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编号 No.
电影及导演 (意/英/中)?/b> Name and Director (IT/CN)
备注 Note
NA-7501 (7613) Attenti al buffone / Eye of the Cat (Alberto Bevilacqua) / 傻瓜当心/猫眼
Stars Nino Manfredi
Mariangela Melato
Eli Wallach
Country Italy
Runtime 100 min
Date 20 December 1975 (Italy)

In this intellectual drama, Ras (Eli Wallach) is a ruler or dictator who, somewhat like the Biblical King David, covets another man's wife as his own. Unlike David, however, Ras wants to humiliate Marcello (Nino Manfredi), a dedicated musician whose life he has already ruined. He forces Marcello to seek an annulment to his marriage through the Vatican (Here)

Ferrari Marcello è un musicante timido e idealista che, quando non va girovagando per il mondo con l'amico Lolò e con la stravagante sua orchestra, si gode il violino in casa insieme a Wolfango Amedeo, un magnifico gatto soriano che gusta la musica di Mozart. Da dieci anni Marcello è sposato a Conforti Giulia, una specie di gatto randagio, carico d'odio, ma che l'ha reso padre di Luca e Marianna. Approfittando della assenza del musicante, Cesare detto Ras per le sue coloniali imprese negli anni '30 e per le sue manie fasciste, conquista la fragile Giulia e se la porta in casa, ottenendo con la corruzione l'annullamento del precedente matrimonio dalla Sacra Rota. Deciso a umiliare satanicamente Marcello, gli offre un risarcimento in denaro, il Ferrari, invece, reagendo a modo suo, con ironia sottile e falsa dolcezza, lo umilia davanti al grande coro dei cortigiani corrotti e gli manda in fumo le nozze. Ancora una volta Davide ha sconfitto il superbo Golia.(Here)

本站简译: 在这部电影中,拉斯是一个像圣经大卫王一样的统治者或独裁者的人,他觊觎另一名男子的妻子.但拉斯与大卫不同的是,他要去羞辱那个音乐家马塞罗.这个音乐家由于专注于事业理想而荒疏了他的生活.拉斯迫使马塞罗寻求通过梵蒂冈废止他的婚姻
NA-7502 (7505) Der Richter und sein Henker / Giudice e il suo boia/ Getting Away with Murder (Maximilian Schell) / 法官和他的刽子手/殺手輓歌
Der Richter und sein Henker/Getting Away with Murder (Maximilian Schell) / 法官和他的刽子手/殺手輓歌
Stars Jon Voight
Jacqueline Bisset
Martin Ritt
Country West Germany | Italy
Runtime 106 min
Date Spain September 1975 (San Sebastián Film Festival)
While investigating a high-profile murder case, a savvy but unorthodox veteran police inspector has to cope with a bad conscience, bad health, an overzealous partner, a timid superior and interference from political interests. This is an existential whodunit, but a good one, and like any good whodunit, ends with a very surprising conclusion, which will be spoiled for you if you read much of anything at all about the movie.(Here)

本站简译: 在一起重大谋杀案的调查过程中,一个精明但非传统的资深警长不得不面对各种各样的人物: 良心泯灭的人,疾病缠身的人,过份热心的同事,胆小怕事的领导和来自政治利益的干涉.这是一部带有存在主义色彩的优秀的侦探小说.而且也像任何优秀的侦探小说一样,它的结局将是出人意料的

编者注: 这部由 Maximilian Schell导演,由莫里康内谱曲的名为“Der Richter und sein Henker(德文)”或”Giudice e il suo boia(意文)”的电影源自1952年瑞士作家Friedrich Dürrenmatt的同名德文小说“Der Richter und sein Henker”。这部电影在意文中有“Assassinio sul ponte”和“Giudice e il suo boia”两个译名。在IMDB中它只有前一个意大利译名,而后一个译名却是指意大利于1972年出品,由Daniele D'Anza导演的,也是源自瑞士作家的同一部小说的,一部长200分钟的TV系列片,而在Soundtrack等音乐网站中(这里这里)这后一个译名则是指莫里康内谱曲的电影。请注意不要混淆。

