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Allonsanfan (1973)
Allonsanfan (1973)
Allonsanfan (1973)
Allonsanfan (1973)
Music 01, 02, 03, 04
Movie 01, 02, 03, 04
It is shown in the movie "Allonsanfan" composed by Ennio Morricone (00'01'06")
It is shown in the movie "Allonsanfan" composed by Ennio Morricone (00'01'06")
01-Infomation (IMDB)

Directors: Paolo Taviani
Vittorio Taviani

Writers: Paolo Taviani

Produced by
Giuliani G. De Negri ....

Original Music by
Ennio Morricone

Paolo Taviani (Left) and Vittorio Taviani) (Right)
Paolo Taviani (Left) and Vittorio Taviani) (Right)

Also Known As (AKA)
Allonsanfan Italy (alternative spelling) / USA / West Germany (TV title)
Allonzanfan Greece
Fulvio, revolutionaren som svek Sweden (TV title)
Petturi Finland
Que Viva a Revolucao Portugal

Runtime:Germany:110 min | USA:115 min | France:100 min Country:Italy Language:Italian Color:Color (Eastmancolor) Aspect Ratio:1.85 : 1 more Sound Mix:Mono Certification: Finland:K-16 Filming Locations:Matera, Basilicata, Italy Company:Ministero del Turismo e dello Spettacolo

Cast (Cast overview, first billed only)
Marcello Mastroianni ... Fulvio Imbriani
Lea Massari ... Charlotte
Mimsy Farmer ... Francesca
Laura Betti ... Esther
Claudio Cassinelli ... Lionello
Benjamin Lev ... Vanni 'Peste'
Renato De Carmine ... Costantino
Stanko Molnar ... Allonsanfan
Luisa De Santis ... Fiorella
Biagio Pelligra ... priest
Michael Berger ... Remigiano
Raul Cabrera
Alderice Casali ... Concetta
Roberto Frau
Cirylle Spiga
A anarchist leader (Fulvio) wishes to retire, as he is old and tired. He tries to hide himself, but his friends find him and insist he carries on helping them. Written by Michel Rudoy {}

The political prisoner Fulvio Imbriani is released ill from prison and the authorities expect to find his rebel friends though him. However, he returns to his family's real state and recovers his health with his siblings. When his lover Charlotte unexpectedly arrives in the property, she stays with Fulvio but his sister overhears Charlotte telling that their friends would be arriving on the next morning and calls the authorities. The soldiers kill a great number of revolutionaries but Fulvio escapes with Charlotte that was shot on the back. She dies and Fulvio travels with his comrades but without enthusiasm. Sooner he betrays the group, trying to flee to United States with the money of the revolutionaries and his new lover Francesca. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (here)


Lately, my films have been coming from the pages of an Independent film guide, assisting me in helping to build a foundation for these reviews while also challenging me to see films that I otherwise would have missed, or due to technical inequalities (i.e. "Seven Waves Away" or "Allonsanfan" not being on DVD) not seen. This is a fresh chapter in my growing repertoire of film. Some adventures have been amazing, such as "After Hours" and "Acting on Impulse", while others were obviously forgotten for several reasons, see review for "American Boyfriends", so here I am - still in the "A" category jumping headfirst into the world of 1970s Italian cinema. For three straight days I attempted to watch, with both the sound on and off, the Taviani's view of Italy, post-Napoleon, circa 1816. While the color and sound may be bold and breathtaking, the story itself seems to be missing bigger elements. The characters are not defined giving us a forced sense of gratitude and patriotism. "Allonsanfan" is one of those films which prides itself on taking the viewer to different lands, Italian villas, beautiful hotels and parties, coupled with some bizarre special effects, but since the focus seems to be devoted to that alone, the story falters. It flounders beneath the glory of the scene, that when the final "surprise" occurs, it marks a finish for the film more than just the story. For me, the ending couldn't have come quicker - while it did surprise me at times (the cinematography took my breathe away), "Allonsanfan" failed to work as a film. Perhaps with a DVD release, it could strengthen the subtitles, clear up the image, and insert a couple of missing scenes to transform this tough diamond into something more, but for now it just feels unpolished and unfinished.

Marcello Mastroianni's story is never simple. He is released from prison in hopes that he would lead authorities to the underground resistance, but instead he finds himself torn between wealthy and a family he once had, and the opportunity to help his brethren save others from the dreaded cholera. It is a tough choice, and in the end Mastroianni (as in previous films) has done a great job of building tension within his character. The moral dilemma he is faced with is a tough one, kill those he was once involved with - in essence betray them, or forever be chased by his past sins. He chooses the latter, and uses trickery and trust to break this small group of bandits. The first issue one has to challenge themselves with is how Mastroianni is so engulfed into this group. It is obvious he is not the leader, but he is not the low man on the totem poll. It seems, as the film progresses, that he cannot be left behind or left out of the details of the plot. He is important, but how important could have been better defined. Earlier I mentioned that the Taviani brothers seem to be eager to show us amazing images of Italy, but in the end they forgot their plot. "Allonsanfan" can be spliced into three different distinct films, each with amazing imagery, but lacking the development needed to really bring the audience further into the film. The first is with Mastroianni heading home, overcoming sickness, finding his girlfriend, and all the while plotting an ambush. Great scenes, could have been a great moment, but we know nothing about his family or girlfriend - outside of what they mutter or what the subtitles give us. We needed to see more of his interaction with these random characters. The second part involves his son, good, but was again cut short and strange because we knew nothing about it outside of the fact that he had a son. I can't even go further into the entire frog scene, I am still trying to wrap my brain around that. The incident on the lake was another example of having a strong cinematographer, but a apathetic storyteller. Finally, there was the scene in the South where we see why this film is entitled "Allonsanfan", but by this point the excitement has died, and we are just waiting for a finale.

This film did involve hard work and dedication by the entire crew to make, with that said; I cannot just fully say that this film was a failure. There were those that worked hard on this project like the cinematographer and the amazing score by Ennio Morricone. These elements alone brought this film out of one that would make any viewer fall asleep into one worth viewing at least once. The story is where most of the trouble laid, and again, I cannot state that it was one of those cases where there were too many ideas and not enough time or conjoining scenes. We would begin a thought, but end elsewhere in the story (again, see the segment with the frog). Perhaps some of it was done to try to bring sympathy to Mastroianni, but it could have been done without the random acts of history - or perhaps more history. There was a moment in this film where I thought we could have used more history devoted to the story. That is what was missing from scene to scene. At times our characters were moving without a motive, and history could have interjected to help the audience better see the motives and reasoning. Perhaps it was my lack of knowledge of what Italy was like at the end of Napoleon's era, but more explanation could have been used do develop our bandits, or the motives behind Mastroianni's deeds.

