A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
72-2 |
NA-7213 (7211) L'ultimo uomo di Sara / Sarah's Last Man (直译 萨拉最后的人) |

电影导演 Director Maria Virginia Onorato |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
L'ultimo uomo di Sara Italy (original title)
I dynami tis exousias Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Sarah's Last Man International (English title) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
RCA Records PM 3705 Country Italy Format 45RPM Release Date Apr-1973 (2 music) |
GDM Music GDM 2059 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date Jul-2005 UPN 8-018163-020591 (14 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页, Our old music page |
Plot With her marriage and her life disintegrating before her eyes, in this Italian political thriller, Sarah ({$Verena Volonte}) has made a detailed filmed record of it all. Not only that, she made a film of the man who flung bombs into a political demonstration and she is killed for her effort. The story unravels as Sarah's husband, who is suspected of being her murderer, views the film on a moviola. He is trying to figure out what happened and why his wife died. Because he has the film which would expose the murderer and the political forces behind him, his life is also in danger. (Here)
剧情本站简译 这是一部意大利的政治惊悚片.画家保罗试图弄清他的妻子萨拉死亡的真相.他的妻子死前曾经详细地拍摄了有关她的生活活动的电影记录,在这个记录资料里,记录了兇手和他身后的政治背景,因此,画家的生命也处于危险之中. |
About OST: ChiMaishows 14 music from 1972-2005. Soundrack shows 2 albums, 2 music are in 1973 album, 14 music are 2005 album. Released below are 14music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1972-2005 有14首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有2个专辑,其中1973年专辑为2首乐曲,2005年专辑为14首乐曲.本站现有资源为14首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
l ultimo uomo di sara |
萨拉最后的人 |
002 |
类似石头 |
003 |
stanilo e ollio |
004 |
archi |
弧形 |
005 |
scale |
规模 |
006 |
informale iii |
非正式的 3 |
007 |
topi |
小鼠 |
008 |
informale iv |
非正式的 4 |
009 |
informale v |
非正式的 5 |
010 |
informale vi |
非正式的 6 |
011 |
informale vii |
非正式的 7 |
012 |
informale viii |
非正式的 8 |
013 |
requiescant |
014 |
quasi rock ii |
类似石头 2 |
NA-7214 (7210) L'uomo e la magia - tv documentary (直译 人与魔术-资料片) |

电影导演 Director Sergio Giordani |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
-------------- |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Cometa CMT 10013 Original Release Title Mysticae
Country Italy Format CD Release Date 2010 (14 music) |
AAvanz Records SP/CR-20042 Country Japan Format CD Release Date Jul-2007 UPN 4-512107-000730 (14 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页, Our old music page |
Plot Lack
编者注: 这是一部1972年的电视连续剧.有关此剧的资料极少,但是该片原声音乐的资料很多,其歌唱家是当年的美意流行歌手卢奇 罗泊斯(Rocky Robrts).以下是其一段译文: 这是七十年代早期莫里康内大师的作品--他的令人难忘的意大利电视连续剧"人与魔术"的音乐,有时单调而有时是美好的.这音乐有一些怪诞而优雅.一些曲目使用了打击乐曲并伴有极好的人声合唱.和莫里康内过去的一些作品模式相比是相当不同的,包括“祭礼慢板#1”,“悲伤的夜曲,”“圣经”,“印度”,“日落的呼啸”等。 (500限量版)(here) |
About OST: ChiMai shows 23 music from 1972-2011. Soundrack shows 3 albums and 3 mixed albums. 14 music are in 2010 album, 11 music are 2007 album. Released below are 11music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1972-2011共有23首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有3个专辑和3个合辑,其中2010年专辑为14首乐曲,2007年专辑为11首乐曲.本站现有资源为11首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Adagio sacrale no 1 |
圣礼慢板 No.1 |
002 |
Lamenti notturni |
悲伤之夜 |
003 |
Dal sacro libro |
圣书 |
004 |
Allucinazione nell'infinito |
幻觉中的无限 |
005 |
Adagio sacrale no 2 |
圣礼慢板 No.2 |
006 |
Urla al tramonto |
日落的呼啸 |
007 |
Adagio sacrale no 3 |
圣礼慢板 No.3 |
008 |
India |
印度 |
009 |
Notte nel nulla |
无事之夜 |
010 |
Outtake ACT.1 - My Song For Life |
我的生命之歌 |
011 |
Outtake ACT.2 - Faith (u-pa-ni-sha) |
信仰 |
NA-7215 (7235) La banda J & S: cronaca criminale del Far West / J & S: Criminal Story of an Outlaw Couple (直译 在遥远西部的犯罪记录) |

