穆里事件--A |
7402 Fatti di gente per bene / The Murri Affair-A |
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影片显示电影"穆里事件"由莫里康内谱曲 (00:02:04) |
001-基本资料 |
导 演: 莫洛 鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini |
主 演: (凯瑟琳·德纳芙/嘉芙莲·丹露 Catherine Deneuve) (吉安卡罗·贾尼尼 Giancarlo Giannini) (费尔南多·雷 Fernando Rey) ( Tina Aumont) (保罗·博纳切利 Paolo Bonacelli) ( Corrado Pani) |
地 区: 法国 意大利 |
对 白: 意大利语 |
颜 色: 彩色 |
声 音: 单声道(Mono) |
时 长: 120 min / West Germany:110 |
类 型: 剧情 剧情 |
分 级: 瑞典?15 |
编剧 Sergio Bazzini
Mauro Bolognini |
制片人 Ralph Baum |
原创音乐 埃尼奥·莫里康内 Ennio Morricone |
摄像师 Ennio Guarnieri |
布景师 Guido Josia |
服装设计 Gabriella Pescucci |
助理导演 Mauro Cappelloni |
国家或地区 上映日期
意大利 1974-09-28 1974
西德 1975-04-02 1975
法国 1976-03-27 1976
日本 1977-07-18 1977
美国 1978-01-27 1978
凯瑟琳·德纳芙/嘉芙莲·丹露 Catherine Deneuve .... Linda Murri
吉安卡罗·吉安尼尼 Giancarlo Giannini .... Tullio Murri
费尔南多·雷伊 Fernando Rey .... Prof. Murri
蒂娜 欧蒙 Tina Aumont .... Rosa Bonetti
保罗·博纳切利 Paolo Bonacelli .... Francesco Bonmartini
Corrado Pani .... Pio Naldi
Ettore Manni .... Carlo Secchi
Marcel Bozzuffi .... Augusto Stanzani
劳拉·贝蒂 Laura Betti .... Tisa Borghi
Rina Morelli .... Giannina Murri
Giacomo Rossi-Stuart .... Riccardo Murri
吉姆·罗斯·斯图尔特 Kim Rossi Stuart ....
Lino Troisi |
Baba, ogul ve gelin Turkey (Turkish title)
Die Affare Murri West Germany
Drama of the Rich (undefined)
La gran burguesía Spain
La grande Bourgeoise France
Murri-skandalen Sweden
Professori Murrin tapaus Finland
The Murri Affair USA (DVD title)
To angeliko prosopo tis ypsilis koinonias Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) |
"穆里事件"影片获奖: |
影片获奖: 意大利电影新闻记者协会奖-最佳服装设计奖 (Silver Ribbon) 1975 Best Costume Design (Migliori Costumi) Gabriella Pescucci 意大利电影金像奖-最佳电影奖 David di Donatello Awards(David) 1975 Best Film (Miglior Film) |
Storyline: Based on a true incident, this tells the story of a troubled young man who kills his sister's reactionary, violent and abusive husband and is eventually arrested for the murder. However, the dead husband happened to be a member of the Italian nobility, and the trial starts to turn into more of a prosecution of the defendant's socialist politics and the activities of his father, a well known liberal social reformer, than the actual crime itself. (Here) |
电影情节(本站译文): 电影系根据20世纪初叶发生在意大利的一段真实历史改编.讲述一个饱受困扰的年轻人杀死一个反动的,用暴力虐待他姐姐的丈夫而最后以谋杀罪被捕的故事.然而这个死去的丈夫恰好是一个意大利的贵族,所以审判一开始就从实际犯罪本身更多地变成了对被告的社会党成员的政治活动和和他的父亲--一个著名的自由主义社会改革家的起诉 |
002-关于影片的更多介绍和评论 |
有关此片的中文介绍极少,就是英文介绍大多也是互相抄来抄去那几行字.本站通过各种渠道尽可能多地找到了一些有关资料,进行翻译和编辑,以使大家能对此片的故事,背景及其主题能有更多的了解. 从下面带有显明不同立场的介绍中,大家仍然可以感到对影片(其实质是对该事件)的争论,在事隔100多年以后的今天仍然远未结束. |
002-1 各国翻译的影片别名 |
国家 |
电影译名 |
中文名 |
意大利 |
Fatti di gente perbene |
君子(善良人)事件 |
西德 |
Die Affare Murri |
穆里事件 |
未知国 |
Drama of the Rich |
富人之戏 |
