的战斗.1954年10月1日,以法属阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔的卡斯巴区为中心,爆发了阿尔及利亚人的反抗运动。法国政府派马丘将军率领四十万大军进驻,但是暴乱仍层出不穷,阿里.拉波安原只是一个以扒窃为生的小偷,由于他的果敢和身体力行,而同时与宾米提成为阿尔及利亚独立运动的领导者.由于叛徒的出卖,阿里的藏身之处被发现,但他拒不投降,法国人下令炸掉那个地方,阿里死了,但阿尔及利亚人民的斗争情绪势不可挡,最终升级为山洪般暴发的独立战争并于1962年获得独立. |
NA-6509 Menage all'italiana (Franco Indovina) / 意大利家庭 |
Alfredo (Ugo_Tognazzi) is a traveling salesman who enjoys his job because he can continue his many amorous adventures. Soon he is overcome with the consequences of his actions and feels the pressure of too many paramours. Alfredo chooses a way out by assuming the identity of a man who has recently drowned. He watches in anonymity as his wife and his many lovers gather together for his funeral in this engaging comedy of manners. (Here) |
本站简译: 阿尔弗雷多是一个流动的推销员,他喜欢这份工作,因为这可以使他有机会不断地谈情说爱.没有多久,他就感受到了情妇太多的压力.为了寻找出路,阿尔弗雷多假扮成一个最近溺水身亡男人的身份.他则躲在一旁看到了有他的妻子和他的许多情人一起参加的一场动人的喜剧葬礼 |
NA-6510 Non son degno di te (Ettore Fizzarotti) / 我不值得你 |
(Italian) Carla è la fidanzata di Gianni. Una sera s'incontra con Giorgio e ci scappa un bacio. Gianni che l'ha vista vuole lasciarla. Canzoni e sentimentalismo a tutto vapore: un vero tripudio dell'Italia in rosa. C'è persino l'Ave Maria di Schubert. Poco tempo è trascorso dal suo fidanzamento con Carla, figlia del maresciallo Todisco, quando la recluta Gianni Traimonti di stanza a Napoli viene invitato a Roma da una casa discografica per incidere una canzone. Carla accompagna Gianni, dopo aver promesso al padre di tornare a casa prima di sera. Al suo rientro a Napoli la ragazza incontra un amico di Gianni, Giorgio, figlio di un ricchissimo armatore napoletano, il quale non fa mistero dei suoi sentimenti per la ragazza, colmandola di costosi regali. Confusa e smarrita, Carla non sa negare un ulteriore appuntamento a Giorgio il quale, con la forza, riesce a carpirle un bacio. All'incontro è presente, ben nascosto, Gianni. Egli non esita a rompere il fidanzamento; ma dal contenuto di alcune lettere di Carla, sottratte a suo tempo da Giorgio, il giovane non tarda a convincersi della completa innocenza della ragazza e fra i due ritornano la pace e l'amore..(Here) |
本站简译: 卡拉是约翰的未婚妻,在几次社交活动中,由于卡拉认识了一些新朋友,约翰对卡拉产生了严重的误会而要和卡拉断绝婚约。但是一个偶然的机会他看到了卡拉被盗的信件,完全证实了卡拉的清白。两人消除误会重归于好 |
NA-6511 Per qualche dollaro in più / For a few dollars more (Sergio Leone) / 黄昏双镖客 |
Two bounty hunters are after the same man, Indio. At first, they go their own ways, but eventually get together to try and find him. But are they after him for the same reason ? (Here) |
这部电影是莱昂内与莫里康内和伊斯特伍德合作的“镖客"三部曲的第二部,也是李范 克里夫一鸣惊人的代表作.枪法如神的蒙哥和莫杜格上校专门为了赏金而追捕通缉犯.他们均打算使出看家本领缉拿逃犯印艾尔,以独享丰厚的赏金.当得悉印艾尔与一班悍徒将打劫本镇保安最严密,存款最多的银行时,他们不约而同前往一个目的地.二人不但要对付这班冷血的强盗,更要设法阻止对方破坏自己独得赏金的计划.蒙哥决定先下手为强,与莫杜格比试枪法;另一方面,悍匪亦蠢蠢欲动.究竟他们会互相决斗,还是联手缉匪?一场无情的猎杀,随即展开. |
NA-6512 Se non avessi più te (Ettore Fizzarotti) / 如果我没有你 |
A young singer secretly gets married since he does not want to let his fans down. After a while the gutter press make up a love story which seriously worries his young bride.(Here) |
本站简译: 一位年轻的歌手秘密结婚,因为他不想让他的歌迷失望.但没过多久,一则黄色小报报道的爱情故事却使得年轻的新娘忧虑不堪. |
NA-6513 Sette pistole per i MacGregor / Seven Guns for the MacGregors (Franco Giraldi) / 七枪客 |
The MacGregors are a hard-working, hard-playing, whisky-drinking Scottish clan--with seven sons--that own a horse ranch near the border of Texas and Mexico. When it comes time to sell some of their stock, the eldest son, Gregor, leads his brothers and a herd of horses to the town of Las Mesas, where they expect to get a good price for their livestock. But, what they find in Las Mesas is a crooked horse-trader who is in league with a corrupt sheriff both of whom have strong ties to the vicious bandit chief Santillana. The horse-dealer offers the MacGregors a paltry sum for their animals and tries to force them to take his deal. This triggers a brawl for which the MacGregors end up in jail. The boys