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编者注: 2023年9月莫里康内爱好者论坛关闭(详见这里),为保存笔者所发布的大量研究类型的帖子,本站特开辟这个论坛文章保留专栏,复制于2017-2023年笔者在论坛发布的100多个帖子以作为大家的共同历史回顾 (少量帖子已在莫里康内研究专栏发布,此处不再重复)
HAN361 祝贺迪迪埃在IMDB名列为诺斯费拉图的第17位作曲家
HAN362 卡利加里博士的小屋--迪迪埃 图努斯的最新创举-2
HAN363 《Metropolis / 大都会》迪迪埃 图努斯的最新创举-3
HAN364 缅怀大师-最新免费珍贵资源--西部往事汉语中字版(CCTV6)
HAN365 《莫里康内珍罕卷》出版发行
HAN366 电影《佩雷拉如是说》中文字幕公开下载(230225前)
HAN367 苏毅会长匠心之作:南宁城市书房莫里康內电影音乐讲座
HAN368 《音乐大师》电子杂志 1-22期中译本免费下载
HAN369 对莫里康内官方网站的一封公开信(中英文)
HAN361 祝贺迪迪埃在IMDB名列为诺斯费拉图的第17位作曲家
发表日期 2020.3.8

HAN362 卡利加里博士的小屋--迪迪埃 图努斯的最新创举-2
发表日期 2029.10.19
20201018 最新动态: Didier Thunus 为无声电影重新配乐的第2部作品“The Cabinet of Caligari"- “卡利加里博士的小屋”已在Youtube发布
HAN363《Metropolis / 大都会》迪迪埃 图努斯的最新创举-3
发表日期 2020.6.9
1. 选用的无声电影是一部更加贴近现实,具有历史里程碑意义,被称为默片时代有史以来最宏大的电影,定位于预言百年之后(2027年)人类社会的德国科幻电影《大都会/ Metropolis》(参见这里这里
2. 配乐更为成熟,活跃,旋律,配器,音色,节奏以及传承的信息更为多样化。如果仔细欣赏,您一定会得出自己的结论
欢迎浏览本站最新网页。收听和下载所有40首迪迪埃最新配乐和《大都会/ Metropolis》电影
HAN364 缅怀大师-最新免费珍贵资源--西部往事汉语中字版(CCTV6)
发表日期 2020.7.14
2020年7月6日莫里康内大师不幸因病逝世。为缅怀和纪念大师的功绩,CCTV6于同年7月12日播出了一个汉语中字版的西部往事,由于是汉语配音,观看的感受非常好。笔者经过多方努力终于完成了下载保存的心愿,缅怀大师,来之不易,现在提供给所有爱好者收藏以作纪念 。上下两集,MP4格式,1.83G, 时长约两个半小时,码率1600Kbps。RAR压缩文件的解压·密码是 morricone.cn. 仅供本站爱好者个人欣赏,研究,请勿公开传播以免引起不测后果,谢谢合作。
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1NA8IoUZ2zWyY2PZXH3KzGA 提取码:srdy
发表日期 2023.5.24
为庆祝本站建站20周年,满足爱好者,特别是收藏者的迫切需要,经各有关方面协商研究,本站特决定编辑出版《莫里康内珍罕卷》(PDF格式电子书,可在手机,电脑或亚马逊KINDEL等设备上阅读) 并附赠阅读资源库R区。该书详细介绍了本站历经10多年时间潜心收藏购买的,莫里康内配乐的30部珍罕电影,包含概况,剧情,场景截图,音乐评论及在线音乐收听等等详细内容,同时在R区提供30部带有中文字幕的珍罕视频文件(均为MP4格式)。全书419页,内含电影截图(及中文字幕)499幅,在线收听音乐372首(请参见下面简介),定价300元。欢迎爱好者积极收藏订购。全球独创,仅此一家。一次付出,即可得取20倍以上的回报,付款后您即可得到该书及其完整的参考资源:图书26M, 随邮件发送。阅读资源库R区总容量26G,由网络传送。由于主观和客观条件的不确定性,此举可以持续的时间是未知的。一旦关闭,您将永失良机。机不可失,时不再来。敬请爱好者抓紧办理,有任何问题请联系站长,谢谢
HAN366 电影《佩雷拉如是说》中文字幕公开下载(230225前)
发表日期 2023.1.25
莫里康内配乐电影《佩雷拉如是说 / Sostiene Pereira 》(FA9506)中文字幕版已由本站完成,MP4 630M 98'19". 为纪念建站20周年。特为所有爱好者提供免费下载(截至2023年2月25日止)
百度网盘 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1c2UDzAm1mR5V0KaP1-tE9w 提取码:x2mq 解压密码 morricone.cn
