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Metello (1970) and its music
The movie was provided by Lajiao
Relative music
The composer Ennio Morricone was shown in this movie
Metello still
Metello still
The movie metello
The movie metello
About the movie 01, 02, 03, 04??????????????????????About its OST music 01, 02, 03, 04
??irst we advice you listen the theme music of the movie played by Richard Clayderman
A part of "Medley - Metello, Il maestro e Margherita"
(128Kbps WMA format, More)
(Right click here to download 320Kbps MP3)
About the movie from IMDB (See here)

Director:Mauro Bolognini

Writers:Luigi Bazzoni (writer)
Mauro Bolognini (writer)
Original Music by Ennio Morricone

Release Date:24 April 1971 (Japan) more
Genre:Drama more
Plot:Metello struggles to escape from the poverty that led to the premature death of his parents, and that... more | add synopsis
Plot Keywords:Based On Novel
Awards:6 wins & 1 nomination more

Massimo Ranieri ... Metello
Ottavia Piccolo ... Ersilia
Frank Wolff ... Betto
Tina Aumont ... Idina
Lucia Bos?? ... Viola
Pino Colizzi ... Renzoli
Mariano Rigillo ... Olindo
Luigi Diberti ... Lippi
Manuela Andrei ... Adele Salani
Corrado Gaipa ... Badolati
Adolfo Geri ... Del Bueno
Claudio Biava ... Moretti
Franco Balducci ... Chellini
Steffen Zacharias ... Pallesi
Sergio Ciulli
Cannes Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1970 Won Best Actress
Ottavia Piccolo

Nominated Golden Palm
Mauro Bolognini
David di Donatello Awards
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1970 Won David Best Film (Miglior Film)
Gianni Hecht Lucari
Tied with Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto (1970).
Special David
Ottavia Piccolo
For her acting.

Massimo Ranieri
For his acting.
Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1971 Won( Silver Ribbon Best Actress (Migliore Attrice)
Ottavia Piccolo

Best Production Design (Migliore Scenografia)
Guido Josia
Tied with 'Bartolini Salimbeni, Giancarlo' for Giardino dei Finzi-Contini, Il (1970).


Synopsis and user comment
01-From IMDB
Metello struggles to escape from the poverty that led to the premature death of his parents, and that is the lot of the working class in northern Italy during the second half of the 19th century. Metello fights his way out from his condition through hard work, a determined will to resist oppression inherited from his father, but also by taking advantage of his good looks when dealing with women. Metello progressively assumes an important role in the organization of an emerging workers movement, and attempts to conciliate his risky political activities with his private life. Written by Eduardo Casais {} (Here)
Metello (Messimo Ranieri) is the son of an anarchist who shares his father's passion for justice. After he is introduced to love by the young widow Viola (Lucia Bose), he falls in love and marries Ersilia (Ottavia Piccolo). Labor unrest leads to a strike by workers, and Metello is thrown in jail. Upon his release, he lies to officials when he says he will abandon political causes. He tries to balance his family life and remain true to his ideals in the changing political climate in Florence at the turn of the 20th century. Ennio Morricone provides the music for this feature that appeared at the 1970 Cannes Film Festival. ~ Dan Pavlides, All Movie Guide(here)
Metello (1970)
initiated by prakash on September 16, 2008 (

