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6910 Metello
电影"我的青春"(梅蒂罗/梅泰洛) (Metello)
电影"我的青春"(梅蒂罗/梅泰洛) (Metello)
纪念莫迷网联一周年暨本站七周年本站倾力推出"为会员加工订作莫里康内爱好者DVD珍藏系列影碟公益活动" >>>>
电影"我的青春"(梅蒂罗/梅泰洛) (Metello)
电影"我的青春"(梅蒂罗/梅泰洛) (Metello)
关于电影 01, 02, 03, 04                   关于音乐 01, 02, 03, 04
首先建议您先听一遍由理查德 克莱德曼演奏的这支主题曲
"Medley - Metello, Il maestro e Margherita"
(片断,128Kbps WMA格式,更多见这里)
编者有感: 这首曲子不愧为大师的杰作,再加上钢琴王子的解读和渲染,一开头就会牢牢抓住你的听觉神经进而控制思维:啊!好磅礴的气势!就像一道闪电猛然劈开了宁静的星空,使你不得不瞠目而视,倾心而听.相继出现的四段起伏跌宕的旋律,加上克莱德曼纯熟的倚音指法运用所产生的悬念,人们不禁在想,这首不凡的曲子在讲述甚么.....
(右击这里下载 320Kbps MP3)
01-IMDB 资料 (见这里)


英文名: Metello

中文名: 我的青春

导 演: (Mauro Bolognini) 莫洛 鲍罗尼尼

编剧 Luigi Bazzoni
Mauro Bolognini
Suso Cecchi d'Amico
Ugo Pirro
Vasco Pratolini

原创音乐 埃尼奥·莫里康内 Ennio Morricone

主 演: (Massimo Ranieri) ( Ottavia Piccolo) (弗兰克·沃尔夫 Frank Wolff) ( Tina Aumont) ( Lucia Bosé) ( Pino Colizzi)

上 映: 1970年04月24日 日本 详细上映地区

地 区: 意大利

对 白: 意大利语

颜 色: 彩色

声 音: 单声道(Mono)

时 长: 107 min / Argentina:110

类 型: 剧情

分 级: 阿根廷:16


Massimo Ranieri .... Metello

Ottavia Piccolo .... Ersilia

弗兰克·沃尔夫 Frank Wolff .... Betto

Tina Aumont .... Idina

Lucia Bosé .... Viola

Pino Colizzi .... Renzoli

Mariano Rigillo .... Olindo

Luigi Diberti .... Lippi

Manuela Andrei .... Adele Salani

Corrado Gaipa .... Badolati

Adolfo Geri .... Del Bueno

Claudio Biava .... Moretti

Franco Balducci .... Chellini

Steffen Zacharias .... Pallesi

Sergio Ciulli ....

Luigi Antonio Guerra .... (uncredited)

Piero Lorgia .... (uncredited)

Renzo Montagnani .... Caco (uncredited)

Piero Morgia .... (uncredited)

影片获奖记录 (见这里)
Cannes Film Festival (嘎纳电影节)
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s) 类别/受奖人
1970 Won(获奖) Best Actress(最佳女演员奖)
Ottavia Piccolo

Nominated(提名) Golden Palm(金棕榈奖)
Mauro Bolognini (导演)

David di Donatello Awards
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1970 Won(获奖) David(戴维奖) Best Film (Miglior Film)
Gianni Hecht Lucari
Tied with Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto (1970).
Special David(特殊戴维奖)
Ottavia Piccolo
For her acting.

Massimo Ranieri
For his acting.
Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1971 Won(获奖) Silver Ribbon(银丝带奖) Best Actress (Migliore Attrice)
Ottavia Piccolo

Best Production Design (Migliore Scenografia)
Guido Josia
Tied with 'Bartolini Salimbeni, Giancarlo' for Giardino dei Finzi-Contini, Il (1970).