详细介绍请见 ../m-films/m-films-025.html
HAN367 苏毅会长匠心之作:南宁城市书房莫里康內电影音乐讲座
发表日期 2020.8.24
莫里康内爱好者联谊会会长苏毅从北京回南宁之后,为传播莫里康内的优秀作品做了大量工作。最近我收到了他提供的一件2019年南宁城市书房莫里康內电影音乐讲座录像文件。时长116‘22“。由于是高清格式,所以文件高达16G. 为了传播方便,我已将其转化为1200Kbps的MP41文件,1.02G,一般收看足够用了。它已被上传到普通会员资源库的OO7(更新)文件夹。为了大家的方便,这里单独提供它的下载链接:
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pu_JApEuB_7syyjofyKXUQ 提取码:4kg3
为悼念莫里康内大师不幸逝世,2020年7月14日,苏毅会长在南宁举办题为“Playing Love”的讲座,受到广泛的欢迎和好评。详情请见此页 005--由苏毅会长在南宁主办的纪念讲座苏毅撰写的悼念文章
最后更新于 2021-12-27 20:46:26
HAN368《音乐大师》电子杂志 1-22期中译本免费下载
发表日期 2022.5.6
HAN369 对莫里康内官方网站的一封公开信(中英文)
发表日期 2017.7.1

1. 为什么要发布公开信?
1-1 莫里康内的官方网站(以下均简称官站)应该是莫里康内授权的,具有法定地位,负责处理有关莫里康内网上公共事务的正式的网站,也是莫里康内爱好者欣赏,收藏,研究莫里康内作品必须正视的网站。长期以来,我对它怀着信赖,尊重和敬仰的心情,对其连续关注达10年以上,也获得了不少的收益。但是随着时间的推移,我渐渐地发现了该站存在的许多问题甚至错误,为了取得帮助并解决这些问题,我和官站通过电邮联系长达8年之久,但始终得不到它的任何一次回复。(详情请见此页)出于对莫里康内大师的尊重和爱戴,也出于对官站改进工作的期待,作为来自中国的一个爱好者,经过长时间的考虑,我认为这可能是我能够为此目的再贡献一点力量的唯一方式。
1-2 我是莫里康内的一个忠实粉丝,也是扎根在中国的“莫里康内爱好者”网站站长。如果从1979年我第一次接触到莫里康内的作品算起,我追随大师也已近40年。今年我已经80岁了。大师比我年长9岁,我想,他的体质比我要好很多。但是同属于老年人,都会更切身地体会到人生的自然规律。我衷心地祝愿大师健康长寿,但我也希望在大师健在的有限时间里,通过大师的关注以及审定,由官站整理,发布一份准确的,完整的大师作品的年表。它应该经得住历史的检验,不要给后人留下许多不解之谜。从一定意义上看,这件事比举办几场音乐会更为重要。由于现在官站年表存在太多的问题,而且他们对于这个问题长期置之不理。这样下去,将会造成无法补救的损失。我希望通过这封公开信(以中,英文同时发表)进行呼吁,提出问题,展开讨论,明确是非。希望有更多的力量来促进早日解决这些问题。为了简化公开信的篇幅,所有的问题我都已经发布了专题文章可供详细研究。
2. 需要解决的4个问题 (按重要程度排序)
1. 官站现有目录存在的问题
2. 官站现有目录缺失大量作品的问题
3. 由官站编辑出版的莫里康内欧洲巡演手册的一些错误问题;
4. 官站在处理公共关系中的问题;
2-1 官站现有目录(均指电影音乐-Film Music 或电影总目录-Filmography, 不包括绝对音乐 )存在的问题
在该站发布的年表目录中有一些明显的错误,少数的可能存在侵权问题。 目前急需解决的有4个作品
2-1-1 1961年短电影 "Verrò (short film) / 我会回来" 资料显示 其配乐的曲作者是 Matteo Marletta,词作者是 Paolina Morrione。而不是莫里康内的作品,除非官站有足够的证据表明这个 Paolina Morrione 就是我们敬爱的大师 Ennio Morricone,而且他在这里仅仅是词作者而不是曲作者。 否则,这会涉及到侵权问题,不得不引起重视。 (详情见这里
2-1-2 1961年短电影 "Vicino al ciel (short film) / 接近天堂" 。 所有情况均同上
2-1-3 1961年电视 “Alla scoperta dell'America / 发现美洲". 这部作品的发行年代在官站显示为1961年,对于这个年代长期存在争议。现在已有确切的证据显示应为1971年。 详情见这里
2-1-4 1999年电影 “Morte di una ragazza per bene-(TV Luigi Perelli) / 一个体面女孩的死亡 ”。这是一部有争议的电影,因为在电影截图中见不到莫里康内的任何信息,而在 IMDB, CHIMAI 等网站也同样和莫里康内无关。至于官站为何将其长期列入年表原因不详。我们需要得到明确的答案 详情见这里的例24
