A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
年表 No. |
所在电影(TV)名称 Film (TV) name |
老的年表编号 Old No. |
旧版音乐网页 Old music page |
本栏目音乐数量 The musical numbers here |
电影网页 Film page |
NA6701 |
Ad ogni costo/Grand Slam (Giuliano Montaldo) (直译 不惜任何代价/大满贯) |
6801 |
11 |
NA6702 |
Ragazza del Charleston / Arabella / (Mauro Bolognini) / 阿拉贝拉 |
6713 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 1 |
NA6703 |
6803 |
15 |
NA6704 |
Dalle ardenne all'inferno/Dirty Heroes (Alberto de Martino) / 肮脏英雄 |
6710 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 5 |
NA6705 |
Diabolik/Danger: Diabolik (Mario Bava) / 德伯力克 |
6802 |
33 |
NA6706 |
Escalation (Roberto Faenza) (直译 上升) |
6714 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 12 |
NA6707 |
Faccia a faccia/Face to Face (Sergio Sollima) (直译 面对面) |
6704 |
New OST 31 |
NA6701 (6801) Ad ogni costo/Grand Slam (直译 不惜任何代价/大满贯) |
电影导演 Director Giuliano Montaldo |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Ad ogni costo Italy (original title)
Diamantes a gogó Spain
Grand Slam USA
Le carnaval des truands France
Meisterstück der Diamantenmarder Austria
Storslam 70 Sweden |
Timanttivarkaus Riossa Finland
To megalo kolpo tou aionos Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Top Job West Germany
Top Job - Diamantenraub in Rio West Germany
Um jeden Preis West Germany |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot After retirement, Professor James Anders presents criminal Mark Milford an elaborate plan to rob a diamond company in Brazil with a crew of professionals. The men assemble in Rio de Janeiro and run in to an unanticipated problem: a new alarm system called Grand Slam 70.(Here)
剧情本站简译 退休教授安德斯提出一个精心设置的计划,准备伙同一个职业团伙去抢劫巴西的一家钻石行,当他们聚集到里约热内炉时,却发现钻石行刚刚安装了一套最新的Grand Slam 70报警系统..... |
About OST: ChiMai shows 26 music from 1967-2010. Soundrack shows 7 albums, 22 music is in 2010 edition, 11 music is in 1999 edition. Released below is 11 music
关于音乐: ChiMai显示从1967-2010共有26首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示从1967-2010共有7个专辑,其中2010年版本为22首乐曲,1999年版11首乐曲(另含16首其它乐曲).本站现有资源同1999版 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Punto e Basta (Titoli de Testa) |
主题曲 |
002 |
Vai Vai Malinconia |
忧郁 |
003 |
Ad Ogni Costo |
不惜任何代价 |
004 |
Vai Vai Malinconia |
忧郁 |
005 |
In Chiesa |
在教会 |
006 |
Dirgli Solo No |
只要告诉他没有 |
007 |
Tudo e Nada (Lyrics Luciano Salce) |
图德和纳达 |
008 |
Voce (Lyrics Luciano Salce) |
呼声 |
009 |
Al Morena (Lyrics Luciano Salce) |
在莫雷纳 |
010 |
Samba Do Desprezo (Lyrics Luciano Salce) |
不要轻视桑巴 |
011 |
Eu Fiz Mal Em Dizer (Lyrics Luciano Salce) |
错在邪恶 |
NA6702 (6713) Ragazza del Charleston/Arabella / Bad Arabella /The Girl From Charleston / 阿拉贝拉 |

电影导演 Director Mauro Bolognini |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Arabella, i oraia tyhodioktis Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Bad Arabella USA (reissue title)
