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1966 basic view of films composed by Ennio Morricone
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编号 No.
电影及导演 (意/英/中)?/b> Name and Director (IT/CN)
备注 Note
NA-6601 (6616) Come imparai ad amare le donne (Luciano Salce) (直译 教我如何爱上她)
Stars Michèle Mercier
Nadja Tiller
Elsa Martinelli
Country Italy | France | West Germany
Runtime 110 min
Date 1966
....The film tells the story of Roberto Monti (Hoffman) who, after being released by the college at eighteen, he finds a job as a mechanic at a service station and later as a car salesman with his strong passion for engines. After various love adventures in the field of the aristocracy, the fashion and industry, in the end the young man will marry the seventeen year old Irene.... (Here)

本站简译: 18岁的罗伯托 蒙蒂从大学毕业后开始找工作,他先在一个服务站当机械师.后来他又当了汽车推销员.在各种不同的社会环境经历了爱情冒险之后,最终他爱上了17岁的艾琳
NA-6602 (6614) I crudeli / The Cruel Ones (Sergio Corbucci) (直译 残忍的人)
Stars Joseph Cotten
Norma Bengell
Al Mulock
Country Italy | Spain
Runtime 90 min
Date 1967
Note Music by
Ennio Morricone (as Leo Nichols)
The Civil War has ended, but not for Jonas, a ruthless Confederate officer who wants to continue the fight by reorganizing Confederate troops in the Southwest with the support of a large sum of stolen money. He devises an elaborate ruse to allow his small party to travel with minimal scrutiny through hostile territory, for the money is hidden in a coffin said to contain the body of his dead son. Jonas' other sons travel with him along with a hired "widow", as they proceed to what they hope to be a new start to the War between the States. However, while en route, they face severe, ongoing strife among themselves and successive threats from Union soldiers, a posse of cowboys, and an Indian war party. (Here)
本站简译: 意大利西班牙1967年合拍的西部片.影片描写美国内战结束以后联盟士兵,印地安人和南方残余分子残酷斗争的故事.在这部影片中, 莫里康内大师是以化名里奥 尼科尔斯(Leo Nichols)的名字出现的.由此也可以看出大师创业之维艰
Il Buono , il brutto e il cattivo / The good, the bad and the ugly (Sergio Leone) / 好坏丑/黄金三镖客
Full movie 178'41"
Stars Clint Eastwood
Eli Wallach
Lee Van Cleef
Country Italy | Spain | West Germany
Runtime 161 min | France: 186 min (dubbed version) | Spain: 182 min | 179 min (2003 extended English version) | Finland: 142 min (1984) (cut version)
Date 1966
Blondie (The Good) is a professional gunslinger who is out trying to earn a few dollars. Angel Eyes (The Bad) is a hit man who always commits to a task and sees it through, as long as he is paid to do so. And Tuco (The Ugly) is a wanted outlaw trying to take care of his own hide. Tuco and Blondie share a partnership together making money off Tuco's bounty, but when Blondie unties the partnership, Tuco tries to hunt down Blondie. When Blondie and Tuco comes across a horse carriage loaded with dead bodies, they soon learn from the only survivor (Bill Carson) that he and a few other men have buried a stash of gold in a cemetery. Unfortunately Carson dies and Tuco only finds out the name of the cemetery, while Blondie finds out the name on the grave. Now the two must keep each other alive in order to find the gold. Angel Eyes (who had been looking for Bill Carson) discovers that Tuco and Blondie meet with Carson and knows they know the location of the gold... (Here)
 这部影片是意大利西部片宗师莱昂内执导的镖客三部曲的最后一部,也是最著名的一部。由克林特 伊斯特伍德,李范 克里夫和伊莱 沃勒克分饰片中的好人,坏人和丑人。三人在美国南北战争期间趁着政局混乱,打算谋夺一批属于南方政府的财富,但每个人只知道一部分藏金的细节,他们必须联合起来才可以取得这一大笔钱。于是三人即互相利用又勾心斗角,产生不少有趣的笑料和戏剧性的对峙。本片人物的设置与情节要远比前两部来得复杂和曲折。莫里康内的杰出配乐确立了独特的意大利西部片的音乐风格.更多内容请见本站的电影网页和著名音乐评论家杨大林先生的专题文章
NA-6604 (6712) L'avventuriero / The Rover (Terence Young) (直译 冒险家)
Stars Anthony Quinn
Rosanna Schiaffino
Rita Hayworth
Country Italy
Runtime USA: 103 min
Date 1967

