
布罗克斯顿评说莫里康内 MB-006-61

FA6818 Il sosia / Partner / 搭挡 / 同伴
作者 乔纳森·布罗克斯顿 (Jonathan Broxton)
ENNIO MORRICONE 评论,第6部分 006-61

合伙人 (1968)

《伙伴》是一部由贝尔纳多·贝托鲁奇编剧和导演的政治剧情片,改编自费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基 1846 年的中篇小说《替身:彼得堡的诗》,改编自意大利,并更新为与当时在意大利各地发生的亲越共学生抗议活动有关。这部电影由皮埃尔·克莱门蒂、蒂娜·奥蒙和塞尔吉奥·托法诺主演,讲述了一位名叫贾科布的大学生,他过着平凡的生活——直到他遇到了一对双胞胎,一个与他没有血缘关系的双胞胎。随着两人的相互了解,贾科布发现他的双胞胎朋友有许多他没有的吸引人的品质,这激发了他改变自己的生活......但不一定是更好的。

埃尼奥·莫里康内 (Ennio Morricone) 为 Partner 创作的配乐中只有少数几首曲目发行过; 最多的是四首,它们在 2004 年 GDM 发行的 La Cina è Vicina 乐谱结束时被列为奖励曲目。专辑中的第一个提示“Splash”实际上是一首歌曲,由莫里康内与作词人奥黛丽·诺拉(Audrey Nohra)共同创作,由彼得·布姆(Peter Boom)演唱;人声梦幻而略带循环,而管弦乐伴奏包括跳舞的大键琴、现代架子鼓和合唱团,以出乎意料的令人毛骨悚然的方式低声说“飞溅、冲刺、闪光”。整件事似乎是一封描写肥皂和洗澡的情书,显然是在致幻剂的影响下写的(实际上,电影中的一个角色是一名洗涤剂推销员,所以如果这不是他的叮当声,我不会感到惊讶)

乐谱以“Povero Claudio”开始,这是一个柔和的钢琴主题,有点令人惆怅和老式,但以令人震惊的暴力音符结束。随后的“Vecchia Hollywood”是一部令人惊讶的郁郁葱葱和浪漫的作品,带有古老的好莱坞光泽,慵懒的弦乐中带有一丝阿尔弗雷德·纽曼Alfred Newman)的影子,背景中带有拉丝的军鼓。最后的提示,“Roma Sospesa”是一个有节奏的、坚持不懈的脉搏,波涛汹涌的弦乐和呼啸的木管乐器,这实际上让我想起了他后来为《贱民》创作的一些打击乐大提琴音乐。

尽管是一部由意大利最著名和最受赞誉的导演之一执导的早期电影,但《伙伴》今天几乎被遗忘了,莫里康内的配乐可以说很多。在一个近 500部的电影音乐作品年表中,这完全是默默无闻的,令人愉快但平淡无奇。然而,歌曲“Splash”是一首无意中搞笑的喧嚣。

曲目列表: 1. Splash (2:51), 2.波韦罗·克劳迪奥 (2:08), 3.Vecchia Hollywood (1:05), 4.罗马·索斯佩萨(3:38)。GDM Music 4160,9 分 42 秒。





PARTNER (1968)

Partner is a political drama film written and directed by Bernardo Bertolucci, adapted from Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s, 1846 novella The Double: A Petersburg Poem, transposed to Italy and updated to relate to the pro-Vietcong student protests that took place all over Italy at that time. The film stars Pierre Clémenti, Tina Aumont, and Sergio Tofano, and follows a college student named Giaccobe who has a routine life – until he encounters a twin, a dopplegänger, he is not related to. As the two get to know each other Giaccobe discovers that his twin-friend has many appealing qualities he doesn’t have, which inspire him to change his life… but not necessarily for the better.

There have only ever been a handful of tracks from Ennio Morricone’s score for Partner ever released; the most being four, which were included as bonus tracks at the end of the GDM release of the score for La Cina è Vicina in 2004. The first cue on the album, “Splash” is actually a song, written by Morricone with lyricist Audrey Nohra, performed by Peter Boom; the vocals are dreamy and a touch loopy, while the orchestral backing includes a dancing harpsichord, a modern drum kit, and a choir making pigeon noises whispering ‘splash, dash, flash’ in an unexpectedly creepy way. The whole thing seems to be a love letter to soap and bathing, and was clearly written while under the influence of a hallucinogen (actually, one of the characters in the film was a detergent salesmen, so it wouldn’t surprise me if this wasn’t his jingle)

The score proper begins with “Povero Claudio,” a gentle theme for pianos which is a little wistful and old-fashioned, but ends on a shockingly violent note. The subsequent “Vecchia Hollywood” is a surprisingly lush and romantic piece with an old Hollywood sheen, a touch of Alfred Newman in the languid strings, and brushed snares in the background. The final cue, “Roma Sospesa” is a rhythmic, insistent pulse for choppy strings and hooting woodwinds, that actually reminds me of some of the percussive cello music he would later write for The Untouchables.

Despite being an early film directed by one of Italy’s most famous and acclaimed directors, Partners is almost forgotten today, and much can be said of Morricone’s score. It’s a complete obscurity in a filmography of almost 500 scores, and is pleasant but unremarkable. The song “Splash,” however, is an unintentionally hilarious hoot.

Track Listing: 1. Splash (2:51), 2. Povero Claudio (2:08), 3. Vecchia Hollywood (1:05), 4. Roma Sospesa (3:38). GDM Music 4160, 9 minutes 42 seconds.

Sep 19, 2020
Splash (02:51)
Vecchia hollywood (01:05)
Roma sospesa (00:55)
Povero claudio (01:18)
Jon 是一位电影音乐评论家和记者,自 1997 年以来一直担任全球最受欢迎的英语电影音乐网站之一 Movie Music UK 的编辑和首席评论员,并且是国际电影音乐评论家协会 (IFMCA) 的主席。在过去的 20多 年中,Jon 撰写了 3,000 多篇评论和文章,并进行了多次作曲家采访。在杂志刊物方面,乔恩曾为《电影配乐月刊》、《原声带杂志》和《电影音乐》等出版物撰写评论和文章,并为普罗米修斯唱片公司的两张经典 Basil Poledouris 配乐专辑《Amanda》和《Flyers / Fire on the Mountain》撰写了衬垫注释。他还为汤姆·胡佛 (Tom Hoover) 于 2011 年出版的《Soundtrack Nation: Interviews with Today's Top Professionals in Film, Videogame, and Television Scorering》一书撰写了一章。在1990年代后期,乔恩是伦敦皇家爱乐乐团的电影音乐顾问,并与他们合作拍摄了约翰·德布尼(John Debney)的音乐电影《相对价值》(Relative Values)和奥利弗·海斯(Oliver Heise)的音乐《佛陀的指环》(The Ring of the Buddha),以及与兰迪·纽曼(Randy Newman)合作的一系列音乐会。2012年,乔恩在波兰克拉科夫举行的第五届年度电影音乐节上担任“电影节学院”主席。他是作曲家和作词家协会的成员,该协会是作曲家、作词家和词曲作者从事电影、电视和多媒体工作的首要非营利组织。
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