Ragazza del Charleston Italy |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04, |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot Taglines:How can anybody SO BAD... be SO GOOD at it? She steals to live... and lives to steal... (Here) Apparently in the Italy of the 1920s, the only way to keep your home out of the maws of the tax collector was to steal and cheat from everyone in sight -- and the dupes you'd swindle wouldn't know the difference since all their attentions would be focused upon cheating you. That little bit of homespun philosophy is the only conclusion to be drawn from Arabella, a broad sex-farce enlivened with British comic Terry-Thomas appearing in a quartet of roles, and the sexy Virna_Lisi as the title character, who is compelled into chicanery in order to prevent her mother's home from being taken away by the tax man. To raise funds, Arabella rooks money from Terry-Thomas, in various fake beard incarnations as a general, a duke, a hotel manger, and an insurance agent. But while she is busy conning the four Thomases, she steps on the toes of an equally tricky burglar (James_Fox) and two young lovers -- Giancarlo_Giannini and Melina_Vukotic. Arabella ultimately becomes attracted to the burglar. Now she must hold her base animal urges in abeyance and concentrate on squeezing more cash out of the Terry-Thomases.(Here)
剧情本站简译 在上个世纪二十年代的意大利,为了家庭的生计,大家都要说谎以逃脱苛捐杂税.这点扑素的哲学结论是阿拉贝拉得出的.为了弄到钱,阿拉贝拉从将军,公爵,饭店经理和保险经纪人那里骗钱.在她忙着骗钱的时侯,她遇到了两个同样狡猾的盗贼和一对恋人.阿拉贝拉引起了他们的注意.现在她必须集中精力去骗取更多的钱 |
About OST: The OST almost no trace in the network (See below 3 images) .But fortunately, we still have one resource available of its theme music, and two video: one is clips of the film,another one is its music video. All have been provided below for share
关于音乐: 很奇怪这部影片的原声音乐在网上几乎绝无踪迹.笔者花了两天的时间几乎查遍了有关的网站,包括许多著名的和许多不知名的网站,所有搜索结果都非常令人失望.(见下面的三个截图)不仅专辑,合辑找不到,就是单曲也难觅踪影.这只好留待今后作为一个研究课题吧.不过幸运的是我们现有的资源中还是有一首它的主题音乐.同时我们也从视频中找到了两个片段.一个是电影片断,另一个是音乐视频.在下面一并提供给大家 |
Arabella 的音乐视频 |
一个补充资料 A supplementary information
经过不懈的努力,最后终于在一个专门出售老胶木唱片的网站上发现了一个新的线索.这是一张1983年德国发行的标签(Label)为"ARABELLA"的33转黑胶唱片.由于"ARABELLA"这个标题历来非常热门,从1917年开始,以它为名出现的电影已超过100部(见这里).因此我们还不能由此就确定它就是我们要找的那个"ARABELLA".但是接着我们又看到它的标题(Title)注明是埃尼奥 莫里康内歌曲(Chante ennio morricone). 再加上它的歌手是那位莫里康内的老搭挡蜜海儿 玛蒂(Mireille mathieu),我们已大体上可以认为它就是我们要找的这部电影插曲了.为慎重起见,我们还需要一些旁证来确认它.
We have a new discovery recently in the vinylsearcher website, it is a Vinyl 33TLP released by Germany in 1983. Its label is "ARABELLA" and its title is "Chante ennio morricone". Its songstress is Mireille mathieu who is an Old partner with Ennio Morricone. So We generally think that it is we are looking for this movie "ARABELLA". As carefully, we also need some circumstantial evidence to confirm it.
Position: |
Track title and information: |
Length |
1 |
Qu'elle est belle |
她是美丽的 |
2:41 |
2 |
Le Funambule |
走钢丝 |
3:17 |
3 |
Pourquoi mon Amour |
为什么我爱 |
2:36 |
4 |
Messieurs les musiciens |
杰出的音乐家 |
2:41 |
The soundtracks in above list havev't affirmed if they all are belong the "Arabella", but we have downloaded the music video and released below for consulting |
001-Mireille mathieu--Qu'elle est belle ( Here) |
002-Mireille mathieu--Le Funambule ( Here) |
003-Mireille mathieu--Pourquoi mon Amour ( Here) |
004-Mireille mathieu--Messieurs les musiciens ( Here) |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
ennio morricone - arabella - inedits (sfx) |
莫里康内-阿拉贝拉-新(sfx) |

电影导演 Director Giulio Petroni |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Da uomo a uomo Italy (original title)
Oldürmeye yeminliyim Turkey (Turkish title)
A Morte Anda a Cavalo Brazil
As Man to Man USA
D'homme à homme France
De hombre a hombre Spain
Death Rides a Horse USA (imdb display title)
Die Rechnung wird mit Blei bezahlt West Germany |
Hamndens stund Finland (Swedish title)
Hamndens timme Sweden
Kosto odottaa Finland
La mort était au rendez-vous France