Based on a story by Joseph Conrad, this 18th-century set drama is set shortly after the French Revolution and chronicles the exploits of a former counterrevolutionary pirate who befriends a mentally ill, naive young woman. Eventually his feelings of friendship turn to love and this in turn leads to tragedy when she falls in love with a French naval officer (Here)

The Rover, based upon the novel by Joseph Conrad, was one of several European-made films in which Rita starred in the 60's and 70's. This one was made in Italy under the title of L'Avventuriero. The picture reunited Rita with Anthony Quinn onscreen for the first time since 1941, nearly 30 years before, when they co-starred in Blood and Sand. During their days making Blood and Sand together, the two enjoyed a brief romance off the screen.
Set in France during the aftermath of the French Revolution, the story begins on the high seas where a sailor named Peyrol (Anthony Quinn) is nearing a French harbor. After narrowly escaping attack by a British fleet, Peyrol sails into the port of Toulon to deliver a message to the Admiral. Peyrol has been a pirate for most of his life, and it is known that he is against the revolution. Being a prime candidate for the guillotine, Peyrol flees to his hometown, a small village on the French coast.

There he meets Arlette (Rosanna Schiaffino), a girl he saves from a mob of angry villagers. After witnessing the horrible deaths of her parents as a child during the revolution, Arlette became mentally unbalanced. Grateful to Peyrol, Arlette takes him to her home and offers him a room. Needing a place to stay until he can venture out to sea again, he accepts the room. Arlette lives with her Aunt Catherine (Rita Hayworth). Catherine watches over Arlette, protecting her from the rest of the world. Also living in the house is Scevola (Ivo Garrani), an angry revolutionary who has it in for Peyrol. Anxious to set sail, Peyrol buys a certain boat, which unbeknownst to him, was the scene of the brutal murders of Arlette's parents.

Arlette becomes enamored of Peyrol. Later, after an encounter with Peyrol, an angry Scevola starts a fire during which Arlette has horrible visions of her parents' death. The visions have the effect of returning all sanity to her mind. A French naval officer named Real (Richard Johnson) arrives at their home. Before long he finds out that Peyrol is a wanted man, but lets him be because he will soon need his help. Arlette and Real soon begin a romance, to the displeasure of Peyrol who has by now fallen in love with the girl.

Real has a military mission to complete and he needs the assistance of an experienced sailor, Peyrol. He needs to set sail with phony military orders and get caught by the British, who won't know that the orders are fake, and will be lead into a trap. Doing so would land both Real and Peyrol in a British prison, but it would be for the good of France. Peyrol is unwilling to accept the mission. Furthermore he realizes that it's true love between Arlette and Real, and he prepares return to life on the high seas.

The love triangle is further complicated when Catherine expresses her love for Peyrol. She asks him to stay with her. But he thinks he's not good enough, saying, "You deserve something better than a wounded old fool." He leaves the next day. Shortly after sailing, still in view of the house, Peyrol is killed by the British. Catherine, Arlette and Real watch from their home as Peyrol has a sailor's burial -drifting into the sea in his sinking ship.

