A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
NA-7109 (7108) L'istruttoria è chiusa: dimentichi / The Case Is Closed, Forget It (直译 调查已经结束:忘了吧) |

电影导演 Director Damiano Damiani |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Das Verfahren ist eingestellt: Vergessen Sie's! West Germany
Die Untersuchung ist abgeschlossen: Vergessen Sie alles East Germany
Istraga je zavrsena: Zaboravi! Croatia
Kleisti ypothesis Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) (More) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Screen Trax CDST 316 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date 1998 UPN 8-018163-003167 Limited edition.(4 music) Also contains music from:
Serpent, Le |
Dagored RED150-2 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 4-Mar-2004 (6 music) |
本站电影页, Our film page |
旧版音乐页, Our old music page |
Plot Because of a violation of traffic regulations an architect is put in prison. There he witnesses the grim reality of life behind bars: corrupt staff, corrupt inmates, an inhuman judicial system and the power of the Mafia.
"L′istruttoria e chiusa: dimentichi" - which translates into "The investigation is closed: forget about it" is one in a series of political thrillers Damiano Damiani (when he was good, he could to some extent rival Francesco Rosi, when he became pretentious and preachy he was intolerable) specialized in in the late 60′s through the 70′s. Its overall target is the corrupt Italian state of that day and age. Its means is classic melodrama of the wrongful accused who has to live through purgatory. Because he is wrongful accused, an intellectual and played by the then handsome Franco Nero we pity him for that (there is ample space for the suspicion that we would perceive his private hell in public custody as appropriate were he a criminal).To prove his case Damiani this time took the easy way out and that′s why his film is - judged by Damiani′s own best abilities - bordering on the mediocre side - and still worth watching; which is an achievement in itself.(Here)
剧情本站简译 一个建筑师由于违反交通法规而被关进监狱.在那里,他见证了铁窗生活的严峻现实:腐败的官员,腐败的犯人,一个野蛮的司法系统和黑手党的能量.这是六十到七十年代达米亚诺 达米亚尼的系列政治惊悚片之一.
一个无辜的建筑师被捕入狱,发现囚犯中也有各种派别。也有特权阶层。在这些有权有势的人面前,连监狱长也得听命,阿谀奉承。假使谁无钱无势,又不肯就范,他就要受尽毒打折磨,甚至关进单人牢房,若再顽固不化。就会被杀掉。有一个囚犯揭露了一个大公司老板的罪恶,就因为坚持自己的指控。结果被害身亡。建筑师夜里上茅厕时见到这幅情景,向监狱当局告发此事。不料,这一告发使他自己也处于死亡的边缘。监狱长威胁他:“说出去,当心你的小命!”他不得不作了伪证。由于和监狱长作了交易,他获释出狱。监狱长给他临别赠言:“我们是站在街垒的这一边,他们(指工人、穷人)是站在另一边,请你记住!”建筑师获得自由后和家人团聚,房子归还给他,物质生活条件也恢复了。然而。他内心却受着一种折磨。他鄙视自己由于胆怯、懦弱而出卖了别人。尽管如此,他还是这样活下去,实际上接受了放他出狱的人的逻辑——“秩序的力量总是公正的”(见本站此页) |
About OST: ChiMai shows 6 music from 1971-2004. Soundrack shows 3 albums and 1 mixed albums, 6 music are in 2004 album, 4 music are 1998 mixed album. Released below are 6 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1971-2004共有6首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有3个专辑和1个合辑,其中2004年专辑为6首乐曲,1998合辑为4首乐曲.本站现有资源为6首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Memento (02:34) |
纪念 |
002 |
Ordini (11:03) |
命令 |
003 |
Disordini (05:49) |
暴乱 |
004 |
Ergastolo (07:23) |
终身监禁 |
005 |
Disordini (titoli versione film) (02:14) |
暴乱(标题电影版) |
006 |
