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2-001 介绍比利时和法国电子杂志“Maestro/音乐大师第2期
Introduce Belgium and France on-line fanzine-"Maestro” issue #2
如果您需要下载完整的电子杂志请进入Chimai网站 Please enter Chimai website if you need to download the full "Maestro" fanzine
Table of Contents
Preface .................................................................................................................... 3
Maddalena................................................................................................................ 5
Six Degrees of Separation : A vain comparison between E.Morricone and J.Goldsmith ... 10
From Hercules to El Greco: Morricone and Luciano Salce ............................................ 17
I Promessi Sposi : A Masterpiece for a Classic ........................................................... 21
Pomp and Circusmtance, part II.................................................................................. 29
Five Man Army Week.................................................................................................39
Ennio Morricone and China, part II ............................................................................. 40
Queimada 45” Art...................................................................................................... 44
Ennio Morricone and Quentin Tarantino : A Love Story ..................................................47

前言 披露目标
..................................... 3-------已译
玛达莲娜.......................................... 5-------已译
六度分离:E.莫里康内和J.戈登斯密斯之间的比较........ 10-------在译中
从大力神到格列柯:莫里康和卢西亚诺 萨尔斯........... 17-------已译
约婚夫妇:一部杰出的经典力作....................... 21-------已译
第二部分............................... 29-------在译中
莫里康和中国,第二部分............................ 40-------已译
凯马达45秒的艺术.................................. 44-------在译中
埃尼奥 莫里康内和昆汀·塔伦蒂诺:一个爱情故事........47-------在译中

前言 中译文
标题 披露目标
作者 迪迪埃 图诺斯

我们的沟通方案是相当简单的:在莫里康内国际论坛上发布有关"音乐大师"出版第一期的消息,之后又对那些似乎没有反应的人发送电子邮件。这期间显示出只有大约35次的下载,远低于我们的预期。所以我们决定到其他莫里康内爱好者常去的地方去发布消息(注1),包括“电影配乐月刊”( Film Score Monthly),乐谱 (Underscores),“莫里康内雅虎小组(“Morricone” Yahoo Group),和雅虎欧洲音乐公社(“Euro Film Score Society” Yahoo Group).与此同时,我们还按照www.chimai.com过去十年间注册的1200个电邮地址发送了电子邮件。发送结果显示,其中三分之一是无效的地址。可能它们本身就是无效的,因为我们没有进行过注册邮箱的验证工作,或者它们在这些年的过程中变成了无效的地址。不过效果是很好的。几天之内,下载的次数就达到了120次

总之,在两个月之后,我们已经得到了150次的下载,这个数字和MSV杂志停办前的读者数大致相当。我们期望在将来会更多吗?这个数字和下面的一些数字是相关的:www.chimai.com 网站每天的访问量大约是150-200,特殊下载每周大约100-150人,在卡里(译者注,卡里是奥地利莫里康内主题网站的站长,现在受聘担任莫里康内官站英文论坛的管理员)的论坛大约有160个注册会员,莫里康内CD的限量版通常是300份。所以我们不能指望成千上万的下载。我们不担心即使他们只有几十人。我们相信150人对于鼓励作者们继续投稿是一个足够好的数字。 如果这个数字少于100则可能没有足够的激励。
为了有利于读者,我们决定不使用流动性的版本管理方法。 一旦一期杂志已经发行,它将不会再有新的修正版本(除非是不可抗拒的),即使这在技术上是很容易的。因为我们应该打消读者是否还会有更新版本的疑问,甚至使得他们为了得到更新的版本而长期的等待,也许还要几次印制。如果有需要,我们将使用一个勘误表在它的下一期发表
关于可持续发展,好消息是管理这本新版爱好者杂志的要求和我们的计划是一致的,出版的节奏(每年3-4期)似乎是现实的。我们的动力每天都在增加。当然,在可持续性方面有一些压力。这本杂志基本上是靠两个人,这并不是很多。马丁(译者注,指MSV杂志原主持人)独立支撑它已经长达30年了。现在的力量我们是两个人,我们也应该把目标定在几个十年。 我们相信总是会有很多有趣的话题需要讨论,即使将来没有大师新的作品发表,它的专辑中的问题也不会减少。甚至于是在新的背景下对莫里康内音乐的复兴。但这些当然都不取决于我们了。


注1 我们借此机会感谢这些网站的站长和版主对这个事业的支持
披露目标 原文
Objectives Revealed
by Didier Thunus

When you embark on a new undertaking, you must have objectives and you must measure them as you go. Otherwise you are going nowhere. We launched Maestro as if it was simply the sequel of MSV, and since MSV lived on for more than 30 years, how would Maestro, with the many advantages it has over its predecessor, fail to perpetuate the tradition? But it’s not that easy.