Mauro Bolognini's most critically acclaimed film is far from his best. A tale of a 'working class hero' in turn-of-the-century Florence, it seems fundamentally unsuited to this director's world view. Most of Bolognini's films take place in an aesthetic and rather camp universe ruled by powerful and glamorous women (Claudia Cardinale in La Viaccia, Gina Lollobrigida in Un Bellissimo Novembre, Dominique Sanda in The Inheritance) who hold effortless sway over effete and malleable men.Yet this film of Vasco Pratolini's novel was Bolognini's pet project for nearly a decade. If he had managed to cast Albert Finney (as he hoped to do in 1963) the character and his story might have a shade more conviction. But pretty-boy pop star Massimo Ranieri barely seems capable of reading his lines off a cue card, never mind digesting huge chunks of Das Kapital. Faced with the inadequacy of his male lead, Bolognini does what he has always done - and lets the women rule the film.The least interesting woman, by far, is Metello's saintly wife Ersilia (Ottavia Piccolo). A salt-of-the-earth proletarian Madonna figure, she keeps her husband in line largely by boring him (and the audience) into a state of submission. Piccolo is an actress of minimal charisma, and her Best Actress award from the 1970 Cannes Film Festival has to be one of life's great mysteries. Far more amusing is Tina Aumont as Idina - the couple's frivolous and flirtatious neighbour. We wait for the inevitable to happen, and of course...Early on in the film, Metello has a fling with Viola - a sensual middle-aged school teacher played by Lucia Bose. As usual, Bose is stunning but has far too little to do. One of the screen's great wasted natural resources, Bose has the magnetism of a Garbo - but she also has a maddening tendency to retire for decades at a time. Given roles as limited as this one, who can really blame her?As always in a Bolognini film, the visuals in Metello are flawless. The camerawork by Ennio Guarnieri evokes old photographs of the period. The sets and costumes (supervised by Piero Tosi) are almost eerie in their perfection. Midway through, the cast enjoy a night out at a music hall and the film springs to life - as Bolognini finally gets a chance for a bit of flamboyance, which is what he does best. Sorry, but I can't get excited about Metello. Its appeal, I suspect, is largely to those who do not enjoy Bolognini's other and better work. Still, it's one of his easier films to come by. Fans of arty Italian cinema must take our pleasure where we can get it!(here)

03-About the auther of the novel "Metello"--Vasco Pratolini and "Metello"
the auther of the novel "Metello"--Vasco Pratolini and "Metello"
the auther of the novel "Metello"--Vasco Pratolini and "Metello"
1913.10.19 -- 1991.1.12
See 01, 02, 03, 04, 05
Italian short-story writer and novelist, known particularly for compassionate portraits of the Florentine poor during the Fascist era. He is considered a major figure in Italian Neorealism.

Pratolini was reared in Florence, the setting of nearly all his fiction, in a poor family. He held various jobs until his health failed. His illness forced his confinement in a sanatorium from 1935 to 1937. He had no formal education but was an incessant reader, and during his confinement he began to write.

Pratolini went to Rome, where he met the novelist Elio Vittorini, who introduced him into literary circles and became a close friend. Like Vittorini, Pratolini rejected fascism; the Fascist government shut down Pratolini??s literary magazine, Campo di Marte, within nine months of its founding in 1939.

His first important novel, Il quartiere (1944; The Naked Streets), offers a vivid, exciting portrait of a gang of Florentine adolescents. Cronaca familiare (1947; Two Brothers) is a tender story of Pratolini??s dead brother. Cronache di poveri amanti (1947; A Tale of Poor Lovers), which has been called one of the finest works of Italian Neorealism, became an immediate best-seller and won two international literary prizes. The novel gives a panoramic view of the Florentine poor at the time of the Fascist triumph in 1925?C26. Un eroe del nostro tempo (1949; A Hero of Today, or, A Hero of Our Time) attacks fascism.

Between 1955 and 1966 Pratolini published three novels under the general title Una storia italiana (??An Italian Story??), covering the period from 1875 to 1945. The first, Metello (1955), considered the finest of the three, follows its working-class hero through the labour disputes after 1875 and climaxes with a successful building masons?? strike in 1902. The second, Lo scialo (1960; ??The Waste??), depicts the lassitude of the lower classes between 1902 and the mid-1920s preparatory to the Fascist takeover. The final volume, Allegoria e derisione (1966; ??Allegory and Derision??), deals with the triumph and fall of Fascism, focusing on the moral and intellectual conflicts of the Florentine intelligentsia.(here)

(WIKI)Vasco Pratolini (October 19, 1913 - January 12, 1991) was one of the most noted Italian writers of the twentieth century.

Born in Florence, Pratolini worked at various jobs before entering the literary world thanks to his acquaintance with Elio Vittorini. In 1938 he founded, together with Alfonso Gatto, the magazine Campo di Marte. His work is based on firm political principles and much of it is rooted in the ordinary life and sentiments of ordinary, modest working-class people in Florence.

During World War II he fought with the Italian partisans against the German occupation. After the war he also worked in the cinema, collaborating as screenwriter to films such as Luchino Visconti's Rocco e i suoi fratelli , Roberto Rossellini's Pais?? and Nanni Loy's Le quattro giornate di Napoli. In 1954 and 1961 Valerio Zurlini turned two of his novels, Le ragazze di San Frediano and Cronaca familiare, into films.