Ordini Versione Alternativa (versione alternativa) (03:29) |
命令(备用版) |
NA-7110(7125) La classe operaia va in Paradiso / The Working Class Goes to Heaven / 工人阶级上天堂 |

电影导演 Director Elio Petri |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
La clase obrera va al paraíso Argentina / Spain
A Classe Operária Vai ao Paraíso Brazil
A munkásosztály a Paradicsomba megy Hungary
De arbeiders gaan naar het paradijs Netherlands (poster title)
Der Weg der Arbeiterklasse ins Paradies East Germany
Die Arbeiterklasse geht ins Paradies West Germany (More) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
RCA Records 74321-15507-2 Country Italy Format
CD Release Date 1993 UPN 0-743211-550727 (1-8 8 music) Also contains music from: Propriet? Non ? Pi? Un Furto, La |
GDM CD Club 7062 Country Italy Format CD Release Date Apr-2009 (14 music) |
旧版音乐页, Our old music page |
Plot Lulù is a real hard worker. For this reason he is loved by the masters and hated by his own colleagues. The unions decide agitations against the masters. Lulù doesn't agree till he cuts, by accident, one of his own fingers. Now, after he understood the worker's conditions, he agrees the unions and participates to the strike. He immediately is fired and, not only is abandoned by his lover, but also by the other workers. But the fights of the unions allow him under a new legislation to be hired again. At this point his mind starts giving collapse signs... (Here) (This is an important political film composed by Ennio morricone, and it is one of the "Past trilogy". More see the page in our site.)
剧情本站简译 卢卢是一个真正努力的工人.他因此为老板所喜爱并为他自己的同事所憎恨.工会决定发动反对雇主的斗争.卢卢并不同意这种斗争直到他在一次事故中被切掉手指.现在,在他明白了工人所处的环境之后他同意了工会的意见并参加罢工.他立即被解雇并被他的情人和其他的工人所抛弃.但是工会的斗争使得他在一个新的法规下重新被雇用....(这是莫里康内配乐的一部重要政治电影.更多详细介绍请见本站电影网页.) |
About OST: ChiMai shows 14 music from 1971-2009. Soundrack shows 3 albums and 1 mixed album, 14 music are in 2009 album, 8 music are 1993 mixed album. Released below are 8 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1971-2009共有14首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有3个专辑和1个合辑,其中2009年专辑为14首乐曲,1993合辑为8首乐曲.本站现有资源为8首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
La classe operaia va in paradiso (05:20) |
工人阶级上天堂 |
002 |
Metamorfosi (02:10) |
转变 |
003 |
Sinfonia del cottimista (08:16) |
计时交响曲 |
004 |
Inventario (02:58)Coro: I Cantori Moderni Di Alessandron |
盘点 歌手亚历山德罗 |
005 |
Tempi di lavorazione (04:06) |
作业时间 |
006 |
Il sogno (04:36) |
梦想 |
007 |
Pazzia da lavoro (02:23) |
疯狂工作 |
008 |
Alienazione (03:45) Tracks 1-8: Score for "La Classe Operaia Va In Paradiso" acks 9-21: Score for "La Propriet? Non ? Pi? Un Furto" |
异化 |
NA-7111(7127) La corta notte delle bambole di vetro / The Short Night of the Butterflies (直译 玻璃娃娃的短夜) |

电影导演 Director Aldo Lado |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Malastrana Italy (pre-release title) / West Germany
Das Todessyndrom Germany (TV title)
Gyalines koukles Greece (video title)
Je suis vivant! France (video title)
Kratka noc leptira (undefined)
La corta noche de las munecas de cristal Spain (More) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Label:Dagored – Red 160-2 Format:CD, Album, Reissue, Digipak Country:Italy
