莫里康音乐作品"Chi Mai"音乐研究-a
A study of the music of "Chi Mai" Composed by Ennio Morricone-a
"Chi Mai"是一首非常有名的莫里康乐曲.很多中国的莫里康乐迷最初都是受到"Chi Mai" 奇特旋律的吸引才知道和热爱莫里康音乐的.但是由于这首曲子取了一个古怪的名字,再加上它曲折的由来,在许多中国人眼中蒙上了一股神秘的面纱.再加上许多网站不同的解释甚至是臆测,使得这首曲子变得更加扑朔迷离.前不久,我们有幸结识了著名的"ChiMai"网站站长,比利时的Didier先生,为了清楚的解开这个迷团,对此问题有一个更加明确,统一的说法,我们邀请 Didier先生为中国朋友写一篇关于这个问题的文章.最近,我们接到了他的回复,现在特向大家作一个介绍:
"Chi mai" means "Who ever" or "Who never", depending on the sentence in which you use it. As in Dalida's song: "Dove andranno i nostri fiori chi mai può dire": "Who can ever say where our flowers will go". Used on its own, "Chi mai" is like an expression of spite, or restrained disappointment.

"Chi Mai" first appeared as early as in 1970 on a German Vinyl 45", under the title "Terra Magica". So it is difficult to know whether Morricone wrote this piece as a stand-alone piece, or for the movie "Maddalena" which was to appear the year after, with "Chi mai" as a secondary theme. On the B-side of the 45" was the piece soon to be called "Come Maddalena", but here with the title "Goldrausch" (German for "Gold Rush", but it has nothing in common with the piece also called "Gold Rush", actually written for "L'ultimo uomo di Sara" with "Stanlio e Ollio" as original title).

In 1971, General Music published 2 LP's: the soundtrack of "Maddalena", including of course "Chi mai" and "Come Maddalena", and a compilation called "Colori", which included "Come Maddalena" again, but also a version of "Chi mai" with Italian lyrics called "Idiota", performed by Lisa Gastoni, the main actress of the movie "Maddalena". Both LP's were released as CD's in the Nineties.

The song also received French lyrics and English lyrics, each time performed by Lisa Gastoni. The French and Italian versions are availble on the "Canto Morricone vol.3" compilation CD; the English version is only available on a Japanese release of the Maddalena score (by Avanz in 1997). The Italian version was also recorded by Milva in 1972, to appear on the "Dedicato a Milva da Ennio Morricone" LP.

In 1977, Morricone decided to contribute to the disco fever by writing a disco version of "Come Maddalena", both a short and long versions, to be published on Vinyl 45" and EP's. For the B-side, he re-arranged "Chi mai" with a more linear melody, and with rock-sounding drums. Even though this track doesn't have a disco style, it will be know later as the "disco" version of "Chi mai". A longer version was made, seemingly artifically expanded from the 3:30 version in order to last 5:05, to be put on the EP's. Released in the UK, this piece was to become a huge success in 1978, also because it was used for a BBC-documentary about David Lloyd George.

It seems that, visiting the UK in that period, Jean-Paul Belmondo noticed the piece and liked it so much that he asked Georges Lautner, the director of his upcoming movie "Le professionnel" to use it for its soundtrack. Lautner and Morricone came together as Morricone agreed to write the score in the style of the "disco version" of "Chi mai". It is not clear whether Morricone knew that Lautner and Belmondo actually wanted to use "Chi mai", or if he thought that they wanted something similar. Nevertheless, in the resulting movie, there is hardly anything else than "Chi mai" (except for the main titles), in spite of the huge amount of original music which Morricone wrote for that movie (recommended is the CD from GDM in 2002, with not less than 50 minutes of music). The movie and the music were a huge success in France and french-speaking countries. The poster of the movie was even re-worked to put Morricone's name in even bigger characters than Lautner's. In many places, "Chi mai" is known as the music from "Le professionnel", or from an advertisement for dog-food which used it in the Eighties. But definitely not as the music from "Maddalena", the movie being unknown outside of Italy.