Metello struggles to escape from the poverty that led to the premature death of his parents, and that is the lot of the working class in northern Italy during the second half of the 19th century. Metello fights his way out from his condition through hard work, a determined will to resist oppression inherited from his father, but also by taking advantage of his good looks when dealing with women. Metello progressively assumes an important role in the organization of an emerging workers movement, and attempts to conciliate his risky political activities with his private life. Written by Eduardo Casais {eduardo.casais@research.nokia.com} (见这里)
本站译文: 在19世纪后期,意大利北方工人阶级的贫困生活,导至梅泰罗父母双双早亡.梅泰罗通过他的艰苦劳动以从贫穷脱身,并以坚定的决心去反抗从父辈就开始承受着的传统的压迫和改变他的社会地位,他还利用了自身俊好的体貌博得女人的欢心.在一个工人运动的组织中梅泰罗逐渐地变成一个重要的角色,他力图在他的私人生活和他的冒险的政治活动之间得到调和.
Metello (Messimo Ranieri) is the son of an anarchist who shares his father's passion for justice. After he is introduced to love by the young widow Viola (Lucia Bose), he falls in love and marries Ersilia (Ottavia Piccolo). Labor unrest leads to a strike by workers, and Metello is thrown in jail. Upon his release, he lies to officials when he says he will abandon political causes. He tries to balance his family life and remain true to his ideals in the changing political climate in Florence at the turn of the 20th century. Ennio Morricone provides the music for this feature that appeared at the 1970 Cannes Film Festival. ~ Dan Pavlides, All Movie Guide(here)
本站译文: 梅泰罗 (Messimo Ranieri扮演)是一个无政府主义者的儿子,他继承了父辈追求正义的热情.他被一个年轻寡妇薇欧拉(Lucia Bose扮演)引入爱河之后,又坠入伊尔茜拉(Ottavia Piccolo扮演)的爱河并和她结婚. 劳工的动荡导致了一场罢工,梅泰罗被关进监狱.他对官员谎称他将放弃政治活动,之后他被释放出狱.他的真正理想是要改变已进入20世纪的佛罗伦萨的政治气侯,并力图与他的家庭生活找到平衡.这部电影参与了1970年的嘎纳电影节,并由颜尼欧 莫里康作曲.
本片描写了—个年轻工人,从进入工业社会逐步发展成为—个工人罢工运动领袖的曲折历程。编导细致地表现了—个年轻的社会主义者的思想、感情和斗争。本片多少也有借古喻今之意。批评界认为,本片忠于原著。编导充分注意和把握了人物的心理活动,人物真实可信。导演的技巧熟炼,叙事风格浓笔细绘相结合,因为人物的一生有太多的事情可以讲述,而且都相当的复杂。结构严谨而流畅,画面构图优美,摄影师用光颇有绘画感。有人指责作品表现的问题已经“过时”,但是其实这种主题对于欠发达国家来说还有前瞻性。大部分人认为这是“—部较好地、巧妙地表现意大利最初工人斗争的作品。”导演波洛尼尼1922年生于斯托依阿,40年代,担任著名导演的助理导演;自60年代初,他的作品在思想性和艺术性上取得重大进展。波洛尼尼的创作以细致著称,他善于刻划人物心理和性格特征。但是,有的作品在思想上明显有折衷的倾向,过多地考虑了形式。 (这里)
意大利电影 我的青春/梅泰洛/Metello

根据意大利著名文学家瓦斯科 普莱托里尼(Vasco Pratolini)同名小说"Metello"改编的意大利电影.影片以1902年意大利建筑工人大罢工的史实为背景,描写了十九世纪末期到二十世纪初三十年间意大利早期工业资本主义发展时期劳动者和企业主两个阶级对抗的场景,以一个贫苦农民的儿子梅泰洛力图改变个人命运,进城打工拼博的艰难生活为主线,描绘了梅泰洛个人青春时代友情,爱情,家庭,事业的发展,变故和曲折成长过程,展现了当年意大利社会的政治,经济,文化,人文和历史风貌.整个故事对于一个世纪后当代中国出现的进城打工的的亿万农民工潮以及社会发展,仍然具有重要的现实意义.影片由莫里康配乐的主题音乐,更是一部电影和音乐完美交融互补的楷模之作,聆听此曲带来的震撼,往往令每个已有个人往事的中老年人无不为之动情反思.(此片为意语配音暂无字幕,为使您更多地了解剧情请参阅 "莫里康音乐" ../movie/e-movie-014a.htm及014b页,此电影视频播放见14b页)
03-关于小说作者瓦斯科 普莱托里尼(Vasco Pratolini)和原著"Metello"
小说作者瓦斯科 普莱托里尼(Vasco Pratolini)和原著"Metello"
小说作者瓦斯科 普莱托里尼(Vasco Pratolini)和原著"Metello"
1913.10.19 -- 1991.1.12
See 01, 02, 03, 04, 05
Italian short-story writer and novelist, known particularly for compassionate portraits of the Florentine poor during the Fascist era. He is considered a major figure in Italian Neorealism.

Pratolini was reared in Florence, the setting of nearly all his fiction, in a poor family. He held various jobs until his health failed. His illness forced his confinement in a sanatorium from 1935 to 1937. He had no formal education but was an incessant reader, and during his confinement he began to write.

Pratolini went to Rome, where he met the novelist Elio Vittorini, who introduced him into literary circles and became a close friend. Like Vittorini, Pratolini rejected fascism; the Fascist government shut down Pratolini’s literary magazine, Campo di Marte, within nine months of its founding in 1939.

His first important novel, Il quartiere (1944; The Naked Streets), offers a vivid, exciting portrait of a gang of Florentine adolescents. Cronaca familiare (1947; Two Brothers) is a tender story of Pratolini’s dead brother. Cronache di poveri amanti (1947; A Tale of Poor Lovers), which has been called one of the finest works of Italian Neorealism, became an immediate best-seller and won two international literary prizes. The novel gives a panoramic view of the Florentine poor at the time of the Fascist triumph in 1925–26. Un eroe del nostro tempo (1949; A Hero of Today, or, A Hero of Our Time) attacks fascism.

Between 1955 and 1966 Pratolini published three novels under the general title Una storia italiana (“An Italian Story”), covering the period from 1875 to 1945. The first, Metello (1955), considered the finest of the three, follows its working-class hero through the labour disputes after 1875 and climaxes with a successful building masons’ strike in 1902. The second, Lo scialo (1960; “The Waste”), depicts the lassitude of the lower classes between 1902 and the mid-1920s preparatory to the Fascist takeover. The final volume, Allegoria e derisione (1966; “Allegory and Derision”), deals with the triumph and fall of Fascism, focusing on the moral and intellectual conflicts of the Florentine intelligentsia.(here)

(WIKI)Vasco Pratolini (October 19, 1913 - January 12, 1991) was one of the most noted Italian writers of the twentieth century.

