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Look back the past by way of the satellite map-B
2 - Review my life
There 3 stages in my 70 life main : Childhood, study and job. By way of the web site to record 5 points for them.
No.and web address 001
Coordinate long: 117.679107666, lat: 38.9838981628
My title Tanggu (Tianjin) HAN 2007-1 CHINA 塘沽(天津) HAN2007-1 中国
My description My hometown, former Shell Asia oil depot, I passed my memorable childhood from 1946-1953 there 我的故乡,从前的壳牌亚细亚油库,在1946-1953,我在那里度过了童年
My hometown, former Shell Asia oil depot, I passed my memorable childhood from 1946-1953 there
My hometown, former Shell Asia oil depot, I passed my memorable childhood from 1946-1953 there
Tanggu is in east side about 300 KM from Beijing, The HAI river is its access to the sea. My home is just near HAI river (Red punctuate) The total length is 72 KM of the HAI river . It have 72 curve. Famous XINGANG harbour in its north side. Its south side is Tianjin petrochemical Corp.
A detail image provided by Yahoo. A full of the view of the estuary of the HAI river can be seen
Above: A detail image provided by Yahoo. A full of the view of the estuary of the HAI river can be seen
Above: A detail image of the place where was my former home, Now there has been rebuild to oil tank. Here is an oil depot of the Shell Corp. in Asia before liberation. The wharf on the HAI river is a place where the oil was been removed. I often watch and play there when I was child.
Here is an oil depot of the Shell Corp. in Asia before liberation
Right: This is a photo before 60 years reserved by me. These tank just is in the oil depot. We once hid inside for elude the cannonball when liberate war (The oil has been given out and cleaned). The HAI river can be seen in the beyond.
No.and web address 002
Coordinate long: 116.298408508, lat: 39.942440033
My title Former Beijing Chemical industrial school HAN-2007-2 CHINA 从前的北京化工学校
My description Here is my old school. I was graduated from here in 1954 (Now it is Beijing Chemical industrial university's west region 这里是我的母校,1954年我从这里毕业(现在是北京化工大学西区)
Here is my old school. I was graduated from here in 1954 (Now it is Beijing Chemical industrial university's west region
Here is my old school. I was graduated from here in 1954 (Now it is Beijing Chemical industrial university's west region
My old school-Beijing Chemical industrial university located in west side of Beijing and face to present Shangri-La Hotel and Zezhuyuan park Reduce image: the palm's position is Tiananmen square, red mark is my old school. The straight line in the left side is XIJIAO airport, left above is the summer palace
No.and web address 003
Coordinate long(东经): 118.764266968 lat(北纬): 32.2163238525
My title Nanjing Chemical industry Corp. HAN 2007-3 CHINA 南京化学工业公司 HAN 2007-3 中国
My description This is a former famous chemical industry base in China. I once worked there from 1954-1974 for 20 years. There spent my youthfulness years! The arrow's place is the synthetic ammonia workshop I formerly worked. 这里曾是著名的中国化学工业基地.从1954-1974,我曾在这里工作了20年,度过了我的青春年华.箭头所指的地方是我曾经工作过的合成氨车间.
This is a former famous chemical industry base in China.
This is a former famous chemical industry base in China.
Above: The Nanjing Chemical industry Corp. grew out of the YONGLI plant. It was established in 1937. I once worked here from 1954 for 20 years, from an operator to works superintendent, chief engineer and vice director of the plant, spent my youthfulness.
I was a operator in Nanjing Chemical industry Corp.
Above: This is a photo taken in 1954. I was a operator in Nanjing Chemical industry Corp. when that time (The second person from right is me)

Right above: It is BAGUA islet in the Yangtse river. Nanjing city located in its south side. The Nanjing Chemical industry Corp.and Famous Yangtse petrochemical Corp. and Yangtse-BASF Corp. in its north side


No.and web address 004
Coordinate long(东经): 118.915481567, lat(北纬): 32.146522522
My title Nanjing Jinling (qixiashan) fertilizer plant HAN-2007-4 CHINA南京金陵(栖霞山)化肥厂 HAN-2007-4 中国
My description This is a large scale chemical fertilizer plant imported from France in 1974. I once worked there from 1974-1984, my one passage life footmark was left there. That is very hard and unforgettable days.....这是一个1974年由法国引进的大型化肥厂.1974-1984年我曾在那里工作,我的一段人生足迹留在了那里.那是一段非常艰苦和令人难忘的日子....
Nanjing Jinling (qixiashan) fertilizer plant located near the QIXIA mountain
The refinery, electric power plant in west north side of the fertilizer.

Nanjing Jinling (qixiashan) fertilizer plant located near the QIXIA mountain. It was imported from France in 1974. But Its technology is immature. I was its first director in 1978-1984. It took place extremely difficulty after running. By way of arduous efforts for six years, it reached 100% capacity in 1984. My sweat, my painstaking labour have been left there. Review this period when I am aged, I feel pride and satisfied for my life

The refinery, electric power plant in west north side of the fertilizer. They all is belong Jinling petrochemical Corp. The opposite bank just is the Nanjing Chemical industry Corp. and Yangtse petrochemical Corp.

The constructive site of the fertilizer plant.
The constructive site of the fertilizer plant. The photo taken on Oct. 18,1975. The total establish times is about for 4 years. It start produce from October 1978
The build fertilizer plant (1978)
The build fertilizer plant (1978)
No.and web address 005
Coordinate long(东经): 118.799560547 lat(北纬): 32.0828437805
My title Sinopec Jinling petrochemical corp.(Nanjing) HAN-2007-5 CHINA 中石化金陵石化公司(南京)HAN-2007-5 中国
My description A large scale petrochemical combine enterprise. I formerly worked there from 1984-1997 for 13 years until retire. This is last station of my lobuor life! 一个大型石油化工联合企业,从1884-1997 我曾在那里工作直到退休,这是我的劳动生涯的最后一站!
A large scale petrochemical combine enterprise.
A large scale petrochemical combine enterprise.
The Sinopec Jinling petrochemical Corp. is located east side of Xuanwu lake of Nanjing city. It is a large combine enterprise. Its rendering capacity have exceeded 10 million tons (See here)
The red mark is the headquarters of Jingling petrochemical Corp. The Xuanwu lake, Nanjing city and Yangtse river is in its west side.
Jinling petrochemical building with 18 storey

Above is a detail image from satellite of the Jinling petrochemical building with 18 storey. Below is a photo taken by me to use Nokia N70 mobile phone from Xuanwu lake side on Oct.16,2008. I was the corporation's vice president period 1984-1997. I worked there for 13 years until retired. A room in the east side of 17th storey just is my office. As in the Changjiang river the waves behind drive on those ahead, so each new generation excels the last one, I wish Jinling petrochemical Corporation will more thriving and prosperous !

The satellite map have more function in every web site, you can study it further if you are interested in it. Below are some three-dimensional images from Microsoft web site
The satellite map
The satellite map
The opining date of the site is Aug.8,2003       © 2003 hwg All rights reserved
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