Our objectives were: continuity, quality and sustainability. We wanted to carry on what MSV had established, to ensure a high level of quality, and to make sure it could go on for a long period.

Regarding the continuity, our worst enemy was called nostalgia. This is all nice, one might have said, but it is not MSV anymore. Where is that trepidation of checking my post box in search of the latest release of MSV? Where is my paper copy? Why do I have to print it myself? Where is
that closed member group to which I belonged? Why is it now in the open? There is not much we can do about that. But those people must realize that by replacing MSV, we are also saving it.

The drawbacks are, we believe, vastly compensated by the advantages. There are improvements in terms of availability: Maestro is now for free, available to everyone in the world from the first day of its release, accessible anywhere you go, it will never be out of stock, all issues will always
be available at all times; and in terms of presentation: A4 format, with colour pictures, ready-to-use hyperlinks, zoomable for persons having difficulties with small characters, searchable, etc...

Continuity also meant that we should keep at least the user base of MSV. But there appeared to be two major obstacles to this: communication and accessibility.

Our communication plan was rather simple: announce the release of issue #1 in the Ennio Morricone International Forum, and send some e-mails afterwards to people who didn't seem to have reacted. This led to about 35 downloads only, much less than expected. So we decided to broadcast the news to other places visited by Morricone fans, and more generally by film music fans(1)These included Film Score Monthly, Underscores, the “Morricone” Yahoo Group, and the “Euro Film Score Society” Yahoo Group. In parallel, we prepared a mailing to all the members of the www.chimai.com website. Of the 1200 e-mail addresses collected over the past ten years, it appeared that more than a third were invalid. Maybe they had never been valid, since there was no e-mail verification upon registration, or maybe they had become invalid in the meantime. However, there was an excellent response from the e-mails which did reach their recipients. In a few days, the download count went up to 120.

Accessibility appeared to be another issue. We thought it would be easy for existing or new members to upgrade to a Premium account, which was the only condition to gain access the fanzine. But there were many calls for support, and I can't imagine how many didn't even bother calling for help and simply gave up. But we owe you an explanation about why Premium membership was demanded. We could have simply put a link to the pdf file and counted the downloads. But a first problem would have been the impossibility to find out if one same person as downloading multiple times: the only identifiable attribute of a downloader would have been his or her IP address, and we know that IP addresses change. Besides, we would still have lacked a reliable mailing list of people who have downloaded the first issue. The Premium approach brings us identification and e-mail verification.

Secondly, we felt it would have given a “lower” statute to the fanzine, like a vulgar document that would circulate on the internet amongst thousands of other publications. Note that our approach doesn't make it impossible or even complicated to circulate the fanzine freely, but by imposing dentification, we made sure it would circulate inside some sort of community, or just beyond its borders, between people who are interested and who would
read it. Yes, it required some extra effort from each of you, but one has to deserve one's copy of the fanzine, and we were here to help in case of problem. We still are.

All in all, we ended up with a download count of 150 after 2 months, which is about the number of MSV members by the end of its life. Can we hope for much more in the future? It's always the same numbers which come back: there are between 150 and 200 different visitors who visit www.chimai.com every day, the weekly specials are downloaded by between 100 and 150 people every week, there are about 160 registered members in Cali’s forum; the limited editions of Morricone CD's are usually of 300 copies. So we cannot expect thousands of downloads, neither had we to fear for just a dozen of them. We also believe 150 is good enough to continue to convince contributors to write articles. It would probably not have been motivating enough for less than 100.

Regarding quality, we were quite satisfied with the contents of the first issue. We were able to attract the usual suspects of MSV (Laurent and Steven, in addition of course to Patrick and myself), and to have new contributors from Hungary, China and Kazakhstan. Still no Italians though, unfortunately. And no women. The subjects covered were very varied, ranging from album to concert reviews, dossiers, in-depth analyses, about periods from the Sixties to the 2000’s. On the down side, very few of the contributors are native English-speakers, and we are conscious that several of our texts could be improved in terms of grammar or vocabulary. However, we do not want to put the bar too high on this matter, because it would be a too big obstacle to attract new contributors. It keeps an amateurish side to the fanzine, but we don’t believe it is a real problem. At least, there shouldn’t be too many spelling mistakes. A small reminder in this context: you can send us your contributions in any widespread language (French, German, Italian, Dutch), and we’ll do our best to come up with a proper English translation.

