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编号 No.
电影及导演 (意/英/中)?/b> Name and Director (IT/CN)
备注 Note
NA-7101 (7107) Addio fratello crudele / Tis Pity She's a Whore (Giuseppe Patroni Griffi) (直译 别了残酷的兄弟/可惜她是个妓女)
Stars Charlotte Rampling
Oliver Tobias
Fabio Testi
Country Italy
Runtime Portugal: 105 min | USA: 91 min | Argentina: 103 min
Date November 1973 (USA)

In an amoral home, where a man lives in sin with a woman, his daughter and his son fall in love, and have incestuous relations even after the young woman marrys. Her husband will seek revenge, and a gory end will unite all in classic tragedy - death. (Based on John Ford's play, "Pity she's a whore", respecting its poetic text, and careful Italian Renaissance settings.)(Here)

Based on the Restoration-era play by John Ford, the Italian 'Tis a Pity She's a Whore (Addio,_Fratello_Cruelle) stars Charlotte_Rampling as the much-put-upon Annabella. Involved in an incestuous relationship with her own brother, Annabella becomes pregnant. This necessitates a quick marriage of convenience to nobleman Soranzo (Fabio_Testi). Upon finding out who's responsible for Annabella's plight, Soranzo flies off into a murderous rage. Before you blame the "liberated" 1970s for the racier aspects of 'Tis a Pity She's a Whore, please remember that the source material is 300 years old. (Here)

Ambientato nella Mantova rinascimentale, narra dell'amore incestuoso tra i fratelli Annabella (Charlotte Rampling) e Giovanni (Oliver Tobias). Quando Annabella resta incinta del fratello decide di sposare il nobile Soranzo Fabio Testi, il quale però scopre il tradimento ed invita la famiglia della sposa ad un banchetto per vendicarsi e compiere l'eccidio.(Here)

本站简译: 基于意大利文艺复兴时期英国作家约翰 福特(John Ford, 1586 – 1637)的小说"可惜她是个妓女"("Pity she's a whore" ,1633年完成)改编.讲述一个道德沦丧的家庭兄妹之间的乱伦关系.乔万尼从国外回来爱上了多年不见的同父异母姐姐安娜贝拉,两颗炽热的心燃烧在一起,而贵族索兰佐在安娜贝拉怀孕后娶了她,但他们仍然保持着乱伦关系.在她的丈夫发现之后,一个经典悲剧血淋淋的结局--复仇和死亡已不可避免.

NA-7102 (7124) Correva l'anno di grazia 1870 (film) / Tre donne - tv version - (Alfredo Giannetti) (直译 1870年的宽限期一年-影片 / 三个女人 - 电视版)
Correva l'anno di grazia 1870 (film) / Tre donne - tv version - (Alfredo Giannetti) (直译 1870年的宽限期-影片 / 三个女人 - 电视版)
Correva l'anno di grazia 1870
3-1 L'automobile
3-2 1943: Un incontro
3-3 La sciantosa
OST Music page
Stars Anna Magnani
Marcello Mastroianni
Mario Carotenuto
Country Italy
Runtime ---
Date ---

(Italian) Nella Roma ancora soggetta al governo pontificio, ma alla vigilia di diventare capitale d'Italia, numerosi prigionieri politici, colpevoli d'auspicare la fine del potere temporale, languono nelle carceri: alcuni, dopo qualche tempo, cedono e rivolgono al Papa domanda di grazia; altri, più fermi nelle loro idee, la rifiutano decisamente. Tra costoro c'è un popolano, Augusto Parenti, che, pur essendo gravemente ammalato, si ostina a resistere. Di idee liberali come lui, sua moglie Teresa, una donna energica e coraggiosa, cerca come può di tirare avanti, per sé e per il figlioletto Mario, finché, spinta dal bisogno, accetta il consiglio di un sacerdote amico, Don Aldo, e manda il bambino in seminario. Approssimandosi il giorno della liberazione di Roma, un patriota, amico di Augusto, penetra clandestinamente in città con un carico d'armi, e si rivolge a Teresa perché chiami a raccolta i compagni. La maggior parte di costoro si tira indietro. Finalmente, quasi senza colpo ferire, ma anche tra lo scarso entusiasmo della popolazione, i Piemontesi entrano in Roma. Penetrata nelle carceri, alla testa di un gruppo di fiere popolane, Teresa libera il marito, il quale, stremato dalla malattia, le muore tra le braccia: prima di vederlo spirare, però, Teresa gli descriverà in tono trionfale la liberazione di Roma, così com'egli l'aveva sempre sognata.(Here)

In this politically conscious Italian drama a woman's working-class husband becomes the prisoner of the Vatican after he commits political crimes(Here)

本站简译: 在这部意大利政治电影(指电影片"Correva l'anno di grazia 1870/1870年的宽限期")中,一个工人阶级妇女的丈夫,在犯了政治罪之后变成了梵蒂岗的囚犯