2-2. 大量的作品的缺失问题。根据从官网已公布的427部电影年表目录总结出来的普遍规律(为了便于对比和研究,按照莫里康内作品权重的多少,它们可以细分为 A1, A2, B, C1, C2,D, E, F 共8个类型),和我现有的资源仔细对比,判断,首先至少有28部电影应该补充列入莫里康内电影音乐作品的年表(如果包括E和F两类的22部电影,总计50部) 详情见这里


以上目录只是根据笔者已有的电影资源作出的分析和判断,我认为它们只是目前缺失的一部分。官站应该拥有更多的莫里康内电影资源,希望根据统一的界定标准对它们重新审视和界定。在编制新年表的过程中,广泛征求全球一些重要网站和资深爱好者的意见是非常重要的。其中CHIMAI网站发布的年表IMDB的年表, 2015年由德国出版的年表图书(见这里这里)等等,都有非常丰富和可信的资料。不少的资深爱好者对于莫里康内的作品都有多年和潜心的研究,在全世界爱好者心目中享有很高的威信和影响,例如我所知道的比利时的图诺斯 迪迪埃 (Didier Thunus ),奥地利的米歇尔 卡里克 (Michael Caletka), 法国的 帕特里克 布斯特(Patrick Bouster), 荷兰的马丁 冯沃(Martin Van Wouw)等等,以恰当的方式听取他们的意见是非常重要的。(如果需要,我可以提供他们的联系方式)
2-3. 由官站编辑出版的莫里康内欧洲巡演手册的一些错误问题此问题的详情请见这里
2-4. 官站在处理公共关系中的问题 此问题的详情请见这里
祝愿敬爱的大师健康,长寿! 希望他的官方网站尽最大的努力整理他的浩瀚的作品,尽早编制一份具有权威的,能为世人和后人所共同引用的正确年表作出卓越的贡献!
“莫里康内爱好者” 网站站长 韩文光 2017年7月20日
联系邮箱是 qilingren@163.com 或者 qilingren@hotmail.com
英文帖子见这里,此贴英文副本已通过电子邮件于2017年7月21日发送给官站及上文提到的4位欧洲朋友。 下面是邮件原文:
Ennio Morricone Official Website
Dear Sir,
I am Ennio Morricone Fan from China. A post "An open letter to the official website of Ennio Morricone" wrote by me has been published in the "Morricone Fans Community (Forum)" today (See here). I hope you have a look it so that we can exchange views.
Over the years, your website has done a lot of work, I also gained a lot of knowledge from here. But there are also many problems that need to be solved. The purpose of the open letter only is for to promote work, maintain the due authority of the official website and the distinguished image of the maestro Ennio Morricone. I hope we will find common language.
I made a copy (Word format) and enclosed it for your convenience. And looking forward you reply, please tell me If there is any not proper or mistake in the open letter, i will correct it immediately
The email copy to my related 4 friends: Didier Thunus, Michael Caletka, Patrick Bouster, Martin Van Wouw
I hope the official website will become a good mentor and helpful friends for worldwide Ennio Morricone fans!