A potential advantage which we decided not to take on board was the versioning. Once an issue is published, it is published. There will not be new versions of it with corrections (except maybe in a case of force majeure ), even though it would be technically easy to do. But we would end up
having our readers wondering if they have the right version, or waiting for longer before they download the issue, or print it several times. So we want to make it easy, and corrigenda are always possible in the following issues.

Regarding sustainability, the good news is that the time required to manage this new version of the fanzine is compatible with our schedule. The announced rhythm of publications (3 to 4 per year) seems realistic. And our motivation is increasing every day. Of course, there are threats to
the sustainability. The fanzine basically depends on 2 people, which is not a lot. But Martin was alone and he held it at arms length for 30 years. With this vigour for the both of us, we should aim at a few decades too. We believe that there will always be interesting subjects to discuss, even after no new music will be produced anymore by our Maestro. Album issues will not decrease, neither should the revival of Morricone’s music in new contexts. But this of course doesn’t depend on us.

1 We take this opportunity to thank the webmasters and moderators of these sites for their support in this enterprise.
作者 斯蒂文 迪克松
Five Man Army
米高梅建议当地人以五个人组成一组,清扫当地的风景区,为老人的住房刷漆,或为当地医院收集玩具然后报告给活动的发起人,他们将把这些“善行”提供给家国新闻。你可以选择任何的英雄五人组:荷兰的彼得 格拉夫,詹姆斯 德雷的队长,路易斯,尼诺 多明戈斯或来自丹波的武士等等。 多数人选择了荷兰的彼得 格拉夫来领导他们的五人军队,他是一个优雅而忠诚的英雄人物。在一件漂亮的背心上彼得 格拉夫的形象显得那样的酷。由米高梅营销总监发起的这个项目是一个创举。从新闻报道中可以看出,很多有意义的项目被陆续实行
“无人军队”周 原文
Five Man Army Week
by Steven Dixon
The Five Man Army made by MGM in 1970 is a blistering western adventure in which a group of five people 'obtain' money which eventually is used to help a good cause(the revolution). Early in January 1970, to tie in with the release of this film the big bosses at MGM studios issued a challenge. They declared the week of January 11th 1970 to be "Five Man Army" week.
Five Man Army
MGM suggested locals, in groups of five clean up a local beauty spot, paint old people's homes, or collect toys for the local hospital then report back to the promoters who would present these "good deeds" to the national press. You could choose to be any of the heroic five: Peter Graves' Dutchman,
James Daly's Captain Nicholas Augustus, Bud Spencer's Mesito, Nino Castelnuovo's Luis Dominguez or Tetsuro Tamba's Samurai, but most would have chosen to be Peter Graves' Dutchman character leader of the Five Man Army. A graceful and loyal heroic character, Peter Graves looked so cool in that delicately patched waistcoat. The project by MGM's marketing director Edward A.Patman was a great initiative as I assume from the many press reports in the archives,many worthwhile projects were undertaken.
作者 斯蒂文 迪克松
米高梅建议当地人以五个人组成一组,清扫当地的风景区,为老人的住房刷漆,或为当地医院收集玩具然后报告给活动的发起人,他们将把这些“善行”提供给家国新闻。你可以选择任何的英雄五人组:荷兰的彼得 格拉夫,詹姆斯 德雷的队长,路易斯,尼诺 多明戈斯或来自丹波的武士等等。 多数人选择了荷兰的彼得 格拉夫来领导他们的五人军队,他是一个优雅而忠诚的英雄人物。在一件漂亮的背心上彼得 格拉夫的形象显得那样的酷。由米高梅营销总监发起的这个项目是一个创举。从新闻报道中可以看出,很多有意义的项目被陆续实行
莫里康内和中国 (第2部分)
作者 韩文光
(第1部分见第1期 >>>>)