西班牙 |
La gran burgues? |
伟大的资产阶级 |
法国 |
La grande Bourgeoise |
伟大的资产阶级 |
瑞典 |
Murri-skandalen |
穆里丑闻 |
芬兰 |
Professori Murrin tapaus |
穆里教授案 |
美国 |
The Murri Affair |
穆里事件 |
希腊 |
To angeliko prosopo tis ypsilis koinonias |
上流社会的天使般的脸 |
土耳其 |
Baba, ogul ve gelin |
父亲,儿子和新娘 |
日本 |
哀しみの伯爵夫人 |
伯爵夫人的悲哀 |
从以上一些国家的电影译名中,我们已经可以感觉到对于这部影片(也就是这一事件),不同国家的立场是不尽相同的:同情者有之(意大利.日本),嘲讽者不少(西班牙,法国,希腊,未知国),不齿者也有(瑞典),但较多的则持中性立场(西德,芬兰,美国,土耳其).由此也可见这一事件的复杂性及其对上层文明社会带来的冲击和影响.笔者认为希腊的译名则可能比较直白地道中了这一事件的实质(在GG自动翻译中输入To angeliko prosopo tis ypsilis koinonias 并选定希腊文后会自动出现真正的希腊文的提示为 Το αγγελικο προσωπο τηc υψηληc κοινωνιαc) |
002-2 电影片头字幕 |
The Murri trial, that was actually held at the beginning of the century,filled the chronicles for the gravity of the fact, the reputation of the characters, and the atmosphere of morbid curiosity. The authors, freely recalling it,were inspired impartially by the trial records, from which emerged, besides the facts,that raised around it. the characters and personalities of the protagonists of this family tragedy. |
译文: 穆里审判案发生在19世纪初,因其事件的传奇性,涉案人物的社会地位,和大众对于该案件病态的好奇,使其成为当时历史上著名的案件。作者从庭审记录中公正无倚地汲取灵感,以开放的态度重现这桩案件,这些庭审记录不仅展现了事实真相,也展现了这出家庭悲剧中人物的性格和个性。 |
002-3 纽约时报和starpuls等网站的资料 |
Based on a true story, this political thriller/drama explores the ordeal of Linda Murri (Catherine_Deneuve), a 19th-century upper-class Italian woman who was caught in an unhappy marriage and who broke the code of behavior for aristocrats by taking a lower-class lover. After her husband was murdered, Murri stood trial for the murder. Her professor father's socialist opinions were clearly the reason for the harshness of the prosecution. The case was widely known throughout Italy at the time, and caused a national furor. Murri did not actually arrange to murder her boorish nobleman husband Count Bonmartini (Paolo_Bonacelli); rather, she told her brother how unhappy she was and that she was afraid for her life. He acted on her complaint by taking the drastic step of murder. The trial resulted in her being given a long prison term, along with her brother (Giancarlo_Giannini), her lover Carlo Secci (Ettore_Manni) and her brother's assistants Pio and Rosa (Corrado Pani and Tina Aumont). The relentlessness of the prosecutor Giudice Stanzani (Marcel_Bozzuffi) and the spinelessness of the family patriarch Augusto Murri (Fernando_Rey), the professor with the unpopular opinions, are key dramatic features of this complex story. Clarke Fountain, Rovi (Here and here, here) |
本站译文: 这部政治惊悚/戏剧片以一个真实的故事为基础.影片探讨十九世纪意大利上层阶级一个遭遇不幸婚姻的妇女琳达 穆里(凯瑟琳·德纳芙饰演).她违背了贵族的行为规范去爱一个较低等级的情人.在他的丈夫被谋杀以后,穆里作为谋杀犯经受审判.他的教授父亲的社会主义主张显然成为控方苛刻的动机.该案件在整个意大利家喻户晓,同时引起了一个国家的轰动.穆里实际上并没有安排谋杀她粗野的贵族丈夫伯爵博玛提尼(保罗·博纳切利饰演).她只是告诉她的弟弟她是多么不幸,她害怕会遭遇不幸.在她的苦诉之后她的弟弟采取了激烈的谋杀行动.审判结果对她判处了长期徒刑,还有她的弟弟(吉安卡罗·吉安尼尼饰演),她的情人卡罗 塞西(伊通 玛尼饰演)和她弟弟的助手皮欧和露丝 (克拉多 帕妮和蒂娜 欧蒙特饰演).检察官丘迪斯 斯坦扎尼(马塞尔 博祖菲饰演)的无情,和懦弱的家族族长奥古斯托 穆里教授(费尔南多·雷伊饰演)不受欢迎的主张,都是这个复杂故事的关键戏剧性特点. (本站2011.2.20译出,转载请注明来源) |