Born in Florence, Pratolini worked at various jobs before entering the literary world thanks to his acquaintance with Elio Vittorini. In 1938 he founded, together with Alfonso Gatto, the magazine Campo di Marte. His work is based on firm political principles and much of it is rooted in the ordinary life and sentiments of ordinary, modest working-class people in Florence.

During World War II he fought with the Italian partisans against the German occupation. After the war he also worked in the cinema, collaborating as screenwriter to films such as Luchino Visconti's Rocco e i suoi fratelli , Roberto Rossellini's Paisà and Nanni Loy's Le quattro giornate di Napoli. In 1954 and 1961 Valerio Zurlini turned two of his novels, Le ragazze di San Frediano and Cronaca familiare, into films.

His most important literary works are the novels Cronaca familiare (1947), Cronache di poveri amanti (1947) and Metello (1955).

He died in Rome in 1991.

Il tappeto verde (1941)
Via de' magazzini (1941)
Le amiche (1943)
Il quartiere (1943)
Cronaca familiare (1947)
Cronache di poveri amanti (1947)
Diario sentimentale (1947)
Un eroe del nostro tempo (1947)
Le ragazze di San Frediano (1949)
La domenica della povera gente (1952)
Lungo viaggio di Natale (1954)
Metello ( 1955)
Lo scialo (1960)
La costanza della ragione (1963)
Allegoria e derisione (1966)
La mia città ha trent'anni (1967)
Il mantello di Natascia (1985)

本站简译: 瓦斯科 普莱托里尼(Vasco Pratolini,1913.10.19 -- 1991.1.12)是二十世纪意大利最著名的作家之一. 他被认为是为穷人写作的意大利新现实主义派的一个重要人物. 他生于佛罗伦萨的一个贫困家庭,未受过正规教育. 在进入文艺界之前他干过各种各样的社会底层工作. 在他的朋友埃里奥 维多里尼的帮助下,1938年他和阿方索 盖托(Alfonso Gatto)一起创办了"练兵场"(Campo di Marte)杂志. 他的作品是基于坚定的政治原则,而大多是植根于佛罗伦萨工人阶级的朴素的日常生活和情感.
在二战期间他参加意大利的游击队并同德国占领军作战. 战后他和诸如卢其亚诺 维斯康提(Luchino Visconti), 罗伯特 罗西里尼(Roberto Rossellini)等人合作为电影编写剧本
他最重要的文学作品是小说"Cronaca familiare"(1947年),"Cronaca familiare"(1947年) 和"Metello"( 1955年).在1955年到1966年期间,在一个名为"一个意大利的故事"总标题下,发表了涵盖自1875到1945年期间的三部小说:第一部是"梅泰洛"("Metello",1955), 被认为是三部小说中写的最好的一部. 小说追随着它的工人阶级主人公,描写了自1875年后的劳工争端直到1902年的成功的建筑工人罢工高潮之间发生的的故事; 第二部是"荒芜"("The Waste",1960),描写了自1902年到二十年代中期法西斯上台前夕社会底層的困倦; 最后一部是"寓言和嘲笑" ("Allegory and Derision",1966),描写在法西斯垮台和二战胜利以后,佛罗伦萨知识阶层道德和智慧的冲突


根据瓦斯科 普莱托里尼小说拍摄的电影目录: (here)

BOOK 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08 , 09
瓦斯科 普莱托里尼最重要的文学作品是小说"Cronaca familiare"(1947年),"Cronaca familiare"(1947年) 和"Metello"( 1955年).在1955年到1966年期间,在一个名为"一个意大利的故事"总标题下,发表了涵盖自1875到1945年期间的三部小说:第一部是"梅泰洛"("Metello",1955), 被认为是三部小说中写的最好的一部. 小说追随着它的工人阶级主人公,描写了自1875年后的劳工争端直到1902年的成功的建筑工人罢工高潮之间发生的的故事; 第二部是"荒芜"("The Waste",1960),描写了自1902年到二十年代中期法西斯上台前夕社会底層的困倦; 最后一部是"寓言和嘲笑" ("Allegory and Derision",1966),描写在法西斯垮台和二战胜利以后,佛罗伦萨知识阶层道德和智慧的冲突(本站译自这里)
故事的主人公萨拉尼 梅泰洛(Salani Metello)出生在一个贫困家庭,父母早亡,15岁的梅泰洛,厌倦了农村生活,渴望发展和自由,逃离家园只身来到佛罗伦萨.他不会读书写字,只能靠出卖劳动力为生.每天搬运物品仅能挣得几个美分.以后他在一个建筑工地找到工作,作为一个积极的劳动者,他不断地参与罢工斗争,逐步地培育了自我的政治意识. 在一次罢工中他被捕入狱.在狱中他认识了工友贝托(Betto),贝托帮助他学习文化,两人成为好友.


04- 关于导演 莫洛 鲍罗尼尼(Mauro Bolognini)
导演 莫洛 鲍罗尼尼(Mauro Bolognini)
导演 莫洛 鲍罗尼尼(Mauro Bolognini)
参见 01, 02, 03

Mauro Bolognini was born in Pistoia, Tuscany.

A former architectural student, Bolognini began his film career as an assistant to director Luigi Zampa in Italy, and directors Yves Allegret and Jean Delannoy in France. He began directing his own feature films in the mid 1950s, and had his first international success with Gli innamorati ("Wild Love").