莫迷网联会长 顾问 名誉理事
(笔者注: 可能由于该杂志编辑的问题,此间漏排了原稿2-4部分,现由编者在此以蓝色字体补入)
2. 第三章是基本资料和集成介绍部分。这是此书的精华和重点。它包括了按照莫里康内官方网站年表目录编辑的401部电影(1960-2008)和6048首原声音乐的介绍,内容包括概况(导演,主要演员,国家和年代),剧情,电影海报和原声音乐碟片的封面,每一首音轨的时长,一些重要的说明等等。这样一种综合性的文献资料在世界有关莫里康内的图书中尚属首见
3. 第四章录入了一些重要的评论文章,特别是来自中国的著名电影音乐评论家杨大林先生和杨冬女士的文章。它们可以帮助全球的爱好者们进一步了解中国艺术家和爱好者们评论和研究的成果
4. 第五章记录了来自全球尤其是中国爱好者们的活动情况。包括来自比利时,奥地利,俄罗斯,日本的四位知名的莫里康内主题网站站长的重要文章。还包括了中国“莫迷网联”的会长和理事,成员,网站编辑团队和志愿者等等方面的文章。记录了中国爱好者们的活动情况--他们的网站,他们的组织,他们对于两次莫里康内音乐会的热情参与和感受.... 大量的文章和图片永远地记录了这些历史。它将成为全球莫里康内爱好者们活动档案记录的一个重要组成部分
此书在2012年6月15-30日首次出版以后,受到了国内外莫里康内爱好者的热烈欢迎,很多朋友发来电子邮件表达他们得到此本书之后的惊喜心情。此外,中国国家图书馆对此书经过仔细的审阅和评判之后,于2012年7月对编者寄发了一个书面文件,同意以文献类书籍接受本书并编号为no.zl201291502 作为该馆的馆藏,这是中国国家专业机构对该书价值的充分肯定。同时,我们也看到了来自国内外朋友的一些批评和建议,一些资深爱好者希望简化此书的内容,保留原书中最有特色的精华部分,减少一般的重复信息或不是所有读者都需要的一些文章。他们还希望提高这本书的英文水平。因此决定在2013年新版中采取一些措施:首先是在原有内容的基础上,考虑不同读者的不同需求,分别发布中文版和英文版。中文版并分别发行完整版和简化版,英文版在适当简化以后发布一个正式版。每位读者可以根据自己的需要选择任何版本。第二,为了与国际通用标准接轨,2013版的新书改由中国环球文化出版社正式发行。我们希望它能为读者带来更多的方便和乐趣,在莫里康内优秀作品的传播事业中发挥更大的作用。如果您有兴趣,欢迎进一步浏览这里 ../ns-notes/ns-notes-006-eng.htm
埃尼奥 莫里康内是一位伟大的天才。他的杰出作品属于全人类。作为占有世界人口五分之一的中国,他们同样应该共享这份丰富的文化艺术资源。随着中国爱好者队伍的快速发展,我们有理由相信,埃尼奥 莫里康内的名字和他的作品也必将会变成中国人民不可缺少的一种精神力量
编者 韩文光 1937年生于中国天津,教授级高级工程师。1954-1974年曾作为值班工长,车间主任,副厂长兼总工程师在南京化学工业公司任职。1974-1997年,奉调到中国石化金陵石化公司工作,曾任厂长,副总经理,于1997年退休。2003年建立“莫里康内爱好者”网站。2009年受邀出任“莫里康内爱好者联谊会”名誉会长。2012年编辑出版“莫里康内爱好者手册”
莫里康内和中国 (第2部分)原文
Ennio Morricone and China Part II
by Wenguang Han
(part I is in Maestro #1, February 2013)
Establishing "Ennio Morricone Fans Association" (MorriUnion)

Since the beginning of the 21st century, with the introduction of many movies composed by Ennio Morricone and civil exchanges in mainland China, the Morricone fans crowd is increasing. Although the Ennio Morricone Fans website is a communication and exchange platform, it has not been able to satisfy more needs of enthusiasts. The establishment of a fan's own organization has gradually become the consensus and the inevitable trend of the fans.