编者注:1971年电影片"Correva l'anno di grazia 1870/1870年的宽限期"和3集电视连续剧 "Tre donne/三个女人" 1- L'automobile (1971),2- 1943: Un incontro (1971), 3- La sciantosa (1971)均为Alfredo Giannetti导演,Ennio Morricone作曲并于1971年同一年发行,四部作品的所描写的主人公是从19世纪一直延伸到20世纪的四个女人。在法国,这四部作品同时上映并被统称为“四美图”或“四个女人”(法文"Quatre Femmes.")。在莫里康内官方目录中更是将将这两个(共四部)作品放在一个项目编号之中。详细资料请参阅 0102030405

Note: The 2 works'(total 4 episodes) director all are Alfredo Giannetti, composer are Ennio Morricone, and was released in 1971. The 4 protagonists in the 4 episodes are 4 women from the 19th century to the 20th century. Called referred to as "Quatre Femmes" in France. (See here) It is same one number in the Morricone official website (See 0102030405 )

Composed by: Ennio Morricone
Digitmovies proudly releases a double disc set containing the original score composed by Ennio Morricone in 1971 for the TV mini series called "Tre Donne" starring the Italian diva Anna Magnani in one of her last roles (she passed away in 1973).
All four Tv movies were written and directed by Alfredo Giannetti (died in 1994), co- produced by Rai television and Istituto Luce. But only three of them were broadcasted as "Tre donne," "1943: un incontro," "La sciantosa," and "L'automobile"

The fourth Tv movie called "Correva l'anno di grazia 1870" with Marcello Mastroianni as male guest star had a theatrical presentation in Italy distributed by Medusa.

In France all 4 Tv movies were broadcasted as "Quatre Femmes."

The four stories feature four different women with the great face of Anna Magnani placed in four different historic moments of Italy: First and Second World War, Italian Risorgimento and early 70s.

In his music Ennio Morricone has captured musically with great passion all those historical and psychological elements of the four stories of love and death.....(Here)

NA-7103(7123) Forza G / Winged Devils (Duccio Tessari) (直译 飞行魔鬼)
Stars Riccardo Salvino
Pino Colizzi
Mico Cundari
Country Italy
Runtime ---
Date 8 August 1972 (West Germany)

(Italian) Arruolatosi in aviazione, ambizioso rampollo di ricca fantasia riesce a entrare nella squadriglia acrobatica dove, però, diffidano di lui. Li conquisterà. Convenzionale come ritratto d'ambiente e galleria di personaggi, qua e là ravvivato da spunti umoristici, conta soltanto per le scene di acrobazia aerea.(Here)

(Italian)Fin da ragazzo, assistendo alle evoluzioni della Squadriglia Acrobatica dell'Aviazione Italiana, Gianni Orlando ha coltivato l'ambizione di far parte di quel selezionatissimo nucleo di piloti. Dopo aver conseguito, giovanissimo, il brevetto di pilota, egli si arruola nell'Aviazione Militare. Riuscito a entrare, grazie all'influenza della propria famiglia, nella Squadriglia Acrobatica, viene accolto con diffidenza dai colleghi e dai superiori ed è relegato al ruolo di seconda riserva. Con queste mansioni Gianni segue la Squadriglia Italia alle competizioni internazionali di Parigi, dove i piloti inglesi hanno uno strepitoso successo. Nei mesi successivi, Orlando sperimenta nuove evoluzioni acrobatiche che, pur lasciando stupefatti i superiori, vengono proibite in quanto giudicate troppo rischiose. Contravvenendo agli ordini ricevuti, Orlando convince i colleghi ad eseguire le nuove figurazioni acrobatiche alle gare internazionali di Rivolto, ed è proprio grazie ad esse che la Squadriglia Italiana riesce a conquistare la vittoria sulla pattuglia acrobatica britannica.(Here)

本站简译: 电影叙述一个意大利青年在特技飞行中队成长的故事,经过不懈的努力,在一次国际表演赛中,他们赢得了对英国表演队的胜利

NA-7104 (7104) Giornata nera per l'ariete / Evil Fingers (Luigi Bazzoni) (直译 黑色的一天)
Stars Franco Nero
Silvia Monti
Wolfgang Preiss
Country Italy
Runtime UK: 88 min | Italy: 90 min
Date January 1975 (USA)
After a high-class party in Rome, there's an assault. The victim is injured but lives. Andrea, an investigative reporter who drinks too much, is assigned the story. Then, always on Tuesdays, there are a series of murders. At each crime scene, a glove is left with a finger cut off for each victim. After four murders, Andrea thinks he's making progress, but by this time he may himself be a suspect, and someone he loves is in danger.(Here)

本站简译: 在罗马的一次上流聚会以后,发生了袭击事件.但伤者幸免于难.记者安德列被派去调查内情.此后,每逢星期二总是有谋杀发生.在每一个犯罪现场,总会留下一只带有被害人被切下一个手指的手套. 在四次谋杀案之后,安德列认为他正在取得进展,但是这一次他自己也成了犯罪嫌疑人,而且他所爱的一些人也处在危险之中.

Stars Rod Steiger
James Coburn
Romolo Valli
Country Italy
Runtime 157 min | USA: 120 min (initial US release) | USA: 138 min | USA: 154 min
Date 20 October 1971 (Italy)

In Mexico at the time of the Revolution, Juan, the leader of a bandit family, meets John Mallory, an IRA explosives expert on the run from the British. Seeing John's skill with explosives, Juan decides to persuade him to join the bandits in a raid on the great bank of Mesa Verde. John in the meantime has made contact with the revolutionaries, and intends to use his dynamite in their service. (Here)

本站简译: 在墨西哥革命时期,一个土匪家族的头目胡安遇见了一个爱尔兰共和军的爆炸专家约翰 马洛里.胡安目睹了马洛里的爆炸技能,他决定说服约翰加入他们的匪帮共同去袭击位于梅萨维德的一家大银行.此时约翰已经和革命党人接触,他们也希望利用他的爆炸技能为他们服务.