NA-7503 (7516 ) Divina creatura / The Divine Nymph (Giuseppe Patroni Griffi) (直译 神圣的仙女)
Stars Laura Antonelli
Terence Stamp
Michele Placido
Country Italy
Runtime 115 min
Date 16 October 1975 (Italy)

A beautiful woman (Laura Antonelli) engages in affairs with two men, playing them against each other. Set in the decadent Roaring Twenties, the triangle dissolves against suicide and fascism. (Here)

Comment - plays an unbilled cameo as a lady of the night. It pains me to realise The Divine Nymph is a largely-forgotten film, that Patroni Griffi is an unsung genius who now directs 'live-action' opera broadcasts for TV. Like his 1971 film 'Tis Pity She's a Whore, The Divine Nymph is as visually gorgeous as any piece of cinema ever made. As a study in high-class decadence and decay, it holds its own with the best of Visconti and Ophuls. As a portrait of the 1920s - a particularly sick and seductive era in Italian and world history - it may be the best of its kind. (Here)

本站简译: 电影描写在颓废和咆哮的二十世纪二十年代,一个美丽的女人(劳拉 安东内利饰)同时与与两个男人勾搭纠缠,并使他们互相对立.这种三角关系导致了极端事件

NA-7504 (7514) Gente di rispetto / The Flower in His Mouth (Luigi Zampa) (直译 值得尊敬的人/女校长和魔鬼)
Gente di rispetto/The Flower in His Mouth (Luigi Zampa) (直译 值得尊敬的人/女校长和魔鬼)
Stars Jennifer O'Neill
Franco Nero
James Mason
Country Italy
Runtime USA: 113 min
Date 30 October 1975 (Italy)
A female school teacher is implicated in a murder in a Sicilian town only hours after her arrival. The dead man insulted her on the bus on the way into town. As the mystery unfolds, it becomes clear that the town is hiding some very sinister secrets.(Here)
本站简译: 一个女子学校的老师在她到达西西里城几个小时后就被牵入一宗谋杀案中. 那个死去的男人在她进城的巴士上侮辱过她.随着案情的展开,这个城市里隐藏的一些险恶秘密逐渐展现
NA-7505 (7501 ) L'ultimo treno della notte / Last Stop on the Night Train (Aldo Lado) / 暴行列车
L'ultimo treno della notte/Last Stop on the Night Train (Aldo Lado) / 暴行列车
Stars Flavio Bucci
Macha Méril
Gianfranco De Grassi
Country Italy
Runtime 94 min
Date 8 April 1975 (Italy)
Laura and Lisa, high school friends, take the night train from Germany to Verona to spend Christmas with Lisa's family. They flirt mildly with male passengers, including two randy delinquents in their 20s, Blackie and Curly. The four of them end up in a first-class cabin with a well-dressed woman of about 30 who has pornographic photographs in her valise. Egged on by the woman, the thugs and a male visitor to the cabin menace and then assault Laura and Lisa. Meanwhile, we also see Christmas Eve and morning scenes at Lisa's home, where her parents are polite to each other while discussing divorce. On Christmas morning, they go to the station to meet the girls. Will they be on the train? (Here)
本站简译: 劳拉和莉莎,两个高中的朋友,从德国坐晚上的火车到意大利的维罗纳,和丽莎的家人共度圣诞节.他们在车上和几个男旅客卖弄风情,其中有两个20多岁的粗鲁的罪犯,一个是黑人,一个头发是卷曲的.他们四个人后来来到一等车厢一个30多岁精心打扮的女人的包厢,她的小提箱里有很多色情照片.在这个女人的煽动下,暴徒和一个男旅客威胁并袭击了劳拉和莉莎.与此同时,我们还看到了在莉萨的家中圣诞前夕早上的场景,她的父母正在宾宾有礼地互相讨论着如何离婚。他门要到车站去接莉莎和她的朋友. 但她们还在火车上吗?
NA-7506 (7611 ) La donna della domenica / The Sunday Woman (Luigi Comencini) (直译 星期天的女人)
La donna della domenica/The Sunday Woman (Luigi Comencini) (直译 星期天的女人)
Stars Marcello Mastroianni
Jacqueline Bisset
Jean-Louis Trintignant
Country Italy | France
Runtime 105 min
Date 23 December 1975 (Italy)
Police commissioner Santamaria is investigating the murdering of the ambiguous architect Mr. Garrone. The investigations soon drive him into the Torino's high society. Santamaria suspect Anna Carla and at the same time falls in love for her. Lello is the lover of Massimo, a homosexual platonic friend of Anna Carla. He is following another direction in order to find out the truth, and his results are confusing the Policeman. But another murdering happens...(Here)
本站简译: 警长圣玛里正在调查一宗暧昧的建筑师加隆先生的谋杀案,这使得他很快地接触到都灵的上层社会.圣玛里怀疑安娜 卡拉,但同时又和她坠入爱河. 丽洛是马西莫的情人,也是安娜 卡拉的柏拉图式的同性恋朋友.他正在沿着另一个线索去查找真相, 其结果混淆了警察的工作. 但是另一起谋杀案又发生了...
NA-7507 (7512 ) Labbra di lurido blu (Giulio Petroni) (直译 耸人听闻的蓝色嘴唇)
Labbra di lurido blu (Giulio Petroni) (直译 耸人听闻的蓝色嘴唇)
Stars Lisa Gastoni
Corrado Pani
Jeremy Kemp
Country Italy
Runtime 120 min
Date 29 October 1975 (Italy)
(Italian) Traumatizzati, quand'erano bambini, lei dalle effusioni erotiche dei genitori, lui da una repellente esperienza di iniziazione sessuale, voluta dai padre, Ely è diventata ninfomane, Marco omosessuale. Forse per trovare insieme una via d'uscita dalle loro deviazioni, forse per sostenersi a vicenda, i due si sposano. Il matrimonio, però, non risolve i loro problemi, né li facilita l'inaspettato ritorno di George, l'antiquario inglese già "amico" di Marco, che ora lotta per strapparlo a Ely. Sfumato, per la donna, l'incontro con un solitario scrittore che avrebbe potuto guarirla; respinta, da Marco, un'ultima possibilità di salvezza, scoppia la tragedia: il professore uccide la ragazza che lo ama e si getta poi da una torre, sotto gli occhi di Ely e di George.(Here)