On a small note, if you decide to watch this film on VHS, beware of the subtitles. I am very good at reading subtitles on a foreign film, I hate the sound of dubbed voices, but with "Allonsanfan", the subtitles were all over the place. There were several occasions where they were missing from conversations, where one character would have a three-minute speech and the only word to come up in the subtitle would be "yes", or when half the words were missing from the side of the television. It was troublesome to read and watch at the same time, so to get the full effect of the film, I found myself turning off the sound and reading to the best of my ability. Probably lessoned the film, but kept me in check with the meager characters.

Overall, I cannot say this was a horrible film, but it won't be viewed again by yours truly. I may challenge myself to see it again on DVD if it ever is released, but for now, it needs to tighten up its story and used a bold marker on its characters. Mastroianni was superb in his role, but nobody could keep up with him. They were all overacting, overbearing, boring, or just plain unknown. There were other characters in this film, but if you asked me to name one - well, maybe Charlotte, but that is it - I don't think I could. The Taviani's had some great ideas, but the execution is where they lacked. There could have been more A to B to C structure with the story, instead it was as if they built three separate stories and hastily glued them together. If you were forced to watch this film, I think you could pull away by just seeing the end and knowing everything you missed. It is a sharp ending, one wishes only that the rest of the film were that way. One viewing, if you dare - if not - you are not missing anything. There are better Italian films out there. (here)


Allonsanfan (Italy, 1973):

The Taviani brothers' companion piece to their previous political tragicomedy St. Michael Had a Rooster, or perhaps its sardonic reversal -- whereas the earlier film followed the hero's rebellious idealism shriveling up in the indifferent countryside, here it is the hero who has given up on revolution. The French Revolution, natch, as the Napoleonic Wars wind down throughout Europe and the aristocracy starts shifting back into place; nobleman-turned-extremist Marcello Mastroianni is sprung from his cell to lead the authorities to his insurrective group, though he's far more interested in trading the Jacobin rifle for the bourgeois wine glass. He shacks up at his lush family mansion, where the Tavianis' heightened-realistic visuals disconcertingly suggest Brecht minus the detachment; recalling a childhood game at the dinner table, the film takes over Mastroianni's eyes to envision sister Laura Betti adorned in purple from top to bottom. Their impromptu "Din-Din-Din" singalong turns orchestralized through Ennio Morricone's score, and the camera breaks away to spot Lea Massari, Mastroianni's old flame, strolling into the gardens, bringing reminders of his former radicalism with her. A melee later and he's displaced once more, happy on a sexual holiday with lass Mismy Farmer yet constantly bumping into his comrades, whose anarchist flame burns still. The title is phonetic-Italian for the opening words of "La Marseillaise" and the moniker of one of the most fervent rebels of the dispersed batch, but such ardor is not for weary Mastroianni, who, shanghaied to the south to aid budding peasant revolt, is more than ready to sabotage the mission to save his skin. The Tavianis will continue their search for the Marxist utopia, though the picture is their kiss-off to individual idealism, embodied by Mastroianni's self-involvement -- a "great actor," who sees political engagement as ultimately a matter of uniforms, a concept literalized in the finale for withering irony. With Claudio Cassinelli, Benjamin Lev, Renato De Carmine, and Stanko Molnar.

--- Fernando F. Croce (here)

03-Brother Taviani
Vittorio Taviani
Brother Taviani
Paolo Taviani
Vittorio Taviani
Brother Taviani
Paolo Taviani


??Paolo and Vittorio Taviani (b. November 8, 1931, and September 20, 1929, respectively, both in San Miniato, Tuscany, Italy) are noted Italian film directors and screenwriters. They are brothers, who have always worked together, each directing alternate scenes.

Paolo Taviani's wife Lina Nerli Taviani has been costume designer of many of their films.

At the Cannes Film Festival the Taviani brothers won Palme d'Or and the FIPRESCI prize for Padre padrone in 1977 and Grand Prix du Jury for La notte di San Lorenzo in 1982.

Contents [hide]
1 Filmography
1.1 as film directors
1.1.1 1950s-1960s
1.1.2 1970s-1980s
1.1.3 since 1990s
1.2 as screenwriters
1.2.1 1950s-1960s
1.2.2 1970s-1980s
1.2.3 since 1990s
2 External links

[edit] Filmography
[edit] as film directors
[edit] 1950s-1960s
San Miniato, luglio '44 (1954)
L'Italia non ?? un paese povero (1960, together with Joris Ivens)
Un uomo da bruciare (1962, together with Valentino Orsini)
I fuorilegge del matrimonio (1963, together with Valentino Orsini)
I sovversivi (1967)
Sotto il segno dello scorpione (1969)
[edit] 1970s-1980s
San Michele aveva un gallo (1972)
Allonsanf??n (1973)
Padre padrone (1977)
Il prato (1979)
La notte di San Lorenzo (1982)
Kaos (1984)
Good Morning, Babylon (1987)
[edit] since 1990s
Il sole anche di notte (1990)
Fiorile (1993)
Le affinit?? elettive (1996)
Tu ridi (1998)
Un altro mondo ?? possibile (2001)
Resurrezione (2001, TV film)
Luisa Sanfelice (2004, TV miniseries)
La masseria delle allodole (2007)
[edit] as screenwriters
[edit] 1950s-1960s
San Miniato, luglio '44 (1954, with Valentino Orsini and Cesare Zavattini)
Un uomo da bruciare (1962, with Valentino Orsini)
I fuorilegge del matrimonio (1963, with Lucio Battistrada, Giuliani G. De Negri, Renato Niccolai and Valentino Orsini)
I sovversivi (1967)
Sotto il segno dello scorpione (1969)
[edit] 1970s-1980s
San Michele aveva un gallo (1972, based on a story by Leo Tolstoy)
Allonsanf??n (1973)
Padre padrone (1977, based on a book by Gavino Ledda)
Il prato (1979, with Gianni Sbarra)
La notte di San Lorenzo (1982, with Giuliani G. De Negri and Tonino Guerra)
Kaos (1984, based on short stories by Luigi Pirandello)
Good Morning, Babylon (1987, with Tonino Guerra)
[edit] since 1990s
Il sole anche di notte (1990, with Tonino Guerra)
Fiorile (1993, with Sandro Petraglia)
Le affinit?? elettive (1996, based on a novella by Johann Wolfgang Goethe)
Tu ridi (1998, based on short stories by Luigi Pirandello)
Resurrezione (2001, based on a novel by Leo Tolstoy)
Luisa Sanfelice (2004, based on a novel by Alexandre Dumas, p??re) (here)

Since the early 1960s, when they realized that fiction feature films were going to be their main interest, Paolo and Vittorio Taviani have written scenarios and scripts, designed settings, developed a filmmaking style and philosophy, directed a dozen features, and patiently explained their methods and concepts to many interviewers and audiences in Italy and abroad.