The Rover finished shooting in 1966 and was released as L'Avventuriero in Italy in 1967. With its English title, it was not released in the United States until 1971, and at that time it was given very limited theatrical release and overlooked by the critics. The picture was made in Italy and Rita remained working there for a time afterwards. In this, one of her final films, Rita displays an earthy, mature quality in her acting as well as beauty as "Catherine" (Caterina in the Italian version, for which she did her own vocals). (Here)

“L’avventuriero” (The rover) is a 1967 movie directed by Terence Young and starring Anthony Quinn, Rita Hayworth, Rosanna Schiaffino and Richard Johnson. The movie tells of an old pirate who searching for redemption refugees at two castle women, auntie and nephew. The young girl suffers psychic rabbles following a very old trauma that the rascal succeed to cure. The seaman at the end will die heroically during a risky exploit. Ennio Morricone has written a soundtrack with a classic vein where the intense “Peirol theme” stands out performed by the viola of Dino Asciolla accompanied by the symphonic orchestra conducted by Bruno Nicolai. This CD is realized using the stereo selections of the original album and mono bonus tracks, from the original recording session master tapes digitally restored and remastered. (Here)

本站简译: 1967年意大利出品的电影"冒险家"(英文为"流浪者").影片基于Joseph Conrad的小说改编,叙述18世纪法国大革命时期发生在一名海盗和一名海军军官以及一名患有精神病的年轻女子之间的一段悲剧性的曲折爱情故事. 主题音乐婉转舒缓,寓意深厚,常使中老年人或回忆起遥远的过去,或憧憬于美好的未来之中而流连忘返,为很多莫迷所钟爱

NA-6605 (6703) La ragazza e il generale / The Girl and the General (Pasquale Festa Campanile) / 虎落平阳
La ragazza e il generale (Pasquale Festa Campanile) / 虎落平阳
抱歉暂无视频 Sorry No Video
Stars Rod Steiger
Virna Lisi
Umberto Orsini
Country Italy | France
Runtime 103 min
Date 1967

A young woman and a soldier team up to deliver an Austrian General to Italian forces during World War I. Their quest for the 1,000 Lire reward changes their lives unexpectedly.(Here)

Steiger is a one-armed general in the Italian Army who is captured by the incompetent Orsini. After a short time, Steiger escapes. He and Lisi lock Orsini in a railroad car. The pair stay in an abandoned farmhouse where Steiger nurses a lame leg. Ragged and hungry, Lisi shows some soldiers a little skin in return for some food. Eventually they meet Orsini, who has come to like Steiger and Lisi. A minefield, however, takes the lives of the general's companions. Fed up with the war and the pain it brings, Steiger turns himself in to the Austrian authorities. (Here)

本站简译: 斯泰格尔是一位意大利军队的独臂将军,他被无能的奥尔西尼抓获。一段时间后,斯泰格尔逃脱。他和里西把奥尔西尼锁在一辆火车的车厢里。他们待在在一个废弃的农舍,在那里斯泰格尔护士的腿瘸了,衣衫褴褛,十分饥饿,里西设法从一些士兵那里要来了一点食物。后来他们又遇到了奥尔西尼 ,他已经变得喜欢斯泰格尔和里西,然而, 一个雷区夺去了将军同伴们的性命。厌倦了战争和它带来的痛苦, 斯泰格尔转向了奥地利当局。 (Here)

NA-6606 (6607) Le streghe / The Witches (Mauro Bolognini , Vittorio De Sica, and more) / 女巫
Stars Silvana Mangano
Annie Girardot
Francisco Rabal
Country Italy | France
Runtime Germany: 121 min | Spain: 120 min | USA: 105 min
Date 1967
Note Music by Ennio Morricone and
Piero Piccioni

This Dino De Laurentiis production from 1965 is actually an anthology of five different directors' work, each telling their own stories about witches. The five stories are "The Witch Burned Alive," "Civic Sense," "The Earth As Seen From The Moon," "The Girl From Sicily," and "A Night Like Any Other." Silvia Mangano appears in all five, with Clint Eastwood starring in the last featured vignette. Like many gang-directed projects, this film is also plagued by a lack of continuity and by the pretentiousness of the individual directors.(Here)

