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Prima della rivoluzione / Before the Revolution
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Movie: Prima della rivoluzione/Before the Revolution
Movie: Prima della rivoluzione/Before the Revolution
It is shown in the movie "Prima della rivoluzione" composed by Gino Paoti and Ennio Morricone (00'00'30")
he movie "Prima della rivoluzione" composed by Gino Paoti and Ennio Morricone
001-Information about the movie (IMDB)

User Rating:7.3/10 537 votes
MOVIEmeter: Down 1% in popularity this week. See why on IMDbPro.Director:Bernardo Bertolucci
Writers:Gianni Amico (script collaborator)
Bernardo Bertolucci (screenplay)

Original Music by Ennio Morricone

Cinematography by Aldo Scavarda

Film Editing by Roberto Perpignani

Production Design by Vittorio Cafiero
Angelo Canevari

Bernardo Bertolucci
Bernardo Bertolucci
Also Known As:Before the Revolution (USA)
Antes da Revolu??o Brazil / Portugal
Vor der Revolution Austria (TV title) / West Germany
Antes de la revoluci??n Spain
Before the Revolution USA
Ennen vallankumousta Finland
Prima della rivoluzione France
Prin tin epanastasi Greece
Company:Cineriz more
Cast (Cast overview, first billed only)
Adriana Asti ... Gina
Francesco Barilli ... Fabrizio
Allen Midgette ... Agostino
Morando Morandini ... Cesare
Cristina Pariset ... Clelia
Cecrope Barilli ... Puck
Evelina Alpi ... The little girl
Gianni Amico ... A friend
Goliardo Padova ... The painter
Guido Fanti ... Enore
Enrico Salvatore ... The priest
Amelia Bordi ... The mother
Domenico Alpi ... The father
Iole Lunardi ... The grandmother
Antonio Maghenzani ... The brother
Plot Summary
The study of a youth on the edge of adulthood and his aunt, ten years older. Fabrizio is passionate, idealistic, influenced by Cesare, a teacher and Marxist, engaged to the lovely but bourgeois Clelia, and stung by the drowning of his mercurial friend Agostino, a possible suicide. Gina is herself a bundle of nervous energy, alternately sweet, seductive, poetic, distracted, and unhinged. They begin a love affair after Agostino's funeral, then Gina confuses Fabrizio by sleeping with a stranger. Their visits to Cesare and then to Puck, one of Gina's older friends, a landowner losing his land, dramatize contrasting images of Italy's future. Their own futures are bleak. Written by {}
User Comments (Comment on this title)
This IS the revolution, 19 December 2008 Author: federovsky from bangkok
Is it immoral for a nephew and aunt to have an affair? ...who cares? - the question is barely raised. This is the Italian New Wave, a cineaste's dream; forget the story, for style is everything.

Bertolucci's second film, at age 22, still owes a lot to his mentor Pasolini, but now he has taken on board Godard of "A Woman is a Woman" and Truffaut of "Jules and Jim". It's hopelessly overloaded with style but that makes it fascinating to watch. You never know what the camera is going to do next. A long monologue by Adrianna Asti contains so many zooms, pans, cross-cuts, reverse shots, asymmetrical framing, you name it - it's insane. You stop listening to what she is saying and just wonder what on earth Bertolucci is playing at. Playing at making movies I suppose.

It's all fairly aimless but is beautifully shot and the script is quite fine. Asti seems natural as the fragile aunt and Bertolucci makes the most of her - there are moments when she's nudging Audrey Hepburn. There's plenty of gay subtext - a notable feature of many Bertolucci films, for anyone apt to enquire into such things - it certainly assists interpretation.

Hardly juvenilia; if you're in the mood, this is a near masterpiece.

002-About the director Bernardo Bertolucci (IMDB)
Bernardo Bertolucci
Date of Birth:16 March 1940, Parma, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Bernardo Bertolucci
Mini Biography

Bernardo Bertolucci, the Italian director whose films are known for their colorful visual style, was born in Parma, Italy, in 1940. He attended Rome University and became famous as a poet. He served as assistant director for Pier Paolo Pasolini in the film Accattone (1961) and directed La commare secca (1962). His second film, Prima della rivoluzione (1964), which was released in 1971, received an Academy Award nomination for best screenplay. Bertolucci also received an Academy Award nomination as best director for Ultimo tango a Parigi (1972), and the best director and best screenplay for the film The Last Emperor (1987), which walked away with nine Academy Awards.