This opportunity finally arrived. After the author and important member of editor team Mr. Yi Su discussed, and further exchanged views with more friends, in May 24, 2009, the second day of Morricone Beijing concert, the establishing conference of "Ennio Morricone Fans Association" was
held in Beijing. 18 representatives from all over the country attended the conference, agreed to establish the "Ennio Morricone Fans Association" (Abbreviated as "MorriUnion"), and to select Mr. Yi Su as the association president, and Ms.Jingwei Chen as secretary general. Mr. Wenguang Han
(the author) was invited to hold the post of the honorary president, Mr Dalin Yang and Ms. Dong Yang as the general adviser, Mr. Xun Zhao as the honorary member of the council. And confirmed the list of the 21 members of the council, which is as follows:

And confirmed the list of the 21 members of the council of "Ennio Morricone Fans Association" (MorriUnion)
Mr. Yi Su as the association president, and Ms.Jingwei Chen as secretary general. Mr. Wenguang Han
"Ennio Morricone Fans Association" (MorriUnion)
Publishing "Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook"

The development of network technology brings a lot of convenience to the people, but it cannot substitute for the paper books completely. Therefore for a long time, the author has been thinking of editing a paper book with complete information and selected contents for the fans, especially for the
Chinese fans. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the "Morricone Fans" website and 3rd anniversary of the "MorriUnion", the book was finally published on June 15,2012 in Nanjing China, Its name is "Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook". The key points and feature of this book are:

(1). First and second chapters are a synthesized introduction to Ennio Morricone and his works: detailed chronology of these works, coming from his official website, as well as the imdb.com and chimai.com website, which have sometimes a different content. We made a contrast and research of
three directories difference and raised questions. We think that first need to solve the confusion in his work chronology. At present, there is a big gap between Morricone official website data and many other well-known sites such as IMDB, CHIMAI, SOUNDTRACK. As for the civil forum arguments
is often seen, some arguments may have existed for decades. It not only brings many contradictions, for the dissemination and research of Morricone works is also very unfavorable. Ennio Morricone is Italy's National Treasure, has been 85 years old this year. As his fans, we call on that, First his
official website has the responsibility to take the initiative to listen to opinions from all sides, to clarify a variety of different points of view, complete with an authoritative chronology directory. We also hope that the Italian government departments concerned about this issue and take the necessary

(Editor's note: the following part of the blue text, is missing in the MEASTRO #2. Here was added by the editor)
(2). Third chapter is the section of basic and integrative introduction. It covers 401 films (1960-2008) within the whole chronology of the Ennio Morricone Official website, and 6048 tracks composed by Ennio Morricone. The introduction includes the overview (the director, main cast, the country, and the duration), the plot of the films, the posters or images of the film and OST album, the name and length of each track, and some important annotations etc. Such a comprehensive literature document book in the world are unprecedented.
(3) Chapter 4 brings together a number of important review articles from China, especially from China famous film music critic Mr.Dalin Yang and Ms.Dong Yang. They can help the fans around the world to further understand the views and research results of Chinese artists and fans.

(4) Chapter 5 recorded from all over the world and China fans' activity: includes 4 important articles from the webmasters of famous websites about Morricone in Belgium, Austria, Russia, Japan. It also includes the articles from the president, members of concil of "MorriUnion", webmaster, edited team, volunteers etc. Recorded China fans activities-Their website, their organization, their passion and participation for the two times Ennio Morricone China concert….., The massive writing and pictures forever carve this history. It will become an important part of Ennio Morricone fans archival record in the world.

After the book was issued in June 15-30, 2012, it received a warm welcome by the Ennio Morricone fans at home and abroad. Many friends sent e-mails to express their surprised mood after obtaining this book. In addition, the China National Library, after carefully reviewing and judging this book,
mailed the document whose serial number is NO.ZL201291502 to us on July 15,2012, agreed to accept the book as literature book in order to receive it as the Library's collections. This is a full affirmation of Chinese country specialized Institution to this book's value. At the same time, we also see some of the criticisms and suggestions from friends at home and abroad. Some senior fans hope to simply content and retain the most distinctive parts of the original book, to reduce the general duplicate information or not is an important article for all readers, also want to improve this book's English level Therefore decided to take some measures: The first is on the basis of the correct original content, consider the different needs of different readers, separately release Chinese version and English version. The Chinese version separately release the full and simplified versions, English
version release simplified official version. Each fans can according to own needs to choose any version. Second, in order to make the book in line with General International Book Standard, 2013 new books changed officially released by China global cultural Publishing House. We hope that it
will bring more convenience and joy for readers, play a greater role to promote the spread of Morricone outstanding works. If you are interested, you are welcome to browse here: ../ns-notes/ns-notes-006-eng.htm
Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook
Ennio Morricone is a great genius, his brilliant works belong to all mankind. One-fifth of the world's population in China, they similarly should share the rich cultural art resources. with the rapid expansion of the fans team in China, we have reason to believe that Ennio Morricone's name and works also will become Chinese indispensable spiritual force.
Han Wenguang
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