这是莫里康内配乐的一部重要电影,即"往事三部曲"之一.更多详细介绍请见本站电影网页. This is important film composed by Ennio morricone, and it is one of the "Past trilogy". More see the page in our site.
NA-7106 (7117) Gli occhi freddi della paura / Cold Eyes of Fear (Enzo G. Castellani) / 冷眼恐惧
Stars Giovanna Ralli
Frank Wolff
Fernando Rey
Country Italy
Runtime Spain: 81 min | USA: 91 min | Italy: 95 min
Date 6 April 1971 (Italy)

An ex-convict comes after the nephew of the judge who put him away years ago.(here)

A bad boy with an awful British accent threatens a lawyer and his main squeeze in this stylish and ultra-rare seventies thriller, set in a swinging London seemingly populated entirely by corrupt policemen.(Here)

Stylish and extravagant, Cold Eyes of Fear is an excellent example of an Italian giallo thriller. Set in swinging 'seventies London, this movie brings you a dark and decadent world of corrupt cops, vengeful ex-cons, threats, betrayal, fist-fights and feisty femme fatales. Motivated by revenge, an ex-con abducts the son of the judge who put him behind bars. The plot thickens as a deeper betrayal is revealed, leading the story to erotic S&M scenes with scantily-clad women and violent trysts in darkened, atmospheric nightclub settings. Starring the sexy cult actress, Karin Schubert and directed by Enzo G. Castellari, famous for the movie Inglorious Bastards, which is to be remade by Quentin Tarantino in 2009, Cold Eyes of Fear is a most memorable movie of psychedelic effects, intriguing plot twists, striking shots and a stunning jazz score! (Here)

One night, Peter Flower (played by Gianni Garko) brings his date, Anna (Giovanna Ralli), home to his uncle’s house for some fun. His uncle is Judge Juez Flower (Fernando Rey) who is busy at the office and won’t be home until late. Peter’s plans are soon spoiled by the gun-toting Quill (Julián Mateos) who takes he and Anna hostage. They think they are saved when a cop shows up he is actually Arthur Welt (Frank Wolff), a criminal who Peter’s uncle sent to jail many years ago. Welt plans to kill Judge Flower with a well-placed explosive device but first he must find an incriminating file hidden somewhere in the house.....(More)

Synopsis: A nephew of a prominent judge and his latest conquest are held captive by a pair of criminals (one of them has a personal ax to grind with the nephew’s uncle the Judge).Cold Eyes of Fear was co-written and directed by Enzo G. Castellari, whose other notable films Street Law, High Crime, The Heroin Busters, The Big Racket and The Inglorious Bastards. The screenplay for Cold Eyes of Fear was co-written by Leo Anchóriz and Tito Carpi. Outside of a few screenwriting credits Leo Anchóriz was acted in several films like Sandokan the Great, The Pirates of Malaysia, Seven Guns for the MacGregors, 7 Women for the MacGregors and A Bullet for Sandoval. Tito Carpi was a prolific screenwriter whose diverse screenwriting credits include Any Gun Can Play, Eagles over London, Seven Murders for Scotland Yard, A Fistful of Lead, Ubalda, All Naked and Warm, Giovannona Long-Thigh, Jungle Holocaust, The Shark Hunter and The New Barbarians: Warriors of the Wasteland.Despite only using a handful of locations Cold Eyes of Fear, features some stylish imagery. The cinematographer on Cold Eyes of Fear was Antonio L. Ballesteros, whose other notable films include The Colossus of Rhodes and The Vampires’ Night Orgy. The film’s opening sequence is a superb piece of misdirection that fits perfectly in with the other giallo’s from this era. After this opening sequence the film shifts away from the elements one would normal expect from a giallo as the plot verges into a tense character drama about revenge. The bulk of the film takes place at the residence of a Judge who one of the criminals who have Kidnap his nephew and the date he has brought home. There are no onscreen murders until the films finale. The plot moves along nicely with the conflict between the criminals and their prisoners driving the story.The most prominent name in the cast is Fernando Rey (The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie) who is cast in the role of the judge who is the target of the criminals’ revenge. Despite only being in a handful of scenes his character looms large throughout the film. Giovanna Ralli is cast in the role of the seductive lady of the night named Anna. Some of Giovanna Ralli’s other notable films include The Mercenary and What Have They Done to Your Daughters? Other notable cast members include Gianni Garko (The Psychic), Julian Mateos (The Hellbenders), Frank Wolff (The Great Silence, Once Upon a Time in the West) and a brief cameo like role from Karin Schubert who provides the films only moment of T&A. The film’s score was composed by Ennio Morricone, who provides work man like score that is reminiscent at times of his score for The Bird with the Crystal plumage. Ultimately despite its lack of bloodshed and salacious activity Cold Eyes of Fear is an engaging and riveting story that cleverly plays against the genres typical (Here)

本站简译: 彼得和他的女友安娜来到他叔叔法官胡斯家暂住为了搞一个聚会.但他们被一个刑满释放的前刑事犯亚瑟和枪手奎尔劫持为人质.亚瑟多年以前被法官胡斯判刑入狱,出狱后他要杀害法官复仇,但在行动之前他必须先找到藏在房子里的他的犯罪挡案....