IMDb Mini Biography By: Matt Dicker

Clare Peploe (1990 - present)
Adriana Asti (? - ?) (divorced)

Trade Mark

Frequently references classic movies.

Frequently has nude scenes in his films.


Brother of Giuseppe Bertolucci, cousin of Giovanni Bertolucci.

Son of poet Attilio Bertolucci and Ninetta Giovanardi.

Born at 7:25pm-CET

Homage at the 48th Donostia-San Sebasti??n Film Festival. [2000]

Was voted the 44th Greatest Director of all time by Entertainment Weekly.

Biography in: John Wakeman, editor. "World Film Directors, Volume Two, 1945-1985". Pages 121-127. New York: The H.W. Wilson Company, 1988.

The young Bertolucci took after his father, a Roman poet and film critic, and became a celebrated published poet by the age of 20. He gave up poetry for the cinema after working as an assistant to Pier Paolo Pasolini on the movie Accattone (1961).

President of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival in 1990

In July of 1990, along with Federico Fellini, Tonino Guerra and Marcello Mastroianni, he wrote: "With the death of Sergei Parajanov cinema lost one of its wizards.".

Supported the Italian Communist Party (PCI).

Was a close friend of Pier Paolo Pasolini.

He was made a Fellow of the British Film Institute in recognition of his outstanding contribution to film culture.

When the Italian Bertolucci was Oscar-nominated as Best Director for The Last Emperor (1987) (and won), his Best Director fellow nominees were all non-Americans: Adrian Lyne and John Boorman (UK), Lasse Hallstr?m (Sweden) and Norman Jewison (Canada) making that particular instance unique in Oscar history. [11 April 1988]

Personal Quotes

[On Los Angeles] The Big Nipple.

[His answer on 2 October 1979 to a woman who had just seen a special screening of La luna (1979) at the Film Center of the School of the Art Institute, Chicago] I left the ending ambiguous, because that is the way life is.

I don't film messages. I let the post office take care of those.

I am still against any kind of censorship. It's a subject in my life that has been very important.

A monoculture is not only Hollywood, but Americans trying to export democracy. I don't think you can in any way export culture with guns or tanks. I think that I used to love Hollywood movies. I remember great phases and moments. But, unfortunately, now is not the moment.

[On making The Dreamers (2003)] It gave me the chance of visiting a moment that I really loved a lot, the late 1960s. It was a kind of magic moment in many senses. There was a fantastic projection of the future, of utopias, which were very noble in some ways. I remember being young in the 1960s. We had a great sense of the future, a great big hope. This is what is missing in the youth today. This being able to dream and to change the world.

[In response to Ingmar Bergman's contention that Ultimo tango a Parigi (1972) (US title: "Last Tango in Paris") was really about homosexuals, and only in those terms did the film make sense and become interesting] I accept all interpretations of my films. The only reality is before the camera. Each film I make is kind of a return to poetry for me, or at least an attempt to create a poem.

You know for American filmmakers, the Oscars is like a mystic thing. For me it was being in a mirror of my dreams when I was dreaming of Hollywood when I was an adolescent.

[on the untimely death of Pier Paolo Pasolini] A remarkable director -- a great loss to Italian culture. It was as if he was discovering cinema from scratch.

[on Gerard Depardieu] Fills the space like a young Marlon Brando. He has an extraordinary intensity.

[on Marlon Brando] An angel as a man, a monster as an actor.



  1. Ten Minutes Older: The Cello (2002) (written by) (segment "Histoire d'eaux")
    ... aka Ten Minutes Older: The Cello (Germany)
  2. The Triumph of Love (2001) (written by)
    ... aka Il trionfo dell'amore (Italy)

  3. Besieged (1998) (writer)
    ... aka L'assedio (Italy)
    ... aka The Siege (Canada: English title)
  4. Stealing Beauty (1996) (story)
    ... aka Beaut?vol?e (France)
    ... aka Dancing by Myself (USA: alternative title)
    ... aka Io ballo da sola (Italy)
  5. Little Buddha (1993) (story)
    ... aka Little Buddha (France)
    ... aka Piccolo Buddha (Italy)
  6. The Sheltering Sky (1990) (screenplay)
    ... aka Il t?nel deserto (Italy)

  7. The Last Emperor (1987) (with)
    ... aka L'ultimo imperatore (Italy)
    ... aka Le dernier empereur (France)
    ... aka Modai huangi (China: Cantonese title)
  8. La tragedia di un uomo ridicolo (1981) (writer)
    ... aka The Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man (Australia) (UK)
    ... aka Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man (USA)