His other notable films of the 1950s and early 1960s include Giovani mariti ("Young Husbands"), La notte brava, La giornata balorda ("From a Roman Balcony"), and the Marcello Mastroianni-Claudia Cardinale starrer Il Bell'Antonio (arguably his masterpiece), all written by Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Parting professionally with Pasolini in 1961, Bolognini went on to direct two sensual love stories starring Cardinale, La Viaccia and Senilit脿, before turning his talents to a series of international anthology films, including Le bambole (The Dolls), I tre volti ("Three Faces of a Woman"), Le fate ("The Queens") and Le streghe (The Witches).

Returning to features in the late 1960s with Mademoiselle De Maupin, his later works included the accomplished period dramas Metello and Bubu (both featuring Massimo Ranieri), Fatti di gente per bene (La Grande Bourgeoise) starring Giancarlo Giannini, Catherine Deneuve and Fernando Rey, L'eredit脿 Ferramonti (The Inheritance) with Anthony Quinn and Dominique Sanda, and La Dame aux cam茅lias featuring a young Isabelle Huppert.

In his later years, Bolognini continued directing feature films, as well as opera and the television miniseries The Charterhouse of Parma and The Time Of Indifference. His final feature was the soft-core erotic drama Husbands and Lovers, released in 1992.

He died in Rome in 2001.(见这里)

本站译文: 莫洛 鲍罗尼尼(Mauro Bolognini, 1922.6.28--2001.5.14)生于意大利托斯卡纳大区皮斯托亚Pistoia. 鲍罗尼尼原来是一名建筑专业的学生,后来由于协助意大利导演Luigi Zampa和法国导演Yves Allegret ,Jean Delannoy工作而开始了他的电影生涯.在二十世纪五十年代中期,他开始自己导演电影Gli innamorati ("疯狂的爱")并在国际性比赛中取得了第一个成功.
在五六十年代由他导演的著名电影还有Giovani mariti ("年轻的丈夫们"), La notte brava, La giornata balorda ("罗马剧院"), Marcello Mastroianni-Claudia Cardinale ,Il Bell'Antonio ,这些电影的剧本全部来自Pier Paolo Pasolini.(帕索里尼)
1961年后,鲍罗尼离开帕索里尼,他直接导演了两部色情电影La Viaccia Senilit脿 , 在转向国际性的文学电影导演之前,他还导演了Le bambole (玩偶), I tre volti ("女人的人的三张面孔"), Le fate ("女王")和Le streghe (女巫).
六十年代后期他的电影Mademoiselle De Maupin显示了新的特色,他的后期作品是多才多艺的,包括了我的青春 MetelloBubu (这两部电影都是由Massimo Ranieri主演),由影星 Giancarlo Giannini, Catherine Deneuve 主演的 Fatti di gente per bene (大资本家)和由Anthony QuinnDominique Sanda主演的Fernando Rey, L'eredit脿 Ferramonti (遗产/百合花)以及由年轻的Isabelle Huppert主演的电影La Dame aux cam茅lias
在他的晚年,他继续导演带有特色的电影,诸如歌剧和电视连续剧The Charterhouse of ParmaThe Time Of Indifference. 他的最后一部带有情色特点的戏剧是1992年的Husbands and Lovers
鲍罗尼尼导演和制作的电影 (more)
我的青春 Metello
遗产/百合花 L' Eredità Ferramonti
爱你恨你更想你 La Villa del venerdì
要爱的女人 Le Plus vieux métier du monde
Fatti di gente per bene
茶花女 La Storia vera della signora dalle camelie
Per le antiche scale
英俊的安东尼奥 Il Bell'Antonio
我的青春 Metello
遗产/百合花 L' Eredità Ferramonti
爱你恨你更想你 La Villa del venerdì
要爱的女人 Le Plus vieux métier du monde
Fatti di gente per bene
茶花女 La Storia vera della signora dalle camelie
Per le antiche scale
英俊的安东尼奥 Il Bell'Antonio
维阿恰农庄 La Viaccia
Le Bambole
亡灵咒怨 Haunted Forest
O Enfermeiro
当尼克碰上珍妮 Nick and Jane
切·格瓦拉:为了永恒的胜利 Che Guevara: Hasta la Victoria Siempre
亚马逊河历险记2 Tainá 2 - A Aventura Continua
AQUILE (1989) TV 飞行员与模特
维阿恰农庄 La Viaccia
Le Bambole
亡灵咒怨 Haunted Forest
O Enfermeiro
当尼克碰上珍妮 Nick and Jane
切·格瓦拉:为了永恒的胜利 Che Guevara: Hasta la Victoria Siempre
亚马逊河历险记2 Tainá 2 - A Aventura Continua
AQUILE (1989) TV 飞行员与模特(more)
  1. "Famiglia Ricordi, La" (1995) TV mini-series
  2. Villa del venerd? La (1992)
    ... aka Husbands and Lovers
    ... aka In Excess

  3. 12 registi per 12 citt?/a> (1989) (segment "Palermo")
  4. "Indifferenti, Gli" (1988) TV mini-series
    ... aka A Time of Indifference (International: English title)
  5. Mosca addio (1987)
    ... aka Farewell Moscow (International: English title)
  6. Imago urbis (1987)
  7. Venexiana, La (1986)
    ... aka The Venetian Woman
  8. "Certosa di Parma, La" (1981) TV mini-series
    ... aka Chartreuse de Parme, La (France)
    ... aka Kartause von Parma, Die (West Germany)
    ... aka The Charterhouse of Parma (USA)
  9. Storia vera della signora dalle camelie, La (1981)
    ... aka Dame aux cam閘ias, La (France)
    ... aka Kameliendame, Die (West Germany)
    ... aka Lady of the Camelias (International: English title)
    ... aka The True Story of Camille