NA-7107 (7101) Il gatto a nove code / The Cat o' Nine Tails (Dario Argento) / 九尾怪猫
Il gatto a nove code/The Cat o' Nine Tails (Dario Argento) / 九尾怪猫
OST Music page
Stars James Franciscus
Karl Malden
Catherine Spaak
Country Italy | France | West Germany
Runtime Spain: 110 min | USA: 112 min | Argentina: 115 min | USA: 90 min (cut version) | West Germany: 32 min (Super 8-version in 2 parts) | Austria: 114 min (Limited Uncut Integral-Version)
Date Italy | France | West Germany
Franco Arno is a blind man that lives with his young niece and makes a living writing crossword puzzles. One night, while walking on the street, he overhears a weird conversation between two man sitting in a car parked in front of a medical institute where genetic experiments are performed. The same night someone breaks in the institute and kills a guard. Arno decides to investigate with the help of reporter Carlo Giordani. (Here)

本站简译: 佛朗哥 阿诺是一个盲人,他住在他的侄女家,依靠编写填字游戏为生.一天晚上,他走在街上,在一个进行遗传实验的医学院门前的停车场里,他无意中听到了坐在车里两个人的奇怪的谈话.就在当天晚上,有人闯进了那个医学院并杀死了一个警卫.阿诺决定帮助记者卡罗 焦尔达尼调查此事.

NA-7108 (7121) L'incontro (Piero Schivazappa) (直译 会面)
Stars Massimo Ranieri
Florinda Bolkan
Claude Mann
Country Italy
Runtime ---
Date ---

(Italian) Tra Claudia Ridolfi, bella signora romana e moglie senza figli di un tecnocrate che viaggia molto, e il ventenne Sandro Zanichelli di Parma nasce la passione. Lui la supplica di lasciare il marito, lei è indecisa. Quando si decide, è troppo tardi. Era il tempo in cui la brasiliana Bolkan (1942), reduce da Anonimo veneziano, era in cresta all'onda, mentre il napoletano Ranieri (1951), fresco di Metello e popolare come cantante, andava con il vento in poppa. Il che spiega il successo di questa love story come tante, corredate da una squadra di collaboratori di prim'ordine: Franco Di Giacomo alla fotografia, Ennio Morricone alla musica, Franco (Kim) Arcalli al montaggio (Here)

(Italian) Il giovane Sandro Zanichelli, conosciuta nel corso di una serata di società l'affascinante signora Claudia Ridolfi, ne diviene l'amante. Follemente innamorato della donna, Sandro si dedica completamente a lei, trascurando impegni professionali e vecchie amicizie; Claudia, da parte sua, nell'imminenza del ritorno del marito Stefano dagli Stati Uniti, tenta, senza troppa convinzione, di interrompere la relazione adulterina. Gli incontri dei due amanti continuano anche dopo il ritorno di Stefano, ma Sandro, esasperatamente geloso, pretende che Claudia abbandoni il marito e vada a vivere con lui. Deluso dall'indecisione di Claudia, Sandro parte alla volta della casa paterna, in campagna. La fuga del giovane colpisce profondamente Claudia che, dopo aver svelato al marito la sua colpa, decide di abbandonarlo per congiungersi con l'amante. Frattanto Sandro, lasciata la casa paterna e tornato a Roma, non conoscendo la decisione di Claudia, sopraffatto dallo sconforto, si uccide.(Here)

本站简译: 来自帕尔玛的20岁青年人桑德罗,在罗马一个公司工作时爱上了一个丈夫长期在美国工作的迷人女子克劳迪娅。后来,她的丈夫斯蒂芬从美国归来。桑德罗和斯蒂芬会面之后,和克劳迪娅仍然保持不正常的关系,出于强烈的嫉妒,他要求克劳迪娅和丈夫离婚,但克劳迪娅犹豫不决。失望的桑德罗离开她回到乡下。不久,她的丈夫发现了她的不忠也离开了她。在双重打击之下,陷入绝望和不堪重负的克劳迪娅自杀。与此同时,桑德罗也离开农村回到了罗马以求修好但为时已晚。
NA-7109 (7108) L'istruttoria è chiusa: dimentichi / The Case Is Closed, Forget It (Damiano Damiani) (直译 调查已经结束:忘了吧)
Stars Franco Nero
Georges Wilson
John Steiner
Country Italy | France
Runtime 106 min
Date 27 October 1971 (Italy)
Because of a violation of traffic regulations an architect is put in prison. There he witnesses the grim reality of life behind bars: corrupt staff, corrupt inmates, an inhuman judicial system and the power of the Mafia.
  "L′istruttoria e chiusa: dimentichi" - which translates into "The investigation is closed: forget about it" is one in a series of political thrillers Damiano Damiani (when he was good, he could to some extent rival Francesco Rosi, when he became pretentious and preachy he was intolerable) specialized in in the late 60′s through the 70′s. Its overall target is the corrupt Italian state of that day and age. Its means is classic melodrama of the wrongful accused who has to live through purgatory. Because he is wrongful accused, an intellectual and played by the then handsome Franco Nero we pity him for that (there is ample space for the suspicion that we would perceive his private hell in public custody as appropriate were he a criminal).To prove his case Damiani this time took the easy way out and that′s why his film is - judged by Damiani′s own best abilities - bordering on the mediocre side - and still worth watching; which is an achievement in itself.(Here)