  9. La luna (1979) (story) (writer)
    ... aka Luna (USA)
  10. Novecento (1976) (writer)
    ... aka 1900 (USA)
    ... aka 1900 - Gewalt, Macht, Leidenschaft (West Germany: first part title)
    ... aka 1900 - Kampf, Liebe, Hoffnung (West Germany: second part title)
    ... aka 1900: Seconde ?poque (France: TV title)
    ... aka Novecento - Atto I (Italy: first part title)
    ... aka Novecento - Atto II (Italy: second part title)
  11. Il silenzio ?complicit?/a> (1976) (writer)
  12. Ultimo tango a Parigi (1972) (screenplay) (story)
    ... aka Last Tango in Paris (UK)
    ... aka Le dernier Tango ?Paris (France)
    ... aka Ultimo tango a Parigi (Italy: dubbed version)
  13. L'inchiesta (1971) (TV) (writer)
  14. Strategia del ragno (1970) (writer)
    ... aka The Spider's Stratagem
  15. Il conformista (1970) (writer)
    ... aka Der Konformist (West Germany)
    ... aka Der gro?e Irrtum (West Germany)
    ... aka Le conformiste (France)
    ... aka The Conformist (USA)

  16. Amore e rabbia (1969) (screenplay) (segment "Agonia")
    ... aka ?vangile 70 (France)
    ... aka La contestation (France)
    ... aka Love and Anger
    ... aka Vangelo '70 (Italy: alternative title)
  17. C'era una volta il West (1968) (story)
    ... aka Once Upon a Time in the West (International: English title) (UK) (USA)
    ... aka Sergio Leone's Once Upon a Time in the West (Australia)
    ... aka There Was Once the West (USA: literal English title)
  18. Partner (1968) (story and screenplay)
    ... aka Il sosia (Italy)
    ... aka Partner (USA)
  19. Ballata da un miliardo (1967) (writer)
    ... aka How to Win a Billion... and Get Away with It (International: English title)
  20. "La via del petrolio" (3 episodes, 1967)
        - Attraverso l'Europa (1967) TV episode (screenplay) (story)
        - Il viaggio (1967) TV episode (screenplay) (story)
        - Le origini (1967) TV episode (screenplay) (story)
  21. Il canale (1967) (concept)
  22. Prima della rivoluzione (1964) (screenplay) (story)
    ... aka Before the Revolution (USA)
  23. La commare secca (1962) (screenplay)
    ... aka The Grim Reaper
  1. The Dreamers (2003)
    ... aka Innocents (France)
    ... aka The dreamers - I sognatori (Italy)
  2. Ten Minutes Older: The Cello (2002) (segment "Histoire d'eaux")
    ... aka Ten Minutes Older: The Cello (Germany)

  3. Besieged (1998)
    ... aka L'assedio (Italy)
    ... aka The Siege (Canada: English title)
  4. Stealing Beauty (1996)
    ... aka Beaut?vol?e (France)
    ... aka Dancing by Myself (USA: alternative title)
    ... aka Io ballo da sola (Italy)
  5. Little Buddha (1993)
    ... aka Little Buddha (France)
    ... aka Piccolo Buddha (Italy)
  6. The Sheltering Sky (1990)
    ... aka Il t?nel deserto (Italy)

  7. 12 registi per 12 citt?/a> (1989) (segment "Bologna")
  8. The Last Emperor (1987)
    ... aka L'ultimo imperatore (Italy)
    ... aka Le dernier empereur (France)
    ... aka Modai huangi (China: Cantonese title)
  9. L'addio a Enrico Berlinguer (1984)
  10. La tragedia di un uomo ridicolo (1981)
    ... aka The Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man (Australia) (UK)
    ... aka Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man (USA)

  11. La luna (1979)
    ... aka Luna (USA)
  12. Novecento (1976)
    ... aka 1900 (USA)
    ... aka 1900 - Gewalt, Macht, Leidenschaft (West Germany: first part title)
    ... aka 1900 - Kampf, Liebe, Hoffnung (West Germany: second part title)
    ... aka 1900: Seconde ?poque (France: TV title)
    ... aka Novecento - Atto I (Italy: first part title)
    ... aka Novecento - Atto II (Italy: second part title)
  13. Ultimo tango a Parigi (1972)
    ... aka Last Tango in Paris (UK)
    ... aka Le dernier Tango ?Paris (France)
    ... aka Ultimo tango a Parigi (Italy: dubbed version)
  14. La salute ?malata (1971)
    ... aka I poveri muoiono prima (Italy: alternative title)
  15. Strategia del ragno (1970)
    ... aka The Spider's Stratagem
  16. Il conformista (1970)
    ... aka Der Konformist (West Germany)
    ... aka Der gro?e Irrtum (West Germany)
    ... aka Le conformiste (France)
    ... aka The Conformist (USA)