002-4 来自意文网站的介绍(您可以使用 GG自动翻译查看) |
il 2 settembre 1902 il conte francesco bonmartini viene trovato ucciso in casa sua. il caso viene affidato al giudice stanzani propenso a credere al delitto a scopo di rapina. nove giorni dopo il suocero, augusto murri, medico di fama internazionale, si presenta alla polizia accusando dell'assassinio il figlio tullio, avvocato e consigliere comunale socialista, sospettato di aver ucciso il cognato a causa di un rapporto incestuoso con la sorella. la stampa e' divisa tra coloro che attaccano i murri e coloro che li difendono, mentre l'opinione pubblica si accanisce contro tutti i personaggi coinvolti. il processo, celebrato a torino nel 1905, sara' un susseguirsi di colpi di scena tra verita' e menzogne.premi e riconoscimenti1975 - miglior film david di donatello (Here and here) |
002-5 来自一个DVD网站 |
Starring Catherine Deneuve, Giancarlo Giannini, Fernando Rey, Tina Aumont, Marcel Bozzuffi and Laura Betti. Music By Ennio Morricone. After a liberal and wealthy woman marries a conservative, loutish doctor, she finds her new life veritably suffocating. To alleviate her misery, her thoughtful brother does away with her distasteful husband. Based on a tru story. English language version.The Murri Affair was gratifying! You have to wot this movie! A splendiferous performance by Tina Aumont & Laura Betti make The Murri Affair a “ought to nail down” movie! The spectacular cast includes Tina Aumont, Laura Betti, Paolo Bonacelli, Marcel Bozzuffi, Catherine Deneuve. This cast just make The Murri Affair the more amazing! (Here) |
本站译文: 凯瑟琳 德纳芙主演,吉安卡罗·吉安尼尼,费尔南多 雷伊,蒂娜 欧蒙,马塞尔和劳拉 贝蒂.音乐:埃尼奥 莫里康内. 一个自由和富裕的女人嫁给一个保守的,粗鄙的医生,她发现她的新生活令人窒息。为了减轻她的痛苦,她的贴心的弟弟除掉了她的令人反感的丈夫.影片基于一个真实的故事.英语版."穆里事件"是令人满意的!你应该知道这部电影!一个由蒂娜 欧蒙与劳拉 贝蒂组成的极好的演出阵营使"穆里事件"成为一部"应该盯住"的电影!这个庄观的阵营包括蒂娜 欧蒙,劳拉 贝蒂,保罗 博纳切利,马塞尔 博祖菲,凯瑟琳 德纳芙. 这些演员只会让"穆里事件"更令人惊奇!(本站2011.2.20译出,转载请注明来源) |
002-6 有关的图书"不雅的秘密-声名狼藉的穆里谋杀案"(Indecent Secrets: The infamous Murri Murder Affair) |
内容提要:On a hot summer day in Italy in 1902, the brutally stabbed body of Count Francesco Bonmartini was discovered, by means of its decomposing stench, inside his locked apartment. He was a typical Italian provincial aristocrat in all but one way: he had married into a prominent but deeply troubled family. His father-in-law was one of the nation's most famous doctors. His wife, Linda, a young freethinker, was the apple of her father's eye. Linda's brother dabbled in anarchism. Linda's lover was her father's top assistant. Her relations with them were illicit, incestuous -- and murderous.