His most important literary works are the novels Cronaca familiare (1947), Cronache di poveri amanti (1947) and Metello (1955).

He died in Rome in 1991.

Il tappeto verde (1941)
Via de' magazzini (1941)
Le amiche (1943)
Il quartiere (1943)
Cronaca familiare (1947)
Cronache di poveri amanti (1947)
Diario sentimentale (1947)
Un eroe del nostro tempo (1947)
Le ragazze di San Frediano (1949)
La domenica della povera gente (1952)
Lungo viaggio di Natale (1954)
Metello ( 1955)
Lo scialo (1960)
La costanza della ragione (1963)
Allegoria e derisione (1966)
La mia citt?? ha trent'anni (1967)
Il mantello di Natascia (1985)


Filmography: (here)

About the novel "Metello"
the novel "Metello"
the novel "Metello"
the novel "Metello"
the novel "Metello"
About the book 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08 , 09
04- About the director Mauro Bolognini
the director Mauro Bolognini
the director Mauro Bolognini
See 01, 02, 03

Mauro Bolognini was born in Pistoia, Tuscany.

A former architectural student, Bolognini began his film career as an assistant to director Luigi Zampa in Italy, and directors Yves Allegret and Jean Delannoy in France. He began directing his own feature films in the mid 1950s, and had his first international success with Gli innamorati ("Wild Love").

His other notable films of the 1950s and early 1960s include Giovani mariti ("Young Husbands"), La notte brava, La giornata balorda ("From a Roman Balcony"), and the Marcello Mastroianni-Claudia Cardinale starrer Il Bell'Antonio (arguably his masterpiece), all written by Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Parting professionally with Pasolini in 1961, Bolognini went on to direct two sensual love stories starring Cardinale, La Viaccia and Senilità, before turning his talents to a series of international anthology films, including Le bambole (The Dolls), I tre volti ("Three Faces of a Woman"), Le fate ("The Queens") and Le streghe (The Witches).

Returning to features in the late 1960s with Mademoiselle De Maupin, his later works included the accomplished period dramas Metello and Bubu (both featuring Massimo Ranieri), Fatti di gente per bene (La Grande Bourgeoise) starring Giancarlo Giannini, Catherine Deneuve and Fernando Rey, L'eredità Ferramonti (The Inheritance) with Anthony Quinn and Dominique Sanda, and La Dame aux camélias featuring a young Isabelle Huppert.

In his later years, Bolognini continued directing feature films, as well as opera and the television miniseries The Charterhouse of Parma and The Time Of Indifference. His final feature was the soft-core erotic drama Husbands and Lovers, released in 1992.

He died in Rome in 2001.(Here)

The movies (more)
 L' Eredit?? Ferramonti
La Villa del venerd??
 Le Plus vieux m??tier du monde
Fatti di gente per bene
La Storia vera della signora dalle camelie
Per le antiche scale
 Il Bell'Antonio
L' Eredit?? Ferramonti
La Villa del venerd??
Le Plus vieux m??tier du monde
Fatti di gente per bene
La Storia vera della signora dalle camelie
Per le antiche scale
Il Bell'Antonio
La Viaccia
Le Bambole
Haunted Forest
O Enfermeiro
Nick and Jane
Che Guevara: Hasta la Victoria Siempre
Tain?? 2 - A Aventura Continua
AQUILE (1989) TV
La Viaccia
Le Bambole
Haunted Forest
O Enfermeiro
Nick and Jane
Che Guevara: Hasta la Victoria Siempre
Tain?? 2 - A Aventura Continua
AQUILE (1989) TV (more)
  1. "Famiglia Ricordi, La" (1995) TV mini-series
  2. Villa del venerd? La (1992)
    ... aka Husbands and Lovers
    ... aka In Excess

  3. 12 registi per 12 citt?/a> (1989) (segment "Palermo")
  4. "Indifferenti, Gli" (1988) TV mini-series
    ... aka A Time of Indifference (International: English title)
  5. Mosca addio (1987)
    ... aka Farewell Moscow (International: English title)
  6. Imago urbis (1987)
  7. Venexiana, La (1986)
    ... aka The Venetian Woman
  8. "Certosa di Parma, La" (1981) TV mini-series
    ... aka Chartreuse de Parme, La (France)
    ... aka Kartause von Parma, Die (West Germany)
    ... aka The Charterhouse of Parma (USA)
  9. Storia vera della signora dalle camelie, La (1981)
    ... aka Dame aux cam?lias, La (France)
    ... aka Kameliendame, Die (West Germany)
    ... aka Lady of the Camelias (International: English title)
    ... aka The True Story of Camille