  17. Amore e rabbia (1969) (segment "Agonia")
    ... aka ?vangile 70 (France)
    ... aka La contestation (France)
    ... aka Love and Anger
    ... aka Vangelo '70 (Italy: alternative title)
  18. Partner (1968)
    ... aka Il sosia (Italy)
    ... aka Partner (USA)
  19. "La via del petrolio" (3 episodes, 1967)
        - Attraverso l'Europa (1967) TV episode
        - Il viaggio (1967) TV episode
        - Le origini (1967) TV episode
  20. Il canale (1967)
  21. Prima della rivoluzione (1964)
    ... aka Before the Revolution (USA)
  22. La commare secca (1962)
    ... aka The Grim Reaper
  1. The Triumph of Love (2001) (producer)
    ... aka Il trionfo dell'amore (Italy)

  2. Io con te non ci sto pi?/a> (1982) (producer)
  3. Sconcerto Rock (1982) (producer)
  1. Golem, l'esprit de l'exil (1992) .... Le Matre de la Cour
    ... aka Golem, Lo spirito dell'esilio (Italy)
    ... aka Golem, the Ghost of Exile
    ... aka Golem, the Spirit of the Exile
Miscellaneous Crew:
  1. Accattone (1961) (production assistant)
    ... aka Accattone! (USA)
    ... aka The Procurer (UK)
    ... aka The Scrounger (USA: informal English title)
  1. 1900: Creating an Epic (2006) (V) (special thanks)
  2. 1900: The Story, the Cast (2006) (V) (special thanks)
  1. Di me cosa ne sai (2009) .... Himself
    ... aka What Do You Know About Me (Europe: English title: festival title)
  2. Great Directors (2009) .... Himself
  3. The Chinese Adventure of Bernardo Bertolucci (2008) (V) .... Himself
  4. "Shi jie dian ying zhi lv" .... Himself (1 episode, 2008)
    ... aka World Film Report (International: English title)
        - Bernardo Bertolucci: Yu qing chun zuo ban (2008) TV episode .... Himself
  5. "Coraz?n de..." .... Himself (1 episode, 2007)
        - Episode dated 12 December 2007 (2007) TV episode .... Himself
  6. C?mara negra. Teatro Victoria Eugenia (2007) (TV) .... Himself
  7. "E! True Hollywood Story" .... Himself (1 episode, 2007)
        - Steven and Liv Tyler (2007) TV episode .... Himself
  8. Brando (2007) (TV) .... Himself
  9. The Puppeteers (2007) .... Interview
  10. Rise of 'The Conformist': The Story, the Cast (2006) (V) .... Himself
  11. 1900: Creating an Epic (2006) (V) .... Himself
  12. 1900: The Story, the Cast (2006) (V) .... Himself
  13. 'The Conformist': Breaking New Ground (2006) (V) .... Himself
  14. Shadow and Light: Filming 'The Conformist' (2006) (V) .... Himself
  15. Sartoria Tirelli - Vestire il cinema (2006) .... Himself
    ... aka Sartoria Tirelli: Dressing the Cinema (International: English title)
  16. Cineastes en acci?/a> (2005) .... Himself
    ... aka Cineastas en acci?n (Spain: Castilian title)
    ... aka Filmmakers in Action (USA)
  17. There Is No Direction (2005) .... Himself
  18. Sigmund Freud - Auf den Spuren des ber?hmten Psychoanalytikers (2005) (TV) .... Himself
    ... aka On the Trail of Sigmund Freud (International: English title)
  19. Come si fa a non amare Pier Paolo Pasolini - Appunti per un film sull'immondezza (2005) .... Himself
    ... aka Come si fa a non amare Pier Paolo Pasolini (Italy: short title)
  20. Souvenirs d'un pr?sident de festival de Cannes (2004) (V) .... Interwied
    ... aka Bertolucci Tells Us All (Europe: English title) (International: English title)
  21. "Imagine" .... Himself (1 episode, 2004)
        - Brando (2004) TV episode .... Himself
  22. Il ?tait une fois... Le dernier tango ?Paris (2004) (TV) .... Himself
  23. Outside the Window: Events in May 1968 (2004) (V) .... Himself
  24. Come inguaiammo il cinema italiano - La vera storia di Franco e Ciccio (2004) .... Himself
  25. ?preuves d'artistes (2004) .... Himself
    ... aka Words in Progress (International: English title)
  26. "Comme au cin?ma" .... Himself (1 episode, 2003)
    ... aka Comme au cin?ma: l'?mission (France: long new title)
    ... aka Comme au cin?ma: le magazine (France: long new title)
        - Episode dated 25 November 2003 (2003) TV episode .... Himself
  27. An Opera of Violence (2003) (V) .... Himself
  28. Something to Do with Death (2003) (V) .... Himself
  29. Words of My Perfect Teacher (2003) .... Himself
  30. Cinema Sex Politics: Bertolucci Makes 'The Dreamers' (2003) (TV) .... Himself
    ... aka Bertolucci Makes 'The Dreamers' (UK)
  31. Claude Jutra, portrait sur film (2002) .... Himself (director)
    ... aka Claude Jutra, an Unfinished Story (International: English title)
  32. Bernardo Bertolucci: A cosa serve il cinema? (2002) (TV) .... Himself
    ... aka Bernardo Bertolucci: What Is the Purpose of Cinema? (International: English title)
  33. Chaplin Today: Limelight (2002) (TV) .... Himself
  34. L?aud l'unique (2001) (TV) .... Himself
  35. Pier Paolo Pasolini e la ragione di un sogno (2001) .... Himself