"The Witch Burnt Alive"
  After a very long, but visually arresting animated opening credits sequence, Luchino Visconti (Death in Venice) directs the first story, which is the longest of the five, taking approximately a third of the film's running length. Mangano plays a superstar actress and model who travels to a mountain resort, only to find the well-to-do inhabitants have prejudices and preconceived notions about her based on her public persona. The women are all jealous and the men all want to sleep with her, but all Mangano wants is to be left alone. It's a mostly somber satirical piece, but story-wise, it languishes in its modest idea a bit long, becoming inconsequential to all but those fascinated by the realities of being famous.
  "Community Spirit"
  Bolognini's piece isn't really a story. It's more of a visual gag, in a short segment that features Mangano offering to take an injured man to a hospital, driving him at breakneck speed throughout the city, but not stopping at locations where he might find aid. I won't give away the punchline here, but it succeeds in being amusing, even if it's the kind of thing that only is interesting the first time through.
  "The Earth Seen from the Moon"

  The esteemed writer/director, Pier Paolo Pasolini (Salo), crafts the middle segment, which is the most artistic and memorable of the five. Reminiscent in style to "Don Quixote", a recently widowed father and his son travel around the country in search of a new wife and mother, and after a long period, they discover the literally speechless Mangano. She brings joy into their lives, but they are poor, and in order to find a better life for themselves, they concoct a scheme to try to make some quick cash. The story is contrived, and not completely interesting, but the outlandish performances, artwork, and costumes does evoke great charm and likeability. Although mute, it's probably the most appealing of Mangano's five performances, and Toto is terrific.
  "The Sicilian"
  Franco Rossi directs the fourth an shortest piece, a straight-forward revenge story that comes and goes before it ever has a chance of becoming interesting. It's violent, but easily the least satisfying of the five stories.
  "A Night Like Any Other"
  Eastwood's appearance is clearly the biggest attraction here, which was filmed in between the Sergio Leone "Dollars" trilogy. It's an enjoyable departure from his normal roles, playing a comedic romantic lead, and he is affably fun to watch. Famed Italian director, Vittorio de Sica (The Bicycle Thief, Umberto D.) does a masterful job with the story, which perfectly blends the mundane and the fantasy in a visually satisfying way. The story is about a bored housewife (Mangano, of course), who tries in vain to get her husband to realize that he is not as romantic as he used to be. The scene is interspersed with comedic romance sequences revolving around the couple's past romantic interludes, and dreams of how their lives should be.(Here)

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本站简译: 1967年意大利出品的喜剧片"Le Streghe / 女巫".由 卢奇诺 维斯康蒂, 皮埃尔 帕索里尼, 维托里奥 德西卡, 弗兰克 罗西, 莫洛 鲍罗尼尼
五位最著名的意大利导演联合执导,著名电影音乐大师莫里康内和Piero Piccioni共同配乐.影片由五段故事组成:1 “女巫活活烧死”; 2 "社区精神”; 3 “从月亮上看地球”; 4 “西西里”;; 5 “像其他任何一个夜晚”.克林特 伊斯特伍德也参加了最后一节的演出.诙谐,幽默的喜剧风格以及大师的轻松配乐,都使人感到耳目一新
NA-6607 (6610) Matchless / Mission Top Secret (Alberto Lattuada) (直译 无敌)
Stars Patrick O'Neal
Ira von Fürstenberg
Donald Pleasence
Country Italy
Runtime Germany: 100 min | USA: 104 min | Argentina: 105 min
Date 1967
Note Music by
Gino Marinuzzi Jr.
Ennio Morricone
Piero Piccioni
A secret agent possesses a ring that makes him invisible for ten hours. He is in pursuit of an evil criminal mastermind, but at the same time must evade an enemy agent who also wants the ring.(Here)