The scandal that erupted was a top news story in Europe and America for three consecutive years. Investigators uncovered successive layers of a conspiracy that constantly twisted and changed its shape. The suspects included all these men as well as their servants and lovers. There was a diverse array of murder weapons, including knives, heavy pellets, and poison. There were rumors of missing accomplices. Intimate relations among many suspects were uncovered through sensational letters and testimonials. Witnesses died mysteriously. A suspect tried to kill himself. One question lingered throughout and still haunts researchers today: what role did Bonmartini's widow, Linda, known as "The Enchantress," play? Was she the spider at the center of the vast web, or did the plot originate with the key men who loved her so desperately?
Scholar and writer Christina Vella combines meticulous research with a novelist's eye for a great story. As she unspools the tight, tense drama, she offers a fascinating picture of Italian society in the early 20th century, with a historian's insights into life at both the top and the bottom. From sexual dysfunctions, to prison conditions, to the patronage systems that permeated medicine, law, and politics, the Bonmartini murder provides a window into a rich world. The result is an unforgettable story and an invaluable introduction to an Italy that is still recognizable today.
作者简介: Christina Vellaholds a Ph.D. in modern European and American history. In addition to teaching and lecturing, she is a consultant to public television and to the U.S. State Department. She lives in New Orleans.(Here and here) |
内容提要:1902年意大利一个炎热的夏天,伯爵弗朗切斯科 博玛提尼惨遭刺死. 在他公寓外分解的恶臭,使他的尸体被发现.他是一个典型的意大利贵族.他已婚并有一个显赫但深受困扰的家庭.他的岳父是全国最著名的医生之一.他的妻子琳达,一个年轻的自由思想家,是她父亲的掌上明珠.琳达的弟弟涉足无政府主义.琳达的情人是她父亲的第一助理.她与他们的关系是非法的,乱伦-和非常危险的.这件丑闻的爆发在欧洲和美国连续三年成为顶尖的新闻的故事.随着深入的调查,一层层阴谋被揭开.犯罪嫌疑人包括了所有的仆人和情人.杀人的兇器是多样的,包括刀子,重球,和毒药.还有同谋者失踪的传言.通过令人感动的密信和证书,犯罪嫌疑人的许多亲密关系被揭开.其间证人离奇的死亡,一名嫌疑人试图自杀.有一个问题至今仍然困扰着所有的研究者:作为“女巫”而著称的博玛提尼遗孀琳达倒底在此案中扮演了什么角色?她是处在这一复杂网络中心的蜘蛛? 还是那如此深爱她的关键男人们的共谋者? |
学者,作家克里斯蒂娜 维拉用小说家的眼睛细致的研究了这个重要的历史故事.她解开紧紧缠绕在一起的各种情节,描绘了20世纪初叶意大利社会的迷人风景.用历史学家的眼光洞察社会顶底两端的现实生活.从性功能的障碍,监狱的条件,到渗透了医学,法律和政治的社会保护系统.博玛提尼被谋杀提供了一个进入富人世界的窗口,形成了一段令人难忘的故事和对那个至今仍依稀可辨的往日意大利的宝贵介绍
作者简介: 克里斯蒂娜 维拉是研究现代欧洲和美国历史的博士.除了教学和演讲,她还是一家公共电视台和美国国务院顾问。她住在新奥尔良 (本站2011.2.20译出转载请注明来源) |
图书目录及详情 |
002-7 来自作家克里斯蒂娜 维拉 官站的资料 (本站2011.2.20译出转载请注明来源) |
The Infamous Murri Murder Affair
by Christina Vella
The true history of a bizarre 1905 murder case in Venice and Bologna, Italy, involving adultery, incest, perjury, the obsession of four men with the woman at the center of the conspiracy, and---not least---a description of how people in Italy lived at the turn of the 20th century. |
不雅的秘密-声名狼藉的穆里谋杀案 作者克里斯蒂娜 维拉
1905年在威尼斯,博洛尼亚,意大利一起奇异的凶杀案,涉及通奸,乱伦,伪证罪.四个痴迷的男人与在阴谋中心的女人,---不仅仅是---描述在20世纪之交意大利的人们怎样生活。 |
1902年博洛尼亚谋杀案发生地点 |
THE PUBLIC'S INTENSE INTEREST in scandalous trials did not begin with O.J. Simpson or Michael Jackson. The Murri affair, which erupted in Italy in 1902, was considered the crime of the century for many years. As late as the 1970s, a movie starring Catherine Deneuve was based on the salacious case.
