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An e-mail from Poland
"Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook" 2013 English edition
"Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook" 2013 English edition
An e-mail from Poland
On Feb.19,2013, I received an email from Poland
An email from Poland

To whom it may concern at
I am writing on behalf of, the online magazine promoting Polish Culture abroad, run by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute and funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland.

We are very pleased that you have decided to mention Andrzej Wajda on your website ../vipmovie/vipmovie-002-eng.htm

We will appreciate if you would be willing to add a link to Andrzej Wajda bio at

You will provide your users with the highest quality content of our resource library of bios and essays on Polish culture. In view of Your involvement in poetry, may be our bios and articles about Polish cinematographers, writers etc. will interest You as well.

Thank you for considering our proposal.

Kind regards,

Magdalena Czopek

I checked the page, first round the famous Polish-born French actor Roman Raymond Polański, but nothing. Then I use the search engine in our web site, finally two results was appeared
I use the search engine in our web site, finally two results was appeared
I use the search engine in our web site, finally two results was appeared
One is in the film page "The Master and Margherita"; Other one just is the "A pure formality" mentioned by the Poand email. Accoording to its position, I finally find the name "Andrzej Wajda"
I finally find the name "Andrzej Wajda"
"Andrzej Wajda" in the page "A pure formality"
"Andrzej Wajda" in the page "The Master and Margherita"
"Andrzej Wajda" in the page "The Master and Margherita"
In this way, I have understood what reasons led to the Polish friend's email. Next, I viewed that page he pointed out in the poland web site
The name just is Andrzej Wajda . He was born on March 6,1926 in Suwalki Poland.
The name just is Andrzej Wajda . He was born on March 6,1926 in Suwalki Poland. He is film and theatre director, script writer and set designer, one of the world's renowned cinematographers and winner of an Academy Award for lifetime achievement in 2000!
Oh, thus a famous person! Due to my limited knowledge, I feel ashamed. I search the name "Andrzej Wajda" on the Chinese search engine "Baidu" , find a lot of web pages about this famous person
I search the name "Andrzej Wajda" on the Chinese search engine "Baidu"
The following excerpt several pages (Chinese).
The Chinese web pages about Andrzej Wajda
War films director introduction——Andrzej Wajda Here



  2007年,宝刀不老的瓦依达推出《卡廷惨案》,本片是第一部对波兰史上最具争议的“卡廷惨案”做出正面叙事的波兰电影。在波兰甚至世界范围内都引起了强烈反响。年过八旬的瓦依达依然坚持着自己半个世纪来的创作理念。2009年,他又凭新作《甜蜜的冲动》赢得第59届柏林电影节的阿尔弗莱德奖 (这里

Popiól i diament
一代人Pokolenie 》(1955)
《地下水道Kanal 》(1957) 三部曲之二,1944华沙战役题材
《灰烬与钻石Popiól i diament 》(1958) 三部曲之三,战后重生题材
《丹东Danton 》(1983) 关于法国大GM的历史片
Andrzej Wajda Here
Andrzej Wajda
Andrzej Wajda brief introduce Here
中文名: 安德烈·瓦依达
英文名: Andrzej Wajda
性 别: 男
生 日: 1926-03-06
角 色:导演,编剧

Andrzej Wajda Cinematographic works list:(Total 104 films) Here
Andrzej Wajda Cinematographic works list
Then i browse the poland web site, it is with both Polish and English. its content is very rich. There are 3 main columns: Events CalendarResource Library,and Multimedia. There are a large of articles and images in every column, only the film column contains 50 items, every item contains 15 films. I hope you spend a little time to enjoy the feast of Polish culture
I recall a Polish film "Ulica Graniczna/Border Street" seen in the 1950s. This is a reflection of the resistance movement works directed by Alexandre Ford. Half a century past, the world situation has undergone great changes, but the plot of the film is still are very impressive and loved by the people and miss. On the Chinese network even an old picture-story book has been sold (Auction) up to 302 CNY (About 48 USD), the film's video can still be found in the Chinese network, We can see that people still yearn for it
An old picture-story book "Ulica Graniczna/Border Street" has been sold (Auction) up to 302 CNY (About 48 USD) (Here
An old picture-story book "Ulica Graniczna/Border Street" has been sold (Auction) up to 302 CNY (About 48 USD)
Polish 1950 film "Ulica Graniczna/Border Street" 1/2 54'19" (56 video
Polish 1950 film "Ulica Graniczna/Border Street" 2/2 49'29" (56video
Director: Aleksander Ford (1908-1980)
Writers: Jan Fethke, Aleksander Ford,
Stars: Mieczyslawa Cwiklinska, Jerzy Leszczynski, Wladyslaw Godik
Plot: Directed by Alexander Ford `Ulica Granicza' (Border Street) is a story of the doomed Warsaw Ghetto uprising in which a small but heroic band of Jews, herded into a ghetto by German occupation forces, chose to resist the Nazis rather than to face deportation to Auschwitz or Treblinka.

Also Known As
Die GrenzstraBe East Germany
Fiamme su Varsavia Italy
Gransgatan Sweden
La vérité n'a pas de frontière France
Oproret i ghettoen Denmark
Rajakatu Varsovassa Finland
That Others May Live (undefined) (Here)
"Ulica Graniczna/Border Street" Polish dub Chinese subtitle 114'43" >>>>>>
I am very admiration to this Polish friend Magdalena Czopek who sent the email to me. His professional dedication is really impressive. I have added the links he request in our home pages. Wish his website more prosperous, wish the people of Poland and their splendid culture further promoted in the world, and become the common wealth of the people of the world!
I have added the links he request in our home pages
I have added the links he request in our home pages
"A pure formality" >>>>>>
"The Master and Margherita" >>>>>>
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