电影导演 Director Sergio Corbucci |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
La banda J.S.: Cronaca criminale del Far West Italy (original title)
Far West Story France / UK
Bandera Bandits USA
Bandits! USA (video box title)
Die rote Sonne der Rache West Germany
Grym revansch Sweden |
(More) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
M 74321130752 Country France Format CD
Release Date 1992 UPN 7-4321-13075-2-9 (6 music) Also contains music from: Professione Figlio Monachine, Le |
Digitmovies CDDM120 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 18-Sep-2008 UPN 8-032628-991202 (7 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页, Our old music page |
Plot A determined sheriff pursues a robber and his girlfriend, and lets nothing stop in his way of catching them (Here)
剧情本站简译 坚定的警长弗朗西斯不惜一切代价追捕一个墨西哥强盗杰德和他的女友,不抓住他们他绝不停止 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 6 music from 1972-1992 (Another 3 cover versions). Soundrack shows 2 albums and 5 mixed albums, 7 music are in 2008 album, 6 music are 1992 mixed album. Released below are 14 music (haven't found any corresponding info)
关于音乐: ChiMai显示从1972-1992共有6首乐曲发表(另外还有3首翻唱版). Soundrack显示共有2个专辑和5个合辑,其中2008年专辑为7首乐曲,1992合辑为6首乐曲.本站现有资源为14首(尚未查到相应的资料) |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Sonny (05:24) |
桑尼 |
002 |
Sweet Susan (05:25) |
甜美的苏珊 |
003 |
The Saloon's Girls (04:04) |
沙龙的女孩 |
004 |
J&S (love theme) (01:27) |
J&S(爱情主题) |
005 |
Wanted, Dead or Alive (03:46) |
通缉,死的或者活的 |
006 |
J&S (waltz) (02:30) |
J&S(华尔兹) |
007 |
The Saloon's Girls (2) (01:00) |
沙龙的女孩(2) |
008 |
Sonny (2) (05:28) |
桑尼(2) |
009 |
Sweet Susan (2) (03:28) |
甜美的苏珊(2) |
010 |
Wanted, Dead or Alive (2) (01:51) |
通缉,死的或者活的(2) |
011 |
Sweet Susan (3) (01:20) |
甜美的苏珊(3) |
012 |
Sweet Susan (4) (00:53) |
甜美的苏珊(4) |
013 |
Finale (02:18) |
终了曲 |
014 |
The Saloon's Girls (3) (02:53) |
沙龙的女孩(3) |
NA-7216 (7228) La cosa buffa(直译 可笑的故事) |

电影导演 Director Aldo Lado |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
17hroni proklisi Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) |
(More) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Soundtrack Listeners Communications SLCS-7140
Country Japan Format CD Release Date 21-Sep-1992 UPN 4-988060-871401 |
Cinevox CD MDF 356 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date Aug-2004 UPN 8-004644-002408 (25 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页, Our old music page |
Plot (Italian) Ecco come dei genitori aridi riescono a far naufragare l'amore di due giovani. L'amore del modesto Antonio e di Maria, erede di un patrimonio miliardario, è contrastato dai genitori di lei che vogliono salvaguardare i propri beni e l'illibatezza della figlia. La madre sorprende i giovani prima che avvenga l'irreparabile. Un film poco riuscito tratto dall'omonimo romanzo di Giuseppe Berto.(Here)
剧情本站简译 年轻的安东尼是一个亿万富翁的财富继承人,她的父母为了保护他们的财产而不惜破坏他的爱情 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 25 music from 1972-2004. Soundrack shows 7 albums, 9 music are in 1992 album, 25 music are 2004 album. Released below are 25+2=27 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1972-2004共有25首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有7个专辑,其中1992年专辑为9首乐曲,2004年专辑为25首乐曲.本站现有资源为25+2=27首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
La Cosa Buffa (03:06)
the score was conducted by Nicola Samale |
可笑的故事(尼科拉 萨玛尔指挥) |
002 |
Pensando A Maria (03:26) |
玛丽的思考 |
003 |
Indecisione Con Maria (03:08) |
玛丽亚犹豫不决 |
004 |
Esercizio Con Marika (01:54) |
和玛丽卡一起锻炼 |
005 |
Strani Pensieri (03:07) |
奇怪的想法 |
006 |
Ritorno A Casa (01:42) |
回国 |
007 |
Come Giulietta E Romeo (02:17) |
像罗密欧与朱丽叶 |
008 |
Gocce Di Pioggia (03:07) |
雨点 |
009 |
Catalogo Incompleto (09:36) |
不完整的目录 |
010 |
La Cosa Buffa (reprise 1) (02:29) tracks 10-25 are previously unreleased |
可笑的故事(重奏1)10-25以前未发布过 |
011 |
La Cosa Buffa (ballabile 1) (01:52) |
可笑的故事(舞蹈 1) |
012 |
La Cosa Buffa (reprise 2) (02:57) |
可笑的故事(重奏 2) |
013 |
La Cosa Buffa (reprise 3) (01:25) |
可笑的故事(重奏 3) |
014 |
La Cosa Buffa (reprise 4) (01:17) |
可笑的故事(重奏 4) |
015 |
La Cosa Buffa (ballabile 2) (01:43) |
可笑的故事(舞蹈 2) |
016 |
La Cosa Buffa (reprise 5) (00:30) |
可笑的故事(重奏 5) |
017 |
La Cosa Buffa (reprise 6) (01:13) |
可笑的故事(重奏 6) |
018 |
Catalogo Incompleto (alternate film version) (09:47) |
不完整的目录 (备用电影版) |
019 |
Indecisione Con Maria (alternate film version) (01:57) |
玛丽亚犹豫不决 (备用电影版) |
020 |
La Cosa Buffa (reprise 7) (02:28) |
可笑的故事(重奏 7) |
021 |
La Cosa Buffa (ballabile 3) (00:56) |
可笑的故事(舞蹈 3) |
022 |
La Cosa Buffa (reprise 8) (01:09) |
可笑的故事(重奏 8) |
023 |
La Cosa Buffa (ballabile 4) (01:12) |
可笑的故事(舞蹈 4) |
024 |
La Cosa Buffa (reprise 9) (01:38) |
可笑的故事(重奏 9) |
025 |
La Cosa Buffa (ballabile 5) (01:32) |
可笑的故事(舞蹈 5) |
026 |
Ballabile a-side (02:40) |
舞蹈 a-面 |
027 |
Ballabile b-side (01:59) |
舞蹈 b-面 |
2012.1.18 |