In Indecent Secrets: The Infamous Murri Murder Affair, Christina Vella provides a riveting account of the scandal. In 1902 in Bologna, Count Francesco Bonmartini was found grotesquely murdered. Bonmartini was the son-in-law of Italy's most prominent physician and scientist. Suspicion fell first on prostitutes Bonmartini had consorted with, then on his wife's brother, Tullio Murri, and then on the wife herself, Linda Murri. |
公众对丑闻审判的浓厚兴趣并不仅始于辛普森和迈克尔杰克逊。于1902年在意大利爆发的穆里案件,多年来均被认为是一宗世纪罪行。早在20世纪70年代凯瑟琳德纳芙主演的一部电影就是根据其桃色案情拍摄的. |
1902年在博洛尼亚,伯爵弗朗切斯科 博玛提尼发现奇异地被谋杀.博玛提尼是意大利最著名的医生和科学家的女婿。怀疑首先落在与博玛提尼有染的妓女身上,然后是他妻子的弟弟图利奥穆里,然后就是他自己的妻子琳达穆里。... |
Tullio eventually confessed to the killing, but he had also drawn others into the crime, people who came from the highest and lowest extremes of society. He had involved his lover, a girl whose ten brothers had died from malnutrition. The shadowy involvement of his famous father was always in question; Professor Augusto Murri, though an apparent model of rectitude, was madly obsessed with his daughter and may even have planted the idea for the killing in Tullio's disturbed mind. All together, eight people were indicted for the murder, and several unindicted conspirators were involved as well. |
图利奥终于供认了杀人,但从他那里又牵出了来自社会最顶层和最底层两端的其他嫌疑人.他的情人是一个有十名兄弟死于营养不良的女孩.他的阴影还笼罩了他的著名的父亲,总是显示出正直楷模形象的教授奥古斯托穆里,教授由于受到他女儿精神失常的困扰,可能已促使图利奥产生了杀人的想法。所有的八个人均被起诉,还涉及了几个未被起诉的同谋者. |
弗朗切斯科 博玛提尼伯爵 |
At the center of the story was Linda Murri----the so-called enchantress?-- who was either innocent of all the murder plans swirling around her, or who instigated the entire conspiracy.Four men were madly, slavishly, in love with Linda----her husband, her lover, her brother, and her father. According to credible sources, her husband was the only one with whom she was not having sexual relations.
Small wonder that the crime occupied almost every newspaper in Europe for three years, as the whole continent lined up on the side of the victim Bonmartini---the side of Catholic, landed aristocrats---or Murri side, the side of scientists, socialists and atheists. Many people believed the theory that Tullio had not in fact committed the murder, but had confessed in order to protect the real killer, Linda. |
故事的中心是琳达 穆里----所谓的女巫? - 她是所有围绕她而发生的谋杀罪行的无辜者?还是整个阴谋的共谋和煽动者?四名男子疯狂地,奴隶般的爱着琳达----她的丈夫,她的情人,她的弟弟,和她的父亲.据可靠的消息来源,只有她的丈夫是与她没有性关系的一个人.