manage a successful jailbreak only to discover that their horses have been stolen by the crooked dealer and Santillana. Gregor decides something must be done to break the power of this oppressive, corrupt, outlaw regime as well as get their horses back. Thus, he sets about worming his way into Santillana's gang. Gregor manages to secure a position with the bandit bunch thereby giving him the opportunity to pass information about Santillana's planned robberies to his brothers. The brothers, in turn, take action to thwart all of Santillana's plans. Eventually, the bandit chief becomes wise to the deception and turns the tables on the MacGregors.(Here) |
本站简译: 麦克是得克萨斯州一个勤劳勇敢的硬汉,他有一个养马的牧场和七个儿子.但他们受到勾结土匪,警长的不法马商的欺诈,因发生斗殴而入狱.当他出狱时却发现马匹已被马商盗取.他决心要抗衡这种腐败和压迫,把属于他的财富夺回来.... |
NA-6514 Slalom / Snow Job (Luciano Salce) / 花言巧语 |
Lucio (Vittorio_Gassman) and his sidekick (Adolfo_Celi) accidently gets mixed up with a gang of international counterfeiters in this fast-moving and suspenseful comedy with music from Ennio_Morricone. The crooks hope to upset the U.S. economy by flooding the world with bogus bills. Lucio is an overworked businessman who only wants a little rest and relaxation. Instead, he is skiing in Northern Italy on one day and the next day enduring the searing heat in the Egyptian desert.(Here) |
本站简译: 在莫里康内快速和令人紧张疑虑的旋律中,卢西奥和他的搭档无意中和一伙国际伪币制造者混到了一起.这些骗子希望通过泛滥世界的假币来扰乱美国的经济.卢西奥是一个过度劳累的商人,他只想得到一点点休息和放松.第一天他在意大利北部滑雪,第二天他又到了埃及炎热的沙漠. |
NA-6515 Thrilling (Carlo Lizzani, Gian Luigi Polidori, Ettore Scola) / 惊险 |
Three segments: in the first one (Il vittimista) a teacher is obsessed with the idea his wife betrays him. When he goes to a shrink he lets him understand that his fear has to do with him having cheated on her for some time. When he dumps the mistress and confesses to his wife she forgives him while the mistress seems to take it rather seriously. In the second segment (Sadik) a wife has her husband dress himself with a comic character costume. In the last segment (L'autostrada del sole) a man has to spend the night in a mysterious hotel because of his car breaking down.(Here) |
本站简译: 影片由三个部分组成: 第一部分:一个教师总是妄想着他的妻子背叛了他.他去看心理医生.他让他明白,他的恐惧是因为他有一段时间欺骗了她;第二部分:一个妻子穿着她丈夫自己的漫画人物的服装;第三部分:一个男人不得不在一个神秘的旅馆里待了一夜,由于他的汽车出了毛病 |
NA-6516 Uccellacci e uccellini / The Hawks and the Sparrows (Pier Paolo Pasolini) / 大鸟和小鸟 |
On an empty road, an old man is walking with his son. They meet a crow that can speak. They are changed into monks and Saint Francois sent them to preach for hawks and sparrows. A reflexion about idealism (Here)
Toto and his son Ninetto roam the neighbourhood and the countryside of Rome. During the walk they observe a body being removed from a house following a murder. They next encounter a talking crow, who is described in the intertitles thus: "For the benefit of those who were not paying attention or are in doubt, we remind you that the Crow is ? as you say ? a left-wing intellectual of the kind found living before Palmiro Togliatti's death").The Crow subsequently recounts the tale of "Fra Ciccillo" and "Fra Ninetto" (still played by Tot? and Ninetto), two Franciscan friars, who are bid by St. Francis to preach the Gospel to the hawks and the sparrows. After many months, they succeeded in preaching the commandment of love unto the species separately, but are not able to get them to love each other. The sparrow-hawks continue to kill and eat the sparrows, as it is in their nature.After the tale, the journey of Tot? and Ninetto carries on, the Crow still accompanying them. They encounter other individuals: land-owners who order them out off their land when they are caught defecating; a family living in absolute poverty with no food and who Toto threatens to drive out of the house if the rent is not paid; a group of travelling actors (representing figures marginalised from society such as women, those that are