Although influenced to some extent by neorealism??such as the films of Rossellini and De Santis, characterized by on-location settings, natural lighting, authentic environmental sounds, non-professional actors, and an emphasis on "the people" as protagonists??the Tavianis want reviewers to see their films as invented and staged, as interpretations of history rather than as documentaries. They draw upon their early interests and background??as youngsters they saw musicals and concerts but not movies??and use artistic and technical means and methods similar to those utilized in theater and opera. Their films in which music is part of plot and theme reveal an inventory of flutes, accordions, record players, radios, human singing voices, folk tunes, opera, and oratorio (mostly Italian but also German), and even "The Battle Hymn of the Republic."

The photography in their films takes the eye back to the horizon or across a huge field, far along a road or deep into the front of a church or schoolroom. Even casual viewers must realize the frequent alternation of intense close-ups and long shots that never cease to remind one of locale. In addition, thoughts and dreams are often given visual expression: A picture of a girl and her brother studying on a couch follows her interior monologue about missing the long yellow couch in her living room ( La notte di San Lorenzo ); a prisoner in solitary confinement for ten years creates a world of sound and sight expressed on the screen ( San Michele aveva un gallo ).

With theatrical form and technique serving as the framework for their political cinema, and complex, individualistic characters as protagonists, the Tavianis are as concerned with corruption, abuse of power, poverty, and suffering as were the neorealists and their successors. Struck by the autobiography of Gavino Ledda, which became their well-received Padre Padrone , they investigate the abuse of power by a father, compelled by tradition and his own need to survive to keep his son a slave. Amazingly, the illiterate, virtually mute shepherd boy whom a quirk of fate (army service) rescues from lifetime isolation becomes a professor of linguistics through curiosity, will, and energy. In Un uomo da Bruciare Salvatore, who wants to help Sicilian peasants break the Mafia's hold, is complex, intellectual, and egotistical.

Other themes and topics in Taviani films include divorce, revolution as an ongoing effort interrupted by interludes of other activity, the changing ways of dealing with power and corruption, resistance in war, fascism, and the necessity of communal action for accomplishment. The Tavianis use the past to illuminate the present, show the suffering of opposing sides, and stress the major role of heritage and environment. Their characters ask questions about their lives that lead to positive solutions (and sometimes to failure). The two directors believe in the possibility of an eventual utopia.

In 1987 the Tavianis made their first English-language film, Good Morning Babylon , a poetic, sweetly nostalgic ode to the origins of cinema and the invulnerability of great art. Their scenario chronicles the plight of two Italian-born siblings whose ancestors are craftsmen who for centuries have restored cathedrals. They arrive in America during the 1920s and end up designing sets for D. W. Griffith's Intolerance. This was followed by two works as outstanding as any of their earlier films. Il Sole anche di notte (Night Sun) , adapted from Tolstoi's "Father Sergius," is the story of a young man who is deeply troubled by the knowledge that he exists in a world of temptation and hypocrisy. He sees that too many of his fellow humans seek sex and status, and then turn to religion only to ease their guilt. All he wishes is to find inner tranquility, so he becomes a monk??and even cuts off his finger rather than give in to his desires and allow himself to be seduced by a temptress. A sensitive man who only wishes to make the world a better place, Father Sergius only can end up disappointed; he becomes an eternal wanderer, forever seeking the true meaning of his life and existence. Ultimately, the Tavianis are able to elicit a special sensitivity toward the human condition in the film.

Fiorile is linked to Night Sun as an intricate, sardonic tale of tainted innocence. While on his way from Paris to Tuscany to visit his sick, hermit-like father, whom he hasn't seen in a decade, a man discloses to his two young children the story of their ancestry. He commences by telling them of the nefarious means by which their forefathers became rich during the Napoleonic era??and how this wealth became a family curse for future generations. In Fiorile , the Tavianis examine the manner in which ill-gotten affluence will tarnish the soul and only result in misery. While their films are not lacking in political content??they keenly illustrate how greed, cruelty, lust for power, and temptation will wither one's soul??the cinema of Paolo and Vittorio Taviani is one of a simple, but never simplistic, humanism. (here)

(Marcello Mastroianni)
Date of Birth:28 September 1924, Fontana Liri, Latium, Italy more Date of Death:19 December 1996, Paris, Ile-de-France, France more Awards:Nominated for 3 Oscars. Another 33 wins & 4 nominations
Marcello Mastroianni
Marcello Mastroianni's gravestone
Marcello Mastroianni
Marcello Mastroianni's gravestone
Mini Biography
Marcello Mastroianni was born in 1924, in Fontana Liri, Italy, but soon his family moved to Turin and then Rome. During WW2 he was sent to a German prison camp, but he managed to escape and hide in Venice. In 1945 he started working for the Italian department of "Eagle Lion Films" in Rome and joined a drama club, where he was discovered by director Luchino Visconti. He made his "official" movie debut in the film I miserabili (1948) and La bella mugnaia (1955). In 1957 Visconti gave him the starring part in his Fyodor Dostoyevsky adaptation Le notti bianche (1957) and in 1958 he was fine as a little thief in Mario Monicelli's comedy I soliti ignoti (1958). But his real breakthrough came in 1960, when Federico Fellini cast him as an attractive, weary-eyed journalist of the Rome jet-set in La dolce vita (1960); that film was the genesis of his "Latin lover" persona, which Mastroianni himself often denied by accepting parts of passive and sensitive men. He would again work with Fellini in several major films, like the exquisite 8? (1963) (as a movie director who finds himself at a point of crisis) and the touching Ginger e Fred (1986) (as an old entertainer who appears in a TV show). He also appeared as a tired novelist with marital problems in Michelangelo Antonioni's La notte (1961), as an impotent young man in Mauro Bolognini's Il bell'Antonio (1960) , as an exiled prince in John Boorman's Leo the Last (1970), as a traitor in Paolo and Vittorio Taviani's Allonsanf??n (1974) and as a sensitive homosexual in love with a housewife in Ettore Scola's Una giornata particolare (1977). During the last decade of his life he worked with directors, like Theodoros Angelopoulos, Bertrand Blier and Raoul Ruiz, who gave him three excellent parts in Trois vies & une seule mort (1996). He died of pancreatic cancer in 1996.(here)