O kavallaris tou thanatou Greece (video title)
Oi 5 simademenoi tou El Viento Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Vita, morte e vendetta Italy (working title)
Von Mann zu Mann West Germany |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
RCA Italiana PM 3423 Country Italy Format 45RPM Release Date 1967 (2 music) |
GDM Music 4130 Country Italy Format
CD Release Date 4-Mar-2010 (26 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot As a child, Bill witnesses the murder of his family by four robbers. Fifteen years later, he embarks on his revenge. During his quest, he crosses paths with Ryan, an ex-con who wants the money the robbers owe him.(Here)
编者注 这是一部1968年的老电影了,不过那位一贯扮演坏人的著名演员李范克里夫这次倒成了主角和大半个正面人物.电影的情节还是有很多动人之处.特别是最后部分.当青年约翰劳寻仇复仇的谜底最后揭开时,他才知道,这个一路伴他同行寻仇,甚至生死患难,苦乐与共的朋友瑞安,原来竞也是他的仇人.于是观众看到了一场在所有西部片中的一场异乎寻常的决斗:一个人举起了复仇的正义枪口,而另一个人则转身背行,准备接受这颗早有预料的复仇的子弹.这时枪声响了,不过观众并未看到瑞安倒下,倒下的却是那个埋伏在房顶准备刺杀他们的最后一个匪徒! 当瑞安理解了这一切时,他也向约翰展开了手中那颗约翰给他的唯一的,但他并未将其上膛的子弹.这时那首名为哀歌("MONODY"或译为"挽诗")的吉它声悄然响起,回应了那首名为"男子汉"(DA UOMO A UOMO)的粗圹旋律和影片的主题思想.为这场真正男子汉的复仇与友善之旅划上了一个人心共向的句号.有关这部电影及其著名音乐的更多介绍请见本站电影页 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 23 music from 1967-2010. Soundrack shows 5 albums from 1967-2010, 26 music is in 2010 edition, Released below is 15 music
关于音乐: ChiMai显示从1967-2010共有23首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示从1967-2010共有5个专辑,其中2010年版本为26首乐曲.本站现有资源为15首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
DEATH RIDES A HORSE (sung By Raoul) |
死神骑马来 |
002 |
愤怒和悲痛 |
003 |
孤独的夜晚 |
004 |
男子汉 |
005 |
MYSTIC AND A WHISTLE (Mystic and Severe) |
神秘客 |
006 |
男人和口哨 |
007 |
吉它颂歌 |
008 |
幽灵 |
009 |
骑向自由 |
010 |
吉它夜曲 |
011 |
百万美元 |
012 |
颂歌 |
013 |
悲惨的夜曲 |
014 |
015 |
主题曲 |
死神骑马来主题曲 Death Rides a Horse-Da uomo a uomo (03:25 Here) |
"死神骑马来"讲的仍是一段复仇的故事.这段音乐加上人声演唱突现了男子汉英勇无畏,视死如归的形象,常被引用在打斗的场面.在昆汀导演的电影"杀死比尔2"中也可以听到它 更多请参见本站网页“莫里康内著名音乐入门100首”-016 |
NA-6704 (6710) Dalle ardenne all'inferno / Dirty Heroes / 肮脏英雄 |

电影导演 Director Alberto de Martino |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone, Bruno Nicolai |
电影别名 Alias |
Dalle Ardenne all'inferno Italy (original title)
...und morgen fahrt ihr zur H?lle Austria / West Germany
Dirty Heroes Philippines (English title) / USA
Ardenneilta helvettiin Finland
De la gloire à l'enfer France |
From Hell to Victory Philippines (English title)
Heroes Five Philippines (English title)
Kapste tis Ardennes Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
La gloire des canailles France
Vromikoi iroes Greece (reissue title) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Beat Records CDCR18 Country Italy
Format CD Release Date 1988 (5 music) |
Beat Records CDCR86 Country Italy Format CD Release Date
1-Dec-2009 UPN 8-032539-491655 (26 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot Holland. Spring 1945. Two armies face each other in the final confrontation of World War II. On the one hand are the powerful forces of the Allies, on the other, all that remains of the Third Reich. The scene is set for the Battle of the Ardennes (Here) Set near the end of World War II in the Netherlands, Dirty Heroes concerns a group of ex-convicts recruited into the U.S. Army to recover Dutch jewels originally stolen by the Nazis as well as confiscated Allied plans. (Here)
剧情本站简译 1945春天的荷兰,二战即将结束的前夕,盟军和第三帝国的残余部队在阿登战场对峙.为了查找一批被纳粹掠夺的荷兰珠宝,美军招暮了一组由犯有前科并身怀绝技的罪犯所组成的特殊队伍去执行这个任务....