  10. Dove vai in vacanza? (1978) (segment "Sar?tutta per te")
    ... aka Where Are You Going on Holiday? (USA)
  11. Gran bollito (1977)
    ... aka Black Journal
    ... aka Signora degli orrori, La
  12. Eredit?Ferramonti, L' (1976)
    ... aka The Inheritance (USA)
  13. Per le antiche scale (1975)
    ... aka Down the Ancient Staircase
    ... aka Down the Ancient Stairs
    ... aka En descendant les marches d'antan (France: festival title)
    ... aka Vertiges (France)
  14. Fatti di gente perbene (1974)
    ... aka Drama of the Rich
    ... aka Grande Bourgeoise, La
    ... aka The Murri Affair
  15. Libera, amore mio... (1973)
    ... aka Libera, My Love
  16. Imputazione di omicidio per uno studente (1972)
  17. Bub?/a> (1971)
  18. Metello (1970)

  19. Bellissimo novembre, Un (1969)
    ... aka Ce merveilleux automne (France)
    ... aka That Splendid November
  20. Assoluto naturale, L' (1969)
    ... aka She and He
  21. Capriccio all'italiana (1968) (segments "Perch?" and "Gelosia, La")
    ... aka Caprice Italian Style
  22. Arabella (1967)
    ... aka Ragazza del Charleston (Italy)
  23. Plus vieux m閠ier du monde, Le (1967) (segment "Nuits romaines")
    ... aka 膌teste Gewerbe der Welt, Das (West Germany)
    ... aka Amore attraverso i secoli, L' (Italy)
    ... aka Amour ?travers les 鈍es, L'
    ... aka Love Through the Centuries
    ... aka The Oldest Profession (USA)
    ... aka The Oldest Profession in the World
  24. Streghe, Le (1967) (segment "Senso civico")
    ... aka Sorci鵵es, Les (France)
    ... aka The Witches (USA)
  25. Madamigella di Maupin (1966)
    ... aka Chevalier de Maupin, Le (France: alternative title)
    ... aka Mademoiselle de Maupin (France)
  26. Fate, Le (1966) (segment "Fata Elena")
    ... aka Ogresses, Les (France)
    ... aka Sex Quartet (UK)
    ... aka The Queens (USA)
  27. Tre volti, I (1965) (segment "Gli amanti celebri")
    ... aka The Three Faces
    ... aka Three Faces of a Woman
  28. Bambole, Le (1965) (segment "Monsignor Cupido")
    ... aka Four Kinds of Love (UK)
    ... aka Poup閑s, Les (France)
    ... aka The Doll that Took the Town (USA: DVD box title)
    ... aka The Dolls (USA)
  29. Donna ?una cosa meravigliosa, La (1964) (segments "Una donna dolce, dolce" and "La balena bianca")
    ... aka Woman Is a Wonderful Thing (International: English title)
  30. Mia signora, La (1964) (segments "I miei cari", "Luciana")
    ... aka My Wife (International: English title)
  31. Corruzione, La (1963)
    ... aka Corruption
    ... aka Corruption, La (France: poster title)
  32. Senilit?/a> (1962)
    ... aka Careless (USA)
    ... aka Quand la chair succombe (France)
    ... aka Senilit?(UK)
  33. Agostino (1962)
    ... aka Perdita dell'innocenza, La (Italy: subtitle)
  34. Viaccia, La (1961)
    ... aka Mauvais chemin, Le (France)
    ... aka The Lovemakers (USA: reissue title)
  35. Giornata balorda, La (1961)
    ... aka 閍 s'est pass??Rome (France)
    ... aka A Crazy Day
    ... aka From a Roman Balcony (USA)
    ... aka Love Is a Day's Work
    ... aka Pickup in Rome
  36. Bell'Antonio, Il (1960)
    ... aka Bel Antonio, Le (France)
    ... aka Bell' Antonio (USA)

  37. Notte brava, La (1959)
    ... aka Bad Girls Don't Cry
    ... aka Gar鏾ns, Les (France)
    ... aka On Any Street
    ... aka The Big Night (USA)
  38. Arrangiatevi! (1959)
    ... aka You're on Your Own (International: English title)
  39. Giovani mariti (1958)
    ... aka Jeunes maris, Les (France)
    ... aka Young Husbands
  40. Marisa la civetta (1957)
    ... aka Marisa (USA)
    ... aka Marisa, la coqueta (Spain: TV title)
  41. Guardia, guardia scelta, brigadiere e maresciallo (1956)
  42. "Tre moschettieri, I" (1956) TV series (unknown episodes)
    ... aka The Three Musketeers (USA)
  43. Innamorati, Gli (1955)
    ... aka Amoureux, Les (France)
    ... aka Wild Love (USA)
  44. Vena d'oro, La (1955)
  45. Cavalieri della regina, I (1954)
    ... aka Knights of the Queen (International: English title)
  46. Ci troviamo in galleria (1953)

  1. "Indifferenti, Gli" (1988) TV mini-series (writer)
    ... aka A Time of Indifference (International: English title)
  2. Mosca addio (1987) (writer)
    ... aka Farewell Moscow (International: English title)
  3. Storia vera della signora dalle camelie, La (1981) (screenplay)
    ... aka Dame aux cam閘ias, La (France)
    ... aka Kameliendame, Die (West Germany)
    ... aka Lady of the Camelias (International: English title)
    ... aka The True Story of Camille