难怪这个罪行在欧洲占据了几乎所有报纸长达三年之久.整个大陆的人或是站在受害人博玛提尼一侧--天主教徒,拥有土地的贵族;或是穆里的一侧---科学家,社会主义者和无神论者.许多人相信这样的理论,图利奥事实上并没有犯下杀人罪,他的供认是为了保护真正的杀手琳达. |
琳达 穆里 |
人群聚集在都灵法庭外面为了瞥见琳达 |
As the long trial proceeded, secret diaries came to light. Important witnesses began dying under mysterious circumstances. Had they, like Bonmartini, been killed by the powerful Murris? Was Linda truly a malignant spirit, or only the victim of uncontrollable frenzy in the press? The culmination of the trial and its aftermath was a story more bizarre than any novelist could have invented. |
由于审判长时间的进行,秘密日记被曝光.重要的证人开始在神秘的情况下死去.他们会像博玛提尼一样被强大的穆里家族杀死吗?或者琳达是一个真正的精神幽灵?或他们仅是一些无法控制的狂热者的受害者?这个审判的高潮和它的后果也许是一个比任何小说家所能创造的更为离奇的故事 |
琳达 穆里在审判中 |
As in her previous books, historian Vella uses a dramatic, true event as a framework for telling a larger story: what it was like to live in Italy at the turn of the 20th century, the time when Italians were emigrating en masse to America. She offers many details about such things as housing, meals, medical treatments, morals, the legal system, prisons, travel conditions, newspapers, and peasant life in Italy, and vividly describes cities where the Murris lived---Bologna, Turin, and Venice. The result is an exploration of fascinating characters and a window into Italy's complex society at the dawn of the modern era.(Here) |
正如她以前所写的书一样,历史学家维拉使用一个戏剧性的,真实的事件作为框架,讲述一个更大的故事:告诉人们生活在20世纪之交的意大利是什么样子.当时意大利人大批移居到美国.她提供了诸如有关住房,饮食,医疗,道德,法律,监狱,旅行,报纸以及在意大利的农民生活等等方面的许多细节.生动地描述了穆里家族所居住的城市里--博洛尼亚,都灵,以及威尼斯.引人入胜地考察了处在现代曙光窗口的复杂的意大利社会 (本站2011.2.20译出转载请注明来源) |
003-关于导演莫洛 鲍罗尼尼 Mauro Bolognini |
莫洛 鲍罗尼尼(Mauro Bolognini, 1922.6.28--2001.5.14)生于意大利托斯卡纳大区皮斯托亚Pistoia. 鲍罗尼尼原来是一名建筑专业的学生,后来由于协助意大利导演Luigi Zampa和法国导演Yves Allegret ,Jean Delannoy工作而开始了他的电影生涯.在二十世纪五十年代中期,他开始自己导演电影Gli innamorati ("疯狂的爱")并在国际性比赛中取得了第一个成功. |
在五六十年代由他导演的著名电影还有Giovani mariti ("年轻的丈夫们"), La notte brava, La giornata balorda ("罗马剧院"), Marcello Mastroianni-Claudia Cardinale ,Il Bell'Antonio ,这些电影的剧本全部来自Pier Paolo Pasolini.(帕索里尼) |
1961年后,鲍罗尼尼离开帕索里尼,他直接导演了两部色情电影La Viaccia 和 Senilita, 在转向国际性的文学电影导演之前,他还导演了Le bambole (玩偶), I tre volti ("女人的人的三张面孔"), Le fate ("女王")和Le streghe (女巫). |