Elly, signora del bel mondo e Marco, docente universitario decidono di sposarsi. Entrambi sono vittime di turbe psichiche. Ninfomane con tendenze masochistiche, frutto di traumi infantili ( i genitori quando facevano l'amore, non chiudevano mai la porta), Elly da grande, appena ha potuto, ha riprodotto con tutti i maschi che le capitavano le scene viste da bambina. Marco è omosessuale. Colpa del padre, che da ragazzo, per svegliarlo sessualmente, lo costrinse a un rapporto mercenario che lo segnò profondamente. I due che s'erano uniti per trovare un equilibrio, finiscono presto più sbilanciati di prima. I loro problemi, nonostante, l'apparente intesa spirituale, restano immutati. Quando fra di loro si pone George, un “amico” di Marco, Elly resta ancora più sola. Scoppia infine la tragedia: Marco si uccide, sotto gli occhi di Elly e George.(Here)
Lui, docente universitario, s'è sposato per stornare la propria omosessualità; lei è una ninfomane con tendenze masochistiche, frutto di traumi infantili. L. Gastoni si cimenta in continui coiti e denudamenti. è un film che si prende molto sul serio come rivela la puntigliosa cura nell'ambientazione, l'arredamento (Franco Bottari), la fotografia (Gabor Pogany), la musica (Ennio Morricone). Il titolo è tolto da un mal tradotto verso di P.B. Shelley (ma lurid significa fosco).(Here)

本站简译: 伊丽和马可两人都出身自上流社会,但由于受到父母不良生活习惯的影响而成为心理创伤受害者.成长以后,马可是一位大学教师,但他是同性恋者.伊丽是一个有自虐倾向的花癫病者.也许是为了共同寻找出路,也许是为了互相支持,两人决定结婚.但是婚姻并未能解决他们的问题,最后的结局仍然是以悲剧告终.