  1. Viagem ao Princ?pio do Mundo (1997) .... Manoel
    ... aka Journey to the Beginning of the World
    ... aka Voyage au d?but du monde (France)
    ... aka Voyage to the Beginning of the World (USA)
  2. Trois vies & une seule mort (1996) .... Mateo Strano/Georges Vickers/Butler/Luc Allamand
    ... aka Three Lives and Only One Death (USA)
    ... aka Tr?s Vidas E Uma S?Morte (Portugal)
  3. Sostiene Pereira (1996) .... Pereira
    ... aka According to Pereira (USA)
    ... aka Afirma Pereira (Portugal)
    ... aka Pereira Declares
    ... aka Pereira pr?tend (France)
  4. Al di l?delle nuvole (1995) .... The Man of All Vices
    ... aka Al di l?delle nuvole (Italy)
    ... aka Beyond the Clouds (USA)
    ... aka Jenseits der Wolken (Germany)
    ... aka Par-del?les nuages (France)
  5. Les cent et une nuits de Simon Cin?ma (1995) .... L'ami italien/The Italian Friend
    ... aka A Hundred and One Nights
    ... aka A Hundred and One Nights of Simon Cinema
    ... aka Les cent et une nuits (France: short title)
  6. A che punto ?la notte (1995) (TV) .... Salvatore Santamaria
  7. Pr?t-?Porter (1994) .... Sergei / Sergio
    ... aka Pr?t-?Porter: Ready to Wear (Canada: English title)
    ... aka Ready to Wear
  8. Un, deux, trois, soleil (1993) .... Constantin Laspada, le p?re
    ... aka 1, 2, 3, Sun (International: English title)
  9. De eso no se habla (1993) .... Ludovico D'Andrea
    ... aka Di questo non si parla (Italy)
    ... aka I Don't Want to Talk About It (USA)
    ... aka We Don't Want to Talk About It (UK)
  10. Used People (1992) .... Joe Meledandri
  11. Le voleur d'enfants (1991) .... Bigua
    ... aka El ladr?n de ni?os (Spain)
    ... aka Il ladro di ragazzi (Italy)
    ... aka The Children Thief
  12. To meteoro vima tou pelargou (1991) .... Missing Politician
    ... aka Le pas suspendu de la cigogne (France) (Switzerland: French title)
    ... aka Μετέωρο βήμα του πελαργού, Το (Greece)
    ... aka Il passo sospeso della cigogna (Italy)
    ... aka The Suspended Step of the Stork
  13. Verso sera (1991) .... Prof. Bruschi
    ... aka Dans la soir?e (France)
    ... aka Towards Evening
  14. Cin cin (1991) .... Mr. Cesareo Grimaldi
    ... aka A Fine Romance (USA)
    ... aka A Touch of Adultery (UK: video title)
  15. Stanno tutti bene (1990) .... Matteo Scuro
    ... aka Everybody's Fine (USA)
    ... aka Ils vont tous bien! (France)

  16. Che ora ? (1989) .... Marcello, The Father
    ... aka Quelle heure est-il? (France)
    ... aka What Time Is It? (International: English title)
  17. Splendor (1989) .... Jordan
    ... aka Splendor (France) (UK)
  18. "Piazza Navona" (2 episodes, 1988)
        - Cuore di ladro (1988) TV episode
        - Il mitico Gianluca (1988) TV episode
  19. Oci ciornie (1987) .... Romano
    ... aka Dark Eyes (International: English title)
  20. Miss Arizona (1987) .... Sandor Rozsnyai
  21. Ginger e Fred (1986) .... Pippo Botticella/Fred
    ... aka Federico Fellini's Ginger & Fred (USA: DVD box title)
    ... aka Ginger and Fred (USA)
    ... aka Ginger et Fred (France)
    ... aka Ginger und Fred (West Germany)
  22. O melissokomos (1986) .... Spyros
    ... aka Μελισσοκόμος, Ο (Greece)
    ... aka Il volo (Italy)
    ... aka L'apiculteur (France)
    ... aka The Beekeeper
  23. I soliti ignoti vent'anni dopo (1985) .... Tiberio
    ... aka Big Deal After 20 Years (USA)
  24. Maccheroni (1985) .... Antonio Jasiello
    ... aka Macaroni (International: English title) (USA: video title)
  25. Le due vite di Mattia Pascal (1985) .... Mattia Pascal
    ... aka Die zwei Leben des Mattia Pascal (West Germany)
    ... aka La doppia vita di Mattia Pascal (Italy)
    ... aka The Two Lives of Mattia Pascal (International: English title: literal title)
  26. Enrico IV (1984) .... Enrico IV
    ... aka Henry IV (USA)
  27. Il generale dell'armata morte (1983) .... General Ariosto
    ... aka L'armata ritorna (Italy: alternative title)
    ... aka Le g?n?ral de l'arm?e morte (France)
    ... aka The General of the Dead Army (USA)
  28. Storia di Piera (1983) .... Lorenzo
    ... aka Die Geschichte der Piera (West Germany)
    ... aka L'histoire de Piera (France)
    ... aka The Story of Piera
  29. Gabriela, Cravo e Canela (1983) .... Nacib
    ... aka Gabriela (USA)
  30. Oltre la porta (1982) .... Enrico Sommi
    ... aka Behind the Door
    ... aka Beyond Obsession (USA: video title)
    ... aka Beyond the Door (USA)
    ... aka Jail Bird
    ... aka The Secret Beyond the Door
  31. La nuit de Varennes (1982) .... Casanova, Chevalier de Seingalt
    ... aka Il mondo nuovo (Italy)
    ... aka That Night in Varennes (UK)
    ... aka The Night of Varennes (Europe: English title)
  32. La pelle (1981) .... Curzio Malaparte
    ... aka La peau (France)
    ... aka The Skin
  33. Fantasma d'amore (1981) .... Nino Monti
    ... aka Fant?me d'amour (France)
    ... aka Zwei Gesichter einer Frau (West Germany)
  34. La citt?delle donne (1980) .... Sn?poraz
    ... aka City of Women (USA)
    ... aka La cit?des femmes (France)
  35. La terrazza (1980) .... Luigi
    ... aka La terrasse (France)
    ... aka The Terrace
  36. Appunti su la citt?delle donne (1980) (TV)