gay, the elderly, racial minorities, and the disabled) and who persuade the pair to push the group's Cadillac car for them; and a rich man who is waiting for Tot? to give him the money he owes him (in contrast to the earlier episode where Toto had demanded rent). After that, a brief extract of news footage of the funeral of Palmiro Togliatti, the long-time leader of the Italian Communist Party. Then, after having met a prostitute, they end up killing and eating the Crow, whom they found to be unconscionably boring.Pasolini declared that Uccellacci e uccellini was his favourite film, as it was the only one that did not disappoint his expectations.(WIKI)
This richly symbolic film is really impossible to understand without some knowledge of 20th Century Italian history, and particularly the power of the Roman Catholic Church. The Lateran Treaty of 1929 finally politically separated Italy from Church power by creating the Vatican as a sovereign state. But the trade off was the that the Church was still left in power over many aspects of everyday Italian life. For instance, Italy finally established a civilian divorce law through a bitterly contested 1970 referendum. Before then, divorce was under strictly in the domain of Church law, and the Church NEVER granted a divorce, even in extreme cases like when a spouse was abandoned many years hence. Overall, however, the power of the Church still resided in the blind allegiance of Italians at all levels to Church morality. Over decades, this led to impeding Italy's social and political progress, and greatly maintained the status quo in the division between the privileged upper class and the ... (IMDB) |
这部影片是意大利电影史上最具争议的著名导演保罗 帕索里尼早期的经典性作品.是一部情节复杂的悲喜剧寓言。在IMDB的说明中是这样说的:“如果不了解意大利二十世纪的历史,尤其是罗马天主教的力量,这部丰富的象征性电影实在是不可能理解的。”帕索里尼曾说过,大鸟和小鸟是他最喜爱的电影,因为它是唯一没有辜负他期望的电影。这部电影讲的是老人托托和他的儿子在公路上行走的时候,一个号称是来自“意识形态王国”的乌鸦加入了他们的行列,乌鸦想为他们解释生活中的各种矛盾,并给他们讲了许多莫名其妙的寓言。在《大鸟和小鸟 》这部电影中,“乌鸦”指的是共产党领袖陶里亚迪。神圣的甫朗希斯说的那段话指的是教皇保罗六世在联合国大会上为自己积极服务基督教所作的宣传。最后乌鸦为自己哭泣,并把自己奉献给这两个流浪者进食。这两个人也真的把它吃了。 帕索里尼自己说,这部电影是为了探讨“抵抗运动期间和五十年代马克思主义的危机”。 《大鸟和小鸟 》有着复杂的哲理性,反映了导演对意识形态问题的思考,同时也受到了当时在欧洲流行的无政府主义思想的影响。有关这部电影的研究文章请见本站此页 |
NA-6517 Una pistola per Ringo / A Pistol for Ringo (Duccio Tessari) / 林哥的枪 |
In a border town the famous gunslinger Ringo kills four people out of self defense but is arrested nevertheless. Meanwhile a gang of Mexicans cross the border and rob the local bank. Their leader is wounded when they try to escape and therefore the bandits take refuge on a nearby ranch, taking the occupants hostage. The sheriff is reluctant to take action because his fiancée is among the hostages. The only one who can help him now is Ringo, who is set free and asked to infiltrate the gang …. (Here) |
本站简译: 在一个边陲小镇著名的枪手林哥出于自卫杀死了四个人,但他仍然被拘捕.同时,一伙墨西哥人越过边界,抢劫当地银行. 当他们试图逃跑时他们的头目受伤,他们在附近一个农场把居民扣为人质以寻求庇护.警长不愿意采取行动,因为他的未婚妻也在人质中间.现在唯有林哥可以帮他的忙,他被释放并要他去卧底.... |
NA-6518 Un uomo a metà / Half a Man (Vittorio de Seta) / 半个男人 |
Jacques Perrin was awarded Best Actor at the 1966 Venice Film Festival for his gripping portrayal of a young writer's descent into madness. Alienated, neurotic, and plagued by guilt, Perrin retreats from reality, loses interest in work, and comes to the brink of suicide before being sent to an asylum for shock therapy. Escaping from the asylum, Perrin returns to his boyhood home, where he learns the reasons for his present mental state. The strong supporting cast, including Lea Padovani and Pier Paolo Capponi, bring credence to their roles, but it is De Seta's direction, Perrin's controlled performance, and a relatively subtle score by Ennio Morricone which keep this film from becoming as overwrought as it might have become in other hands.(Here) |
本站简译: 由于忧郁,神经质和内疚的困扰,一个年轻的作家逃避现实,对工作失去了兴趣.在被送到精神病院接受休克治疗之前,他已接近了自杀的边缘.之后他逃离了那里,回到他幼时的故乡,在那里,他研究他现在精神状态的原因......雅克佩林扮演主角的扣人心弦的写照,使他获得了1966年威尼斯电影最佳男演员奖.莫里康内微妙的配乐使电影避免了因过度紧张而失谐 |