Released:2005 (14 music) ( Discogs) |
Ennio Morricone – La Corta Notte Delle Bambole Di Vetro (Original Soundtrack) Label:Digitmovies – CDDM134 Format:CD, Album, Reissue, emastered, Limited Edition Country:Italy Released:29 Apr 2009 (21 music) ( Discogs) |
本站电影页, Our film page |
旧版音乐页, Our old music page |
Plot An American journalist in Prague searches for his girlfriend who has suddenly disappeared (Here)
剧情本站简译 一个美国新闻记者在布拉格搜寻他的突然消失了的女友 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 23 music from 1971-2009. Soundrack shows no album. Discogs website shows 14 music are in 1998 album, 21 music are 2009 album. Released below are 14 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1900-1900共有6首乐曲发表. Soundrack未查到专辑,在Discogs 显示共有4个专辑和0个合辑,其中1998年专辑为14首乐曲,2009年专辑为21首乐曲.本站现有资源为14首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Valzer (02:23) |
华尔滋 |
002 |
Emmetrentatre (04:07) |
003 |
Notte E Bambole (02:32) |
夜与娃娃 |
004 |
Brividi Di Archi (04:41) |
寒冷的拱门 |
005 |
Oppressione (03:09) |
压迫 |
006 |
Depressione (01:18) |
抑郁 |
007 |
Oppressione Di Mostri (01:20) |
怪物的压迫 |
008 |
Incoscientemente (02:07) |
不知不觉 |
009 |
Incubi Solitari (01:43) |
孤独的恶梦 |
010 |
Bambole Di Vetro (06:48) |
玻璃娃娃 |
011 |
Il Bisturi (02:38) |
手术刀 |
012 |
Irrealta' E Follia (02:08) |
虚幻“和疯狂 |
013 |
Sospiri Di Morte (04:41) |
死亡叹息 |
014 |
Valzer (02:50) |
华尔滋 |
NA-7112 (7128) La tarantola dal ventre nero / Black Belly of the Tarantula / 塔兰图拉毒蛛 |
电影导演 Director Paolo Cavara |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
La tarantola dal ventre nero Italy (original title)
Black Belly of the Tarantula USA
Den mystiske draparen Finland (Swedish title)
Der schwarze Leib der Tarantel West Germany
I mavri arahni Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
La tarántula del vientre negro Spain (More) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Digitmovies CDDM085 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 15-Jun-2007 UPN 8-032628-990854 (15 music) |
本站电影页, Our film page |
旧版音乐页, Our old music page |
Plot Inspector Tellini investigates serial crimes where victims are paralyzed while having their bellies ripped open with a sharp knife, much in the same way tarantulas are killed by the black wasp. As suspects keep dying, Inspector directs his attention to a spa all the victims had a connection with.(Here)
剧情本站简译 玛丽亚·扎尼夫人被发现杀害后,泰利尼督察负责进行调查此案,他侦查到一组玛丽亚跟她秘密情人偷欢的照片曾被用来勒索敲诈过这个漂亮的夫人;正当玛丽亚的丈夫保罗雇请一个私人侦探来查找和他的妻子在一起的男人是谁的时候,又一宗相似的命案发生了。泰利尼推断,米尔塔·里奇夫人的被害方式和玛丽亚如出一辙——凶手将蘸毒的针灸针刺入她的体内,在她仍然存有意识的状态下,迫使她无奈地看着凶手用尖刀剖开自己的肚子而慢慢死去——类似昆虫世界里的“黑腹狼蛛”,一旦完成交媾,雌蛛立刻凶残地蛰死雄蛛。经过一番缜密侦查,泰利尼发现,每个受害者生前经常光顾的一家高档温泉保健馆,涉嫌讹诈和可卡因走私活动...... |
About OST: ChiMai shows 15 music from 1971-2007. Soundrack shows 1 album and 5 mixed albums, 15 music are in 2007 album . Released below are 15+1 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1971-2007共有15首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有1个专辑和5个合辑,其中2007年专辑为15首乐曲.本站现有资源为15+1首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Coiffeur Pour Dames (titoli) (02:50) |
美发师(标题) |
002 |
La Tarantola Dal Ventre Nero (06:04) |