  36. Kurosawa: The Last Emperor (1999) (TV) .... Himself
  37. Playboy: The Story of X (1998) (V) .... Himself (director)
  38. Tutte le donne di Fassbinder (1997) (TV) .... Himself
    ... aka The Many Women of Fassbinder (International: English title)
  39. "Cinema tres" .... Himself (2 episodes, 1987-1996)
    ... aka Informatiu cinema (Spain: Catalan title)
        - Episode dated 20 September 1996 (1996) TV episode .... Himself
        - Episode dated 30 December 1987 (1987) TV episode .... Himself
  40. "Lo + plus" .... Himself (1 episode, 1996)
        - Episode dated 20 September 1996 (1996) TV episode .... Himself
  41. Ballando con Bertolucci (1996) (TV) .... Himself
  42. Empire of the Censors (1995) (TV) .... Himself
  43. "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" .... Himself (1 episode, 1994)
    ... aka Jay Leno (Australia)
        - Episode dated 6 July 1994 (1994) TV episode .... Himself
  44. La vera vita di Antonio H. (1994) .... Himself
    ... aka The True Life of Antonio H.
  45. "Le divan" .... Himself (1 episode, 1993)
        - Episode dated 5 December 1993 (1993) TV episode .... Himself
  46. Jean Renoir: Part One - From La Belle ?poque to World War II (1993) (TV) .... Himself
  47. Jean Renoir: Part Two - Hollywood and Beyond (1993) (TV)
  48. De domeinen Ditvoorst (1992)
    ... aka The Ditvoorst Domains
    ... aka The Divorce Domains (USA: literal English title)
  49. Writing with Light: Vittorio Storaro (1992) .... Himself

  50. The European Film Awards (1988) (TV) .... Himself
  51. The 60th Annual Academy Awards (1988) (TV) .... Himself - Winner: Best Director & Best Adapted Screenplay
  52. Wie de Waarheid Zegt Moet Dood (1981) .... Himself
    ... aka Whoever Says the Truth Shall Die

  53. "A fondo" .... Himself (1 episode, 1977)
        - Episode dated 18 December 1977 (1977) TV episode .... Himself
  54. Bertolucci secondo il cinema (1976) (TV)
    ... aka The Cinema According to Bertolucci
    ... aka The Making of '1900'

  55. "Cin?astes de notre temps" .... Himself (1 episode, 1966)
        - Pasolini l'enrag?/a> (1966) TV episode .... Himself
Archive Footage:
  1. "Cinema mil"
        - Episode #1.6 (2005) TV episode .... Himself
        - Episode #1.1 (2005) TV episode .... Himself


03-Play in online of the movie
See a part 49'08" (Potato site)
04-About Download the movie
We provide download of the movie and its subtitles within one month in the special area of member. it contains:
The movie (64-03) "Prima della rivoluzione/Before the Revolution"
WMV format 107 minutes Italian dub, embeded Chinese subtitle 609M
The subtitles of the movie (64-03) (EN, CN, ES, IDX/SUB and SRT format, packed into RAR format)
RAR file 6.22M
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