Morricone re-arranged "Chi mai" again several times later: for pan-flutes in 1993, for live-renditions in 1987 and in 2006, for new English lyrics for the Amii Stewart album in 1990 (under the title "Desire"), and again for different English lyrics for the Dulce Pontes album in 2003 (under the title "House of no regrets"). It was covered many times by artists such as Nini Rosso (1981), The Shadows (1981), James Last (1982), Willem Breuker (1989), Triology (1998), Richard Clayderman (1999), John Zorn (2000), Nightmares on Wax (2001), and many more. Even Edda Dell'Orso made her own version of it for her "Classical Machine" project in 1998. New French lyrics were written for Danièle Licari (famous for being the voice of Saint-Preux's "Concerto pour une voix"), under the title "Mal de toi" in 1981. And, of course, the City of Prague Philharmonic, the London Starlight Orchestra and others have their own version of it.

A revise come from Mr. Didier on Sep.23, 2007

We received Mr. Didier's E-mail on Sep.23,2007, he talk a revise about "Chi Mai" article (See above). Below is its extract:

......Something else: there was an error in my article about Chi Mai: On the album "Colori", the piece called "Idiota (Chi mai)" is actually NOT the song in Italian by Lisa Gastoni. It is the main version of the theme, instrumental (which appears, for example, on the Terra Magica 45rpm). I wonder why they have called it "Idiota". Sorry for the mistake......

Thanks for Mr.Didier's revise and his kindness


"Chi mai" means "Who ever" or "Who never", depending on the sentence in which you use it. As in Dalida's song: "Dove andranno i nostri fiori chi mai può dire": "Who can ever say where our flowers will go". Used on its own, "Chi mai" is like an expression of spite, or restrained disappointment.

"Chi mai" 意思是 "谁总是"或"谁从没有过", 具体取决于使用的环境. 例如在 达丽达(Dalida)的歌中:"Dove andranno i nostri fiori chi mai può dire":"谁能够说清我们的鲜花将会在哪里枯萎".在特定场合,"Chi Mai"可能是一种对于困扰或失望的表达

"Chi Mai" first appeared as early as in 1970 on a German Vinyl 45", under the title "Terra Magica". So it is difficult to know whether Morricone wrote this piece as a stand-alone piece, or for the movie "Maddalena" which was to appear the year after, with "Chi mai" as a secondary theme. On the B-side of the 45" was the piece soon to be called "Come Maddalena", but here with the title "Goldrausch" (German for "Gold Rush", but it has nothing in common with the piece also called "Gold Rush", actually written for "L'ultimo uomo di Sara" with "Stanlio e Ollio" as original title).

"Chi Mai"第一次出现是在1970年初的一张题为"有魔力的土地"("Terra Magica")的德国黑胶唱片(Vinyl 45)中.不过很难肯定那是否就是莫里康为此曲所写的唯一的曲谱,因为在那一年的晚些时侯出现的电影"玛达莲娜" (Maddalena) , 也使用了"Chi Mai"作为第二主题.不久一个名叫"来自玛达莲娜"("Come Maddalena")的作品出现在黑胶唱片的B面(B-side),唱片的标题是"Goldrausch"(德文的"金色冲击",实际上它是为电影 "L'ultimo uomo di Sara"所谱写的,最初的标题是"Stanlio e Ollio")

In 1971, General Music published 2 LP's: the soundtrack of "Maddalena", including of course "Chi mai" and "Come Maddalena", and a compilation called "Colori", which included "Come Maddalena" again, but also a version of "Chi mai" with Italian lyrics called "Idiota", performed by Lisa Gastoni, the main actress of the movie "Maddalena". Both LP's were released as CD's in the Nineties.

在1971年,有2种LP唱片发行.一种是包括了"Chi Mai"和"来自玛达莲娜"的"玛达莲娜"的原声音乐,另一种被称为"Colori",其中包括"来自玛达莲娜".还有一个包括叫作"Idiota"的意大利歌词的Chi Mai"版本,它是由"玛达莲娜"的女主角丽莎(Lisa Gaetoni)演唱的.这两种LP唱片在九十年代又以CD光盘的形式被发行.