NA-7508 (7301 ) Macchie solari / Sun Spots (Armando Crispino) (直译 太阳黑子)
Macchie solari/Sun Spots (Armando Crispino) (直译 太阳黑子)
Stars Mimsy Farmer
Barry Primus
Ray Lovelock
Country Italy
Runtime USA: 85 min (edited version) | 100 min (uncut version)
Date 18 January 1975 Italy
Simona Sana is a young pathologist whom works in a morgue in Rome, Italy which gets with with a wave of violent suicides which are attributed to a summer heat wave. Driven to exhaustion from the intense heat and the long hours worked, Simon a struggles to complete her college theses about natural deaths when one suicide victim is brought in the morgue in which a young Catholic priest named Paul Lenox who identifies the corpse as his sister, but that did not commit suicide, but was murdered and set up to look like a suicide. Simona teams up with Father Lenox to solve the mystery and stay one step ahead of a mysterious killer who now begins to stalk her when Simona gets a little too close to the truth of the suicides.(Here)
本站简译: 西蒙娜是一个年轻的病理学者,为了完成她的大学论文而在罗马的一个太平间工作.意大利夏天的热浪引发了一个暴力和自杀的浪潮.夏季的酷热和长时间的体力消耗使得西蒙娜不胜疲惫.一天,一个自杀者遗体被送入太平间,他是一个名叫保罗 莱诺克斯的年轻天主教神父.经过鉴别,此人并非自杀而是被谋杀.西蒙娜的小组找到他的父亲以便查找真相.当西蒙娜逐步接近真相的时侯,一个神秘的杀手也开始走近她.
NA-7509 (7510 ) Per le antiche scale / Down the Ancient Staircase (Mauro Bolognini) / 在古老的阶梯下
Stars Marcello Mastroianni
Francoise Fabian
Marthe Keller
Country Italy | France
Runtime France: 97 min | Italy: 115 min | USA: 110 min
Date USA 17 October 1975 (New York City, New York)
A mental hospital somewhere in Tuscany during the thirties. Far away from fascism, this closed world is rules over by Dr. Bonaccorsi, a passionate benevolent psychiatrist whose dream is to isolate the germ of madness. He is also a very active ladies'man and makes three women benefit from his sexual itch: Francesca the hospital manager's wife, Bianca, his devoted nurse and Carla, a nymphomaniac doctor's wife. His well-ordered universe starts being challenged with the coming of Anna, a trainee psychiatrist, who disapproves of his theory on the origin of madness. Worse, she resists his advances. As Bonaccorsi is more insecure than he looks, what will become of him? (Here)
本站简译: 二十世纪三十年代,在远离法西斯主义环境的托斯卡纳的一家精神病院.这里是由波纳克西博士管理的一个与世隔离的封闭世界.波纳克西是一位充满热情的慈善的精神病专家.他梦想着能够把疯狂行为隔离在萌芽之中.他还是一个讨女人喜欢的人,并使三个女人从中受益.医院经理弗朗西斯的妻子比安卡是他忠实的护士,卡拉是一个慕男狂患者.安娜是一位新来的精神病医师,她不赞成波纳克西关于疯狂行为起源的理论,他所建立的良好秩序将被搅乱.更糟的是她拒绝他的友好表示.波纳克西将会怎样处理这些问题?
NA-7510 (7502 ) Peur sur la ville / Fear Over the City (Henri Verneuil) /恐怖笼罩城市
Stars Jean-Paul Belmondo
Charles Denner
Adalberto Maria Merli
Country France | Italy
Runtime France: 125 min | Germany: 114 min | Spain: 125 min | UK: 90 min (cut) | USA: 91 min
Date 9 April 1975 (France)
A serial-killer frightens Paris by phoning young ladies at night, telling them insults about their lives. Minos, as he calls himself, wants to prevent the world from free women and he targets at first these ones. Commissaire Letellier is given the investigation and he has hard work with the maniac.(Here)
本站简译: 巴黎的一个杀人恶魔专门在夜间给年轻女士打电话,侮辱和恐吓她们的生活.密诺斯自称要提防这个世界的自由女性,他的首要目标就是这些人. 列特里尔接受了这个调查任务,他为此而疯狂地投入了工作.
编号 No.
电影及导演 (意/英/中)?/b> Name and Director (IT/CN)
备注 Note
Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma/Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (Pier Paolo Pasolini) / 所多玛120天
Stars Paolo Bonacelli
Giorgio Cataldi
Umberto Paolo Quintavalle
Country Italy | France
Runtime 116 min | 145 min (premiere version)
Date 10 January 1976 (Italy)