  4. Fatti di gente perbene (1974) (writer)
    ... aka Drama of the Rich
    ... aka Grande Bourgeoise, La
    ... aka The Murri Affair
  5. Libera, amore mio... (1973) (writer)
    ... aka Libera, My Love
  6. Bub?/a> (1971) (writer)
  7. Metello (1970) (writer)

  8. Assoluto naturale, L' (1969) (writer)
    ... aka She and He
  9. Streghe, Le (1967) (segment "Senso civico")
    ... aka Sorci鵵es, Les (France)
    ... aka The Witches (USA)
  10. Senilit?/a> (1962) (writer)
    ... aka Careless (USA)
    ... aka Quand la chair succombe (France)
    ... aka Senilit?(UK)
  11. Agostino (1962) (screenplay) (uncredited)
    ... aka Perdita dell'innocenza, La (Italy: subtitle)
  12. Bell'Antonio, Il (1960) (screenplay) (uncredited)
    ... aka Bel Antonio, Le (France)
    ... aka Bell' Antonio (USA)

  13. Giovani mariti (1958) (writer)
    ... aka Jeunes maris, Les (France)
    ... aka Young Husbands
  14. Marisa la civetta (1957) (screenplay) (story)
    ... aka Marisa (USA)
    ... aka Marisa, la coqueta (Spain: TV title)
  15. "Tre moschettieri, I" (1956) TV series (unknown episodes)
    ... aka The Three Musketeers (USA)
  16. Innamorati, Gli (1955) (screenplay)
    ... aka Amoureux, Les (France)
    ... aka Wild Love (USA)
  17. Cavalieri della regina, I (1954) (writer)
    ... aka Knights of the Queen (International: English title)
  18. Ci troviamo in galleria (1953) (writer)
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director:
  1. Minute de v閞it? La (1952) (assistant director)
    ... aka Gest鋘dnis einer Nacht (Austria)
    ... aka Ora della verit? L' (Italy)
    ... aka The Moment of Truth (USA)
  2. Nez de cuir (1952) (assistant director)
    ... aka Gentiluomo d'amore (Italy: alternative title)
    ... aka Leathernose (International: English title)
    ... aka Naso di cuoio (Italy)
  3. Processo alla citt?/a> (1952) (assistant director)
    ... aka The City Stands Trial (USA)
  4. ?pi?facile che un cammello... (1951) (assistant director)
    ... aka His Last Twelve Hours (USA)
    ... aka Pour l'amour du ciel (France)
    ... aka Twelve Hours to Live (USA)
  5. Cuori senza frontiere (1950) (assistant director)
    ... aka The White Line (USA)

  6. Campane a martello (1949) (assistant director)
  7. Anni difficili (1948) (assistant director)
    ... aka Difficult Years
    ... aka The Little Man
Miscellaneous Crew:
  1. Tosca (1990) (TV) (stage director)
Cannes Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1976 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Eredit?Ferramonti, L' (1976)

1970 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Metello (1970)

1961 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Viaccia, La (1961)

1958 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Giovani mariti (1958)

1956 Nominated Golden Palm
for: Innamorati, Gli (1955)

David di Donatello Awards
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1999 - Career David  
Giffoni Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1990 Won Fran鏾is Truffaut Award  
Locarno International Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1975 Won Special Prize of the Jury
for: Per le antiche scale (1975)

1960 Won Golden Sail
for: Bell'Antonio, Il (1960)

Montr閍l World Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1987 Won Prize of the Ecumenical Jury
for: Mosca addio (1987)

San Sebasti醤 International Film Festival
Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
1966 Won Prize San Sebasti醤 Best Director
for: Madamigella di Maupin (1966)

1962 Won Prize San Sebasti醤 Best Director
for: Senilit?/a> (1962)


04- 关于主要演员玛西莫 兰尼里(Massimo Ranieri)(官方网站)
主要演员玛西莫 兰尼里(Massimo Ranieri)
主要演员玛西莫 兰尼里(Massimo Ranieri)
主要演员玛西莫 兰尼里(Massimo Ranieri)
Massimo Ranieri 是一位才华横溢的意大利演员和歌手,还担任世界粮农组织大使(这里)。
WIKI 的介绍

Massimo Ranieri (name in art of Giovanni Calone), is an Italian pop singer, a film and stage actor, and a show-business personality. He was born in Naples (at Santa Lucia) on May 3, 1951.

One of the most popular entertainers in Italy in the past 30 years, he came to public awareness by winning two editions of the Canzonissima song festival in 1970 and 1972 with L'Amore e un attimo and Chi sara, and by representing Italy in the Eurovision song contest in 1971 in which he came 5th with L'amore è un attimo, as well as in 1973 when he came 13th with Chi sara con te. In 1988 he won the Sanremo festival with the song "Perdere l'amore", which became one of his greatest hits.

He is a nearly constant presence on Italian TV as a singer and a master of ceremonies. He starred in various successful movies since his debut in the title role of Mauro Bolognini's Metello in 1970. The same year co-starred alongside Anna Magnani in La sciantosa. Recently, his CD, Oggi e dimane --?renditions of his native Neapolitan songs set to North African instrumentation --?has had a great success.