  10. Dove vai in vacanza? (1978) (segment "Sar?tutta per te")
    ... aka Where Are You Going on Holiday? (USA)
  11. Gran bollito (1977)
    ... aka Black Journal
    ... aka Signora degli orrori, La
  12. Eredit?Ferramonti, L' (1976)
    ... aka The Inheritance (USA)
  13. Per le antiche scale (1975)
    ... aka Down the Ancient Staircase
    ... aka Down the Ancient Stairs
    ... aka En descendant les marches d'antan (France: festival title)
    ... aka Vertiges (France)
  14. Fatti di gente perbene (1974)
    ... aka Drama of the Rich
    ... aka Grande Bourgeoise, La
    ... aka The Murri Affair
  15. Libera, amore mio... (1973)
    ... aka Libera, My Love
  16. Imputazione di omicidio per uno studente (1972)
  17. Bub?/a> (1971)
  18. Metello (1970)

  19. Bellissimo novembre, Un (1969)
    ... aka Ce merveilleux automne (France)
    ... aka That Splendid November
  20. Assoluto naturale, L' (1969)
    ... aka She and He
  21. Capriccio all'italiana (1968) (segments "Perch?" and "Gelosia, La")
    ... aka Caprice Italian Style
  22. Arabella (1967)
    ... aka Ragazza del Charleston (Italy)
  23. Plus vieux m?tier du monde, Le (1967) (segment "Nuits romaines")
    ... aka ?lteste Gewerbe der Welt, Das (West Germany)
    ... aka Amore attraverso i secoli, L' (Italy)
    ... aka Amour ?travers les ?ges, L'
    ... aka Love Through the Centuries
    ... aka The Oldest Profession (USA)
    ... aka The Oldest Profession in the World
  24. Streghe, Le (1967) (segment "Senso civico")
    ... aka Sorci?res, Les (France)
    ... aka The Witches (USA)
  25. Madamigella di Maupin (1966)
    ... aka Chevalier de Maupin, Le (France: alternative title)
    ... aka Mademoiselle de Maupin (France)
  26. Fate, Le (1966) (segment "Fata Elena")
    ... aka Ogresses, Les (France)
    ... aka Sex Quartet (UK)
    ... aka The Queens (USA)
  27. Tre volti, I (1965) (segment "Gli amanti celebri")
    ... aka The Three Faces
    ... aka Three Faces of a Woman
  28. Bambole, Le (1965) (segment "Monsignor Cupido")
    ... aka Four Kinds of Love (UK)
    ... aka Poup?es, Les (France)
    ... aka The Doll that Took the Town (USA: DVD box title)
    ... aka The Dolls (USA)
  29. Donna ?una cosa meravigliosa, La (1964) (segments "Una donna dolce, dolce" and "La balena bianca")
    ... aka Woman Is a Wonderful Thing (International: English title)
  30. Mia signora, La (1964) (segments "I miei cari", "Luciana")
    ... aka My Wife (International: English title)
  31. Corruzione, La (1963)
    ... aka Corruption
    ... aka Corruption, La (France: poster title)
  32. Senilit?/a> (1962)
    ... aka Careless (USA)
    ... aka Quand la chair succombe (France)
    ... aka Senilit?(UK)
  33. Agostino (1962)
    ... aka Perdita dell'innocenza, La (Italy: subtitle)
  34. Viaccia, La (1961)
    ... aka Mauvais chemin, Le (France)
    ... aka The Lovemakers (USA: reissue title)
  35. Giornata balorda, La (1961)
    ... aka ?a s'est pass??Rome (France)
    ... aka A Crazy Day
    ... aka From a Roman Balcony (USA)
    ... aka Love Is a Day's Work
    ... aka Pickup in Rome
  36. Bell'Antonio, Il (1960)
    ... aka Bel Antonio, Le (France)
    ... aka Bell' Antonio (USA)