本站简译: 一个建筑师由于违反交通法规而被关进监狱.在那里,他见证了铁窗生活的严峻现实:腐败的官员,腐败的犯人,一个野蛮的司法系统和黑手党的能量.这是六十到七十年代达米亚诺 达米亚尼的系列政治惊悚片之一.


La classe operaia va in Paradiso/The Working Class Goes to Heaven (Elio Petri) / 工人阶级上天堂
2-1 55'19"
Stars Gian Maria Volonté
Mariangela Melato
Gino Pernice
Country Italy
Runtime 125 min
Date 17 September 1971 (Italy)
Lulù is a real hard worker. For this reason he is loved by the masters and hated by his own colleagues. The unions decide agitations against the masters. Lulù doesn't agree till he cuts, by accident, one of his own fingers. Now, after he understood the worker's conditions, he agrees the unions and participates to the strike. He immediately is fired and, not only is abandoned by his lover, but also by the other workers. But the fights of the unions allow him under a new legislation to be hired again. At this point his mind starts giving collapse signs... (Here)
本站简译: 卢卢是一个真正努力的工人.他因此为老板所喜爱并为他自己的同事所憎恨.工会决定发动反对雇主的斗争.卢卢并不同意这种斗争直到他在一次事故中被切掉手指.现在,在他明白了工人所处的环境之后他同意了工会的意见并参加罢工.他立即被解雇并被他的情人和其他的工人所抛弃.但是工会的斗争使得他在一个新的法规下重新被雇用....
这是莫里康内配乐的一部重要政治电影.更多详细介绍请见本站电影网页. This is an important political film composed by Ennio morricone, and it is one of the "Past trilogy". More see the page in our site.
NA-7111(7127) La corta notte delle bambole di vetro / The Short Night of the Butterflies (Aldo Lado) (直译 玻璃娃娃的短夜)
Stars Ingrid Thulin
Jean Sorel
Mario Adorf
Country Italy | West Germany | Yugoslavia
Runtime 92 min
Date 28 October 1971 (Italy)
An American journalist in Prague searches for his girlfriend who has suddenly disappeared (Here)
本站简译: 一个美国新闻记者在布拉格搜寻他的突然消失了的女友
Stars Giancarlo Giannini
Claudine Auger
Barbara Bouchet
Country Italy | France
Runtime 89 min | Italy: 98 min (uncut)
Date 12 August 1971 (Italy)

Inspector Tellini investigates serial crimes where victims are paralyzed while having their bellies ripped open with a sharp knife, much in the same way tarantulas are killed by the black wasp. As suspects keep dying, Inspector directs his attention to a spa all the victims had a connection with.(Here)
这是一部意大利"Giallo"电影(即恐怖类电影).更多详细介绍请见本站电影网页. This is an Italian "Giallo" film (as horror film) composed by Ennio morricone . More see the page in our site.
NA-7113 (7126) Le casse/Gli Scassinatori / The Burglars (Henri Verneuil) / 大飞贼
Stars Jean-Paul Belmondo
Omar Sharif
Dyan Cannon
Country France | Italy
Runtime 120 min
Date 14 June 1972 (USA)
(Italian)Due scassinatori s'impadroniscono della collezione di diamanti di un miliardario. Ma, un commissario corrotto, li perseguita cercando di rubare la refurtiva. (Here)

Critica: Verneuil è un discreto specialista del "noir". Questa volta, però, viaggia al minimo: le acrobazie di Belmondo e l'assoluta inespressività di Sharif, oltre alla piattezza della vicenda, non gli danno un mano a risolvere la situazione. (Magazine italiano tv) Al di là di doverose riserve per l'eccessivamente crudele formulazione di alcuni giudizi e per l'esasperato realismo di alcune scene, il film è fonte di osservazioni assai valide e costruttive. (Segnalazioni cinematografiche). (Here)

本站简译: 两名窃贼盗取一个亿万富翁收藏的钻石.但是腐败的警官却试图谋取他们窃取的赃物。

NA-7114 (7129) Lui per lei (Claudio Rispoli) (直译 他为了她)
抱歉暂无视频 Sorry No Video
OST Music page
Stars Rosemary Dexter
Marco Ferreri
Spiros Focás
Ruggero Miti
Country Italy
Runtime 96 min
Date ----
抱歉暂无资料 Sorry No information
NA-7115 (7120) Maddalena (Jerzy Kawalerowicz) / 玛达莲娜
Maddalena (Jerzy Kawalerowicz) / 玛达莲娜
2007 Venice Concert
Stars Lisa Gastoni
Eric Woofe
Ivo Garrani
Country Italy | Yugoslavia
Runtime 105 min
Date 19 November 1971 USA