Probably his most popular disc was Rose rosse, which featured his hits Rose rosse and Quando l'amore diventa poesia. (From WIKI)

本站译文: 玛西莫 兰尼里 (艺名是乔万尼 卡隆)是一名意大利流行歌手,电影和舞台演员,娱乐行业的名人. 他于1951年5月3日出生于拿坡里(桑塔露西亚)
在意大利过去的30年里,他是最受欢迎的表演艺术家之一. 在1970和1972年的Canzonissima歌唱节上,他以L'Amore e un attimo and Chi sara 两首歌而成名, 在1971年的欧洲电视歌曲比赛上他表演了表现意大利特色的 L'Amore e un attimo. 1973年演唱了"Chi sara con te". 在1988年Sanremo festival 上他的获奖歌曲"Perdere l'amore" 成为他的流行歌曲中最好的一首
他几乎是连续不断地出现在意大利电视和很多典礼仪式上. 在1970年,他第一次在莫洛 鲍罗尼尼(Mauro Bolognini)导演的电影"梅泰洛"(Metello)出演主角. 此后他在许多电影中成为明星. 近年来, 他的CD Oggi e dimane -- 他的本土拿坡里歌曲的表演专辑--已经获得了巨大的成功
他几乎是连续不断地出现在意大利电视和很多典礼仪式上. 在1970年,他第一次在莫洛 鲍罗尼尼(Mauro Bolognini)导演的电影"梅泰洛"(Metello)出演主角. 此后他在许多电影中成为明星. 近年来, 他的CD Oggi e dimane -- 他的本土拿坡里歌曲的表演专辑--已经获得了巨大的成功(见WIKI)
玛西莫 兰尼里(Massimo Ranieri)演唱的歌曲选
L'amore E' Un Attimo
Chi Sarà Con Te
Perdere l'amore
Rose rosse
Quando L'Amore Diventa Poesia
Aranjuez Mon Amour
La rosa
Le Braccia Dell'amore
Reginella Live
Santa Lucia Luntana Live
上图: 西班牙著名的阿兰胡埃斯王宫
兰尼里1988年在Sanremo festival上演唱的获奖歌曲"Perdere l'amore"视频播放(取自 YouTube)
Massimo Ranieri "Perdere l'amore" LIVE Sanremo 1988 (From You Tube)
他的更多歌曲 01, 02, 03, emule下载
Metello CD
Metello CD OST
Metello OST
"Metello" (1970) represents one of the best results of the image and music synergy of mauro Bolognini and Ennio Morricone. Based on the novel by Vasco Pratolini, the film is extraordinarily rendered powerful both by the performance of the very young Massimo Ranieri and by the score of Ennio Morricone. For this new CD edition we have used the original stereo and mono master tapes and that has allowed us to realize the complete version in close collaboration with Ennio Morricone who has authorized the inclusion of four tracks never released before until today. Digitally restored and remastered stereo/mono sound, deluxe booklet with eight colour pages enriched of rare archives photos.(here)
本站译文: "梅泰洛"("Metello",1970)是莫洛 鲍罗尼尼(Mauro Bolognini)和颜尼欧 莫里康(Ennio Morricone) 二人在电影和音乐之间协同配合的最好成果的一个象征.源于瓦斯科 普莱托里尼(Vasco Pratolini)的小说原著,非常年轻的演员玛西莫 兰尼里(Massimo Ranieri)杰出的表演和颜尼欧 莫里康谱曲的音乐,使这部电影呈现了非凡的成果.在颜尼欧 莫里康的授权和密切和合作之下,新的CD采用了过去从未使用过的4声轨和原始的立体声,豪华的封装带有8个彩页和珍贵的文挡照片.(这里)
1 Metello (Tema Titoli) (2:44)
2 Tema Sciopero (Andante Triste) (1:58)
3 Pianino Nella Strada (2:15)
4 Metello (Tema Titoli Sax-Flauto-Cembalo-Oboe) (1:49)
5 Tema Sciopero (Solenne Triste) (2:04)
6 Metello (Tema Titoli) (2:19)
7 L'Arrivo Del Re (Marcia Militare) (2:37)
8 Tema Sciopero (Versione Lunga) (6:57)
9 Metello (Ripresa) (2:58)*
10 La Naja (Marcetta Per Tromba, Ottavino E Tamburo) (1:35)
11 Tema Sciopero (Ripresa) (5:57)*
12 Metello (Ripresa #2) (4:04)*
13 L'Arrivo Del Re (#2) (2:45)*
14 Metello (Titoli Finale - Grande Orchestra) (2:39)

06 - 电影主题曲和玛西莫 兰尼里演唱的主题音乐填词歌曲"我和你"(IO E TA)

编者的话: 1. 关于电影主题曲

由莫里康谱曲的"我的青春"(梅泰洛)主题曲是大师的一部杰出作品,也是电影和音乐完美匹配,相得益彰的一个典范.小说作者瓦斯科 普莱托里尼(Vasco Pratolini),导演 莫洛 鲍罗尼尼(Mauro Bolognini),作曲家颜尼欧 莫里康(Ennio Morricone),单单是这三位意大利文坛.影坛,乐坛名人的名字,已足够使这部作品熠熠生辉了.而作品所讲述的世纪交替的时空背景,新生阶级矛盾对抗的激烈冲突,远离贫困改变命运的拼搏奋斗,爱恨交织的人生恩怨....这样一个宏大的历史长卷,要用十几个音符在短短的几分钟时间内表达出来确非易事,但是莫里康作到了.仔细聆听克莱德曼演奏的这首曲子, 我想信您一定能找到这种沧海横流,斗转星移,人生回首,百感交集的的感受而久久不能平静.