黑腹狼蛛 |
003 |
L' Abbraccio Caldo Della Tarantola (03:59) |
在温暖怀抱中的蜘蛛 |
004 |
Nell'ultima Stanza (03:40) |
在最后一个房间 |
005 |
Psicosi Ossessiva (03:05) |
迷恋 |
006 |
Col Cuore In Gola (01:53) |
冲击心脏 |
007 |
Mondo Perduto (02:58) |
失落的世界 |
008 |
L' Abbraccio Caldo Della Tarantola (versione 2) (04:21) |
在温暖怀抱中的蜘蛛 (2版) |
009 |
Spirale Misteriosa (04:07) |
神秘的螺旋 |
010 |
Lugubre (03:31) |
阴沉 |
011 |
Ventre Nero (06:05) |
黑肚皮 |
012 |
Coiffeur Pour Dames (versione 2) (03:55) |
美发师(2) |
013 |
Buio Psichedelic (04:06) |
黑色系列 |
014 |
Ragnatela (04:02) |
蜘蛛网 |
015 |
Un Uomo Si E' Dimesso (03:00) |
远去的人 |
016 |
La Tarantola Dal Ventre Nero (Finale) (versione 2) (05:27) |
黑腹狼蛛(终曲)(2版) |
NA-7113 (7126) Le casse/Gli Scassinatori / The Burglars (Henri Verneuil) / 大飞贼 |

电影导演 Director |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Le casse France (original title)
A betorés Hungary (theatrical title)
Cenny lup Poland
Der Coup West Germany
El furor de la codicia Spain
Gli scassinatori Italy
Hirsizlar Turkey (Turkish title) (More) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Bell Records 1105 ST Original Release Title Burglars, The Country United States Format LP Release Date 1972 (12 music) |
GDM CD Club 7033 Country Italy Format CD Release Date Jul-2006 UPN 8-018163-070336 (12 music) |
本站电影页, Our film page |
旧版音乐页, Our old music page |
Plot (Italian)Due scassinatori s'impadroniscono della collezione di diamanti di un miliardario. Ma, un commissario corrotto, li perseguita cercando di rubare la refurtiva. (Here)
剧情本站简译 两名窃贼盗取一个亿万富翁收藏的钻石.但是腐败的警官却试图谋取他们窃取的赃物 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 12 music from 1971-1972. Soundrack shows 16 albums and 2 mixed albums, 12 music are in 2006 album, 11 music are 1997 mixed album. Released below are 13 music, it is similar with Download .torrent website's info
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1971-1972共有12首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有16个专辑和2个合辑,其中2006年专辑为12首乐曲,1997合辑为11首乐曲.本站现有资源为13首,和Download .torrent 网站的资料相近 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
the burglars - Main Theme |
大飞贼-主题曲 |
002 |
the burglars - Love Theme |
大飞贼-爱的主题 |
003 |
the burglars - Marinella |
大飞贼-海运 |
004 |
the burglars - Argomenti |
大飞贼-推论 |
005 |
the burglars - For Zacharia |
大飞贼- |
006 |
the burglars - The Daughter to the Edge |
大飞贼-女儿的优势 |
007 |
the burglars - Dangerous Turn |
大飞贼-危险的旋转 |
008 |
the burglars - But Not a Lot of Sex |
大飞贼-可是没有多少欲望 |
009 |
the burglars - Rodeo |
大飞贼-竞技 |
010 |
the burglars - One Woman Who Loves |
大飞贼-一个女人的心 |
011 |
the burglars - The Burglars |
大飞贼-大飞贼 |
012 |
Mon ami de toujours-LE CASSE |
我终身的朋友-变质 |
013 |
Pas vu, pas pris-LE CASSE |
没有见过,没有作出-变质 |
NA-7114 (7129) Lui per lei (直译 他为了她) |
电影导演 Director Claudio Rispoli |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Digitmovies CDDM050 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 24-Mar-2006
UPN 8-032628-990502
* tracks 4,7,10,13 were originally recorded for the never realized movie LUI PER LEI (1970) |
本站电影页, Our film page |
旧版音乐页, Our old music page |
Plot Sorry No information