A suave, sophisticated journalist gets hold of a magic ring of invisibility and obtains a secret formula. As a result he finds himself pursued by Chinese agents in this spoof of James Bond thrillers.(Here) Mistaken for a spy by the Communist Chinese, New York journalist Perry "Matchless" Liston is tortured to obtain information about a lethal chemical substance. An elderly Oriental with whom he shares a cell gives Liston a ring that, when rubbed, makes him invisible for a short period of time. With the ring's help, he escapes from a Chinese firing squad but lands in the U. S. military's torture chamber for his presumed knowledge about the same chemical. He reluctantly agrees to assist U. S. intelligence forces in recovering the formula as well as samples of the substance held by Andreanu, a sinister international gangster. Aided by agent Arabella, whom he meets in London, Liston plots to get the material out of a Munich bank, but he encounters competition from foreign agent Tipsy and American traitor Hank Norris. Eventually Liston succeeds in extracting the formula and samples by employing the magical ring. Not trusting even the U. S. military with the dangerous information, Liston throws everything into the harbor at Hamburg. Unknown to Arabella, however, Liston keeps the magic ring.(Here)

本站简译: 这是一部冷战时代假想的间谍片.一个美国记者被误认为是间谍而被投入狱中.他在狱中得到了一个牢犯的帮助获得了一枚可以隐身的指环.当他逃出监牢以后,各国间谍为了得到这枚指环和它的使用秘方,又对他展开了追捕.此处选用了一段YouTube的视频,如果您不能打开它,那可能需要借助于一个软件的帮助

NA-6608(6609) Mi vedrai tornare (Ettore Fizzarotti) (直译 我会回来)
Stars Gianni Morandi
Elisabetta Wu
Enzo Cerusico
Country Italy
Runtime 120 min
Date 1967
(Italian) Un cadetto della marina militare in licenza a Roma si innamora della figlia del principe giapponese Hiro Toyo durante una festa da ballo. La ragazza accetta il suo corteggiamento, ma è già promessa sposa a un nobile suo connazionale. L'amore però è troppo forte e la giovane minaccia l'harakiri se non le verrà concesso di sottrarsi al matrimonio e di poter giurare amore eterno alla sua nuova fiamma italiana.(Here)
本站简译: 电影描写一个意大利海军学校的学员和一个日本王室女孩的爱情故事.电影主演詹尼 莫兰迪是上世纪六七十年代意大利最著名的流行歌手.在这部电影中他的歌唱天才也得到了充分的发挥
Stars Burt Reynolds
Aldo Sambrell
Nicoletta Machiavelli
Country Italy | Spain
Runtime Italy: 93 min | Spain: 88 min | USA: 93 min
Date 1966
Note Music by
Ennio Morricone (as Leo Nichols)

The sole survivor of a bloody massacre vows revenge on his attackers and on the men who killed his wife.(Here)

Navajo Joe (1966), is a Euro/Spaghetti Western directed by Sergio Corbucci. Burt Reynolds plays a Navajo Indian, who vows revenge on the gang of sadistic outlaws, led by the Duncan brothers, who slaughtered the members of his tribe for the bounty of one dollar a head. Joe follows the gang, killing those members sent out to him by bandit leader Mervyn 'Vee' Duncan. In town the gang is told that their services are no longer needed, but one of the citizens tells them about a half million dollars that will be transported to the next town of Esperanza. The Duncan gang assaults the train, kill all passengers, and start waiting for their ally, who knows the combination of the safe. But at night Joe kills the guards and rides the train and the safe into town. He offers his services, asking the sheriff's star and one dollar a head of the towns people. After he has hidden the money he is captured by the gang and brutally tortured. But he is set free during the night and manages to lure the gang out of town, to the Indian graveyard where all people of his tribe are buried.

Trivia: Reynolds made this spaghetti western shortly after he saw his friend Clint Eastwood in A Fistful of Dollars. "They'll love you in Italy, Eastwood told Reynolds. You're quarter Indian, you can ride a horse like no one I know and you like to hug people." Reynolds only agreed to make this film because he was under the impression that Sergio Leone would be directing. When he found out it was Sergio Corbucci he tried to pull out, but the contracts had already been signed and it was too late."Apparently Burt Reynolds once said that this movie was only shown in prisons and airplanes, because nobody could leave. Reynolds clearly didnt enjoy his Italian experience."Dino De Laurentiis, whose production company co-funded the film, had worked out how big a hit the film was going to be, telling Reynolds, "In A Fistful of Dollars Clint killed a hundred people. You're going to kill 245 people. We'll be two-and-a-half times as big!"(Here)