  37. Notte brava, La (1959)
    ... aka Bad Girls Don't Cry
    ... aka Gar?ons, Les (France)
    ... aka On Any Street
    ... aka The Big Night (USA)
  38. Arrangiatevi! (1959)
    ... aka You're on Your Own (International: English title)
  39. Giovani mariti (1958)
    ... aka Jeunes maris, Les (France)
    ... aka Young Husbands
  40. Marisa la civetta (1957)
    ... aka Marisa (USA)
    ... aka Marisa, la coqueta (Spain: TV title)
  41. Guardia, guardia scelta, brigadiere e maresciallo (1956)
  42. "Tre moschettieri, I" (1956) TV series (unknown episodes)
    ... aka The Three Musketeers (USA)
  43. Innamorati, Gli (1955)
    ... aka Amoureux, Les (France)
    ... aka Wild Love (USA)
  44. Vena d'oro, La (1955)
  45. Cavalieri della regina, I (1954)
    ... aka Knights of the Queen (International: English title)
  46. Ci troviamo in galleria (1953)

  1. "Indifferenti, Gli" (1988) TV mini-series (writer)
    ... aka A Time of Indifference (International: English title)
  2. Mosca addio (1987) (writer)
    ... aka Farewell Moscow (International: English title)
  3. Storia vera della signora dalle camelie, La (1981) (screenplay)
    ... aka Dame aux cam?lias, La (France)
    ... aka Kameliendame, Die (West Germany)
    ... aka Lady of the Camelias (International: English title)
    ... aka The True Story of Camille

  4. Fatti di gente perbene (1974) (writer)
    ... aka Drama of the Rich
    ... aka Grande Bourgeoise, La
    ... aka The Murri Affair
  5. Libera, amore mio... (1973) (writer)
    ... aka Libera, My Love
  6. Bub?/a> (1971) (writer)
  7. Metello (1970) (writer)

  8. Assoluto naturale, L' (1969) (writer)
    ... aka She and He
  9. Streghe, Le (1967) (segment "Senso civico")
    ... aka Sorci?res, Les (France)
    ... aka The Witches (USA)
  10. Senilit?/a> (1962) (writer)
    ... aka Careless (USA)
    ... aka Quand la chair succombe (France)
    ... aka Senilit?(UK)
  11. Agostino (1962) (screenplay) (uncredited)
    ... aka Perdita dell'innocenza, La (Italy: subtitle)
  12. Bell'Antonio, Il (1960) (screenplay) (uncredited)
    ... aka Bel Antonio, Le (France)
    ... aka Bell' Antonio (USA)

  13. Giovani mariti (1958) (writer)
    ... aka Jeunes maris, Les (France)
    ... aka Young Husbands
  14. Marisa la civetta (1957) (screenplay) (story)
    ... aka Marisa (USA)
    ... aka Marisa, la coqueta (Spain: TV title)
  15. "Tre moschettieri, I" (1956) TV series (unknown episodes)
    ... aka The Three Musketeers (USA)
  16. Innamorati, Gli (1955) (screenplay)
    ... aka Amoureux, Les (France)
    ... aka Wild Love (USA)
  17. Cavalieri della regina, I (1954) (writer)
    ... aka Knights of the Queen (International: English title)
  18. Ci troviamo in galleria (1953) (writer)
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director:
  1. Minute de v?rit? La (1952) (assistant director)
    ... aka Gest?ndnis einer Nacht (Austria)
    ... aka Ora della verit? L' (Italy)
    ... aka The Moment of Truth (USA)
  2. Nez de cuir (1952) (assistant director)
    ... aka Gentiluomo d'amore (Italy: alternative title)
    ... aka Leathernose (International: English title)
    ... aka Naso di cuoio (Italy)
  3. Processo alla citt?/a> (1952) (assistant director)
    ... aka The City Stands Trial (USA)
  4. ?pi?facile che un cammello... (1951) (assistant director)
    ... aka His Last Twelve Hours (USA)
    ... aka Pour l'amour du ciel (France)
    ... aka Twelve Hours to Live (USA)
  5. Cuori senza frontiere (1950) (assistant director)
    ... aka The White Line (USA)

  6. Campane a martello (1949) (assistant director)
  7. Anni difficili (1948) (assistant director)
    ... aka Difficult Years
    ... aka The Little Man
Miscellaneous Crew:
  1. Tosca (1990) (TV) (stage director)
Awards (Here)
Cannes Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1976 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Eredit?Ferramonti, L' (1976)