(Polish) Jerzy Kawalerowicz stworzy? film o nami?tno?ciach hamowanych przez kultur? i religi?. Jest to historia katolickiego ksi?dza, który ulega urokowi pi?knej dziewczyny - tytu?owej Maddaleny. Wa?nym elementem jest równie? muzyka Ennio Morricone.(Here)

The story of how a tormented, sensuous woman attracts but does not seduce a tormented, unsensuous priest, Jerry Kawalerowicz's "Maddalena" opened yesterday at the Juliet I Theater. Of course, there is more in it than that—self-doubts, mutual recriminations, a fatal accident, a suicide—but in fact "Maddalena" is 15 minutes of dull movie puffed out to more than an hour and a half by flashbacks, fantasy flashes, shifts of focus, pans, track, zooms, and whatever other tricks can be used to inflate cinema vocabulary and diminish the medium.

"Maddalena" is Italian (poorly dubbed), and you can trace the Antonioni attitudes flitting across the Fellini faces of all the minor characters; but the kind of bad filmmaking it represents seems above mere nationality. In my darker moments I suspect an international cabal of dreadful directors and cinematographers who have decreed that all their movies will share the same appearance of department-store mod decadence with the same lush surfaces surrounding no substance, and the same endless substitution of manufactured atmosphere for real feeling at any level.

As the magical Maddalena, Lisa Gastoni seems overage, overweight and underendowed. To express passion, she twitches her eyebrows. To express everything else she walks—unsteadily, fully clothed but barefoot—by the sea. This is a movie in which emotional abandon is taken to mean that anything may be worn to the beach except a bathing suit; and the excitement of the place, the dress, and the person is really less than one can bear.(Here)

The film Maddalena tells the story of a woman who is desperate to find real love in a real steady relationship on the one hand; and a priest who is doubting his ability to cope with celibacy on the other hand. When Maddalena decides the priest is the man that she wants, an atmosphere of erotic tension and self-questioning about true Faith fill up the air. This film is best known for having the first appearance of the songs "Come Maddalena" and "Chi Mai" by Ennio Morricone. Both songs were re-recorded and released as the single "Disco 78" in 1977. Chi Mai was later used in the film The Professional (1981) and the TV series "The Life and Times of David Lloyd George" (1981).(Here)

本站简译: 影片讲述一个激情和感性的女人玛达莲娜和一个天主教神父之间的情感故事.莫里康内的著名音乐 Come Maddalena (来吧玛达莲娜)和Chi Mai(谁从未有错)使这部电影广泛流传