"印地安人乔"(或译为"纳瓦霍乔")是一部由意,西两国于1966年拍摄的通心粉式美国西部电影,它拍摄于西班牙. 纳瓦霍(Navajo)人是美国印第安居民集团中人数最多的一支,"纳瓦霍"是美国人的常用发音Navaho的译音."纳瓦霍乔"是影星布特·雷诺茨(Burt Reynolds) 成名的的第一部有特色的电影. 电影描写了一个纳瓦霍印地安人对抗杀害他的部族的一伙匪帮并展开复仇的故事.有关此电影和纳瓦霍人的介绍请见本站电影页
NA-6610 (6705) Sette donne per i MacGregor / 7 Women for the MacGregors (Franco Giraldi) / (直译 七女图/七女麦格雷戈斯)
Stars David Bailey
Agata Flori
Leo Anchóriz
Country Spain | Italy
Runtime Spain: 104 min | Spain: 90 min (cut version)
Date 1967

The MacGregor family treasure is stolen and it's up to the seven brothers to recover it. (Here)

(Italian) E' il giorno della festa di fidanzamento fra Gregor Mac Gregor e Rosita. All'improvviso arriva il bandito Maldonado che, con la sua banda, deruba Gregor ed i suoi sei fratelli dell'oro accumulato in anni di duro lavoro. I derubati si lanciano all'inseguimento dei malviventi. Rosita finisce prigioniera dei banditi, che catturano anche il fidanzato. Ma i banditi non hanno fatto i conti con le sei figlie di Donovan l'irlandese, che si uniscono ai fratelli Mac Gregor e riescono a liberare i prigionieri ed a rientrare in possesso del maltolto.(Here)

本站简译: 在麦格雷戈斯的订婚盛宴上,突然而来的强盗马尔多纳多和他的团伙抢劫了麦格雷戈斯和他的六个兄弟的辛勤工作过多年积累的黄金。多诺万的六个女儿加入了七兄弟追回财物的战斗

NA-6611 (6606) Svegliati e uccidi / Too Soon to Die (Carlo Lizzani) (直译 死在醒来)
Stars Robert Hoffmann
Gian Maria Volonté
Claudio Camaso
Country Italy | France
Runtime 102 min
Date 1966
Dashing Austrian actor Robert Hoffmann stars as Luciano Luthring, a small-time hood who rises quickly to to the ranks of ruthless professional criminal, only to be betrayed by his beautiful moll (Lisa Gastoni). This fact-based crime thriller, directed by veteran Carlo Lizzani, also contains a fine supporting performance by Gian Maria Volonte as the cunning inspector who psychologically manipulates Gastoni into turning on her lover by playing on her guilty conscience.(Here)
本站简译: 卢西亚诺由于情人的背叛而成为抢劫米兰珠宝店的罪犯,最后在警察追捕中丢了自己的性命.澳大利亚名演员罗伯特 赫夫曼在剧中成功地扮演了这一角色
NA-6612 (6613) Un fiume di dollari / River of Dollars (Carlo Lizzani) (直译 美元河)
Stars Thomas Hunter
Henry Silva
Dan Duryea
Country Italy
Runtime 89 min
Date 1966
Note Music by
Ennio Morricone (as Leo Nichols)
After the Civil War ends, two soldiers return home with a cache of stolen money. They are caught by Union troops. One escapes, but the other is sent to prison for five years. When he gets out and goes home, he finds that his wife has died in poverty because his partner kept all the money, and is now a major power in the area with an army of deadly gunmen to back him up.(Here)
本站简译: 南北战争结束以后,两名美国士兵带着一笔脏款回家.在路上一人被抓去坐了五年牢.当他出狱回家时,发现老婆因贫病而死,而那一笔脏款却被他的那个伙伴一人独吞而去....
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