The song also received French lyrics and English lyrics, each time performed by Lisa Gastoni. The French and Italian versions are availble on the "Canto Morricone vol.3" compilation CD; the English version is only available on a Japanese release of the Maddalena score (by Avanz in 1997). The Italian version was also recorded by Milva in 1972, to appear on the "Dedicato a Milva da Ennio Morricone" LP.

这支歌又被配以法文和英文的歌词,每一次都是由丽莎演唱. 法文和意文版本的在"莫里康旋律第三集"("Canto Morricone vol.3")中可以找到.英文版本的只能在日本发行的"玛达莲娜"乐曲(由Avanz于197年发行)中找到.意大利版本还被米尔瓦(Milva)演唱,在1972年以"Dedicato a Milva da Ennio Morricone"的LP唱片出版发行

In 1977, Morricone decided to contribute to the disco fever by writing a disco version of "Come Maddalena", both a short and long versions, to be published on Vinyl 45" and EP's. For the B-side, he re-arranged "Chi mai" with a more linear melody, and with rock-sounding drums. Even though this track doesn't have a disco style, it will be know later as the "disco" version of "Chi mai". A longer version was made, seemingly artifically expanded from the 3:30 version in order to last 5:05, to be put on the EP's. Released in the UK, this piece was to become a huge success in 1978, also because it was used for a BBC-documentary about David Lloyd George.

在1977年,莫里康决定为迪斯科发烧友谱写一个"来自玛达莲娜"的迪斯科版本,有长短两种版本,以EP黑胶唱片发行.在它的B面,他重新编写了"Chi Mai",使其加长并带有摇滚乐的色彩.虽然这次改编还不具有迪斯科的风格,但它为其后的迪斯科版本的"Chi Mai"打下了基础.之后,又出现了一个加长版,由原来的3'30"延长到5'05",并在英国以EP黑胶唱片发行,在1978年,这个版本被用在BBC电视台一个关于"大卫乔治"(David Lloyd George) (译注:该电视连续剧的全名是"The Life And Times Of David Lloyd George",大卫洛依乔治的一生.由英国 BBC电视台1981年播出)的记录片中并获得了巨大的成功.

It seems that, visiting the UK in that period, Jean-Paul Belmondo noticed the piece and liked it so much that he asked Georges Lautner, the director of his upcoming movie "Le professionnel" to use it for its soundtrack. Lautner and Morricone came together as Morricone agreed to write the score in the style of the "disco version" of "Chi mai". It is not clear whether Morricone knew that Lautner and Belmondo actually wanted to use "Chi mai", or if he thought that they wanted something similar. Nevertheless, in the resulting movie, there is hardly anything else than "Chi mai" (except for the main titles), in spite of the huge amount of original music which Morricone wrote for that movie (recommended is the CD from GDM in 2002, with not less than 50 minutes of music). The movie and the music were a huge success in France and french-speaking countries. The poster of the movie was even re-worked to put Morricone's name in even bigger characters than Lautner's. In many places, "Chi mai" is known as the music from "Le professionnel", or from an advertisement for dog-food which used it in the Eighties. But definitely not as the music from "Maddalena", the movie being unknown outside of Italy.

在贝尔蒙多(Jean-Paul Belmondo)访问英国期间,他注意到了这首乐曲并且非常喜欢它.他请求他的新片"职业杀手"( "Le professionnel")的导演乔治罗纳( Georges Lautner)在该片的配乐中使用这首乐曲.罗纳取得了莫里康的同意并由他以迪斯科版"Chi Mai"的风格去谱写曲谱.不太清楚莫里康是否知道罗纳和贝尔蒙多实际上只需要类似的旋律就可以了.莫里康为这部电影谱写了大量的原创音乐(在2002年由GDM发行的CD唱盘中,其数量不少于50分钟).这部电影和它的音乐在法国以及法语国家获得了巨大的成功. 电影海报甚至为此而重新改写,用比罗纳还要大的字体放上莫里康的名字.在很多地方,"Chi Mai"音乐是由于这部电影才被流传的.在八十年代,甚至在宠物食品的广告中都使用了它.但是很多人并不知道这首音乐是来自"玛达莲娜",因为在意大利之外的国家,很少有人知道这部电影.