剧情本站简译 抱歉暂无资料 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 4 music from 1971-2006. Soundrack shows 0 albums, but one 2006 mixed albums here, it shows 4 music are in which Released below are 4 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1971-2006共有4首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有0个专辑和1个合辑,其中2006合辑为4首乐曲.本站现有资源为4首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001(4) |
stato confusionale (08:53) |
混乱 |
002(7) |
in un ricordo (03:25) |
记忆 |
003(10) |
in un ricordo (#2)(03:26) |
记忆2 |
004(13) |
Lui Per Lei (03:08) |
他为了她 |
NA-7115 (7120) Maddalena / 玛达莲娜 |

电影导演 Director Jerzy Kawalerowicz |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
----------------- |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Saimel Ediciones 3993810 Country Spain Format
CD Release Date Mar-2002 (8 music) |
Saimel Ediciones 3998929 Original Release Title
Saimel Masterworks Series, Volume 6 Country
Spain Format CD Release Date 15-Jul-2011
UPN 8-427328-884136 (13 music) |
本站电影页, Our film page |
旧版音乐页, Our old music page |
Plot The film Maddalena tells the story of a woman who is desperate to find real love in a real steady relationship on the one hand; and a priest who is doubting his ability to cope with celibacy on the other hand. When Maddalena decides the priest is the man that she wants, an atmosphere of erotic tension and self-questioning about true Faith fill up the air. This film is best known for having the first appearance of the songs "Come Maddalena" and "Chi Mai" by Ennio Morricone. Both songs were re-recorded and released as the single "Disco 78" in 1977. Chi Mai was later used in the film The Professional (1981) and the TV series "The Life and Times of David Lloyd George" (1981).(Here)
剧情本站简译 影片讲述一个激情和感性的女人玛达莲娜和一个天主教神父之间的情感故事.莫里康内的著名音乐 Come Maddalena (来吧玛达莲娜)和Chi Mai(谁从未有错)使这部电影广泛流传. 它的主题音乐曾在Professional (1981)和"The Life and Times of David Lloyd George" (1981)等影片中广泛使用 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 5 music from 1971-2011, reused 2 music and revisions 14 music. Soundrack shows 7 albums and 2mixed albums, 8 music are in 2002 album, 13 music are 2011album. Released below are 8 and 14 music(It is one of Ennio Morricone's most important works. Please see our webpage about the research on Maddalena and ChiMai musc)
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1971-2011共有5首乐曲发表,被引用的2首,修订的14首. Soundrack显示共有7个专辑和2个合辑,其中2002年专辑为8首乐曲,2011专辑为13首乐曲.本站现有资源为8首和14首两种,特一并在此发布(这一组音乐是莫里康内最重要的作品之一。关于玛达莲娜和ChiMai音乐的研究请见本站此页) |
Maddalena 8 tracks edition (See above image: Saimel Ediciones 3993810) |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Come Maddalena (09:16) |
来吧马达莲娜 |
002 |
Chi Mai (03:39) |
谁从没有错 |
003 |
Pazzia in cielo (09:52) |
疯狂的天空 |
004 |
Una donna da ricordare (04:22) |
女人要记住 |
005 |
Erotico Mistico (09:52) |
神秘的性爱 |
006 |
Chi Mai (03:26) |
谁从没有错 |
007 |
Erotico Mistico (Alternate) (08:21) |
神秘的性爱(预备版) |
008 |
Come Maddalena (reprise) (09:18) |
来吧马达莲娜(重奏) |
Maddalena 14 tracks edition (Unknown edition) |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
come maddalena (09:13) |
来吧马达莲娜 |
002 |
chi mai(03:37) |
谁从没有错 |
003 |