  37. L'ingorgo - Una storia impossibile (1979) .... Marco Montefoschi
    ... aka Black Out in Autostrada (Italy: DVD title)
    ... aka El gran atasco (Spain)
    ... aka L'ingorgo (Italy: short title)
    ... aka Le grand embouteillage (France)
    ... aka Stau (West Germany)
    ... aka Traffic Jam (USA)
  38. Fatto di sangue fra due uomini per causa di una vedova - si sospettano moventi politici (1978) .... Rosario Maria Spallone
    ... aka Blood Feud (Australia) (USA)
    ... aka Revenge (USA: recut version)
  39. Cos?come sei (1978) .... Giulio Marengo
    ... aka As?como eres (Spain)
    ... aka Stay as You Are (USA)
    ... aka Stay the Way You Are
  40. Ciao maschio (1978) .... Luigi Nocello
    ... aka Bye Bye Monkey (USA)
    ... aka R?ve de singe (France)
  41. Le mani sporche (1978) (TV) .... Hoederer
  42. Giallo napoletano (1978) .... Raffaele Capece
    ... aka Atrocious Tales of Love and Revenge
    ... aka Neapolitan Mystery (International: English title)
    ... aka Neapolitan Thriller
  43. Doppio delitto (1977) .... Bruno Baldassarre
    ... aka Double Murder (International: English title)
    ... aka Double Murders
    ... aka Enqu?te ?l'italienne (France)
  44. Mogliamante (1977) .... Luigi De Angelis
    ... aka Lover, Wife
    ... aka Wifemistress
  45. Una giornata particolare (1977) .... Gabriele
    ... aka A Special Day (International: English title) (USA: dubbed version)
  46. Signore e signori, buonanotte (1976) .... Paolo T. Fiume
    ... aka Goodnight, Ladies and Gentlemen (International: English title: literal title)
    ... aka Mesdames et messieurs bonsoir (France)
  47. Todo modo (1976) .... Don Gaetano
    ... aka Todo Modo (France)
  48. Culastrisce nobile veneziano (1976) .... Marchese Luca Maria
    ... aka Lunatics and Lovers (USA)
  49. La donna della domenica (1975) .... Commissioner Salvatore Santamaria
    ... aka La femme du dimanche (France)
    ... aka The Sunday Woman (USA)
  50. Per le antiche scale (1975) .... Professor Bonaccorsi
    ... aka Down the Ancient Staircase
    ... aka Down the Ancient Stairs
    ... aka En descendant les marches d'antan (France: festival title)
    ... aka Vertiges (France)
  51. Divina creatura (1975) .... Michele Barra
    ... aka The Divine Nymph (USA)
  52. La pupa del gangster (1975) .... Charlie Colletto
    ... aka Get Rita
    ... aka Gun Moll (Philippines: English title)
    ... aka La p?p?e du gangster (France)
    ... aka Lady of the Evening
    ... aka Oopsie Poopsie
    ... aka Poopsie
    ... aka Poopsie & Co. (USA: reissue title)
    ... aka Sex Pot (USA: reissue title)
  53. Allonsanf?n (1974) .... Fulvio Imbriani
    ... aka Allonsanfan (Italy: alternative spelling) (USA)
  54. Touche pas ?la femme blanche (1974) .... George A. Custer
    ... aka Don't Touch the White Woman! (USA: video title)
    ... aka Non toccare la donna bianca (Italy)
  55. Salut l'artiste (1973) .... Nicolas Montei
    ... aka Hail the Artist
    ... aka L'idolo della citt? (Italy)
    ... aka The Bit Player
  56. Rappresaglia (1973) .... Father Pietro Antonelli
    ... aka Massacre in Rome (UK) (USA)
    ... aka Repr?sailles (France)
  57. L'?v?nement le plus important depuis que l'homme a march?sur la lune (1973) .... Marco Mazetti
    ... aka A Slightly Pregnant Man (UK)
    ... aka Niente di grave, suo marito ? incinto (Italy)
  58. La grande bouffe (1973) .... Marcello
    ... aka Blow Out (UK: DVD title)
    ... aka Blow-Out (UK)
    ... aka La grande abbuffata (Italy: dubbed version)
    ... aka The Grande Bouffe (USA)
    ... aka The Great Feed (Europe: English title)
  59. Mordi e fuggi (1973) .... Giulio Borsi
    ... aka Dirty Weekend (USA)
    ... aka Rapt ?l'italienne (France)
  60. Che? (1972) .... Alex
    ... aka Diary of Forbidden Dreams (USA: recut version)
    ... aka Quoi? (France)
    ... aka Was? (West Germany)
    ... aka What? (International: English title)
  61. Liza (1972) .... Giorgio
    ... aka La cagna (Italy)
    ... aka Liza (France)
    ... aka Liza: Love to Eternity (Australia)
    ... aka Love to Eternity (UK)
    ... aka Melampo
  62. ?a n'arrive qu'aux autres (1971) .... Marcello
    ... aka It Only Happens to Others (USA)
    ... aka Tempo d'amore (Italy)
  63. La moglie del prete (1971) .... Don Mario Carlesi
    ... aka La femme du pr?tre (France)
    ... aka The Priest's Wife
  64. Correva l'anno di grazia 1870 (1971) (TV) .... Augusto Parenti
    ... aka 1870 (International: English title)
  65. Scipione detto anche l'africano (1971) .... Scipione l'Africano
    ... aka Scipio the African (International: English title)
  66. Permette? Rocco Papaleo (1971) .... Rocco
    ... aka Chicago Story (UK)
    ... aka Excuse Me, My Name Is Rocco Papaleo
    ... aka Le ravi (France: cable TV title)
    ... aka My Name Is Rocco Papaleo (USA)
  67. Giochi particolari (1970) .... Sandro
    ... aka Le voyeur (France)
    ... aka The Voyeur (International: English title)
  68. Leo the Last (1970) .... Prince Leo
  69. I girasoli (1970) .... Antonio
    ... aka Les fleurs du soleil (France)
    ... aka Sunflower (USA)
  70. Dramma della gelosia (tutti i particolari in cronaca) (1970) .... Oreste
    ... aka Drama of Jealousy
    ... aka El demonio de los celos (Spain)
    ... aka Jealousy, Italian Style
    ... aka The Motive Was Jealousy
    ... aka The Pizza Triangle