Set in the Nazi-controlled, northern Italian state of Salo in 1944, four dignitaries round up sixteen perfect specimens of youth and take them together with guards, servants and studs to a palace near Marzabotto. In addition, there are four middle-aged women: three of whom recount arousing stories whilst the fourth accompanies on the piano. The story is largely taken up with their recounting the stories of Dante and De Sade: the Circle of Manias, the Circle of Shit and the Circle of Blood. Following this, the youths are executed whilst each libertine takes his turn as voyeur.(Here)

User Reviews 17 January 2005 | by world_of_weird (England) – See all my reviews
Pier Paolo Pasolini, as is well known, was murdered not long after he finished work on this, his most audacious and confrontational film, yet even the most casual viewing of SALO begs the question - had he not been murdered, would he have taken his own life anyway? Every sequence, every shot and practically every moment of this film is so burdened with despair, barely concealed rage and a towering disgust with the human race, one gets the impression that Pasolini was barely hanging onto life - and any attendant shreds of hope - by his fingernails. Although ostensibly an adaptation of one of DeSade's most depraved works channeled through the horrifying excesses of the Second World War with the Fascist ruling classes as its (authentically vile) villains, SALO also contains a lot of contemporary criticism - Pasolini hated the modern world, and explained the stomach-churning 'banquet of s**t' as a none-too-subtle attack on the encroaching global domination of the fast food chains. (The scenes of sexual excess can similarly be read as a despairing attack on the permissive society - those who come to SALO expecting titillation or B-movie sleaze will be sorely disappointed.) Beyond the nihilistic content, which has been well documented elsewhere, the film has an overall mood that seems to have been engineered to make the viewer thoroughly depressed. Shot on washed-out, faded film stock using primarily static cameras, long shots, choppy editing and very few cutaways, SALO has a visual style reminiscent of cinema-verite documentary. Add to this the unnerving use of big band music, piano dirges and the (intentionally?) scrappy post-dubbed dialogue, and the distancing effect on the viewer is complete. SALO comes across as one long primal scream of rage, designed to shake the viewer out of his complacency, and in this respect, the film succeeds unequivocally. Whether or not you would care to watch this more than once, or indeed for 'entertainment', is another matter, but SALO is an important film that demands a careful viewing ONLY by those prepared for it.(Here)

本站简译: 电影背景被设在纳粹控制时期.在1944年意大利北部的萨罗国,四个政要带着军警围捕16个完美的青年作为试验的标本.此外,还有四个中年妇女:其中三名在叙说着故事,另一名妇女则在用钢琴伴奏.这个故事在很大程度上是讲述但丁与萨德的故事:其内容包括了三个圈子,癖好圈,粪便圈和血液圈.随着这些故事,青年们被要求在他们的偷窥下同时各自轮流作出放荡不羁的动作
这是一部由意大利著名导演帕索里尼执导的一部惊世骇俗甚至是"臭名昭著"(这部影片在许多国家曾被禁映),被人称为是"一部不可不看,却不可再看"的影片.从表面看它大多给人以荒诞,残酷、暴烈、色情,惊怖甚至厌恶的感觉,但这些荒诞不经的电影故事却包含着极其深邃的政治内涵,并在导演死于非命之后的几十年中逐步为世人所领略.由于这些影片许多场面过于暴露,猥琐,因此并不适于未成年人观看.更多请见本站有关电影及其多篇研究文章 01, 02
NA-7512 (7508 ) Storie di vita e malavita / The Teenage Prostitution Racket (Carlo Lizzani, Mino Giarda) (直译 生活和犯罪的故事)
Storie di vita e malavita/The Teenage Prostitution Racket (Carlo Lizzani, Mino Giarda) (直译 生活和犯罪的故事)
Stars Cinzia Mambretti
Cristina Moranzoni
Annarita Grapputo
Country Italy
Date 3 April 1975 (Italy)