Morricone re-arranged "Chi mai" again several times later: for pan-flutes in 1993, for live-renditions in 1987 and in 2006, for new English lyrics for the Amii Stewart album in 1990 (under the title "Desire"), and again for different English lyrics for the Dulce Pontes album in 2003 (under the title "House of no regrets"). It was covered many times by artists such as Nini Rosso (1981), The Shadows (1981), James Last (1982), Willem Breuker (1989), Triology (1998), Richard Clayderman (1999), John Zorn (2000), Nightmares on Wax (2001), and many more. Even Edda Dell'Orso made her own version of it for her "Classical Machine" project in 1998. New French lyrics were written for Danièle Licari (famous for being the voice of Saint-Preux's "Concerto pour une voix"), under the title "Mal de toi" in 1981. And, of course, the City of Prague Philharmonic, the London Starlight Orchestra and others have their own version of it.

在此后的年月里,莫里康又多次对"Chi Mai"进行过改编: 1993年为长笛类型的乐器; 1987和2006年为现场演奏; 1990年为阿米(Amii Stewart)名为"渴望"的专辑以及2003年再次为邦蒂斯不同的英文歌词所出的专辑(无悔的家).很多艺术家在他们的作品中都使用过这个曲子,例如Nini Rosso (1981), The Shadows (1981), James Last (1982), Willem Breuker (1989), Triology (1998), Richard Clayderman (1999), John Zorn (2000), Nightmares on Wax (2001)等等,甚至艾达(Edda Dell'Orso)1981年制作的个人专辑"古典布局"中也使用了这个曲目.1981年,为Danièle Licari(在Saint-Preux的"Concerto pour une voix"中的著名歌唱家)谱写了新的法文歌词并发表在名为"Mal de toi"的专辑中.此外,布拉格交响乐团,伦敦星光交响乐队以及其它许多乐队都有它们自己的演出版本.


2007.11.23 来自 Didier先生的一个修正

2007.11.23 我们又接到Didier先生的一份电子邮件.他在其中谈到了对于上面文章的一点修正,现将该件的摘录发表于下:

......Something else: there was an error in my article about Chi Mai: On the album "Colori", the piece called "Idiota (Chi mai)" is actually NOT the song in Italian by Lisa Gastoni. It is the main version of the theme, instrumental (which appears, for example, on the Terra Magica 45rpm). I wonder why they have called it "Idiota". Sorry for the mistake......

.....还有一件事,在我的"Chi Mai"文章中有一个错误,在"Colori"的原声音乐中,那首称作"Idiota(Chi Mai)的乐曲,实际上不是由意大利的丽莎(Lisa Gaetoni)演唱的,它是这个器乐主题的主要版本(例如在"有魔力的土地"-Terra Magica-的德国黑胶唱片中发表的),为此非常抱歉....