  71. Diamonds for Breakfast (1968) .... Grand Duke Nicholas Wladimirovitch Goduno
  72. Amanti (1968) .... Valerion
    ... aka A Place for Lovers (USA)
    ... aka Le temps des amants (France)
  73. Questi fantasmi (1967) (uncredited) .... Il fantasma
    ... aka Fant?mes ?l'italienne (France)
    ... aka Ghosts - Italian Style (USA)
  74. Lo straniero (1967) .... Arthur Meursault
    ... aka Amare per vivere (Italy)
    ... aka L'?tranger
    ... aka The Stranger
  75. Spara forte, pi?forte, non capisco (1966) .... Alberto Saporito
    ... aka Shoot Loud, Louder... I Don't Understand
  76. Poppies Are Also Flowers (1966) .... Inspector Mosca
    ... aka Danger Grows Wild (UK)
    ... aka Mohn ist auch eine Blume (Austria)
    ... aka Op?ration opium (France)
    ... aka The Opium Connection (USA: video title)
    ... aka The Poppy Is Also a Flower (USA: promotional title)
  77. Io, io, io... e gli altri (1966) .... Peppino Marassi
    ... aka Me, Me, Me... and the Others (USA)
  78. La decima vittima (1965) .... Marcello Polletti
    ... aka La dixi?me victime (France)
    ... aka The 10th Victim
    ... aka The Tenth Victim (UK)
  79. Casanova '70 (1965) .... Major Andrea Rossi-Colombotti
  80. Oggi, domani, dopodomani (1965) .... Mario (segment "L'uomo dei 5 palloni")/Michele (segment "L'ora di punta", "La moglie bionda")
    ... aka Aujourd'hui, demain et apr?s-demain (France: DVD title)
    ... aka Kiss the Other Sheik (USA)
    ... aka The Man, the Woman and the Money (USA)
  81. L'uomo dei cinque palloni (1965) .... Mario
    ... aka Break up (Italy: longer version)
    ... aka Break up, erotisme et ballons rouges (France: longer version)
    ... aka The Man with the Balloons
  82. Matrimonio all'italiana (1964) .... Domenico Soriano
    ... aka Mariage ?l'italienne (France)
    ... aka Marriage Italian-Style (USA)
  83. Ieri, oggi, domani (1963) .... Carmine Sbaratti/Renzo/Augusto Rusconi
    ... aka Hier, aujourd'hui et demain (France)
    ... aka Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (USA)
    ... aka Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (UK)
  84. I compagni (1963) .... Professor Sinigaglia
    ... aka Les camarades (France)
    ... aka The Organizer (USA)
    ... aka The Strikers (International: English title)
  85. 8?/a> (1963) .... Guido Anselmi
    ... aka Federico Fellini's 8 1/2 (USA)
    ... aka Federico Fellini's 8?(USA: complete title)
    ... aka Huit et demi (France)
  86. Cronaca familiare (1962) .... Enrico
    ... aka Family Diary (USA: original subtitled version)
    ... aka Family Portrait (USA)
  87. Vie priv?e (1962) .... Fabio Rinaldi
    ... aka A Very Private Affair (UK) (USA)
    ... aka Vita privata (Italy)
  88. Divorzio all'italiana (1961) .... Ferdinando Cefal?
    ... aka Divorce - Italian Style (USA)
  89. Fantasmi a Roma (1961) .... Reginaldo di Roviano/Federico di Roviano/Gino
    ... aka Ghosts of Rome (USA: TV title)
    ... aka Phantom Lovers (UK)
  90. L'assassino (1961) .... Nello Poletti
    ... aka L'assassin (France)
    ... aka The Assassin (USA)
    ... aka The Ladykiller of Rome (USA: dubbed version)
  • La notte (1961) .... Giovanni Pontano
    ... aka La nuit (France)
    ... aka The Night (UK)
  • Adua e le compagne (1960) .... Piero Salvagni
    ... aka Adua and Company
    ... aka Adua and Her Friends (USA: festival title)
    ... aka Hungry for Love (UK)
    ... aka Love a la Carte (USA)
  • Il bell'Antonio (1960) .... Antonio Magnano
    ... aka Bell' Antonio (USA)
    ... aka Le bel Antonio (France)
  • La dolce vita (1960) .... Marcello Rubini
    ... aka La Dolce Vita (UK) (USA)
    ... aka La dolce vita (France)
    ... aka La douceur de vivre (France: alternative title)

  • Ferdinando I. re di Napoli (1959) .... Gennarino
  • Tutti innamorati (1959) .... Giovanni
    ... aka Everyone's in Love (International: English title)
  • La legge (1959) .... Enrico Tosso, the Engineer
    ... aka La loi (France)
    ... aka The Law
    ... aka Where the Hot Wind Blows! (USA)
  • Un ettaro di cielo (1959) .... Severino Balestra
    ... aka Piece of the Sky (International: English title)
  • Il nemico di mia moglie (1959) .... Marco Tornabuoni
    ... aka My Wife's Enemy
  1. I soliti ignoti (1958) .... Tiberio
    ... aka Big Deal on Madonna Street (USA)
    ... aka Persons Unknown (UK)
  2. Amore e guai (1958) .... Franco
    ... aka Love and Troubles (International: English title)
  3. Racconti d'estate (1958) .... Marcello Mazzoni
    ... aka Femmes d'un ?t?(France)
    ... aka Girls for the Summer (International: English title)
    ... aka Love on the Riviera (USA)
  4. Le notti bianche (1957) .... Mario
    ... aka Nuits blanches (France)
    ... aka White Nights
  5. Il momento pi?bello (1957) .... Pietro Valeri
    ... aka Le moment le plus beau (France)
    ... aka The Most Wonderful Moment
    ... aka Wasted Lives (USA: reissue title)
  6. La ragazza della salina (1957) .... Piero
    ... aka La ragazza (Italy)
    ... aka La ragazza della salina (Italy)
    ... aka M?dchen und M?nner (West Germany)
    ... aka Sand, Love and Salt (USA)
  7. Padri e figli (1957) .... Cesare
    ... aka A Tailor's Maid (USA)
    ... aka Fathers and Sons (International: English title)
    ... aka Like Father, Like Son (UK)
    ... aka P?res et fils (France)
  8. Il medico e lo stregone (1957) .... Dr. Francesco Marchetti
    ... aka Doctor and the Healer (International: English title)
    ... aka Le m?decin et le sorcier (France)
  9. Il bigamo (1956) .... Mario De Santis
    ... aka Le bigame (France)
    ... aka The Bigamist (USA)
  10. La fortuna di essere donna (1956) .... Corrado Betti
    ... aka La chance d'?tre femme (France)
    ... aka Lucky to Be a Woman (USA)
    ... aka What a Woman! (USA)
  11. La bella mugnaia (1955) .... Luca
    ... aka The Miller's Beautiful Wife (USA)