About OST: ChiMai shows 26 music from 1967-2009. All compose was completed by Ennio Morricone and Bruno Nicolai together. Soundrack shows 4 albums, 26 music is in 2009 edition, 5 music is in 1988 edition. Released below is 5 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1967-2009共有26首乐曲发表,所有谱曲均由莫里康内和尼科莱共同完成. Soundrack显示共有4个专辑,其中2009年版本为26首乐曲,1988年版5首乐曲(含6首其它乐曲).本站现有资源同1988版 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Ardenne's Theme Marcia |
阿登的主题 |
002 |
Tema di Cristine |
克里斯汀的主题 |
003 |
Tema di Cristine |
克里斯汀的主题 |
004 |
Ultimo Respiro |
最后一口气 |
005 |
Lunga Attesa |
漫长的等待 |

电影导演 Director Mario Bava |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Diabolik Italy (original title)
Danger: Diabolik USA
Danger: Diabolik! France
Diabolik Greece
Diabolik - mies mustassa Jaguarissa Finland (TV title)
Diabolik ger ingen nad Sweden |
Gefahr: Diabolik! West Germany
I ekdikisi tou Spaterman Greece (video title)
Mies mustassa Jaguarissa Finland
O Spiderman me ti mavri maska Greece (reissue title)
Perigo: Diabolik Brazil |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot In psychedelic swinging 60s style, the dreaded thief (and killer) Diabolik wreaks havoc on a generic European country for his own financial gain and amusement. He shares an extravagant underground lair (and a giant bed of money) with his curvaceous, superficial girlfriend...who uses her awesome powers of wig-wearing to help Diabolik kill innocent people and steal billions from the government. Nonetheless, Diabolik is the "hero" of the film because he must face off against bumbling cops and revenge-seeking mafiosos.(Here)
编者注 这是根据意大利著名漫画口袋书"Diabolik"改编并由莫里康内大师谱曲的一部轻喜剧型警匪片. "Diabolik"口袋书就像我国著名的漫画小人书"三毛流浪记"一样,上世纪六十年代在欧美富有盛名,几乎家喻户晓.书中的主人翁德伯力克是一个可怕的盗贼和杀手.而且是一个高智能型的罪犯.他在許多科學領域都有深刻的知識,并掌握着高科技犯罪手段.但他为了满足个人的财富和挥霍,给欧洲国家带来了严重的灾害. 他和他的女友共享着一个极尽奢华的地下巢穴,她则帮助他杀害无辜和窃取政府的几十亿财富.虽然如此,德伯力克仍然是电影中的"英雄",因为他必须同时只身面对警察的追捕和黑手党的报复,在他和警官金克的斗争中,他富有机智和勇敢,因而总是胜出一筹,而常使警方处于尶尬和无奈的状态. 更多情节说明请见本站电影页 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 22 music in 1968 edition. Soundrack shows 3 albums, 33 and 34 music is in 2001 editions, Released below is 33 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示1968共有22首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有3个专辑,其中2001年两个版本为33和34首乐曲.本站现有资源为33首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
deep down (main title english) |
深跌 (英文主题) |
002 |
yes sir no sir (dialogue) |
003 |
charading chauffeurs in waiting |
004 |
main theme |
005 |
into the cave |
006 |
diabolik's hideout |
007 |
the shower (deep down 2) |
008 |
logical suggestion (dialogue) |
009 |
money orgy |
010 |
criminal-justice solution (dialogue) |
011 |
headlines (organfreakout 1) |
头条新闻 (1) |
012 |
valmont's gogo pad |
维蒙特的GOGO垫 |
013 |
dumped by dimockracy (dialogue) |
014 |
evas holy dress (deep down 3) |
圣洁的礼服(深跌3) |
015 |
diabolik capture-conference (dialogue) |
德伯力克会场的胜利 |
016 |
gunfight at red sands |
红沙地枪战 |
017 |
evas sketchy i.d. (dialogue) |
埃娃的身份 |
018 |