六十年代后期他的电影Mademoiselle De Maupin显示了新的特色,他的后期作品是多才多艺的,包括了我的青春 Metello 和 Bubu (这两部电影都是由Massimo Ranieri主演),由影星 Giancarlo Giannini, Catherine Deneuve 主演的 Fatti di gente per bene (穆里事件)和由Anthony Quinn 和Dominique Sanda主演的Fernando Rey, L'eredita Ferramonti (遗产/百合花)以及由年轻的Isabelle Huppert主演的电影La Dame aux camelias |
在他的晚年,他继续导演带有特色的电影,诸如歌剧和电视连续剧The Charterhouse of Parma 和The Time Of Indifference.他的最后一部带有情色特点的戏剧是1992年的Husbands and Lovers |
2001年他于罗马(Rome)去世.(见这里.由本站译出) |
鲍罗尼尼导演的影片海报(部分) |
我的青春 Metello |
遗产/百合花 L' Eredità Ferramonti |
爱你恨你更想你 La Villa del venerdì |
要爱的女人 Le Plus vieux métier du monde |
穆里事件 Fatti di gente per bene |
再见唔爱 Un bellissimo novembre
茶花女 La Storia vera della signora dalle camelie |
AQUILE (1989) TV 飞行员与模特 |
亡灵咒怨 Haunted Forest |
切·格瓦拉:为了永恒的胜利 Che Guevara: Hasta la Victoria Siempre |
当尼克碰上珍妮 Nick and Jane |
在古老的阶梯下 Per le antiche scale |
维阿恰农庄 La Viaccia |
英俊的安东尼奥 Il Bell'Antonio |
毛皮里的维纳斯 La Venexiana |
亚马逊河历险记2 Tainá 2 - A Aventura Continua |
O Enfermeiro |
上图 鲍罗尼尼在导演电影"阿拉贝拉" (图片取自鲍罗尼尼 官站) |
鲍罗尼尼获奖记录 ( IMDB资料,此表未含"穆里事件"的获奖记录,原因不明,见 此页资料) |
莫洛 鲍罗尼尼Mauro Bolognini曾担任1985年戛纳电影节评委。他执导的影片曾经5次冲击戛纳电影节金棕榈奖最佳影片奖(Innamorati, Gli (1955)、Giovani mariti (1958)、Viaccia, La (1961)、Metello (1970)和《遗产》Eredità Ferramonti, L' (1976))。Per le antiche scale (1975)一片获得1975年洛卡诺国际电影节评审团特别奖;《伊尔贝尔的安托尼奥》Bell'Antonio, Il (1960)获得1960年洛卡诺国际电影节最佳影片奖;他还两次获得塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节最佳导演的称号;1999年他被意大利电影金像奖授予大卫事业奖以表彰他对意大利电影的卓越贡献。( 这里) |
004-关于本片主要演员 |
004-1 琳达 穆里(Linda Murri )扮演者 凯瑟琳·德纳芙 Catherine Deneuve |
1943年10月22日出生,法国影坛常青树,有“冰美人”之称,集美丽和高贵于一身。生于巴黎演艺世家,13岁跨入演艺圈,在明星姊姊引荐下进军影坛。几乎近代所有欧洲著名的导演都和凯萨琳家族合作过。凯瑟琳·德纳芙13岁即在《女中学生》中演出 。1964年,她在歌舞片《瑟堡的雨伞》中扮演女主角,她发自内心的激情和令人抑郁的幽默使她获戛纳国际电影节大奖,从此确立了明星的地 位逐渐走红,1966年主演《白昼美人》,成为国际知名明星。她一生中最被影迷津津乐道的就是她与西班牙超现实主义导演布努艾尔(Luis Bunuel)合作的《白昼美人》。这是一部改编自三流情色小说的电影,但在布努艾尔的巧斧神工下,成功的利用现实与幻想交错的情境,深入 探讨女人的压抑与寂寞。凯瑟琳·德纳芙因此片获得1968英国学院奖最佳女主角提名。 除了布努艾尔以外,许多国际著名导演,如弗朗索瓦·特吕弗、罗曼·波兰斯基等都曾与之合作。她能扮演地位、身份、经历极不相同的各类女性,更善于塑造心理十分复杂的人物。最为成功的作品有《厌恶》《白日美人》《特里丝塔娜》等。此外,她还具有杰出的喜剧才能。如在199 9年拍摄的《岳母大人》中,德纳芙扮演让女婿一见钟情的迷人岳母,让这部跨越伦常与年龄的爱情喜剧充满说服力。 40年来她在法国影坛的地位岿然不动,尤其是成为全球各地艺术院线追捧的影人(更多见这里)。 |
凯瑟琳在片中(00:09:06) |
004-2 图利奥 穆里(Tullio Murri )扮演者 吉安卡罗·吉安尼尼 Giancarlo Giannini |