  12. ... aka The Miller's Wife (UK)
  13. Tam tam mayumbe (1955) .... Alessandrini
    ... aka Mondo Keazunt (USA)
    ... aka Native Drums (USA)
    ... aka Tam-tam (France)
    ... aka Tom Toms of Mayumba (UK)
  14. Peccato che sia una canaglia (1954) .... Paolo
    ... aka Too Bad She's Bad (USA)
  15. Casa Ricordi (1954) .... Gaetano Donizetti
    ... aka House of Ricordi (USA: new title)
    ... aka La maison du souvenir (France)
  16. Giorni d'amore (1954) .... Pasquale Droppio
    ... aka Days of Love (International: English title)
    ... aka Jours d'amour (France)
  17. Tempi nostri (1954) .... Maria's husband (segment "Pupo, Il")
    ... aka A Slice of Life (UK)
    ... aka Quelques pas dans la vie (France)
    ... aka The Anatomy of Love (USA)
    ... aka Zibaldone N. 2 (Italy: alternative title)
  18. Cronache di poveri amanti (1954) .... Ugo
    ... aka Chronicle of Poor Lovers (USA)
  19. La principessa delle Canarie (1954) .... Don Diego
    ... aka The Island Princess (USA)
    ... aka Tirma (Spain)
  20. Schiava del peccato (1954) .... Giulio
  21. La valigia dei sogni (1953)
  22. Non ?mai troppo tardi (1953) .... Riccardo
    ... aka It's Never Too Late (International: English title)
    ... aka Una meravigliosa notte (Italy: subtitle)
  23. Il viale della speranza (1953) .... Mario
  24. Gli eroi della domenica (1953) .... Carlo Vagnetti
    ... aka Sunday Heroes (International: English title)
  25. Febbre di vivere (1953) .... Daniele
    ... aka Eager to Live (International: English title)
  26. Lul?/a> (1953) .... Soletti
  27. Penne nere (1952) .... Pietro 'Pieri' Cossutti
    ... aka Black Feathers (International: English title)
  28. Le ragazze di Piazza di Spagna (1952) .... Marcello Sartori
    ... aka Girls of the Spanish Steps (UK)
    ... aka Three Girls from Rome (USA)
  29. L'eterna catena (1952) .... Walter Ronchi
    ... aka The Eternal Chain (USA)
  30. Tragico ritorno (1952) .... Marco
    ... aka Tragic Return (International: English title)
  31. Sensualit?/a> (1952) .... Carlo Sartori
    ... aka Barefoot Savage (USA)
    ... aka Enticement (UK)
    ... aka Sensualita (USA)
  32. La muta di Portici (1952) (uncredited)
    ... aka The Mute of Portici (International: English title: literal title)
  33. Parigi ?sempre Parigi (1951) .... Marcello Venturi
    ... aka Paris Is Always Paris (International: English title)
    ... aka Paris est toujours Paris (France)
  34. A Tale of Five Cities (1951) .... Aldo Mazzetti
    ... aka A Tale of Five Women (USA)
    ... aka F?nf M?dchen und ein Mann (West Germany)
    ... aka F?nf St?dte - F?nf M?dchen (Austria)
    ... aka L'inconnu des cinq cit?s (France)
    ... aka Passaporto per l'oriente (Italy)
    ... aka Racconto di cinque citt?(Italy)
    ... aka Storia di cinque citt?(Italy)
  35. Cuori sul mare (1950) .... Massimo Falchetti
    ... aka Hearts at Sea
    ... aka Les mousquetaires de la mer (France)
  36. Atto d'accusa (1950) .... Renato La Torre
    ... aka The Accusation (International: English title)
    ... aka The Charge Is Murder (USA: TV title)
    ... aka The Charge is Murder (UK)
  37. Vita da cani (1950) (as Marcello Mastrojanni) .... Carlo Danesi, fidanzato di Franca
    ... aka A Dog's Life
    ... aka It's a Dog's Life
  38. Contro la legge (1950) .... Marcello Curti
    ... aka Against the Law (International: English title)
  39. Domenica d'agosto (1950) .... Ercole Nardi
    ... aka Sunday in August

  40. Vertigine d'amore (1949)
    ... aka Le pain des pauvres (France)
  41. Vent'anni (1949)
  42. I miserabili (1948) .... Un rivoluzionario
    ... aka Les mis?rables
  43. I bambini ci guardano (1944) (uncredited) .... Extra
    ... aka The Children Are Watching Us (USA)
    ... aka The Little Martyr (USA)
  44. Una storia d'amore (1942) .... Extra
    ... aka Love Story (International: English title)