metamorphosis (organ freakout 2) |
变态 |
019 |
emerald bikini (deep down 4) |
绿色比基尼(深跌4) |
020 |
doctor vinear's i.d.prescription (dialogue) |
医生的处方 (对话) |
021 |
downhill decoy |
圈套 |
022 |
vinear's x-out session death-life (dialogue) |
023 |
jenko's plan derails |
金科的计划出轨 |
024 |
guinnesss gold bar (dialogue) |
吉尼斯金色酒吧(对话) |
025 |
bubbles (extracting au from h2o) |
气泡(从水中提出) |
026 |
under wah-wah (extracted au from h2o) |
在哇哇下(从水中提出) |
027 |
now go!! |
现在就去! |
028 |
eva alone (dialogue) |
孤独的埃娃(对话) |
029 |
the pyrite wink (deep down 5) |
黄铁矿眨眼(深跌5) |
030 |
last laff |
最后的拉夫 |
031 |
deep down christy (release parade 5052) |
深跌 克里斯蒂 (5052发布) |
032 |
o.k. connery christy (release parade 5035) |
好的, 康纳利 克里斯蒂(5035发布) |
033 |
valmont (underworld don) philosophies (dialogue medley) |
瓦尔蒙特(黑社会老大)的哲学(对话杂录) |
NA-6706 (6714) Escalation (直译 上升) |

电影导演 Director Roberto Faenza |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
CAM CSE 053 Country Italy Format
CD Release Date 1992 UPN 8-012355-010537 (12 music) |
Country Italy Format CD Release Date
18-Mar-2008 UPN 8-032628-991059 (17 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot 1968, London. Luca (Lino Capolicchio), the son of an Italian rich owner, is living his 'swinging' years away from duties and responsibilities while his father wants him to be introduced to the family business at any cost. Luca is first forced to return to Italy, then he is kidnapped by his father's collaborators, jailed into a sanitarium, put through the electroshock and other torments. Then, when 'normalized' Luca marries a woman who in reality is a psychologist paid by his father to brainwash him and turn him into a perfect businessman. He discovered everything and killed her. But the transformation already occurred: Luca is now a cynic and amoral individual, ready to lead family's industry with the iron fist.(Here)
剧情本站简译 1968年的伦敦, 一个意大利富翁的儿子卢卡,不顾他父亲要求他料理家族产业的希望而沉迷在花天酒地的生活之中.当他被迫返回意大利之后,他却被他父亲的合作伙伴拐骗到一个疗养院受到折磨.之后他被规劝娶了一个女人,这个人是他父亲为了对他洗脑以成为一个完美的商人而花钱找到的一个心理学家.他发现了这一切并杀害了她.不过这时转变已经发生了:卢卡现在已变一个玩世不恭和没有道德的人,并准备以铁腕的手段领导他的家族产业. |
About OST: ChiMai shows 17 music from1968-2008. Soundrack shows 8 albums, 00 music is in 000 edition, 00 music is in 000 edition. Released below is 00 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1968-2008共有17首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有8个专辑,其中1968和1992两个版本为12首乐曲,2008年版17首乐曲.本站现有资源同1992版 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Escalation |
上升 |
002 |
Dies Irae Psichedelico |
迷幻 |
003 |
Collage n.1 |
拼贴1号 |
004 |
Luca's sound |
卢卡的声音 |
005 |
Senza Respiro |
森扎喘息 |
006 |
Luca, Casa Londra |
007 |
Matrimonio |
结婚 |
008 |
Collage n.2 |
拼贴2号 |
009 |
Carillon Erotico |
钟楼勾魂 |
010 |
Secondo Rito |
第二个仪式 |
011 |
Primo Rito |
第一个仪式 |
012 |
- Funerale Nero |
黑色葬礼 |
NA6707 (6704) Faccia a faccia / Face to Face(直译 面对面) |

电影导演 Director Sergio Sollima |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Faccia a faccia Spain (original title)
Face to Face (undefined) / USA (imdb display title)