001-Vinyl 45"(45转乙烯基唱片)
Vinyl (乙烯基)是黑膠唱片的英文總稱.二战以前的唱片所用的主要原料是虫胶(Shellac),大部分来自印度。二战期间,虫胶的来源被切断,后来哥伦比亚唱片公司改用乙烯基塑料(Vinyl)为唱片材料,并逐渐发展为当时唱片的主流。 黑胶唱片的常规转速有78转、45转和33.3转;黑胶唱片的常规尺寸有7英寸、10英寸和12英寸;唱片的颜色通常为黑色,不过也有彩色.45转的黑胶唱片在频宽、动态和静噪各方面均有较好的品质.近年来,很多收藏家和音乐爱好者正在大力收集这些唱片,其身价也日渐不菲.
Vinyl 45"(45转乙烯基唱片)
Vinyl 45"(45转乙烯基唱片)
Vinyl 45"(45转乙烯基唱片)
Vinyl 45"(45转乙烯基唱片)
(参见这里 01, 02, 03)
002-"Maddalena"and "Come Maddalena"("玛达莲娜"和"来自玛达莲娜")
"玛达莲娜"是意大利于1971(或1970)年制作发行的一部电影,"由莫里康谱曲,来自玛达莲娜"和"Chi Mai"两支曲子均在其中.其音乐见本站此页(023项).为大家方便,现将其列于下面.
"Maddalena"and "Come Maddalena"("玛达莲娜"和"来自玛达莲娜")
"Maddalena"and "Come Maddalena"("玛达莲娜"和"来自玛达莲娜")
"Maddalena"and "Come Maddalena"("玛达莲娜"和"来自玛达莲娜")
参见这里 01, 02, 03
003-"L'ultimo uomo di Sara" 和 "Stanlio e Ollio"
1972年由意大利和南斯拉夫联合出品的电影,又名"Sarah's Last Man",由莫里康谱曲,其音乐见本站此页(023项)
"L'ultimo uomo di Sara" 和 "Stanlio e Ollio"
Stanlio e Ollio是其中第三首乐曲,点击这里收听
参见这里 01, 02, 03
004-Goldrausch (Gold Rush)?? (笔者注:并不准确,仅供研究参考,准确的图片请见下一页)
Goldrausch (Gold Rush) Goldrausch (Gold Rush) Goldrausch (Gold Rush)
Goldrausch (Gold Rush)
参见 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06
005-Terra Magica ? (笔者注:并不准确,仅供研究参考,准确的图片请见下一页)
01, 02, 03,
006-B-side (B 面)
B-Side这一称谓源自胶木唱片时代,当时唱片公司发放给电台的唱片称之为A-Side,A-Side为打榜歌曲。而胶木唱片还有一个面(B-Side),不用白不用,于是就刻上另一首不太重要的作品。进入CD时代后,Single这种唱片模式被保留了下来,CD唱片只有一个面,但在Single唱片之中仍收录了一首至几首不重要的作品,这类作品沿用了旧时代的称谓,称为B-Side (请参见这里这里)
007-LP (Long-Playing,长播)
在唱片發展的初期,唱头的制作和唱片刻纹技术還不是很发达,只有以提高转速增长音轨来保证唱片的频率响应,黑胶唱片转速定为每分钟78转,这是当时一个标准,因此英文叫做Standard-Playing,缩写为“SP”。由于78转的高转速,可录音时间非常有限,78转的SP唱片每面只能记录5分钟左右的音频信息,一首约30分钟的贝多芬《命运》交响曲,灌录78转的SP唱片需要6-8张。随着科技的飞速发展,唱头的制作和唱片刻纹技术不断提高,从1948年開始,33又3分之1转速的唱片正式 投放市场,单面记录时间比78转唱片提高了好几倍,记录时间已可容纳30分鐘左右,所以给33又3分之1转的唱片取名“Long-Playing”(长播),它的缩写也就是我们常说的“LP”!(参见这里)
008-lisa gastoni(丽莎)和 Milva(米尔瓦)演唱的 Chi Mai
lisa gastoni(丽莎)和 Milva(米尔瓦)演唱的 Chi Mai
lisa gastoni(丽莎)和 Milva(米尔瓦)演唱的 Chi Mai
lisa gastoni(丽莎)和 Milva(米尔瓦)演唱的 Chi Mai
lisa gastoni(见这里)
Canto Morricone vol.3(见这里)
"莫里康旋律第三集""Canto Morricone vol.3" (见这里)
lisa gastoni: chi mai (Idiota)
lisa gastoni: chi mai
"Milva - dedicato a Milva da Ennio Morricone"(见这里)
Chi Mai
009-The Life And Times Of David Lloyd George(大卫洛依乔治的一生)