  45. Marionette (1939) (uncredited) .... Extra


  1. Marcello Mastroianni: mi ricordo, s? io mi ricordo (1997) (performer: "Questo si chiama amora", "Piaceva alle donne", "Il mio nome", "Valentino Tango")
    ... aka Marcello Mastroianni: I Remember (USA)
    ... aka Marcello Mastroianni: I Remember, Yes I Remember
  1. Contro la legge (1950) (associate producer)
    ... aka Against the Law (International: English title)
  1. Omaggio a Roma (2009) (grateful thanks)
    ... aka Rome Franco Zeffirelli (International: English title: literal title)
  2. Chacun son cin?ma ou Ce petit coup au coeur quand la lumi?re s'?teint et que le film commence (2007) (dedicatee) (segment 'Trois Minutes')
    ... aka Chacun son cin?ma (France: short title)
    ... aka To Each His Own Cinema (International: English title)
  1. Marcello Mastroianni: mi ricordo, s? io mi ricordo (1997) .... Himself
    ... aka Marcello Mastroianni: I Remember (USA)
    ... aka Marcello Mastroianni: I Remember, Yes I Remember
  2. Fare un film per me ?vivere (1996) (TV) .... Himself
    ... aka Faire un film pour moi c'est vivre (France)
    ... aka Making a Film for Me Is to Live
  3. "Gran premio gal?della TV" .... Himself - Winner (1 episode, 1995)
    ... aka Gran premio internazionale dello spettacolo (Italy: new title)
        - Episode dated 9 May 1995 (1995) TV episode .... Himself - Winner
  4. "?Qu?apostamos?" .... Himself (1 episode, 1995)
        - Episode dated 10 February 1995 (1995) TV episode .... Himself
  5. "Esto no es lo que parece" (1994) TV series .... Himself - Guest (unknown episodes, 1994)
  6. La vera vita di Antonio H. (1994) .... Himself
    ... aka The True Life of Antonio H.
  7. The 65th Annual Academy Awards (1993) (TV) .... Himself - Co-Presenter: Honorary Award to Federico Fellini
  8. "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" .... Himself (1 episode, 1993)
    ... aka Jay Leno (Australia)
        - Episode dated 20 January 1993 (1993) TV episode .... Himself

  9. The European Film Awards (1988) (TV) .... Himself
  10. "Piazza Navona" .... Himself - Narrator (1 episode, 1988)
        - La vacanza (1988) TV episode .... Himself - Narrator
  11. Intervista (1987) .... Himself
    ... aka Federico Fellini's Intervista
    ... aka Fellini's Intervista (USA)
  12. Enas melissokomos pethainei i o allos mythos (1986) .... Himself
    ... aka O allos mythos (Greece: festival title)
  13. Night of 100 Stars (1982) (TV) .... Himself

  14. "Cin?regards" .... Himself (1 episode, 1979)
        - La peau des autres: Portrait de Marcello Mastroianni (1979) TV episode .... Himself
  15. Io sono Anna Magnani (1979) .... Himself
    ... aka Ik ben Anna Magnani (Belgium: Flemish title)
    ... aka My Name Is Anna Magnani (USA)
  16. The 50th Annual Academy Awards (1978) (TV) .... Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role & Co-presenter: Best Film Editing
  17. "A fondo" .... Himself (1 episode, 1978)
        - Episode dated 19 March 1978 (1978) TV episode .... Himself
  18. "V.I.P.-Schaukel" .... Himself (1 episode, 1976)
        - Episode #6.3 (1976) TV episode .... Himself
  19. "La hora de..." .... Himself (1 episode, 1976)
        - Episode dated 2 July 1976 (1976) TV episode .... Himself
  20. E il Casanova di Fellini? (1975) (TV) .... Himself
  21. C'eravamo tanto amati (1974) .... Himself
    ... aka Those Were the Years (International: English title: informal title)
    ... aka We All Loved Each Other So Much (USA)
  22. Le dernier cri des Halles (1973) .... Himself
  23. Roma (1972) (uncredited) .... Himself
    ... aka Fellini Roma (France)
    ... aka Fellini's Roma (USA)
  24. "Film Night" .... Himself (1 episode, 1971)
        - Episode dated 14 March 1971 (1971) TV episode .... Himself
  25. "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In" .... Himself (1 episode, 1971)
    ... aka Laugh-In
        - Episode #4.20 (1971) TV episode .... Himself

  26. "NBC Experiment in Television" .... Himself (1 episode, 1969)
        - Fellini: A Director's Notebook (1969) TV episode .... Himself
  27. Block-notes di un regista (1969) (TV) .... Himself
    ... aka Fellini: A Director's Notebook (USA)
  28. With Love, Sophia (1967) (TV) .... Himself
  29. Sophia Loren in Rome (1964) (TV) .... Himself
  30. "Cin?panorama" .... Himself (1 episode, 1960)
        - Episode dated 14 May 1960 (1960) TV episode .... Himself
  31. "Fellini" .... Himself (1 episode)
        - La dolce vita et le n?or?alisme (????) TV episode .... Himself
Archive Footage:
  1. Hollywood sul Tevere (2009) .... Himself
  2. Ceremonia de inauguraci?n - 56? festival internacional de cine de San Sebasti?n (2008) (TV)
  3. "Banda sonora"
        - Episode #3.14 (2008) TV episode .... Fabio Rinaldi
  4. Rafael Azcona, oficio de guionista (2007) (TV) .... Marcello
  5. Chacun son cin?ma ou Ce petit coup au coeur quand la lumi?re s'?teint et que le film commence (2007) .... (segment "Trois Minutes")
  6. Cannes, 60 ans d'histoires (2007) (TV) .... Himself
  7. "La imagen de tu vida"
        - Episode #1.9 (2006) TV episode .... Himself
        - Episode #1.5 (2006) TV episode .... Himself
  8. Marcello, una vita dolce (2006) .... Himself
  9. "La mandr?gora"
        - Episode dated 10 May 2006 (2006) TV episode .... Domenico Soriano
  10. "Silenci?"
        - Episode #5.8 (2005) TV episode .... Guido Anselmi
  11. Elsa y Fred (2005) .... Marcello - in La Dolce Vita
  12. Fellini: Je suis un grand menteur (2002) (uncredited) .... Giuseppe Mastorna
  13. Meine Schwester Maria (2002) (uncredited) .... Himself
  14. The Magic of Fellini (2002) (TV) .... Himself
  15. Federico Fellini - un autoritratto ritrovato (2000) .... Himself
  16. Luchino Visconti (1999) .... Himself
  17. The 69th Annual Academy Awards (1997) (TV) .... Himself - Memorial Tribute
  18. Nitrato d'argento (1996)
  19. The 60th Annual Academy Awards (1988) (TV) .... Romano
  20. Margret D?nser, auf der Suche nach den Besonderen (1981) (TV) .... Himself
  21. Un sorriso, uno schiaffo, un bacio in bocca (1976)
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