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A movie Two mules from siste Sara(1969) composed by Morricone
The number of the movie in chronological catalogue of the site is 70-15
Provided by friend Shimingming
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Two mules from siste Sara(1970)
Two mules from siste Sara(1970)
Director:Don Siegel
Writers:Budd Boetticher (story)
Albert Maltz (screenplay)
Release Date:16 June 1970 (USA)
Runtime:116 min
Country:USA / Mexico
Color:Color (Technicolor)

Company:Malpaso Company
Also Known As (AKA)
Fressen für die Geier, Ein Austria / West Germany
Sierra torride Canada (French title) / France
Abutres Têm Fome, Os Brazil
Avvoltoi hanno fame, Gli Italy
Dos mulas para la hermana Sara Mexico
Dos mulas y una mujer Spain
Han kom, han s?, han sk?d Denmark
Kourallinen dynamiittia Finland
Sierra Torrida Sweden
A brief
Set in Mexico, a nun called Sara is rescued from three cowboys by Hogan, who is on his way to do some reconnaissance, for a future mission to capture a French fort. The French are chasing Sara, but not for the reasons she tells Hogan, so he decides to help her in return for information about the fort defences. Inevitably the two become good friends but Sara has a secret..... Written by Rob Hartill (See here)

In the cactus-studded Mexican backcountry of the 1860s, a surly drifter who could easily be mistaken for the Man with No Name becomes protector and lethal helpmate to a red-haired nun wanted by the French for aiding the Juarista revolutionaries. Essentially a two-character showcase for the newly stellar Clint Eastwood and what was beginning to seem the poststellar Shirley MacLaine (subbing for Elizabeth Taylor), this sardonic study in testy collaboration, mutual deception and distrust, and slightly creepy sexual attraction is highly rated by a fairly small number of critics--chiefly, one suspects, for the dual-auteur cachet of having been directed by Don Siegel and based on a story by Budd Boetticher. Others deem it an undersauced spaghetti Western and find that the stars grate on the viewer as well as each other. Cinematography by the great Gabriel Figueroa is some consolation, but... if only Boetticher had been allowed to direct. --Richard T. Jameson (See here)

There isn't much to say about Two Mules for Sister Sara except it's a good western of the Clint Eastwood variety (though not directed by him).

The movie draws on the Sergio Leone western (the spaghetti western) for its inspiration. It's not as good, I'm afraid - it's more of a Hollywood take on that kind of film. But it does combine all the western elements to make for an engaging story.

Clint Eastwood is the nameless drifter who, in this case, actually does have a name - Hogan. He's also not as mysterious as he has been in the Leone films. He's given something of a past, scant though it is. Hogan has been in the American Civil War, become disenchanted, and is now living only for himself. He has no ties and wants none.

When we meet up with him, he's working as a mercenary for Mexican revolutionaries. He cares nothing for their cause, only for the money he stands to make.

When the movie opens, we find him coming upon a group of "bad guy" types - thieves, mercenaries, whatever.

They've caught and stripped a nun (Shirley MacLaine as Sister Sara) whom they are going to rape. (This is a very standard western opening. It establishes the "good guy" and the lawless environment he is in.)

Eastwood, with his squint and chiseled looks, saves the nun, guns down the bad men.

As Eastwood and the nun are about to go their separate ways, they see the French occupying army approaching.

Eastwood suggests the Sister Sara go to them for further aid but she can't - she has a past of her own. She is wanted by the French for helping the revolutionaries.

So the two of them, Hogan and the nun, are now teamed up. The two mules of the movie title refer to the one Sister Sara rides and Hogan, who is stubborn as a mule. Their relationship is a feisty one with sexual overtones. Hogan finds Sister Sara attractive but restrains himself because she is a nun.

Of course, they have numerous adventures from here. Sister Sara is returning to the revolutionaries but, Hogan discovers, if he can help her he can collect a big payday by getting the treasure in a French fort, which is their target.

It's all very typical of this kind of movie. There is nothing new here. However, it is performed well by everyone involved and is shot and edited well.

It's extremely well made and a good example of how compelling a film can be simply by having strong characters. There is nothing fancy here; this is a kind of meat and potatoes sort of film.

And it makes for a very good western.

(It's interesting to note that this film was directed by Don Siegel, whom Eastwood credits as one of his influences as a director. The film's opening of the tree in silhouette is very similar to what Eastwood used in Unforgiven, suggesting a nod in Siegel's direction in that film, one that is also dedicated to Siegel.(See here)


More 01, 02, 03, 04, 05
About the movie from IMDB


Director:Don Siegel

Writers:Budd Boetticher (story)
Albert Maltz (screenplay)

Release Date:16 June 1970 (USA) more
Genre:Comedy / War / Western more
Tagline:CLINT EASTWOOD...the deadliest man alive...takes on a whole army with two guns and a fistful of dynamite!
Plot Summary:Set in Mexico, a nun called Sara is rescued from three cowboys by Hogan, who is on his way to do some reconnaissance... more
Plot Synopsis:This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis
Plot Keywords:Head Wound / Arrow Wound / Bastille Day / Explosion / Rescue more
Awards:1 win & 1 nomination more

Additional Details

Also Known As:Dos mulas para la hermana Sara (Mexico)
Parents Guide:Add content advisory for parents
Runtime:116 min
Country:USA / Mexico
Color:Color (Technicolor)
Aspect Ratio:2.35 : 1 more
Sound Mix:Mono (Westrex Recording System)


Set in Mexico, a nun called Sara is rescued from three cowboys by Hogan, who is on his way to do some reconnaissance, for a future mission to capture a French fort. The French are chasing Sara, but not for the reasons she tells Hogan, so he decides to help her in return for information about the fort defences. Inevitably the two become good friends but Sara has a secret.. Written by Rob Hartill (See here)

Play in online "The seventh target"
English dub, Chinese subtitle, 114 minutes, 350Kbps WMV format, 240M Right click here to download
See the movie 113'33"
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