NA-7116 (7118) Mio caro assassino / My Dear Killer UK (Tonino Valeri) (直译 我亲爱的杀手)
Mio caro assassino/My Dear Killer UK (Tonino Valeri) (直译 我亲爱的杀手)
OST Music page
Stars George Hilton
Salvo Randone
William Berger
Country Italy | Spain
Runtime Italy: 96 min
Date 3 February 1972 (Italy)
Following a mysterious decapitation (via mechanical digger) of an insurance investigator, Police Inspector Peretti is put onto the case. Slowly more people are found dead... a man supposedly commits suicide, a women is strangled, another attacked in her flat... but all the clues lead to an unsolved case of kidnapping and murder. Can Peretti find the murderer, if his major clue is a little girls drawing??? (Here)
本站简译: 在一个保险公司的调查员被神秘的斩首(使用挖掘机)之后,警长佩里提接手这个案件.之后又有人陆续地死去...一个男人被怀疑是自杀,一个女人被勒死,另一个人在她的公寓里受到攻击...但所有的线索都指向了一件拐骗和谋杀的悬案. 佩里提能找到兇手吗,如果他的主要线索是一个正在画画的小女孩的话???
NA-7117 (7116) Oceano / The Wind Blows Free (Folco Quilici) (直译 海洋)
Stars Marietta Franco
Kathy Imrie
Hubert Putigny
Country Italy
Date 16 November 1971 (Italy)
Oceano (The Wind Blows Free) is an astonishing ocean adventure set in Polynesia with a very small amateur cast (and music by Ennio Morricone). Wouldn't want to spoil the fun by saying too much about the plot but, basically, a young (14? 15?) Polynesian boy sails around the Pacific in an outrigger looking for his dream island. Virtually no dialogue at all but the most stunning photography, and action that leaves you wondering how they ever filmed it. One of the most memorable films I have ever seen. (Here)
本站简译: 海洋(微风轻拂)是一部令人惊奇的海洋探险片,它是在波利尼西亚由一些业余爱好者参与拍摄的.影片基本上没有对话,而是由一个十四,五岁的波利尼西亚男孩自己讲述他的环太平洋寻找梦中宝岛的故事.片中摄影的效果足以使人晕倒,甚至想像不出来它们是怎样拍成的
Stars Michael Brandon
Mimsy Farmer
Jean-Pierre Marielle
Country Italy | France
Runtime 104 min
Date 25 August 1972 (USA)
Roberto Tobias (Brandon) is a drummer in a rock band who has noticed a man following him for the last several days. Angered by this, he confronts the stranger in an abandoned theater to find out what he wants. The man claims he does not know what Roberto is talking about, and pulls a switchblade. The two struggle, and Roberto accidentally stabs the man, who falls into an orchestra pit, lifeless. To make matters worse, someone in a bizarre puppet mask has been hiding in the upper wings of the theater, and takes incriminating photos of Roberto holding the bloody knife. Roberto flees, but the next day he receives the dead man's ID in the mail. It becomes apparent that the masked figure has no interest in going to the police, and instead wants to drive Roberto mad with fear and paranoia. But why? (Here)
罗伯托 托比亚斯(布兰登扮演)是一个摇滚乐队的鼓手.他注意到有有一个人这几天一直在跟踪他.这使他感到愤怒.他在一个废弃的剧院里找到了他并质问他要干什么. 但是这个人说他不知道罗泊托在讲什么,接着这人拔出一把弹簧刀来威胁他.在争斗中,罗伯特在抢刀时偶然地刺中了这个人而使他死在剧院的大厅里.更糟糕的是这时有一个戴着面具的人藏在剧院的侧廊上面,并且拍下了罗伯特拿着带血的刀刺杀那人的照片.罗伯特跑回家,但是第二天他收到了一件带有死者身份证件的信.很显然,这个蒙面人并未向警察告发,他只是想驱使罗伯特在恐惧和妄想中变得疯狂.这是为什么?
这是一部由意大利恐怖电影大师达里奥·阿金图 Dario Argento导演的"Giallo"电影(即恐怖类电影).更多详细介绍请见本站电影网页. This is a film directed by Italian master of Horror film n Italian "Giallo" film (as horror film) . More see the page in our site.
Sacco e Vanzetti/Sacco & Vanzetti (Giuliano Montaldo) / 死刑台的旋律/萨科和万泽提
Full movie 120'52"
Stars Gian Maria Volonté
Riccardo Cucciolla
Cyril Cusack
Country Italy | France
Runtime 120 min
Date 16 March 1971 (Italy)
In 1920, the anarchist Italian immigrants Niccola Sacco (Riccardo Cucciolla) and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (Gian Maria Volonté) are sentenced to death, falsely accused of a robbery and murder. Indeed they are condemned due to their political beliefs, in one of the most shameful and hypocrite judgments of the human history. (Here)
本站简译: 在1920年, 两个意大利移民,无政府主义者萨科和万泽提被以虚假的抢劫和谋杀罪判处死刑,而事实上,他们被判罪是由于他们的政治信仰.这是在人类历史上最可耻的和虚伪的判决之一.
这是由由孟塔尔多导演,莫里康内配乐的一部重要电影.萨科和万泽提案件是意大利近代历史上的重要事件,也是美国司法史上最臭名昭著的案件之一.更多详细介绍请见本站电影网页. This is an important film directed by Giuliano Montaldo and composed by Ennio morricone. More see the page in our site.
NA-7120 (7106) Senza movente / Sans mobile apparant / Without Apparent Motive (Philippe Labro) / 北回归线
Stars Jean-Louis Trintignant
Dominique Sanda
Sacha Distel
Country France | Italy
Runtime 100 min
Date 15 September 1971 (France)

A series of murders is comitted in Nice on the French riviera. The commissaire Carella is in charge and tries to find a missing link between all these murders (Here)

This hard-boiled French crime thriller begins with the bold murder of a well-heeled Frenchman. The detective assigned to the case is most puzzled for there seems to be no motive. Then a old man and an astrologer are killed in exactly the same way, leaving the detective to figure out how the three disparate victims are linked. All he has to go on is a mysterious diary given to him by the step daughter of the first victim. Despite the film's noir-ish content, director Philippe Labro chose to film it in gay, sunny Nice, a technique that actually enhances the grimness of the suspenseful story. (Here)

本站简译: 一系列谋杀发生在法国蔚蓝海岸尼斯。一个警员凯里拉负责调查此案,他试图在所有的谋杀案之间找到缺失了的联系

编号 No.
电影及导演 (意/英/中)?/b> Name and Director (IT/CN)
备注 Note
NA-7121 (7112) Tre nel mille (film) / Storie dell'anno 1000 (tv) (Franco Indovina) (直译 三个一千)
Stars Franco Parenti
Carmelo Bene
Giancarlo Dettori
Country Italy
Runtime 99 min | 330 min (TV version) (5 episodes)
Date 6 February 1971 (Italy)

A knight and two soldiers, Pannocchia and Carestia, are traveling through central Italy followed by bands of mercenaries. The first millennium is about to come to a close, everyone fears the end of the world and they endure the most amazing adventures. Dawn breaks, year 1001 and the group of three reach a house that the knight recognizes as is his own, but his wife is with another. They have no choice but to continue their travels... (Here)