Aima gia aima Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Cara a Cara Portugal (imdb display title)
Cara a cara Spain |
Halleluja, der Teufel l?sst euch grü?en West Germany (TV title)
Il était une fois en Arizona France
Le dernier face à face France
Von Angesicht zu Angesicht West Germany
Zwei links, zwei rechts und Halleluja West Germany |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Screen Trax CDST 337 Country Italy
Format CD Release Date 2001 UPN 8-018163-003372 (31 music) |
Verita Note VQCD-10061 Country Japan
Format CD Release Date Apr-2008 (34 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot History Professor Brad Fletcher heads west for his health, but falls in with Soloman Bennett's outlaw gang. Fascinated by their way of life, Fletcher finally takes over the gang, leading with a new 'efficient' ruthlessness (Here)
剧情本站简译 历史学教授弗莱克为了个人健康的原因来到西部,但是他落入一个非法团伙.他们的生活方式吸引了他,弗莱克最后接管了这个团伙并以一种新的"高效"方式来领导他们. |
About OST: ChiMai shows 00 music from 000-000. Soundrack shows 00 albums, 00 music is in 000 edition, 00 music is in 000 edition. Released below is 00 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1967-2008共有36首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有6个专辑,其中2008年日本版本为34首乐曲,2001年意大利版本为31首乐曲本站现有资源同2001版 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Involuzione (Arriverderci Professor Fletcher) (01:23) |
复旧(再见弗莱彻教授) |
002 |
Faccia A Faccia (Titoli)(03:09) |
面对面(主题) |
003 |
Attimi Irripetibili(00:34) |
无法重复的片刻 |
004 |
Preannuncio (Una Pallottola in Piu)(02:47) |
公告(一个额外的子弹) |
005 |
Misterioso E Ostinato (Charley Siringo)(00:54) |
不可思议的顽强 |
006 |
Faccia A Faccia (Una Stella Di Sceriffo)(01:32) |
面对面(警长的命运) |
007 |
Involuzione (Il Professor Fletcher)(01:11) |
复旧(弗莱彻教授) |
008 |
Clandestinamente(02:56) |
地下 |
009 |
Faccia A Faccia(01:17) |
面对面 |
010 |
Tensione Sottintesa(01:49) |
不言而喻的权力 |
011 |
Faccia A Faccia(01:17) |
面对面 |
012 |
Scatto Conclusivo (01:29) |
冲刺决赛 |
013 |
Ballando Sull'Aia(01:41) |
舞蹈 |
014 |
Faccia A Faccia (Intermezzo)(02:40) |
面对面(插曲) |
015 |
Square Dance (Faccia A Faccia)(04:47) |
广场舞(面对面) |
016 |
Disperata Nostalgia (Maria)(00:43) |
乡愁(玛丽) |
017 |
Faccia A Faccia (Attaco Al Treno)(01:14) |
面对面(攻击火车) |
018 |
Faccia A Faccia (Duello)(01:46) |
面对面(决斗) |
019 |
Tensione Sottintesa (Attaco All Banca)(01:36) |
不言而喻的权力(攻击所有银行) |
020 |
Disperata Nostalgia(00:43) |
怀旧 |
021 |
Misterioso E Ostinato (Arriva Siringo)(00:33) |
不可思议的顽强(西林格到达) |
022 |
Preannuncio(01:43) |
公告 |
023 |
Misterioso E Ostinato (Arriva Siringo)(02:18) |
不可思议的顽强(西林格到达) |
024 |
Falso Preannuncio(01:59) |
假公告 |
025 |
Tensione Sottintesa (Partenza Del Branco Saelvaggio)(00:21) |
不言而喻的紧张 |
026 |
Faccia A Faccia (Il Ritorno Di Beauregarde)(00:36) |
面对面(出发) |
027 |
Faccia A Faccia (Intermezzo Secondo)(00:49) |
面对面(第二间奏曲) |
028 |
Involuzione(01:04) |
复旧 |
029 |
Seconda Conclusione (00:41) |
第二个结论 |
030 |
Involuzione (Morte Di Fletcher)(01:50) |
复旧(弗莱彻死亡) |
031 |
Faccia A Faccia (Titoli Di Testa)(01:20) |
面对面(主题曲) |
2012. 1.1. |