朱里亚诺 孟塔多(Giuliano Montaldo)
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关于导演朱里亚诺 孟塔多(Giuliano Montaldo)
朱里亚诺 孟塔多(Giuliano Montaldo)
Giuliano Montaldo

Giuliano Montaldo (born February 22, 1930 in Genoa) is an Italian film director.

While he was still a young student, Montaldo was recruited by the director Carlo Lizzani for the role of leading actor in the film Achtung! Banditi! (1951). Following this experience he began an apprenticeship as an assistant director of Lizzani and Gillo Pontecorvo.

In 1960 he made his debut as a director with Tiro al piccione, a film about the partisan resistance, which entered for a competition in Venice Film Festival in 1961. In 1965 he wrote and directed Una bella grinta, a cynical representation of the economic boom of Italy, winning the Special Prize of the Jury at Berlin Film Festival. He then directed the production Grand Slam (1967) which starred an international cast including Edward G. Robinson, Klaus Kinski, and Janet Leigh. His cinema career continued with Gott mit uns (1969), and Sacco and Vanzetti (1971), a film about the abuses of the military, judicial and religious power.

In 1982 he directed the colossal television miniseries Marco Polo, which won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Miniseries.(See here)


译文: 朱里亚诺 孟塔多(Giuliano Montaldo 1930年2月22日生于意大利热那亚)是意大利电影导演.

在他还是青年学生的时侯,孟塔多就被导演卡罗 里赞尼(Carlo Lizzani)在电影 Achtung! Banditi! (1951)中起用.接下来他成为导演里赞尼和吉洛 彭提卡罗(Gillo Pontecorvo)的助手.

1960年他执导了他的第一部以游击队抵抗力量为主题的电影,并于1961年参加了嘎纳电影节的竞争.在1965年,他编写和导演了电影"Una bella grinta",并在柏林电影节获得了特殊奖.这部电影以愤世嫉俗的手法描写了意大利的经济繁荣.之后他导演了许多电影并起用了很多国际知名影星如Edward G. Robinson, Klaus Kinski, 和Janet Leigh. 他的电影事业随着诸如Gott mit uns (1969)(译注:"和平的第五天",其音乐见本站此页)和"萨科和万泽提"-- 一部关于滥用军队和司法权力的电影--而继续发展.



朱里亚诺 孟塔多的作品

作为导演 Giuliano Montaldo的电影作品(数量:17)

Demoni di San Pietroburgo, I ------- (2008)
Stagioni dell'aquila, Le ------- (1997)
杀戮时刻 Tempo di uccidere ------- (1990)
Occhiali d'oro, Gli ------- (1987)
Giorno prima, Il ------- (1987)
Addio a Enrico Berlinguer, L' ------- (1984)
Giocattolo, Il ------- (1979)
Circuito chiuso ------- (1978)
Agnese va a morire, L' ------- (1976)
Giordano Bruno ------- (1973)
死刑台的旋律 Sacco e Vanzetti ------- (1971)
Dio è con noi ------- (1969)
铤而走险 Intoccabili, Gli ------- (1968)
Ad ogni costo ------- (1967)
Bella grinta, Una ------- (1965)
Extraconiugale ------- (1964)
Tiro al piccione ------- (1962)

演员 Giuliano Montaldo的电影作品(数量:13)

凯门鳄 Caimano, Il ------- (2006)
Sacco and Vanzetti ------- (2006)
Eroe borghese, Un ------- (1995)
Lungo silenzio, Il ------- (1993)
Extraconiugale ------- (1964)
接班人 Assassino, L' ------- (1961)
Momento più bello, Il ------- (1957)
Donna del giorno, La ------- (1956)
Ragazze di San Frediano, Le ------- (1955)
Sbandati, Gli ------- (1955)
Cronache di poveri amanti ------- (1954)
Ai margini della metropoli ------- (1952)
Achtung! Banditi! ------- (1951)

作为编剧 Giuliano Montaldo的电影作品(数量:14)

Demoni di San Pietroburgo, I ------- (2008)
杀戮时刻 Tempo di uccidere ------- (1990)
Occhiali d'oro, Gli ------- (1987)
Giorno prima, Il ------- (1987)
Giocattolo, Il ------- (1979)
Circuito chiuso ------- (1978)
Agnese va a morire, L' ------- (1976)
Giordano Bruno ------- (1973)
死刑台的旋律 Sacco e Vanzetti ------- (1971)
Dio è con noi ------- (1969)
铤而走险 Intoccabili, Gli ------- (1968)
Bella grinta, Una ------- (1965)
Extraconiugale ------- (1964)
Orazi e curiazi ------- (1961)

作为助理导演 Giuliano Montaldo的电影作品(数量:4)

阿尔及尔之战/阿尔及尔战争 Battaglia di Algeri, La ------- (1966)
接班人 Assassino, L' ------- (1961)
Kapò ------- (1959)
Grande strada azzurra, La ------- (1957)
作为其他职员 Giuliano Montaldo的电影作品(数量:1)
Turandot ------- (1983)