(Italian) Nell'anno 1000 un cavaliere, Fortunato e due soldati, Carestia e Pannocchia, sopravvissuti a una battaglia, vengono spogliati dei loro abiti da alcuni predatori. Riusciti a procurarsene altri, a spese di tre religiosi, si mettono in viaggio e, dopo essersi imbattuti nel Papa - il quale vedendo Fortunato vestito da frate gli impone di confessarlo - giungono in vista di un castello, assediato da uomini in arme. Sono nuovi guai per Fortunato - che il comandante del campo vorrebbe come suo braccio destro - finché non gli riesce, sempre in compagnia di Carestia e Pannocchia, di fuggire. Raggiunto un vecchio mulino i tre vengono scambiati per indemoniati e condotti al rogo dal quale li salva una pioggia provvidenziale. Continuando a vagare senza meta e per di più digiuni da qualche giorno, dopo aver vanamente tentato di sfamarsi catturando un leone, arrivano in un piccolo reame il cui sovrano, alla vista di Fortunato, s'affretta a cedergli, senza spiegazioni, titolo e proprietà. Soddisfatto d'essere diventato re l'ex-cavaliere cerca di godersi la sua nuova e inaspettata posizione salvo accorgersi che la deve soltanto alla paura che ha colto il vecchio sovrano - un sanguinario tiranno che cerca di redimersi - alla notizia che alla mezzanotte dell'ultimo giorno del millennio il mondo finirà e avrà luogo il "giudizio universale". Quando, all'alba dell'anno 1001 il vecchio re s'accorge che nulla è successo, condanna a morte Fortunato Carestia e Pannocchia, che però riescono a fuggire. Continuando il loro disordinato viaggio i tre giungono finalmente a una casa, che Fortunato riconosce come sua e nella quale dovrebbe esserci, secondo lui sua moglie in trepida attesa. In realtà la donna, stanca d'aspettare il marito, s'è trovata un altro uomo per cui caccia Fortunato, al quale non resta che mettersi di nuovo in cammino, assieme ai due compagni di sventura.(Here)

本站简译: 一个骑士和两个士兵跟随着一队雇佣军穿过中部意大利.第一个千年即将结束,人人都担心世界末日会到来,他们忍受着巨大的风险.当黎明到来时,1001年开始了,三人来到一间房子,骑士认为这是他自己的家,但他的妻子却跟了别的人.他们没有别的选择只好再继续他们的旅程.....
NA-7122 (7102) Una lucertola con la pelle di donna / A Lizard in a Woman's Skin (Lucio Fulci) / 蛇蝎心
Stars Florinda Bolkan
Stanley Baker
Jean Sorel
Country Italy | Spain | France
Runtime France: 101 min | Italy: 98 min | Spain: 89 min | USA: 95 min | USA: 103 min (DVD version)
Date 20 March 1973 (USA)

Florinda Bolkan plays the daughter of a prominant English politician who keeps having recurring "nightmares" in which she makes love to a bisexual nympho who lives downstairs and conducts all-night LSD orgies. When the nocturnal wet dreams become murderous, the neighbor turns up dead, and Florinda is the main suspect. Did she actually commit the murder she dreamt about? Is she being framed by her philandering husband? Did Florinda actually make nightly visits downstairs aside from borrowing the occasional cup of sugar? How DID Florinda's letter opener end up stuck in the dead neighbor's chest anyway? The complex plot unfolds amidst red herrings, outlandish dream sequences, lesbian hanky panky, and ominous close-ups of Florinda Bolkan's guilt-ridden facial expressions every time someone mentions the murder. All this takes place in swinging late-1960's London. (Here)
本站简译: 佛罗琳达 布尔坎(Florinda Bolkan)在剧中扮演一个英国政客普罗米南特的女儿.她总是在梦中梦到她和住在楼下的一个双性恋者做爱,这个双性恋者整夜参加吸毒者(LSD)的纵酒狂欢.当夜梦变成谋杀时,这个邻居死去,而且她成为主要的嫌疑犯.难道她真犯了她梦境中的谋杀罪吗? 或是被她那玩弄女性的丈夫所陷害?....
NA-7123 (7111) Veruschka / Veruschka - poesia di una donna (Franco Rubratelli) / 沃鲁士卡
Veruschka (Franco Rubratelli) / 沃鲁士卡
抱歉暂无视频 Sorry No Video
Stars Elsa Asteggiano
Bruno Boschetti
Maria Cumani Quasimodo
Country Italy
Runtime ---
Date 2 April 1971 (Italy)

Vera, famosa modella tedesca, abbandonata dall'amante-manager, torna in Germania e trova rifugio nella droga. Sovrabbondante di ricercatezze formali, sceneggiatura squinternata, dialoghi che sfiorano il ridicolo, psicologie campate in aria.(Here)

Vera, una fotomodella tedesca, è legata, non solo da rapporti di lavoro, ma anche sentimentali, a Luigi, il suo manager. Questi, uomo egoista e sempre pronto a tornare tra le braccia della moglie, quando la loro relazione si guasta, non comprende il travaglio interiore dell'amante stanca del suo lavoro che rischia di trasformarla in un oggetto di consumo, ed è, soprattutto, alla ricerca di se stessa. Dopo aver sfiorato il suicidio, Vera, non nuova a fughe del genere, torna in Germania, nella casa materna, dove tenta di riallacciare una relazione con l'ex-fidanzato dei giorni dell'adolescenza e cerca rifugio nella droga, finché, rifattosi vivo l'amante, acconsente a tornare con lui. Durante il viaggio per l'Italia, però, trovano entrambi la morte in un incidente d'auto..(Here)

本站简译: 影片以上世纪六十年代德国名模,演员,艺术家沃鲁士卡 冯 兰道夫(Veruschka von Lehndorff)的传奇人生为兰本,描述了她的成长,工作和情感生活

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