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Warmly congratulate to proclaim the founding of "China Ennio Morricone Fans Association" in Beijing on may 24,2009
热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立热烈祝贺"中国Ennio Morricone音乐爱好者联谊会" 2009.5.24日在北京宣告成立
A special column of the trustee of China Morricone Fans Association
A special page of the trustee Linghui-4
The photo of Morricone Beijing concert on May 23,2009 and another activity
Linghui's info
Linghui's info

20091116 E-mail from Lingyi
The Translation: I have finally a little time to settle those photos of morricone's concert. the overall adjustmented their size, now package it for sent to you. They include Morricone's lectures at the Beijing central Music institute, concert, Morriunion's meeting, Mr. Yang Dalin's opera lectures etc. Please check and transfer to the Morriunion's friends
The photos sent by Linghui is total 121 pieces. Now selected a part and publish for share. They was splited into 4 suites. Here is 003 and 004 suite.
003- A meeting for Morriunion establishing on 11:00 May 24,2009 in Beijing
A meeting for Morriunion establishing on 11:00 May 24,2009 in Beijing
A meeting for Morriunion establishing on 11:00 May 24,2009 in Beijing
A meeting for Morriunion establishing on 11:00 May 24,2009 in Beijing
A meeting for Morriunion establishing on 11:00 May 24,2009 in Beijing
A meeting for Morriunion establishing on 11:00 May 24,2009 in Beijing
004- Chinese famous authoritative person of research Morricone music Mr. Yang Dalin's institute at the Beijing National Grand Theater on 14:00 May 25,2009
Chinese famous authoritative person of research Morricone music Mr. Yang Dalin's institute at the Beijing National Grand Theater
Chinese famous authoritative person of research Morricone music Mr. Yang Dalin's institute at the Beijing National Grand Theater
Chinese famous authoritative person of research Morricone music Mr. Yang Dalin's institute at the Beijing National Grand Theater
Chinese famous authoritative person of research Morricone music Mr. Yang Dalin's institute at the Beijing National Grand Theater
Chinese famous authoritative person of research Morricone music Mr. Yang Dalin's institute at the Beijing National Grand Theater
Linghui at the meeting of China Morricone Fans Association
2009.5.24. Linghui at the meeting of China Morricone Fans Association
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Nov.21, 2009
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