"大卫洛依乔治的一生"是英国BBC电视台在1981年播出的一部电视连续剧.它由莫里康以"Chi Mai"的主旋律重新配乐,播出后这首乐曲在英国受到了热烈的欢迎,并奠定了它在全球乐坛中的不朽地位

The Life and Times of David Lloyd George was a 1981 BBC Wales drama starring Philip Madoc, Kika Markham and David Markham. It featured music by Ennio Morricone
Don't Try, Do It...不必试,要去作...
The Life And Times Of David Lloyd George(大卫洛依乔治的一生)
The Life And Times Of David Lloyd George(大卫洛依乔治的一生)
A Wicked 邪恶
He Is Wise, and Merciful 他是聪明和仁慈的
All Flesh Is Grass 肉来自草
Well, We're In 好,我们在这里
No. 10 第10号
An Honourable Peace 光荣的和平
Win or Lose 输或赢
Footnotes of History 历史的脚注
大卫洛依乔治是贝茜和威廉乔治的唯一的男性继承人.当大卫两岁的时侯,他的父亲去世并且搬家到威尔士的Llanystudmdwy. 他在威尔士学习宗教,法律并成长为一个踌躇满志的坚定的男人.他向马吉欧文求爱,但她的父母曾则反对这门婚事.之后大卫成了下院的一个议员,贸易委员会的主席和财政大臣,他提出了颇具争议的建立福利国家的"人民预算"主张.1916年,他当选为一战后期联合政府的首相.....他是二十世纪最为迷人和最有争议的一位政治领袖. (参见 010203

David Lloyd George was the sole male heir of Betsy and William George. By the time Davy was two his father was dead and the family had moved to Llanystudmdwy in Wales where Davy spent his formative years immersed in studying religion, law and public debate - studies that in later years were to stand him in good stead. An ambitious and determined young man, he wooed and won the hand of Maggie Owen - an advantageous match which her parents desperately tried to stop. Having won a Liberal seat in the Commons, Lloyd George went on to become President of the Board of Trade and then Chancellor of the Exchequer, where he presented the highly controversial 'People's Budget' which later became the backbone of the Welfare State. Finally, in 1916, he was elected Prime Minister of the coalition government which ruled for the remainder of the First World War. A legend as a politician, womaniser and innovator, this was surely his greatest hour. And yet to his parliamentary colleagues and friends he remained an enigma. In this sensational biography David Benedictus gives a candid and compelling portrayal of the twentieth century's most fascinating and controversial political leader.(See here)

参见 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06
The Life And Times Of David Lloyd George"(大卫洛依乔治的一生)中的Chi Mai
28Kbps WMA 775K
192Kbps Mp3 7.25M
(参见这里 01, 02, 03, 04)
010-莫里康配乐电影"职业杀手 (Le Professionel,1981) 和贝尔蒙多 (Jean-Paul Belmondo)
莫里康配乐电影"职业杀手 (Le Professionel,1981) 和贝尔蒙多 (Jean-Paul Belmondo)
莫里康配乐电影"职业杀手 (Le Professionel,1981) 和贝尔蒙多 (Jean-Paul Belmondo)
贝尔蒙多(Jean-Paul Belmondo)
电影"职业杀手"原声音乐中带有 Chi Mai 旋律的乐曲
The wind, the scream-First theme
The wind, the scream-First variation
The wind, the scream-Second variation
Bach-Second variation
The wind, the scream-Third variation
Chi mai
The wind, the scream-Main titles movie version
The wind, the scream-Alternate version
011-音乐家(歌唱家)演出的有关Chi Mai的乐曲
(Dulce Pontes葡萄牙女歌手邦蒂丝
(Dulce Pontes葡萄牙女歌手邦蒂丝
House Of No Regrets
Richard Clayderman
Richard Clayderman
Medley - Chi Mai, Intermezzo, Here's To You
The Fantastic Movie Story Of Ennio Morricone
Amii Stewart
Amii Stewart
Chi Mai
George Evelyn
George Evelyn
Chi Mai
衷心感谢Didier先生的热情回复,祝 ChiMai 网站繁荣兴旺
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