una donna da ricordare(04:21) |
女人要记住 |
004 |
pazzia in cielo(09:50) |
疯狂的天空 |
005 |
erotico mistico(09:56) |
神秘的性爱 |
006 |
chi mai(03:29) |
谁从没有错 |
007 |
erotico mistico(08:23) |
神秘的性爱 |
008 |
come maddalena(09:18) |
来吧马达莲娜 |
009 |
chi mai ('77 re-orchestration)(05:08) |
谁从没有错(1977改编) |
010 |
come maddalena ('77 re-orchestration)(04:22) |
来吧马达莲娜(1977改编) |
011 |
chi mai (idiota) (sung by lisa gastoni)(03:24) |
谁从没有错(愚人)(丽莎演唱) |
012 |
chi mai (french version) (sung by lisa gastoni)(03:27) |
谁从没有错(法国版)(丽莎演唱) |
013 |
chi mai (sung by milva)(03:28) |
谁从没有错 (密尔瓦演唱) |
014 |
desire (chi mai) (sung by amii stewart)(03:40) |
愿望(谁从没有错)(阿咪演唱) |
NA-7116 (7118) Mio caro assassino / My Dear Killer UK(直译 我亲爱的杀手) |

电影导演 Director Tonino Valeri |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Folie meutrière France (DVD title)
My Dear Killer UK (video title)
Sumario sangriento de la pequena Estefania Spain |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
CAM 493453-2 Country Italy Format CD Release Date Mar-1992 (7 music) Also contains music from:
Mani Sporche, Le |
Digitmovies CDDM141 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date 30-Sep-2009 UPN 8-032628-991417 (17 music) |
本站电影页, Our film page |
旧版音乐页, Our old music page |
Plot Following a mysterious decapitation (via mechanical digger) of an insurance investigator, Police Inspector Peretti is put onto the case. Slowly more people are found dead... a man supposedly commits suicide, a women is strangled, another attacked in her flat... but all the clues lead to an unsolved case of kidnapping and murder. Can Peretti find the murderer, if his major clue is a little girls drawing??? (Here)
剧情本站简译 在一个保险公司的调查员被神秘的斩首(使用挖掘机)之后,警长佩里提接手这个案件.之后又有人陆续地死去...一个男人被怀疑是自杀,一个女人被勒死,另一个人在她的公寓里受到攻击...但所有的线索都指向了一件拐骗和谋杀的悬案. 佩里提能找到兇手吗,如果他的主要线索是一个正在画画的小女孩的话??? |
About OST: ChiMai shows 17 music from 1971-2009. Soundrack shows 3 albums and 2 mixed albums, 17 music are in 2009 album, 7 music are 1992 mixed album. Released below are 17 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1971-2009共有17首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有2个专辑和3个合辑,其中2009年专辑为17首乐曲,1992合辑为7首乐曲.本站现有资源为17首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Mio caro assassino (02:14) |
我亲爱的杀手 |
002 |
Il buio tanta paura (01:46) |
黑夜惊魂 |
003 |
Il buio tanta paura (versione 2) (01:48) |
黑夜惊魂(2) |
004 |
Mio caro assassino (versione 2) (01:41) |
我亲爱的杀手(2) |
005 |
Nun puo essere vero (01:48) |
修女可能是正确的 |
006 |
Sogno interrotto (02:41) |
惊梦 |
007 |
Nun puo essere vero (versione 2) (01:35) |
修女可能是正确的(2) |
008 |
Il buio tanta paura (versione 3) (02:35) |
黑夜惊魂(3) |
009 |
Nun puo essere vero (versione 3) (04:15) |
修女可能是正确的(3) |
010 |
Mio caro assassino (versione 3) (02:26) |
我亲爱的杀手(3) |
011 |
Sogno interrotto (versione 2) (01:35) |
惊梦(2) |
012 |
Il buio tanta paura (versione 4) (03:03) |
黑夜惊魂(4) |
013 |
Mio caro assassino (versione 4) (02:26) |
我亲爱的杀手(4) |
014 |
Il buio tanta paura (versione 5) (02:05) |
黑夜惊魂(5) |
015 |
Nella spirale senza fine (01:34) |
无尽的螺旋 |
016 |
Voce affogata (04:26) |
被淹没的声音 |
017 |
Mio caro assassino (versione 5) (01:37) |
我亲爱的杀手(5) |
2012.2.2 |