With best regards
发表于2017-07-26 19:55:42 1楼
头衔:  励精图治
注册时间: 2017-02-14
用户组: 管理员
发帖数:  219
金币数:  753
转发法国朋友 Patrick Bouster 的回复 (该邮件于2017年7月22日上面公开信抄送给四位欧洲朋友的第二天收到)
Hello Han,
Thank you for your email containing the open letter. Indeed useful.....
I need your complete text to see your categories of works, A1, A2 , etc.
However, I can already answer you "in general".
I agree with you about the unforgivable omissions like Una nuova ..., Il libro dell'arte, Giovanni ed ..., Gli indifferenti, Roma ..., Padre Pio, La ragione ..., etc.
The EMOW has to be improved, yes, but don't forget it is a communication tool and for this reason, it maybe couldn't mention the rejected scores, the only use of existing music (very numerous ... and rather useless), or the only selection of old muisc (for instance, Fiorina la vacca, which I fed up to still see !). The same reason explains the absence of music ads, considered as a minor work (which is not, of course !)
Per pochi dollair ancora is an example of borrowing a EM's theme in the score (and even re-arranged by Ferrio) in order to put EM's name in the titles. So it is anecdotical, and no work by EM is here.
Idem for Quando le donne persero la coda : it could be cited only because the music from Quand le donne aveva ... is partially used in the second film, logical to not be mentioned in a filmography. Idem for Pedro Peramo, CAT Sqad, the numerous episodes of La Bibbia, etc.
At the contrary, I racconti di Canterbury does belong to the A2 (I believe) category because track Allison is a true EM's composition, published. Almost idem for Django unchained : the song was intended to include a CD song, but the temporary track sent to Tarantino is a different version, minimalist, which can be understood as a true genuine arrangement for the film (I admit it is a doubtful thought).
At least they could be inspired by Inseguendo quel suono filmography , by far more complete, to add titles and correct errors.
I consider that what is important in a filmography is the real original works for the movies. If we mix up these works with use of existing music or minor works like conducting only, you loose the pertinent information and you "loose yourself".
That is my first impressions I wished to send to you, after your useful and good idea of open letter. I have doubts about a reply, though.
Thank you for your work and support. best regards,
发表于2017-08-10 21:29:12 2楼
头衔:  励精图治
注册时间: 2017-02-14
用户组: 管理员
发帖数:  219
金币数:  753
2017年8月10日,公开信已寄出一个多月,至今我没有收到来自官方网站的任何回复。为了让更多的粉丝了解和评论这件公开信,我决定对本站全体会员发送此信,并在FSM网站论坛上发表此信 (见这里)。不过对此状况我也早有充分的思想准备,中国古话说:“日远日疏,日亲日近”。我的这些精力不会白费,通过这些探寻实践,不论其结果如何,历史总是历史,至少更多的朋友可以了解这些问题,而且我们今后大可不必对这个官站过分迷信,放开手脚走我们自己的路就是了。
An open letter to the official website of Ennio Morricone
Publish 2017-07-02 06:45:40  
1. Why publish an open letter?
1-1 Ennio Morricone Official website(Hereinafter referred to as the EMOW)It should be a formal website that authorized by Morricone, have legal status, be responsible for dealing with public affairs on the Internet for Morricone, and also is Morricone fans must face the website. For a long time,I'm in trust, respect and admiration of mood with him, continuous attention to him for more than 10 years, also gained a lot of knowledge. But as time goes on, I gradually discovered many problems and even mistakes in EMOW. In order to get help and solve these problems, I contacted him for 8 years by e-mail,but never get any reply from it. (See this page for more details) Out of respect and affection for the maestro of Ennio Morricone, also out of expectations to the EMOW improvement work, as a fan from china, after a long time of consideration, i think this is probably my only way I can contribute a little more power for this purpose.
1-2 I'm a loyal fan of Morricone, is also rooted in China's webmaster of "Morricone Fans" website If calculated from 1979 I start know Ennio Morricone, I have been following the maestro for nearly 40 years. I'm 80 years old this year. The maestro is 9 years senior to me, I think his physique is much better than mine. But we all belongs to the elderly, the natural law of life will be experienced more firsthand. I sincerely wish the maestro longevity and health, but I also hope that in the limited time of the maestro's healthy life, through his attention, examine and approve, collate and publish an exact and complete filmography for the world at EMOW. It should stand the test of history, don't leave many unsolved mysteries to posterity. In a sense, this is more important than holding a few concerts. Because there are many problems with the EMOW's filmography, and they have long ignored for the problem. Going on like this will cause irreparable damage! I hope to make an appeal through this open letter, ask questions, discuss, and make clear about right and wrong. Hope that there will be more force to promote and settlement of these problems at an early date. To simplify the length of the open letter, all questions have been published in feature articles for detailed study.
