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????A movie with Morricone's music
??engdvd-2001 Marco Polo (3 DVD9 Boxset)(1982)
Note: A "Marco Polo" VCD edition was published in the web site before (See here). Now we have got a new edition- 3 DVD9 Boxset issued by Dutch DFW. Total Length of the movie is 457 minutes, it includes Movie, OST of the movie and "The travels of Marco Polo" (Chinese edition), with English dub and Dutch or Chinese sub. Below are about the movie:
Relative music page
"-official" is in official catalogue
Marco Polo
Marco Polo
Marco Polo
The cover and mark
Marco Polo
Marco Polo
Marco Polo
Marco Polo
Marco Polo
Marco Polo
Part 1-3 covers
About the movie from IMDB


Director: Giuliano Montaldo

Writers:David Butler (writer)
Vincenzo Labella (writer)
Release Date:16 May 1982 (USA) more
Genre:Adventure / Biography / Drama more
Plot Outline:The life and experiences of the 13th-century explorer, who sought to connect the civilizations of China and Europe through trade.
Plot Keywords:1270s / Flashback Sequence / Medieval / Catholic / China more
Awards:Won 2 Primetime Emmys. Another 7 nominations more

Additional Details

Runtime:Brazil:270 min (edited version) / USA:600 min (including commercials)
Aspect Ratio:1.33 : 1 more
Sound Mix:Mono


The life and experiences of the 13th-century explorer, who sought to connect the civilizations of China and Europe through trade. (See here)

Cast (Series Cast overview, first billed only)

Ken Marshall ... Marco Polo
Denholm Elliott ... Niccolo Polo
Tony Vogel ... Matteo Polo

F. Murray Abraham ... Jacopo

Anne Bancroft ... Marco's Mother
Riccardo Cucciolla ... Uncle Zane

John Gielgud ... Doge of Venice
John Houseman ... Patriarch of Aquileia

Burt Lancaster ... Teobaldo Visconti / Pope Gregory X

Tony Lo Bianco ... Brother Nicholas
Ian McShane ... Ali Ben Yussouf

Leonard Nimoy ... Achmet
Beulah Quo ... Empress Chabi
Ruocheng Ying ... Kublai Khan
Sada Thompson ... Aunt Flora

Ruocheng Ying

Date of Birth:1929, Beijing, China more
Date of Death:27 December 2003, Beijing, China (liver disease) more
Trivia:First made his mark in the West as a translator. He was one of the stars... more
Alternate Names:Ying Ruocheng



Little Buddha (1993) (as Ying Ruocheng) .... Lama Norbu
... aka Little Buddha (France)

The Last Emperor (1987) (as Ying Ruocheng) .... Governor of Detention Center
... aka Dernier empereur, Le (France)
... aka Modai huangi (China: Cantonese title)
... aka Ultimo imperatore, L' (Italy)
"Marco Polo" (1982) (mini) TV mini-series .... Kublai Khan
Zhi yin (1981) .... Yuan Shi Kai

Baiqiuen dai fu (1964) .... Secretary Tong (See here)

Production Companies

Production Companies
Vides Cinematografica
Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI)
National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
Procter & Gamble Productions (PGP)
Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS)
Radiotelevisione Italiana

001- Brief about the DVD
Name: "Marco Polo" International collector's edition (Marketed design and summary by Dutch filmworks)
Capacity: 3DVD9
Music: Ennio Morricone
English dub, Dutch and Chinese sub, total length 457 minutes
Below files can be provided by way of special serve (Only for Chinese)
DVD number
length of movie
D9 image
D9 copy
D5 image
Part 1 of movie, OST 12 music,"The travels of Marco Polo" (Chinese edition)
Part 2of movie, OST 13 music,"The travels of Marco Polo" (Chinese edition)
Part 3 of movie, OST 11 music,"The travels of Marco Polo" (Chinese edition)
002-About "The travels of Marco Polo"
"The travels of Marco Polo"
"The travels of Marco Polo"
"The travels of Marco Polo"
"The travels of Marco Polo"(Chinese edition)
Marco Polo
The travels of Marco PoloThe
The return route of Marco Polo
The return route of Marco Polo
003- OST 36 music
The DVD's "EasterEggs" includes OST of the movie in every DVD disk, every file is about 600M with .vob format. We have transformed them into .wav format, total is 805M after zip. Below are the catalogue of these music (Left are catalogue in the movie, right are relatived English catalogue (Refer here). They can be directly turned to CD.
01. Marco Polo --------------------------------------- Marco Polo Main Theme
02. Saluto Alla Madre ---------------------------------Monica
03. Nostalgia Del Padre -------------------------------Nostalgia of the Father
04. Adolescenza ---------------------------------------Adolescence
05. I Sogni -------------------------------------------I Sogni (Versione Estesa)
06. Il Lungo Viaggio Inizia ---------------------------Il Lungo Viaggio Inizia
07. I Crociati ----------------------------------------The Crusaders
08. Tema Di Marco -------------------------------------Marco's Theme (Death in the Wind)
09. Al Santo Sepolcro ---------------------------------Al Santo Sepolcro(Versione Estesa)
10. Marco Chiede La Sepoltura Di Guido ----------------Farewell to the Mother
11. Verso L'Oriente -----------------------------------On the way to the Orient (Trip)
12. Marco Polo ----------------------------------------Marco Polo (Omuz)
01. I Mongoli-----------------------------------------The Mongrels
02. Marco Polo E I Mongoli----------------------------Marco Polo E I Mongoli
03. Tema Di Marco 1-----------------------------------Marco's Theme (Dialogue)
04. Verso L'Oriente-----------------------------------On the way to the Orient
05. Risveglio Nel Tempio Tibetano---------------------Risveglio Nel Tempio Tibetano
06. Tema Di Marco-------------------------------------Tema Di Marco (Un Nuovo Mondo)
07. Musica Di Corte-----------------------------------Musica Di Corte (Arpe)
08. Tema Di Marco-------------------------------------Tema Di Marco (Nel Palazzo Imperiale)
09. Festeggiamenti A Palazzo--------------------------Festeggiamenti A Palazzo
10. Una Nuova Civilta---------------------------------Una Nuova Civilta
11. Canzone Di Mai-Li---------------------------------Mai-Li's Song
12. Tema Di Marco 2-----------------------------------Tema Di Marrco (Nuove Sensazioni)
13. Tema Di Marco 3-----------------------------------Tema Di Marco (Nostalgia Di Venezia)
01. Canzone Di Mai-Li---------------------------------Canzone Di Mai-Li (Represa)
02. Musica Di Corte-----------------------------------Musica Di Corte (Represa)
03. Recordo Deila Madre-------------------------------Recordo Della Madre
04. Il Sud Brucia-------------------------------------The South Burns
05. La Citta Proibita---------------------------------The Forbidden City
06. Verso La Grande Muraglia--------------------------Verso La Grande Muraglia
07. La Leggenda Della---------------------------------The Legend of the Great Wall
08. Kublai Khan---------------------------------------Kublai Khan
09. La Grande Marcia Di Kublai------------------------The Great March of Kublai
10. Tema Di Marco-------------------------------------Tema Di Marco (Ritorno Verso Casa)
11. Primo Amore --------------------------------------The First Love
The selection of music of the movie (20 Kbps WMA format)
The relative page
Marco Polo----Marco Polo Main Theme
Marco Polo--------Marco Polo (Omuz)
Primo Amore----------The First Love
??English dub??Chinese or Dutch subtitle ??457 minutes??
Click here for see a part, 8'12" (Save in CC-video)
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