
Webmaster's Note-055 (Mobile Version)

Personal data
韩文光 莫里康内爱好者站长 前金陵石化副总经理 南京栖霞山化肥厂第一任厂长
Webmaster resume: Wenguang Han, senior engineer at professor grade. Was born in 1937 in Tianjin China.1954 graduated from the Beijing Chemical Industry Shool and assigned to the Nanjing Chemical Industrial Corp., served as foreman, workshop director, deputy plant director and chief engineer from 1954-1974. 1974-1997 was transferred to Sinopec Jinling Petrochemical Corp. (Nanjing), Served as plant director, vice president of Jinling Petrochemical Corp.. Retired in 1997. Founded "Philatelic exploration round the world" and " Morricone Fans" website in 2003. Was elected the honorary president of " China Ennio Morricone Fans Association” (MorriUnion) in 2009. (Detail here)
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Personal preferences: reading, collecting stamps, music, accordion, swimming, learning foreign languages after retirement, piano, computer, building websites
E-mail: qilingren@hotmail.com

Starting from an email from Spain

Experiencing the Past -5 Major Explosion Accidents of Synthetic Ammonia in the 1960s
And the trial production of Qixiashan Fertilizer Plant has been difficult for 10 years
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Feb. 20, 2025
Doing it alone is life, everyone doing it is career!
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