2. 4 problems that need to be solved (sorted by importance)
These problems include:
1. Existing filmography (Film Music) problems in EMOW
2. A lot of missing works on the EMOW
3. The serious mistake of Morricone tour concert brochures
4. EMOW's problems in dealing with public relations
2-1 Existing filmography (Film Music) problems in EMOW ( Only for "Film Music" or "Filmography", exclusive of absolute music )
There are some obvious mistakes in EMOW's "Film Music" (Filmography), a small number of possible infringement problems, there are 4 works urgently needed to be solved:
2-1-1 1961 short film "Verrò (short film) ". The exact data show that its composer is Matteo Marletta,the lyric author is Paolina Morrione, instead of the works of Ennio Morricone
Unless EMOW has sufficient evidence to show that this Paolina Morrione is Ennio Morricone, Otherwise, this will involve infringement problems, and have to pay attention to. (See here for detail
2-1-2 1961 short film "Vicino al ciel (short film) ". All cases are the same as above
2-1-3 1961 TV “Alla scoperta dell'America". The publication of this work is displayed for 1961 at EMOW,There has been a long dispute over this. Now, there is definite evidence to show that it should be 1971. See here for detail
2-1-4 1999 film “Morte di una ragazza per bene-(TV Luigi Perelli) ”. This is a controversial film,because there is no any information about Ennio Morricone in the credits screenshot in the film. And in IMDB, CHIMAI's data,it also has nothing to do with Morricone. Why did the filmography of EMOW include it for a long time? A clear explanation (or cancellation) is needed See here example 24 for detail
2-2. A lot of missing works on the EMOW
To clarify the laws of the filmography (existing 427 films) in EMOW, I carefully examined most of the films in my 370 existing films. In order to facilitate comparison and research, I divide them into 8 types according to the weight of Morricone's works ( A1, A2, B, C1, C2,D, E, F ). Then compare carefully with all the films I have, i think that at least 28 films should be added to the filmography of EMOW first (if including E and F types, a total of 50 films)
See here for detail
The following is all general list(The number in parentheses is third version of chronology in the site


The above list is only an analysis and judgment from my existing film resources. I think they're just part of the missing films in EMOW. EMOW should have more films composed by Ennio Morricone, I hope they will re-examine and define them in accordance with the unified standards. In the preparation of the new filmography, it is very important to solicit opinions from some important websites and senior fans around the world. Example the complete filmography published by CHIMAIthe filmography published by IMDB, the book "Ennio Morricone Filmografie" (1961-2012, total 3 books) published by German in 2013 (See here and here) etc.,there are very rich and reliable data there. Not a few senior fans have been painstaking researching for years for the works from Ennio morricone, they have a high prestige and influence in the minds of fans all over the world. For example, I know that Belgium Didier Thunus, Austria Michael Caletka, French Patrick Bouster, Holland Martin Van Wouw etc. It is important to listen to their opinions in a proper way. (if need, I can provide their contact information.)
2-3. The serious mistake of Morricone tour concert brochures See here for detail
2-4. EMOW's problems in dealing with public relations See here for detail
Ennio Morricone's official website is a important web site for fans, it should be a field that to be loved, trusted and respected by worldwide fans. Over the years, the website has done a lot of work, this should be affirmed. But it does have a lot of problems, the only purpose of publishing this open letter is to promote its work, maintain the due authority of the website and the distinguished image of the maestro Ennio Morricone. Above these opinions may not be entirely correct, please feel free to contact me if there is any not proper or mistake, I will take the responsibility and correct it immediately
I wish the beloved maestro Ennio Morricone a healthy and long life! Hope his official website will do his best to sort out his vast works, as soon as possible publish an correct and authoritative filmography, It should be shared by the world and later generations,and make outstanding contributions to this end!
The webmaster of "Morricone Fans” Wenguang Han July 23,2017 in China
My email: qilingren@163.com or qilingren@hotmail.com
(Please forgive my poor English, thank you!)