Young girls(13-20's) are drawn into the web of prostitution where they are bought and sold like slaves.(Here)

User Reviews
L'inferno a Milano
27 July 2008 | by andrabem (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) – See all my reviews
After reading some of the comments you may think that "Storie di vita e malavita" (The teenage prostitution racket) is just another of these sexploitation films with some social comments thrown in, just to make it look good. I don't think so.

"Storie di vita e malavita" tells the stories of teenage girls attracted into prostitution. Once inside, they can't leave. If they try to run away, this can lead to beating, mutilation and even death... And the film has a documentary feel - It was shot around 1975 in Milan and many different stories are told. We see the stories from the girls' point of view. We see them from the beginning - coming from poor backgrounds, or middle-class ones, or arriving in Milan and looking for a job. Poverty, ignorance, a repressive education and even hunger may lead them to the "teenage prostitution racket". But there's no organized "teenage prostitution racket" - different gangs and groups exploit this type of business - some very violent, others less so.

The film doesn't slip into moralizing and finger-wagging (like a Hollywood movie would certainly do) and avoids the cold and "objective" look that a very politically-correct film would offer. "Storie di vita e malavita" is a passionate film, but it's not melodramatic, it doesn't pass any judgement, and while it titillates the viewer, it may also make him feel very angry about the situation described!

"Storie di vita e malavita" is ruthlessly realistic and engrossing, the characters feel real and have emotional depth - it is an example of how a controverted subject should be tackled.(Here)

本站简译: 13-20岁的女孩被拖入一个卖淫的网络.在哪里她们像奴隶一样被买卖
NA-7513 (7513 ) Il giustiziere / The Human Factor(Edward Dmytryck) (直译 人的因素)
Il giustiziere /The Human Factor(Edward Dmytryck) (直译 人的因素)
Stars George Kennedy
John Mills
Raf Vallone
Country UK
Runtime 95 min
Date USA 19 November 1975 (New York City, New York)

After his family is brutally murdered for an unknown reason, a computer engineer sets out to find those responsible.(Here)

...The story has Kennedy as a NATO war-game computer programmer who lives and works in Naples, Italy. He returns home one day to find his wife and children dead, clinically executed by a mystery gunman or gunmen. He uses his computer access to track down the killers, and figures out that those responsible are a terrorist gang intent on murdering American families that live in Europe. Instead of passing this information on to the police, he decides to turn vigilante, tracking down and killing the terrorists himself. (Here)

本站简译: 肯尼迪作为一个在意大利那不勒斯生活和工作的北约计算机程序员。一天他回到家中,发现在他的家人遭到不明原因地残酷杀害,他利用他的电脑来追查凶手, 发现那是一个企图谋杀住在欧洲的美国家庭的恐怖团伙干的。他没有把这些信息传递给警察。 为了复仇,他决定作为义务警员, 由他自己追查和杀死那些恐怖分子。
NA-7514 (7507 ) Un genio, due compari, un pollo / A Genius, Two Friends, and an Idiot (Damiano Damiani) (直译 一个天才、两个朋友和一个傻子)
Stars Terence Hill
Robert Charlebois
Country Italy | France | West Germany
Runtime UK: 117 min | Spain: 114 min | Italy: 126 min
Date 16 December 1975 (West Germany)
Expert conman Joe Thanks teams up with half-breed Bill and naive Lucy to steal $300,000 from the Indian-hating Major Cabot. Their elaborate plan is full of disguises, double-crosses, and chases, but Joe always seems to know what he's doing (Here)
本站简译: 赌侠乔和混血儿比尔以及天真的露茜合作去从印地安人憎恨的卡伯特少校那里偷30万美元.他们精心制作了一个充满伪装,交叉和追逐的计划....
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