1970 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Metello (1970)

1961 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Viaccia, La (1961)

1958 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Giovani mariti (1958)

1956 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Innamorati, Gli (1955)

David di Donatello Awards
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1999 - Career David  
Giffoni Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1990 Won Fran?ois Truffaut Award  
Locarno International Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1975 Won Special Prize of the Jury
for: Per le antiche scale (1975)

1960 Won Golden Sail
for: Bell'Antonio, Il (1960)

Montr?al World Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1987 Won Prize of the Ecumenical Jury
for: Mosca addio (1987)

San Sebasti?n International Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1966 Won Prize San Sebasti?n Best Director
for: Madamigella di Maupin (1966)

1962 Won Prize San Sebasti?n Best Director
for: Senilit?/a> (1962)

05- About the actor Massimo Ranieri (Official web site)
the actor Massimo Ranieri
the actor Massimo Ranieri
the actor Massimo Ranieri

Massimo Ranieri (name in art of Giovanni Calone), is an Italian pop singer, a film and stage actor, and a show-business personality. He was born in Naples (at Santa Lucia) on May 3, 1951.

One of the most popular entertainers in Italy in the past 30 years, he came to public awareness by winning two editions of the Canzonissima song festival in 1970 and 1972 with L'Amore e un attimo and Chi sara, and by representing Italy in the Eurovision song contest in 1971 in which he came 5th with L'amore ?? un attimo, as well as in 1973 when he came 13th with Chi sara con te. In 1988 he won the Sanremo festival with the song "Perdere l'amore", which became one of his greatest hits.

He is a nearly constant presence on Italian TV as a singer and a master of ceremonies. He starred in various successful movies since his debut in the title role of Mauro Bolognini's Metello in 1970. The same year co-starred alongside Anna Magnani in La sciantosa. Recently, his CD, Oggi e dimane --?renditions of his native Neapolitan songs set to North African instrumentation --?has had a great success.

Probably his most popular disc was Rose rosse, which featured his hits Rose rosse and Quando l'amore diventa poesia. (From WIKI)

The songs sung by Massimo Ranieri
WMA listen
L'amore E' Un Attimo
Chi Sar?? Con Te
Perdere l'amore
Rose rosse
Quando L'Amore Diventa Poesia
Aranjuez Mon Amour
From "Concierto de Aranjuez", this is one of favourite songs for me. I hope to recommende it to you
La rosa
Le Braccia Dell'amore
Reginella Live
Santa Lucia Luntana Live
The famous Aranjuez palace  (Spain)
Above: The famous Aranjuez palace (Spain)
Massimo Ranieri "Perdere l'amore" LIVE Sanremo 1988 (From You Tube)
More songs 01, 02, 03, emule
06-About OST
Metello CD
Metello CD OST
Metello OST
"Metello" (1970) represents one of the best results of the image and music synergy of mauro Bolognini and Ennio Morricone. Based on the novel by Vasco Pratolini, the film is extraordinarily rendered powerful both by the performance of the very young Massimo Ranieri and by the score of Ennio Morricone. For this new CD edition we have used the original stereo and mono master tapes and that has allowed us to realize the complete version in close collaboration with Ennio Morricone who has authorized the inclusion of four tracks never released before until today. Digitally restored and remastered stereo/mono sound, deluxe booklet with eight colour pages enriched of rare archives photos.(here)
Catalogue (See here)
1 Metello (Tema Titoli) (2:44)
2 Tema Sciopero (Andante Triste) (1:58)
3 Pianino Nella Strada (2:15)
4 Metello (Tema Titoli Sax-Flauto-Cembalo-Oboe) (1:49)
5 Tema Sciopero (Solenne Triste) (2:04)
6 Metello (Tema Titoli) (2:19)
7 L'Arrivo Del Re (Marcia Militare) (2:37)
8 Tema Sciopero (Versione Lunga) (6:57)
9 Metello (Ripresa) (2:58)*
10 La Naja (Marcetta Per Tromba, Ottavino E Tamburo) (1:35)
11 Tema Sciopero (Ripresa) (5:57)*
12 Metello (Ripresa #2) (4:04)*
13 L'Arrivo Del Re (#2) (2:45)*
14 Metello (Titoli Finale - Grande Orchestra) (2:39)