See here for Chinese post (Same content)
The "open letter" has been sent to the official website and my 4 related friends today (July 21, 2017). Let's looking forward their reply! Below is its content:
Ennio Morricone Official Website
Dear Sir,
I am Ennio Morricone Fan from China. A post "An open letter to the official website of Ennio Morricone" wrote by me has been published in the "Morricone Fans Community (Forum)" today (See here). I hope you have a look it so that we can exchange views.
Over the years, your website has done a lot of work, I also gained a lot of knowledge from here. But there are also many problems that need to be solved. The purpose of the open letter only is for to promote work, maintain the due authority of the official website and the distinguished image of the maestro Ennio Morricone. I hope we will find common language.
I made a copy (Word format) and enclosed it for your convenience. And looking forward you reply, please tell me If there is any not proper or mistake in the open letter, i will correct it immediately
The email copy to my related 4 friends: Didier Thunus, Michael Caletka, Patrick Bouster, Martin Van Wouw
I hope the official website will become a good mentor and helpful friends for worldwide Ennio Morricone fans!
With best regards
Click here to download that "Word format copy" mentioned above
Welcome to participate in the discussion, comment, correct mistakes, and also welcome to forward this post
P.S.: on August 10, 2017, the open letter has been sent for more than one month, so far I have not received any reply from the official website. In order to let more fans know and comment on this open letter, I decided to send this letter to all members of our site, and publish this letter on the forum of FSM website, a world-famous movie music lover. Please see here
Last updated on 2020-06-27 16:25:58

附贴1 2017.7.26
Forwarding French fiend Patrick Bouster's reply on July 22, 2017:
Hello Han,
Thank you for your email containing the open letter. Indeed useful.....
I need your complete text to see your categories of works, A1, A2 , etc.
However, I can already answer you "in general".
I agree with you about the unforgivable omissions like Una nuova ..., Il libro dell'arte, Giovanni ed ..., Gli indifferenti, Roma ..., Padre Pio, La ragione ..., etc.
The EMOW has to be improved, yes, but don't forget it is a communication tool and for this reason, it maybe couldn't mention the rejected scores, the only use of existing music (very numerous ... and rather useless), or the only selection of old muisc (for instance, Fiorina la vacca, which I fed up to still see !). The same reason explains the absence of music ads, considered as a minor work (which is not, of course !)
Per pochi dollair ancora is an example of borrowing a EM's theme in the score (and even re-arranged by Ferrio) in order to put EM's name in the titles. So it is anecdotical, and no work by EM is here.
Idem for Quando le donne persero la coda : it could be cited only because the music from Quand le donne aveva ... is partially used in the second film, logical to not be mentioned in a filmography. Idem for Pedro Peramo, CAT Sqad, the numerous episodes of La Bibbia, etc.
At the contrary, I racconti di Canterbury does belong to the A2 (I believe) category because track Allison is a true EM's composition, published. Almost idem for Django unchained : the song was intended to include a CD song, but the temporary track sent to Tarantino is a different version, minimalist, which can be understood as a true genuine arrangement for the film (I admit it is a doubtful thought).
At least they could be inspired by Inseguendo quel suono filmography , by far more complete, to add titles and correct errors.
I consider that what is important in a filmography is the real original works for the movies. If we mix up these works with use of existing music or minor works like conducting only, you loose the pertinent information and you "loose yourself".
That is my first impressions I wished to send to you, after your useful and good idea of open letter. I have doubts about a reply, though.
Thank you for your work and support. best regards,
Last update on 2017-07-26 19:56:26

附贴2 2017.8.10
In August 10, 2017, an open letter was mailed for over a month, and so far I have received no reply from the official website. In order to make more fans to understand and comment on this open letter, I decided to send this letter to all members of the web site, and publish this letter on the forum of FSM website (see here). However, I am fully prepared for the situation, Chinese proverb says:"The more friendliness, the closer; The more estranged, the farther away". These energies of mine will not be wasted, through these exploration practices, no matter what the outcome, history is always history, at least more friends can understand these problems, and we don't have to be overly superstitious for this official web site in the future, Let's have a free hand and go our own way.
Here's a screenshot of FSM. Welcome to the reviews
Here is its directory page (Later, you can search by date)
Last update on 2017-08-10 22:30:18

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