编者的话: 2. 关于玛西莫 兰尼里演唱的主题音乐填词歌曲"我和你"(IO E TA)
就像任何事物都有其不足一样,这部主题曲给人总体上的印象是宏伟而严肃,壮丽而略带忧伤.而从梅泰洛个人生活的喜怒哀乐一面而言,则略感不足.在2006年SHERRY朋友为我们提供的莫里康旋律歌曲第三集”(Canto Moricone Vol.3)中,我们发现了由玛西莫 兰尼里演唱的主题音乐填词歌曲"我和你"(IO E TA).这首歌曲在电影中并未出现,估计是后人产生同感而填词改编的.这首歌曲旋律和主题曲完全相同,而在填词和改编之后,由影片主角,意大利著名的流行歌手兰尼里亲自演唱的这首歌曲,充分地体现了梅泰洛个人生活中的柔情和感性的一面.而在歌曲中部加入的二部伴唱,更是融入了前唱后合,互相呼应,往事缠绵,情谊无尽的追思氛围,使人得到一种美的享受. 下面请收听这首歌曲
(右击这里下载 192Kbps MP3)

Io E Te Lyrics

Svegliarsi un giorno
io e te
in mezzo a un prato
io e te
e far l'amore
io e te
e addormentarsi
tra gli alberi
dopo l'amore
io e te
full lyrics

more lyrics

Massimo Ranieri - io e te (1971) 意文完全歌词 (here)

Svegliarsi un giorno
io e te
in mezzo a un prato
io e te
e far l'amore
io e te
e addormentarsi
tra gli alberi
dopo l'amore
io e te
saremo liberi
io e te

di dirci addio
o incominciare un'altra vita
quella vita che tu non vuoi più
la verità
è in fondo agli occhi tuoi
la vita mia
è negli occhi tuoi
io penso a te
ma è inutile
tu ami un altro ormai
e un'altra vita
fiorisce già
fra le tue mani
Svegliarsi un giorno
io e te
in mezzo a un prato
io e te
e far l'amore
io e te
e addormentarsi
tra gli alberi
adesso vai per la tua strada
io resto qui
a morire
vattene da me
amore addio
但对于普通国人来说,dong懂的意语的人还是不太多,这也包括笔者在内.我试着利用Google, Yahoo以及著名的 worldlingo 网站去翻为中文.翻的结果虽然能大略了解它的含意,但真正使用却实在相差甚远.最后我想起了远在德国的老朋友柴先生,我知道他的正在上学的小女儿Fabiola懂得意语(我曾留心过这个信息,因为我知道这是一个可能会用得到的途径),好在这歌词并不长,为了国内外有此需要的朋友们的方便,这次只好向他们求援了.
没过几天,柴先生发来了回信,Fabiola已将它译成了英文, 以下是回件附件
我的青春 METELLO 意,英,中文歌词
我和你 (io e te)的三种文字歌词
Fabiola 翻译的英文歌词

Svegliarsi un giorno
io e te
in mezzo a un prato
io e te
e far l'amore
io e te
e addormentarsi
tra gli alberi
dopo l'amore
io e te
saremo liberi
io e te

di dirci addio
o incominciare un'altra vita
quella vita che tu non vuoi più
la verità
è in fondo agli occhi tuoi
la vita mia
è negli occhi tuoi
io penso a te
ma è inutile
tu ami un altro ormai
e un'altra vita
fiorisce già
fra le tue mani

Svegliarsi un giorno
io e te
in mezzo a un prato
io e te
e far l'amore
io e te
e addormentarsi
tra gli alberi
adesso vai per la tua strada
io resto qui
a morire
vattene da me
amore addio

Wake up one day 每天醒来
I and you 我和你
in the middle of a field 在田野中间
I and you 我和你
and love each other 相亲相爱
I and you 我和你
and fall asleep 进入梦乡
between trees 在树下
after we made love 作爱以后
I and you 我和你
We will be free 我们多自由
I and you 我和你
to say forever good-bye 说永远再见
or to start another life 开始新的生活
this life which you don't like anymore 这样的生活你不再喜欢
the truth 真的
inside of your eyes 在你的眼中
my life 我的生活
in your eyes 在你的眼中
I think of you 我想你
but without success 但没有成功
you already love another man 你已经在爱另一个人
and a different life 和不同的生活
like a flower 像一朵花
between your hands 在你的手中
Wake up one day 每天醒来
I and you 我和你
in the middle of a field 在田野中间
I and you 我和你
and love each other 相亲相爱
I and you 我和你
and fall asleep 进入梦乡
between trees 在树下
now you go your own way 现在你在走你自己的路
I stay here 我仍在这里
to die 直到死去
leave me 留下我
my love forver 我的爱直到永恒
上图 柴先生和他的夫人玛莉亚2008年6月在美国大峡谷旅游(更多图片)
上图: 2007年7月Fabiola在意大利中部地区阿布鲁佐(Abruzzo)旅游(13岁)
上图: 2008年5月Fabiola访问柏林历史博物馆(14岁)
上图: 2008年5月Fabiola访问柏林议会大厦(14岁)(更多)
关于"Chi Mai"
BBC-HVF 访谈莫里康
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