07 - The song "Io e ta" ("I and you") adapted from "Metello" and sung Massimo Ranieri
Listen the song
(Right here to download 192Kbps MP3)
Below is its Italian lyric: (Fro here)

Io E Te Lyrics

Svegliarsi un giorno
io e te
in mezzo a un prato
io e te
e far l'amore
io e te
e addormentarsi
tra gli alberi
dopo l'amore
io e te
full lyrics

more lyrics

Massimo Ranieri - io e te (1971) (here)

Svegliarsi un giorno
io e te
in mezzo a un prato
io e te
e far l'amore
io e te
e addormentarsi
tra gli alberi
dopo l'amore
io e te
saremo liberi
io e te

di dirci addio
o incominciare un'altra vita
quella vita che tu non vuoi pi??
la verit??
?? in fondo agli occhi tuoi
la vita mia
?? negli occhi tuoi
io penso a te
ma ?? inutile
tu ami un altro ormai
e un'altra vita
fiorisce gi??
fra le tue mani
Svegliarsi un giorno
io e te
in mezzo a un prato
io e te
e far l'amore
io e te
e addormentarsi
tra gli alberi
adesso vai per la tua strada
io resto qui
a morire
vattene da me
amore addio
For the sake of get an English lyric and Chinese lyric, I have to ask my German long friend Mr . Chilian and his daughter Fabiola (She is at school, but I knew that her knows Italian) to translate above Italian lyric for all visitors. Soon I have got his reply and translated English lyric by Fabiola. Below is the file (Image)
A lyrics of  METELLO "IO E TE"
The lyrics of "io e te" with three words
Italian lyric
English lyric (By Fabiola)
Chines lyric by me

Svegliarsi un giorno
io e te
in mezzo a un prato
io e te
e far l'amore
io e te
e addormentarsi
tra gli alberi
dopo l'amore
io e te
saremo liberi
io e te

di dirci addio
o incominciare un'altra vita
quella vita che tu non vuoi pi??
la verit??
?? in fondo agli occhi tuoi
la vita mia
?? negli occhi tuoi
io penso a te
ma ?? inutile
tu ami un altro ormai
e un'altra vita
fiorisce gi??
fra le tue mani

Svegliarsi un giorno
io e te
in mezzo a un prato
io e te
e far l'amore
io e te
e addormentarsi
tra gli alberi
adesso vai per la tua strada
io resto qui
a morire
vattene da me
amore addio

Wake up one day ???????
I and you ?????
in the middle of a field ??????м?
I and you ?????
and love each other ??????
I and you ?????
and fall asleep ????????
between trees ??????
after we made love ???????
I and you ?????
We will be free ?????????
I and you ?????
to say forever good-bye ???????
or to start another life ????μ?????
this life which you don't like anymore ?????????????????
the truth ???
inside of your eyes ?????????
my life ???????
in your eyes ?????????
I think of you ??????
but without success ????г??
you already love another man ???????????????
and a different life ??????????
like a flower ????仨
between your hands ?????????
Wake up one day ???????
I and you ?????
in the middle of a field ??????м?
I and you ?????
and love each other ??????
I and you ?????
and fall asleep ????????
between trees ??????
now you go your own way ?????????????????·
I stay here ??????????
to die ??????
leave me ??????
my love forver ???????????
Thanks a lot to Mr.Chilian and his daughter Fabiola (More about Mr. Chilian)
Mr.Chilian and his wife Maria in Grand canyon of America in June 2008
Above: Mr.Chilian and his wife Maria in Grand canyon of America in June 2008 (More)
Fabiola in Abruzzo of Italy in July 2007 for trip
Above: Fabiola in Abruzzo of Italy in July 2007 for trip (13 years old).
Fabiola visit to a Berlin's historical museum in front of the Pergamon Temple (Greek approx. 3000 years old) in May 2008 (14 years old).
Above: Fabiola visit to a Berlin's historical museum in front of the Pergamon Temple (Greek approx. 3000 years old) in May 2008 (14 years old).
Fabiola in the glass dome of the Bundestag (assembly hall of the German government)of Berlin in May 2008 (14 years old)
Above: Fabiola in the glass dome of the Bundestag (assembly hall of the German government)of Berlin in May 2008 (14 years old). (More)
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