吉安卡洛 吉安尼尼 1942年8月1日生于意大利拉斯佩齐亚 利古里亚(La Spezia, Liguria)美国国籍.意大利演员和配音演员.吉安尼尼早年就读于罗马国家学院,并在1965年开始他的电影处女作.在电影Anzio and The Secret of Santa Vittoriadan中担任配角,之后在电影"踩过界"(Swept Away)中出任主角.1976年,他主演电影"七美人"(Seven Beauties),为此他获得了最佳男主角的奥斯卡提名,因为他的良好表现在意大利获得奥斯卡奖提名。他在意大利电影"The Shining"中为杰克尼科尔森( Jack Nicholson)配音得到了很高的评价.他的流利的英语为他在好莱坞制作的电影中带来了大量的的角色需求,最著名的有"沉默的羔羊2:汉尼拔(Hannibal)中的巡视员 (Inspector Pazzi), 还有"云中漫步" (A Walk In The Clouds)和"怒火救援"(Man on Fire) |
吉安尼尼最有名的角色出现在由Lina Wertmuller.执导的电影中.除去"踩过界" (Swept Away) 和七美人(Seven Beauties), 他还出现在"咪咪的诱惑" (The Seduction of Mimi), Love and Anarchy, 绵绵雨夜 (A Night Full of Rain), 和"弗朗斯亚和纳兹娜"(Francesca e Nunziata). |
他在2000年的电视连续剧沙丘魔堡(Dune miniseries)扮演皇帝. 2002年,他主演恐怖片鬼别墅(Darkness).他还出现在"Casino Royale"并已签订了续集的合约(见这里,由本站译出) |
吉安尼尼在片中(01:39:15) |
004-3 露丝 波娜蒂 (Rosa Bonetti)扮演者 蒂娜 欧蒙/蒂娜 奥蒙特 Tina Aumont |
蒂娜 欧蒙/蒂娜 奥蒙特 Tina Aumont 性别: 女 生卒日期: 1946-02-14 至 2006-10-28 出生地: 美国,加利福尼亚州,好莱坞 职业: 演员 本名 Maria Christina Aumont |
Maria Christina Aumont (14 February 1946-- 28 October 2006), best known as Tina Aumont, was an American actress of French, and Dominican descent.
She was born in Hollywood, California, the daughter of actors Jean-Pierre Aumont and Maria Montez. She married actor and film director Christian Marquand in 1963, at the age of 17.
She made her debut as Tina Marquand in Joseph Losey's 1966 movie Modesty Blaise(女谍玉娇龙). She worked in Italian cinema with, among others, Alberto Sordi (Scusi, lei e favorevole o contrario?, 1966)(阿尔伯托·索迪的电影"对不起,您是赞成或反对?") , Tinto Brass (L'urlo, 1968 and Salon Kitty, 1975)((丁度巴拉斯电影"嚎叫"和"凯蒂夫人"), Mauro Bolognini (Fatti di gente perbene, 1974)(莫洛 饱罗尼尼电影"穆里事件"), Francesco Rosi (Cadaveri eccellenti, 1975)(精采的尸体), and Federico Fellini (Fellini's Casanova, 1976)(费里尼的卡萨诺瓦).
In 2000 she retired from film work. She suffered a pulmonary embolism and died in Port-Vendres, Pyrenees-Orientales, France at age 60.(Here) |
蒂娜 欧蒙在片中(00:01:31) |
004-4 蒂萨 波西 (Tisa Borghi) 扮演者 劳拉 贝蒂 Laura Betti .... |
性别: 女 生卒日期: 1927-05-01 至 2004-07-31 出生地: 意大利,艾米利亚-罗马涅 职业: 演员 / 导演 本名: Laura Trombetti 获奖记录: 2003年意大利电影新闻记者协会银丝带奖)(提名); 2003年意大利电影新闻记者协会奖; 1979年圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节 最佳女演员奖.曾出演 "1900(新世纪),定理; 坎特伯雷故事集; 把怪物放在首页; 阿隆桑方; 女巫; 穆里事件等多部影片(更多电影见这里) |
贝蒂在片中(01:41:24) |
2011.3.20 |